Exclusive Interviews - DC Comics News https://dccomicsnews.com/category/news/dcn-exclusive-interview/ DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:07:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.6 https://dcn-wp.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/14095523/DC-Comics-logo.png Exclusive Interviews - DC Comics News https://dccomicsnews.com/category/news/dcn-exclusive-interview/ 32 32 Exclusive Interview: Aaron Bailey talks “Night Of the Batman” https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/01/26/exclusive-interview-aaron-bailey-talks-night-of-the-batman/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/01/26/exclusive-interview-aaron-bailey-talks-night-of-the-batman/#respond Thu, 26 Jan 2023 06:28:28 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=173089 In this exclusive interview we chat with artist Aaron S Bailey about his upcoming project, Night of…

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Aaron S Bailey dc comics newsIn this exclusive interview we chat with artist Aaron S Bailey about his upcoming project, Night of the Batman.

The internet has been abuzz with the announcement that Mr. Bailey is working on a film inspired by Ben Affleck’s Batman. Bailey’s been keeping DC fans in the loop over Twitter sharing images of the project and there’s been a great deal of support and positive sentiment towards it. We were privileged to get an insight into his work, what inspired the idea, and we also have an exclusive image further down of the Dark Knight himself.

DCN (DC Comics News)  Tell us a bit about you, your background and your journey so far.
A.S.B (Aaron S Bailey) First of all, thank you for letting me talk about this project! I’m Aaron, a freelance artist and photographer. I’ve had a passion for storytelling and film making most of my life and eventually that led me to making art of my favourite movies and tv shows. I started VERY rough and taught myself photoshop and various 3D software skills. That’s what eventually gave me the idea to use these skills to tell a story about (in my opinion) the greatest on-screen Batman.
DCN For those fans who are not across the news, you’re creating a realistic comic set ‘Night of the Batman’ an original take on the stand alone Ben Affleck Batman movie. It’s going to be set in the Snyderverse. Why did you take on the project? What were the triggers to get it off the ground?
A.S.B The same as many people, I was disappointed we never got the Batman film that Ben Affleck was working on. I did like Matt Reeves take very much but part of me still wanted back story or a fleshing out on the DCEU version of the character.
I’ve also been a part of the ‘Snyderverse’ movement since 2017 and in that time I’ve made some amazing friends, made memories and eventually that got me to meet Zack himself. That was a huge push for me to pursue this project and give not only me but all of Affleck’s Batman fans something special.
DCN What’s your approach to the story? Are you extending on what Snyder has created?
A.S.B  Absolutely, I’m taking the framework Zack started and using that to tell a story set before BVS about a particularly dark time for this version of Batman. I didn’t want to use the idea or outline involving Deathstroke (I still have hope for that film to be made) but rather to tell my own story at a different time.
Night of the Batman DC Comics News

The Batman, in #NightOfTheBatman

DCN Are there any other sources of inspiration you’re drawing on separate from Snyder’s work?
A.S.B  I think a huge inspiration for me from Zack is Watchmen. That film so perfectly captured the less than glamorous side of being a Superhero, it’s a tragedy told in a hyper stylized world.
That is very much where we find Bruce in my story, on a path that will lead to where we find his character in BVS.
DCN How much of an influence to produce the story were the fans?
A.S.B  Massive. That’s why I’m pulling in people from the community to help, I want different perspectives and ideas to shine through in the final product.
DCN Can you share any insights into the story that you already haven’t shared online that will get the fans excited?
A.S.B The scope and story has definitely changed since announcing this so I’m currently revising my script to match the huge interaction from the community. One aspect that I haven’t revealed is that we will in fact see Dick Grayson in this story. I’ll save ‘the how’ for later but as you can imagine it’s probably not in a happy way.
DCN How have you gone about the selection process for the cast? What attributes are you looking for?
A.S.B  I’m currently only casting a few select roles right now due to availability but my main goal is to match voices fairly closely with established characters.
DCN Can you share any artwork with us that the fans haven’t seen yet – we will feature these in the article for the fans to see.
DCN What can the fans expect with the story, will all four parts be released at once or over a time line?
A.S.B The release will be over a period of time (the time frame is TBA) and will be fully voiced and scored motion panels!

Leave a comment below on your thoughts on the upcoming project. Be sure to follow Mr. Bailey on Twitter here 

You can find commentary online via #NightOfTheBatman and follow our news here

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Scott Snyder – DC Comics News Exclusive Interview https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/11/18/scott-snyder-dc-comics-news-exclusive-interview/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/11/18/scott-snyder-dc-comics-news-exclusive-interview/#respond Fri, 18 Nov 2022 13:19:30 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=172286 Here is the Scott Snyder – DC Comics News Exclusive Interview. Scott is synonymous with Batman. His…

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Here is the Scott Snyder – DC Comics News Exclusive Interview. Scott is synonymous with Batman. His runs on Detective Comics, the main Batman title, All-Star Batman, Dark Nights: Metal, Death Metal, and others, are now legendary. He’s also a writer who’s also changed the face of the entire DC Universe.

He’s also worked on Swamp Thing and written a multitude of creator owned independent comics that are loved by millions. Nocterra, Barnstorming, and American Vampire are just a few of the titles he’s co-created.

One thing that fans may not know is how much he supports independent comic stores, champions physical, printed comics and shares his love of sites, like DC Comics News, and our sister sites, Dark Knight News and Fantastic Universes.

I was fortunate enough to finally meet him in the flesh at this year’s Thought Bubble convention. We talked about several of his brand-new projects for ComiXology, including a monthly series with his son, Jack. He proved that, when it comes to comics fans and Scott Snyder, you really should meet your heroes.

Scott Snyder – DC Comics News Exclusive Interview

Thought Bubble started life in November 2007 as a one-day event, an idea sparked by renowned comic artist Tula Lotay (aka Lisa Wood). At the time Lisa worked in a Leeds comic book shop, Travelling Man. Travelling Mans Director, Nabil Homsi, encouraged Lisa to get Thought Bubble going, he gave guidance and financial support to make it happen. The first convention took place in the basement of Leeds Town Hall. The following year the convention grew, and then grew again and again.

From the very beginning Thought Bubble’s ethos has been to celebrate comics and the people who make them. This focus on comics, the creators and the fans make Thought Bubble a unique kind of festival, especially loved by comic creators themselves! This leads to a consistently high caliber of talent at our annual comic convention.

With humble beginnings, Thought Bubble has gone from strength to strength, with an unparalleled reputation and a growth built primarily on word of mouth and a deep love of comics and the people who make them. Now the event has grown to a huge week-long festival and attracts thousands of attendees and guests from around the world.

Look out for our interview with James Tynion IV, also from Thought Bubble 2022.

Cameraman – Roy-Carlos Sinclair
Video Editor – Dave Tidey

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James Tynion IV – DC Comics News Exclusive Interview https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/11/18/james-tynion-iv-dc-comics-news-exclusive-interview/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/11/18/james-tynion-iv-dc-comics-news-exclusive-interview/#respond Fri, 18 Nov 2022 12:57:32 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=172280 James Tynion IV is one of the most acclaimed and respected writers in comics. He’s written Detective…

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James Tynion IV is one of the most acclaimed and respected writers in comics. He’s written Detective Comics, Batman, Justice League Dark, and many others for DC. His move over to creator-owned work with Substack made headlines, and he’s one of the most prolific writers in the business.

Department of Truth, Something Is Killing The Children, and The Nice House On The Lake are series that are loved by fans and critics alike. James’ work on Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country, for DC Black Label, has also proven to be a smash hit.

I attended the Thought Bubble convention this past weekend, where I was lucky enough to talk to James about his work on Substack, and we also got news about both The Nice House On The Lake and Nightmare Country… but that’s enough from me, let’s hear from James!

James Tynion IV – DC Comics News Exclusive Interview

Thought Bubble is, in my opinion, the UK’s best comic convention. Unlike some of the other shows, which are all great but have comics as a secondary focus, Thought Bubble is all, 100% comics centric. It attracts the biggest names in the business and is the warmest, friendliest con there is.

This show feels like it’s run by family.

Look out for our exclusive interview with Scott Snyder, also from the Thought Bubble convention!

Cameraman – Roy-Carlos Sinclair
Video Editor – Dave Tidey

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NYCC 2022: DOOM PATROL Roundtable Interviews!! https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/10/25/nycc-2022-doom-patrol-roundtable-interviews/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/10/25/nycc-2022-doom-patrol-roundtable-interviews/#respond Tue, 25 Oct 2022 04:39:13 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=172080 Recently, DC Comics News had the opportunity to attend New York Comic Con 2022, and while there…

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Recently, DC Comics News had the opportunity to attend New York Comic Con 2022, and while there we were invited to sit in on some amazing roundtable interviews for some great DC shows.

Here we present interviews with the cast from the hit HBO Max series DOOM PATROL, including April Bowlby, Joivan Wade, and newcomer Michelle Gomez. Be sure to check out our coverage of the NYCC 2022 panel.

Season 4 of Doom Patrol will premiere on HBO Max on December 8th, so set your calendars. You don’t want to miss it!





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NYCC 2022: PENNYWORTH Roundtable Interviews!! https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/10/21/nycc-2022-pennyworth-roundtable-interviews/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/10/21/nycc-2022-pennyworth-roundtable-interviews/#respond Fri, 21 Oct 2022 23:27:55 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=172015 Recently, DC Comics News had the opportunity to attend New York Comic Con 2022, and while there…

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Recently, DC Comics News had the opportunity to attend New York Comic Con 2022, and while there we were invited to sit in on some amazing roundtable interviews for some great DC shows. Here we have interviews with cast and crew from the hit series PENNYWORTH, including Jack Bannon, Ben Aldridge, and EPs Bruno Heller & John Stephens.

Be sure to check out our coverage of the NYCC 2022 panel.

Seasons 1 & 2 of Pennyworth are on HBO Max in their entirety right now, while new episodes from season 3 are currently airing every Thursday!

NYCC 2022 – Pennyworth







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NYCC 2022: TITANS Roundtable Interviews!! https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/10/21/nycc-2022-titans-roundtable-interviews/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/10/21/nycc-2022-titans-roundtable-interviews/#respond Fri, 21 Oct 2022 03:51:32 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=172003 Recently, DC Comics News had the opportunity to attend New York Comic Con 2022, and while there…

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Recently, DC Comics News had the opportunity to attend New York Comic Con 2022, and while there we were invited to sit in on some amazing roundtable interviews for some great DC shows. Here we have interviews with cast and crew from the hit HBO Max series TITANS, including Brenton Thwaites, Ryan Potter, Joshua Orpin, and EP Greg Walker. Be sure to check out our coverage of the NYCC 2022 panel.

Season 4 of Titans will premiere on HBO Max on November 3rd, so set your calendars. You don’t want to miss it!

NYCC 2022 – Titans





Did you attend NYCC 2022? What were your highlights? Please let us know in the comments.

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DCN Cosplay Spotlight: BLACKBEARD DAD https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/06/04/dcn-cosplay-spotlight-blackbeard-dad/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/06/04/dcn-cosplay-spotlight-blackbeard-dad/#respond Sat, 04 Jun 2022 19:02:49 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=170255 Welcome to the latest edition of DCN Cosplay Spotlight, where I talk to some very talented people…

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Welcome to the latest edition of DCN Cosplay Spotlight, where I talk to some very talented people in the wonderful world of cosplay.  For this edition, I had the pleasure of talking with the very talented Blackbeard Dad. We discussed his journey into cosplay, his amazing portrayal of Jason Momoa’s Aquaman, and so much more. Check out our interview below and enjoy!

DC COMICS NEWS: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from originally?

BLACKBEARD DAD: I was born in Queens, NY but have lived in Florida for most of my life.

DCN: What was your first ever cosplay project?

BD: Aside from DIY closet cosplays, the first cosplay I got serious about was my Amazing Spider-Man. The suit was tailored to my dimensions, I puff painted and made the suit ready for conventions. 

Photo Credit: Seer Cosplay

DCN: You’ve managed to put together an amazing Jason Momoa/Aquaman cosplay. What is it, for you, about this character in particular that made you want to create a cosplay?

BD: After first seeing him in Game of Thrones as a Dothraki, it sparked my interest to cosplay this version of Momoa, but I never got around to it. After seeing he was cast as Aquaman for Zack Snyder’s Batman V Superman & Justice League, I felt like I had to jump on top of this.

Photo Credit: JoeyRedHood.22 (Instagram)

Photo Credit: Tristan Dudine Photography

DCN: With the growing popularity around this character, have you felt any added pressure to portray him right? 

BD: If we are talking about Momoa himself, it wasn’t difficult to step into this role. He’s a family man, loves his kids, loves the outdoors, and loves to have fun. If we are talking about Aquaman, there are many different versions to portray. I just hope I did him justice. 

DCN: How long does it typically take you to put a cosplay together? Which one took you the longest to complete?

BD: So the tattoo version probably takes the longest. They are self-applied temporary tattoos (from Frenzy Flare) that can take up to an hour. That’s not including the wig/makeup etc.

The gold suit is a bit quicker (RVProps) but there are a lot of modifications I need to make. 

Photo Credit: Rams Design

DCN: What is it about cosplay that calls to you?

BD: What drew me in, honestly, was the community. It’s such a high-energy, positive, loving community that I wanted to be a part of. It’s a great feeling to know your race, age, gender, body type, etc., doesn’t define who you can be. Cosplay is for everyone.

DCN: Do you have a favorite memory or story while cosplaying?

BD: Not one that comes to mind, but I did enjoy the time I spent volunteering at Give Kids The World and other events. The look on kids’ faces when they realize their favorite superhero is standing right in front of them is priceless.

DCN: Outside of cosplay do you have any other interests/hobbies?

BD: I work full time and have my two daughters every other day, so when I’m not busy with them, I’m either at the gym, beach or out for a drink with good company.

DCN: How do your friends and family feel about you cosplaying?  Are they supportive?

BD: They love it. My mother and sister have supported me since day one. (Love you Mita and Steph) The friends I’ve made over the years have the same energy. Love each and every one of them and wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all of them.

DCN: Do you have a pet peeve when it comes to cosplay?

BD: Honestly, it’s the people that are in it for hidden agendas. I don’t tolerate bullying in any form, whether it’s at a con or on social media. Just let people do them and have fun with the community. It’s really not that serious.

DCN: Do you have any cosplays you will never do and why?

BD: I’ve never ruled out a cosplay before, not about to start today.

DCN: Why do you think cosplay has become so popular in recent years?

BD: The fandom is growing, pop culture is evolving, and I think people get a high off being characters they would love to portray. Even seeing non-cosplayers at Halloween events, they get into character. A lot of people are cosplayers and they don’t even know it.

Photo Credit: Jeff Jenkins Photography

DCN: Which DC character, if any, may we see next from you? 

BD: Haha. Shhhhh… 

DCN: Thanks so much for your time!  Let our fans know where they can find you.

BD: Of course! Thank you for having me! Find me on Instagram at blackbeard.dad

Once again, I’d like to give a special thank you to Blackbeard Dad for taking the time to do this interview. Please be sure to check out his work on social media and support this very talented cosplayer!

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DCN Exclusive Interview: Christian Ward – ‘Blood Stained Teeth’ Writer and ‘Aquaman Andromeda’ Artist https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/06/04/dcn-exclusive-interview-christian-ward-blood-stained-teeth-writer-and-aquaman-andromeda-artist/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/06/04/dcn-exclusive-interview-christian-ward-blood-stained-teeth-writer-and-aquaman-andromeda-artist/#respond Sat, 04 Jun 2022 15:28:47 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=170238 Christian Ward is a multi-Eisner Award-winning comic book artist and writer. He’s probably best known for his…

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Christian Ward is a multi-Eisner Award-winning comic book artist and writer.

He’s probably best known for his cosmic space operas ODY-C (co-created with Matt Fraction) and Invisible Kingdom (co-created with G. Willow Wilson), he was also the artist on the acclaimed Marvel comics series Black Bolt (with Saladin Ahmed), and for his art on Thor (with Jason Aaron) and Batman: Secret Files: The Gardner (with James Tynion IV).

In 2019 he released his first book as a writer, Machine Gun Wizards (co-created with Sami Kivelä), and has juggled writing and drawing comics ever since.

He’s currently writing Blood Stained Teeth for Image Comics, and the first issue of his collaboration with Ram V, Aquaman: Andromeda, will be released by DC Black Label on June 7th.

I was fortunate enough to meet Christian at London’s MCM Comic-Con in May 2022, where he took part in a panel and sat for a signing session.

Christian Ward: DC Comics News Interview

DC Comics News: Good afternoon. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us. DC sent us Aquaman: Andromeda issue #1, and it’s great. It delivers a great story and looks fantastic.

Christian Ward: That’s very kind, thank you.

DCN: We all love that you’ve finally given us an Aquaman on the printed page who’s reminiscent of the classic comics character yet also perfectly represents Jason Momoa’s live-action version. To my mind, you’re the first artist to do this perfectly.

CW: That’s nice to hear. Of course, what we really wanted to do was something new and different with the character. The other was to combine Aquaman with sci-fi and horror.

DCN: Something Ram V does very well, as does your art on the project.

CW: Thanks. That was the aim. Reading Ram’s script, it was like Aquaman meets Event Horizon, and I hope that’s translated to the page.

DCN: It really has. It’s a great new take on the character and his world. Was that hard? I mean, Aquaman’s been around for 81 years.

CW: I think when you come to a character with real prevalence, it can sometimes hold you back. You’re like, oh, I don’t wanna ruin it.

DCN: Were you a fan?

CW: Not at the beginning, no. Neither Ram nor I were massive fans before this. Of course, we knew of him, and his history. I’d seen the film, I’d read Kelly Sue DeConnick ‘s run and Dan Abnett’s run, but I really wanted to bring something new.

The great thing is with a Black Label project, you get so much freedom, you know? You can do whatever you want, within reason. You can be true to the character, but still bring something fresh to it.

I definitely appreciate Aquaman, probably more now that I’ve worked on him. The thing is, we wanted to honor the legacy but also do something different. I’m a big believer of don’t give people what they want, give them what they don’t realize they want.

CW: I mean, it’s always a gamble and you might fail, but you’ll end up with something more impactful, whether it works or not. So, I’m thrilled to hear that you liked it.

DCN: It’s a great book. One of the things I really liked is that it also seems like you’ve adapted your style. We can still see it’s Christian Ward, but it’s different, it’s its own thing.

CW: As an artist, you want to keep the work fresh and interesting, both for yourself and for the reader.

DCN: Speaking of interesting, and fresh, it’s the same with your writing. Blood Stained Teeth; yes, it’s a vampire story, but it’s not like everything else that’s come before. You’ve done what I didn’t think was possible and done something new with vampires.

CW: I’ve read the reviews! Thanks, so much. Yes, I’m writing it, but am also doing some art for #4.

DCN: Wow!

CW: There’s a sequence where Atticus kind of has a trip and he gets trapped inside the memory palace of a vampire. So, we’re gonna have a transitional page, where Patric (Reynolds) and Heather (Moore) start, then we combine it, then it’s me, and then… boom!

The pages Christian shows us are stunning. What we’re shown starts off with art in the terrific style we’ve already seen in the first few issues of Blood Stained Teeth, but gradually the scene changes into the more psychedelic, painted style that is clearly Christian Ward’s.

DCN: That’s gorgeous. Awesome… roll on issue #4! Issue #2’s just come out. Carl loved it, as did everyone on the team who’s read it.

CW: Please keep reading, and tell us what you think.

DCN: It’s humbling that you read the reviews and comment on them.

CW: I mean, it’s great. A good review is fantastic, it tells me that I’m on the right track. It kind of helps keep you motivated and well, you know, it’s also great connecting and seeing people enjoying it. I want to keep making it good, so a positive review helps. I mean, if I then retweet you guys it helps you, and if then someone who doesn’t know about it reads it, it helps me as well.

DCN: Everybody wins!

CW: Exactly. Of course, I appreciate that there might be an issue that you don’t like, and feel free to tell me.

DCN: I don’t foresee that ever happening! We’re definitely going to keep reading, though. Thanks so much for talking to us.

CW: Thank you!

Not only is Christian Ward a hugely talented and prolific writer and artist, but he’s also incredible with fans. He greeted everyone in the queue with a glowing smile, engaged them in conversation, and was warm and fun to talk to. If you ever stand in line to get anything signed by him, I assure you that any wait will be well worth it.

I was already a huge fan when I met him and left the event an even bigger one.

Artwork courtesy of Image Comics, DC Entertainment, and the artist

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Exclusive Interview: Stephanie Panisello Talks ‘Resident Evil’ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/05/18/exclusive-interview-stephanie-panisello-talks-resident-evil/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/05/18/exclusive-interview-stephanie-panisello-talks-resident-evil/#respond Wed, 18 May 2022 16:16:23 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=169999 When it comes to a franchise that’s been around for 26 years, such as Resident Evil, it’s…

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When it comes to a franchise that’s been around for 26 years, such as Resident Evil, it’s probably safe to say that we’ve all had our different jumping on points. Whether it be one of the incredible video games, motion pictures, novels, or even comic books published by Wildstorm and DC, one of the above started your love affair with the Umbrella Corporation’s abominations of science. For me, my moment came in 1998 via Resident Evil 2 on the original Playstation – and Claire Redfield was actually the first character I played as.

Having said that, it was definitely a full circle moment to finally meet someone who had voiced the character over her illustrious history. To be specific, I had the chance to meet and interview Stephanie Panisello this past weekend at Motor City Comic Con. For those unfamiliar, she lent her voice to Claire Redfield in 2019’s Resident Evil 2 remake and the Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness series for Netflix.

Should Stephanie appear at a convention in your locale, I highly recommend visiting her table. There are few in the entertainment industry who take as much time to make their fans’ day as she. She’s genuinely kind and chatty; one could say she truly embodies the qualities of Claire in real life. On top of that, she’s likely to appear in cosplay at least one day out of the weekend.

What follows is a transcription of my interview with Stephanie, in which we touched on the highly acclaimed Resident Evil 2 remake and some other questions pertaining to the series that I’m sure many other fans would ask if given the opportunity.

Stephanie Panisello

DCN: Beforehand, were you already familiar with Claire and the Resident Evil franchise, or was it something you dived into after getting the role?

Stephanie Panisello: Yeah, I was familiar with Resident Evil beforehand, playing Resident Evil 2. So, my neighbor had it because I wasn’t allowed to have it as a kid, so I’d go play over there. That’s where I was first introduced – and I was introduced to Claire at that time.

DCN: Oddly enough, she was the first character I played as. It was 1998, and my cousin brought over a stack of Playstation games – and Resident Evil 2 was one of them. Claire’s disc was the first one we popped in [Stephanie cheered]. So Claire was my intro to this world. I just fell in love with it. 

It makes sense for there to be a “new” Claire in the remake. Was it a deliberate move by Capcom to bring in a new series of voice actors for this alternate universe that’s darker, grittier, and more serious?

SP: Yeah, you know, honestly I think Capcom was just excited about making a remake. And one of the things they were talking to me about, the creation of the character, they were very big on, “Honor what’s been done, but we want this to be completely fresh. We want this to feel new.”

And so that was a really big deal and it gave me a green light to be able to expand on the character in a way that was different, from my perspective. I’m so glad that it has been well received. Some of the things that were added, I try to give extra layers that maybe we didn’t touch upon, or the fact that she cusses a whole lot more – and she didn’t use to do that. There have been some changes, yeah.

DCN: A lot of fans, myself included, would like to see a CODE: Veronica remake. Though being subtitled, it is part of the mainline series of games. Would you like to voice Claire again, and if CODE: Veronica were to happen, would you like it to border on reimagining the game as RE 2 did?

SP: Yeah, honestly if CODE: Veronica were to be made, I feel like it’s one of those games that could really use a remake and use that extra love and TLC. If I were asked to be part of it, I would love to because I would like to figure that out with the team and how that would work and how to really make that come to life. So that would be awesome, but of course, we can just hope and I would be really blessed if they get to ask me again.

DCN: Would like for Claire to star in a big blockbuster gamer where she’s the lead again?

SP: Aside from CODE: Veronica?

DCN: Yeah.

SP: That would be awesome. I wonder where that would go in the canon. So, I don’t know where that would happen.

DCN: Resident Evil 9 or 10?

SP: Oh god. I mean, shit, I don’t even know how old she would be at that time. Yeah, why not? It would be fun to figure out where she’s gone and the stuff that’s happened. That would be cool.

DCN: RE 2 was in 1998, so she’s had her own adventures since then.

SP: And then CODE: Veronica happens technically in canon, right? And then we also have Infinite Darkness, which we saw Claire picked back up in that as well.

DCN: I think that’s 2005, 2006 in the timeline?

SP: I think it’s supposed to be after CODE: Veronica. I believe it’s after Resident Evil 4.

DCN: It’s between Resident Evil 4 and 5.

SP: Yeah, it’s after [Resident Evil] 4. Mhm.

That concludes our interview with Stephanie Panisello. Be sure to follow her on your social media platform of choice, as she’s also very involved with her fans in the virtual world.

The post Exclusive Interview: Stephanie Panisello Talks ‘Resident Evil’ appeared first on DC Comics News.

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Exclusive Interview with ROBERTO PATINO, Showrunner of DMZ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/03/22/exclusive-interview-with-roberto-patino-showrunner-of-dmz/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/03/22/exclusive-interview-with-roberto-patino-showrunner-of-dmz/#respond Tue, 22 Mar 2022 17:04:30 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=168641 DCN’s Editor-in-Chief, Josh Raynor, recently had the chance to sit down with the amazingly talented Roberto Patino,…

The post Exclusive Interview with ROBERTO PATINO, Showrunner of DMZ appeared first on DC Comics News.

DCN’s Editor-in-Chief, Josh Raynor, recently had the chance to sit down with the amazingly talented Roberto Patino, showrunner of the brand new HBO Max limited series DMZ, to talk about his new show.

Here’s the full interview with Roberto Patino:

DMZ is based on the DC Comics/Vertigo series of the same name and follows Alma Ortega, an NYC medic, who becomes a symbol of hope in a demilitarized Manhattan Island while trying to find her son, who wandered off instead of sticking with her during their evacuation from Manhattan during the Second American Civil War.

If you haven’t done so yet, please go watch this amazing series right now!!

The post Exclusive Interview with ROBERTO PATINO, Showrunner of DMZ appeared first on DC Comics News.

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