Boom Studios Reviews - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Wed, 09 Nov 2022 08:59:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Boom Studios Reviews - DC Comics News 32 32 Indie Comics Review: Alice Ever After #5 Tue, 08 Nov 2022 18:51:51 +0000 Review: Alice Ever After #5 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Dan…

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Review: Alice Ever After #5

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: BOOM! Studios

Writer: Dan Panosian

Artist: Giorgio Spalletta (London) and Dan Panosian (Wonderland)

Colorist: Fabiana Mascolo

Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry

Review by: Kendra Hale


Here it is folks, with Alice Ever After #5 we have the finale to this five-issue series. Alice has entered the asylum of her own will in order to shut out the disapproval of her family. To feel like an ordinary person without care for the choices she makes. But inside the asylum are those with their own agendas and those who take far more pleasure from someone’s pain than their relief. Alice Ever After has been a beautiful ride but we are at the end so let’s dive in!

“We’re all mad here.”

Edith and Earl Proud are making a last desperate attempt to sway Alice and Edith’s Father from sanctioning the operation. Citing the things that they’ve seen and heard from Alice. Dr. Lutwidge seems to be teetering on just what’s right and it doesn’t help that he has other voices in his ear telling him that the operation is not only the only way to save Alice but his reputation as well. Defeated Edith and Earl hatch a plan… they will break Alice out together.

But Alice isn’t playing by the asylum’s rules anymore either, she has discovered that Sacred Heart is not all she hoped it to be. Theodore and Thomas come to collect her for the operation and Alice is ready to fight back with all of her might. But with so many forces working against her and with time no longer acting as a friend, can she succeed? Will Edith and Earl make it in time to save Alice?


Alice Ever After #5 definitely causes some whiplash as the reader champions for Alice to be safe. The buildup to what this issue delivers has been a sweet and sour ride with no mercy. Alice struggled with the hidden world the opiates her father forced upon her created and then watched as that world became her nightmare must’ve been difficult, to say the least. The writing’s been impeccable, and the artwork’s just flat out stunning. The Dan Panosian cover for this issue is probably my favorite of the set.


Alice Ever After is over? I mean being submerged in a world that was so easily devoured only to have the story end… or has it? There are question marks after the “End” so one can genuinely hope for this not to be the end for Alice Ever After.


Alice Ever After #5 does give us a promised ending, but you should be ready because I most certainly was not. The teaser at the end leaves us with a potential promise for more, and one that I genuinely hope is kept because this series was a delight.

I still stand by my opinion that if you’re a fan of the original Alice in Wonderland tales, this will certainly be up your alley. What we’ve been given is a fresh take on the series… but beware its darkness.




Images Courtesy of BOOM! Studios.

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Indie Comics Review: Alice Ever After #4 Tue, 08 Nov 2022 18:44:41 +0000 Review: Alice Ever After #4 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Dan…

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Review: Alice Ever After #4

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: BOOM! Studios

Writer: Dan Panosian

Artist: Giorgio Spalletta with assistance from Cyril Glerum

Colorist: Fabiana Mascolo

Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry

Review by: Kendra Hale


Alice Ever After #4 leads us to the finale and brings with it most ominous tidings. When last we left poor Alice the walls were closing in on her, almost quite literally. She has few friends in the asylum and those in charge are only out for the gain, especially having the tasty tidbit that is what Alice’s Father does in order to get the teeth he uses for his practice.  Mistress Hulda is out for the money, Edith just wants her sister home, and Alice is about to realize that she may be in far more trouble than she bargained for.

Let’s dive into Alice Ever After #4!

A De-Feistification Procedure

We join Mistress Hulda and Dr. Madsen for a game of Croquet, a game that is obviously rigged to be in Hulda favor.  While Kitty and Snowdrop narrate, Theodore and Thomas interrupt with a birthday request from Matthew. With all the trouble Matthew has been causing, Dr. Madsen is only too happy to have him added to his list of patients to work on.

Meanwhile, Edith is pleading Alice’s case with their father, but it seems to be falling on closed ears. When there seems to be a bit of hope that Dr. Lutwidge is listening to her, Mistress Hulda shows up and the world shifts. Alice is doing her best to cope with the real world around her but having no meds to help ease the ache as well as all the horrors around her, she is faltering. Even when she gathers her strength and musters her courage…she finds herself face to face with just how bad things truly are.


The cover art for Alice Ever After #4 is chilling, and it should be given what this issue presents readers with. The storytelling has us on edge, what should be predictable isn’t always the case and I find that thrilling. The artwork speaks for itself as it is on another level. The variant cover by Stephanie Hans is a ethereal dream to say the very least. This series doesn’t know how to disappoint and why should it?


There’s only one more issue and then it’s over. The depression is real.


Alice Ever After #4 sets us up for a fast-paced finale and closure to the series. I look forward to seeing how this all ends for poor Alice, what will her fate be? Dan Panosian, Giorgio Spalletta, Jeff Eckleberry, and Fabiana Mascolo have given us a truly grim story that is both wonderful and terrifying. Brava.


Images Courtesy of Boom! Studios. 

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Indie Comics Review: Alice Ever After #3 Fri, 04 Nov 2022 13:59:34 +0000 Review: Alice Ever After #3 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Dan…

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Review: Alice Ever After #3

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: BOOM! Studios

Writer: Dan Panosian

Artist: Giorgio Spalletta (London) and Dan Panosian (Wonderland)

Colorist: Fabiana Mascolo

Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry

Review by: Kendra Hale


Alice Ever After #3 continues the chokehold this series has on readers. After the end of Alice Ever After #2, fear had us all gripped on just what might be coming for our dear Alice. But one must be careful what they wish for as Alice Ever After #3 shows us in droves. At this point let’s rejoin Alice and newfound friend Matthew as they face the consequences of sneaking into the medication room after hours to indulge…

The Sticky Parts Are The Best Parts

When last we left Alice and Matthew, they had been enjoying their added dose of meds sneakily gained. But Thomas and Theodore were quickly upon them and as we soon see are ready to dole out their version of punishment on the “rats” they have stumbled upon. Thankfully for Matthew and Alice, Mistress Hulda is upon them soon after otherwise the impromptu game of doctor could have been far worse.

Ending up in the infirmary, Alice has a strange voyage in Wonderland and in her memories. She learns of what sparked her trauma and how her addiction to the meds first started. When a visit from her sister happens, Alice asks her if she too has ever seen their father work. In the shadows Hulda sees the fear from Alice’s sister and a new plan is set in motion on just what to do about poor Alice.


As always, the art styles are perfection. Both Giorgio Spalletta and Dan Panosian elicit the emotions they were wanting to as the story drives forward with no mercy or pauses. Genuinely I timed it this read, and I couldn’t believe this was a five-minute run. But once you start, there is no looking away and all you want is more, more, more. It is certainly a hauntingly beautiful book, but it is smartly written and shows in every issue.


Absolutely none. I couldn’t think of any even if I tried for months. This series draws you in with immaculate artwork and holds you with the master storytelling.


Alice Ever After #3 is the halfway point for this five-issue set, but it opens doorways to knowledge and questions that are enticing and siren in origin. You genuinely want to just continue examining the beautiful covers by Dan Panosian and variant done by Dave Johnson. I am saddened because I know there is only two issues left but at this point my heels are dug in and I am ready to read what remains for our Alice.


Images Courtesy Of BOOM! Studios

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Indie Comics Review: Alice Ever After #2 Fri, 04 Nov 2022 13:35:59 +0000 Review: Alice Ever After #2 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Dan…

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Review: Alice Ever After #2

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: BOOM! Studios

Writer: Dan Panosian

Artist: Giorgio Spalletta (London) and Dan Panosian (Wonderland)

Colorist: Fabiana Mascolo

Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry

Review by: Kendra Hale


Alice Ever After #2 brings us back into the world of Alice as she discovers where her choices to enter the asylum will take her. After the introduction in the first issue, I am excited to see where the pathway leads. The artwork is like a dream world of craft and mastery and it keeps me yearning for more of it. I have been so excited to dive into this one again so after the white rabbit eh?

The Devil In Disguise

Alice has made her mind up, she has chosen to stop disappointing her family and do what makes her happy. She wants to stay in Wonderland forever, but forever is a mighty long time and Alice has many who are working against her. The remnants of her “Wonderland” can be clearly seen in her London life as she meets not only her caretakers at the asylum in Theodore, Thomas, Mistress Hulda, and Dr. Madsen Hasslemann, but also in the fellow residents.

One of those residents, Matthew, befriends Alice and even tells of his connection to her friend Morton. A late night mission to look at the inventory leads down a path Alice may not be ready for, and with all these forces working against her Alice may have done better keeping her poor head down. But with all eyes on her, what will become of our protagonist?


There are so many with this series that it honestly feels I could write a review on just those. The writing and art decisions are so smartly chosen that it enhances the experience. I genuinely love the artwork on the covers, Dan Panosian’s vintage Carroll-esque covers are always a joy to look at and take in. Alice Ever After #2 came with variants done by Enrico Marini and Adam Hughes, both of whom stepped up with exquisite visages of Alice.

But I want to touch on what I feel is the greatest part of this series. I love that there are two artists each depicting their part of Alice’s world. Dan Panosian gives us the world Alice longs for with his art on the Wonderland areas of the book, and Giorgio Spalletta gives us Alice’s London scenes. It is a brilliant choice that further intrigues readers into the worlds of this iteration of Alice.  Fabiana Mascolo continues the intrigue with colors while Jeff Eckleberry completes the illusion with his lettering.


How fast it moves. I wish you could hear me laugh as I type that sentence, but the book really does. I sat reading it and was like, ” Oh I am only a few pages in .”, only to look up and be halfway through the book.  The Alice Ever After series is deceptive in its pace and is so seamless a read.


Alice Ever After #2 is a joy and the series is a must for Alice fans, it would be such a sad missed opportunity NOT to read the series. A high recommendation!


Images Courtesy Of Boom! Studios

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Indie Comics Review: Seven Secrets #11 Wed, 11 Aug 2021 03:15:15 +0000 Indie Comics Review: Seven Secrets #11 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Boom Studios Writer:…

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Indie Comics Review: Seven Secrets #11

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Boom Studios

Writer: Tom Taylor

Artists:  Daniele Di Nicuolo

Letterer: Ed Dukeshire

Colors: Walter Baiamonte with Katia Ranalli


Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“Stop fighting.  It’s not worth dying for.”- Canto

The Order’s secrets are bestowed to Eva and as a result an impossible discovery is made, changing everything in its wake.

Will Eva be able keep this knowledge from Caspar and fight alongside him to escape the Seeker’s ultimate plot?

Stay calm and carry on, as they may just get some help from the Queen of England herself.



Tom Taylor’s writing is diversity driven.  I have never seen them under this particular light as each Seven Secrets issue is simply rich with content and art.  However The Keepers and the Holders address all races as well as all walks of the human experience…hearing impaired…health disparities… you name it.  But each in their own way address the job of Keepers and Holders as paramount.

Taylor drops a bomb on us in this issue.  Literally, he makes us invest in his characters in this book and just as we are looking in a particular direction, he rips the table cloth from under the china.  It’s that kind of shock that makes this literary trick stand apart!

It’s also fraught with some historical references as well.  I love that Taylor has really done his homework.  Writing comics is hard so we seldom realize the research that has to be done for discerning eyes!  Taylor mixes reality with imagination in his kitchen and the main course is something to behold!



Positives 2.0

Daniele Di Nicuolo illustrates Taylor’s Universe perfectly.  Colors dance in the way they should contributing to the dialogue…never detracting.  Sometimes you get a great story, but the art doesn’t compliment all the author is trying to do.  And vice versa as well (See any Neal Adams work).  However, this book is like a science fiction treasure.  All cylinders are firing for a winning combination!



None.  Skip to the next section!  This book is awesome!



It’s Tom Tayjor’s literary world right now and we are living in it.  From his work on Superman Son of Kal-El to Seven Secrets, he is churning out some great story lines.  This issue is page turner.  There is a “fungus among us” with the name of ….. (no spoilers here) buy this issue!


5outof5 DC Comics News

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Indie Comics Review: Basilisk #3 Wed, 11 Aug 2021 01:37:23 +0000 Indie Comics Review: Basilisk #3   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Boom Studios Writer:…

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Indie Comics Review: Basilisk #3  

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Boom Studios

Writer: Cullen Bunn

Artist: Jonas Scharf

Colors: Alex Guimaraes

Letters: Ed Dukeshire

Reviewed by: Carl Bryan



“They will leave someone behind.  Someone to tell the tale.  Someone to follow them.  To worship…like you. Regan to Hannah
Basilisk #3 – Is redemption possible if it is coerced?
Forced to confront the horrors of her past, Regan hits the road with Hannah – a victim from her past – who has her own set of secrets.
Is there no end to the Chimera’s reign of terror?
Regan, a former member of the Chimera, and her past victim Hannah continue the hunt for Regan’s brethren, but the shared memories that haunt them both may put an end to their quest.
Meanwhile, cornered, the other Chimera may have met their match…
New York Times bestselling horror writer Cullen Bunn (Harrow County) and artist Jonas Scharf (Avengers Of The Wasteland) reunite to unleash a supernatural horror series for fans of Killadelphia and Stillwater rooted in the way we process the world – our senses.


Writer Cullen Bunn and artist Jonas Scharf have tapped into a flash forward/flashback story fest that keeps the reader intrigued about how we got to this point.  Even though Regan has been abducted Hannah, that doesn’t mean anything as the story develops more and more about what these five gods/creatures/people are capable of. 

I am unsure if this is not a set up for Hannah as Regan appears she could readily escape at any moment, but chooses to see this story out.  Regan has been communicating with the Chimera and it appears that there is some bigger role for Hannah among the Chimera.  However, the key to good story telling is to keep the reader guessing and Bunn certainly does that in his script!

The art in Basilisk #3 is perfect in that the present day scenes are full of color and pop off the page.  The past scenes are painted in such a way that you are watching the history of these five through a crystal ball or a murky Harry Potter dream.  This is an artist making the script work hand in hand with their skill set!  Great stuff!   

Positives 2.0

Bunn has a movie on his hands.  Of the five Chimera, Jimmy-Boy scares me the most.  He reminds me of the character portrayed in Cape Fear by Robert Deniro.  He is that unsettling personality who knows no boundaries.  However, there is a pecking order among the Chimera.  It is subtle, but you can tell there is a quiet respect for each others’ powers.  

This comic creates an “on the edge of your seat” type of read.  I love reading it late at night as it really is like watching a horror movie that will surprise you.  A lot is inferred in the theater of the mind, but that is okay!  Bunn is minimalist at times with this words, but Jonas Scharf bats cleanup with storytelling through his art!  This team is unstoppable!


Nah…you as a reader have the great opportunity to still get issues 1 and 2, and now with issue 3, this comic is reaching a fever pitch for conflict.  These sides are marching towards each other and I am anxious to see the main event!


This comic has the right amount of horror, dread and Tarantino-type story telling (that’s a compliment) that can easily be translated to the big screen as a movie.  These kindred of the senses are scary.  I am not sure how this vengeance tale is going to play out, but it definitely makes me more appreciative of all my senses.   The “clean up” minister Barret at the end is scary.  “There is always one left to tell the story….”     Read this comic on the edge of your seat as it is written for you to do so!  


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Indie Comics Review: Basilisk #2 Fri, 09 Jul 2021 03:15:35 +0000 Review: Basilisk #2   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Boom Studios Writer: Cullen Bunn…

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Review: Basilisk #2


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Boom Studios

Writer: Cullen Bunn

Artist: Jonas Scharf

Colors: Alex Guimaraes

Letters: Ed Dukeshire

Reviewed by: Carl Bryan




“Their humanity is just a mask.  They are gods! …That’s all right.  Come gods can die! – Hannah
Basilisk #2 – Is redemption possible if it is coerced?
Forced to confront the horrors of her past, Regan hits the road with Hannah – a victim from her past – who has her own set of secrets.
Meanwhile, the other four remaining members of the Chimera find themselves tired of hiding from the world and move to reignite their reign of terror and death.
It’s an epic tale of vengeance and survival as a monstrous threat ravages the countryside and the only ones who can stop it are mortal enemies,
New York Times bestselling horror writer Cullen Bunn (Harrow County) and artist Jonas Scharf (Avengers Of The Wasteland) reunite to unleash a supernatural horror series for fans of Killadelphia and Stillwater rooted in the way we process the world – our senses.


Writer Cullen Bunn and artist Jonas Scharf have tapped into a flash forward/flashback story fest that keeps the reader intrigued about how we got to this point.  Even though Regan has been abducted Hannah, that doesn’t mean anything as the story develops more and more about what these five gods/creatures/people are capable of.

The art in Basilisk #2 is perfect in that the present day scenes are full of color and pop off the page.  The past scenes are painted in such a way that you are watching the history of these five through a crystal ball or a murky Harry Potter dream.  This is an artist making the script work hand in hand with their skill set!  Great stuff!


Positives 2.0

Scharf sets the stage that that Hannah is using Regan as bait for the other four.  The dialogue moves fast and its a great march to an eventual confrontation.  The clue is that each of these gods, if you will, represent four senses.  Whether they are our typical senses , we immediately find out as the Wolverine type character – Jimmy-Boy, obviously can impose his sense of smell or a suggestion of smell on others.  This is a creative way to depict death – whew!  One or two frames tell the entire story of carnage that happens in a diner.  Very Tarantino in a comic style!

 Scharf introduces another character to the mix…Barret.  He appears to be head of a cult or of an order in which The Faithful carry out missions.  You cannot infer who works for whom and how he is associated with this now core four of the five senses.  However, that is good story telling as the story drips from issue to issue making you want to read it more and more!

Finally, we see what Regan in her Basilisk form can do in a mirror…she has the clearest of eyes and can communicate with Manny through the mirror.  Talk about Facetime…..



Nah…this issue catapults perfectly in jumping from the groundwork laid out in the inaugural issue!  Great stuff!


This comic has the right amount of horror, dread and Tarantino-type story telling (that’s a compliment) that can easily be translated to the big screen as a movie.  These kindred of the senses are scary.  I am not sure how this vengeance tale is going to play out, but it definitely makes me more appreciative of all my senses.  What a cliffhanger as two frames of this comic gives us Hannah’s motivation in the fullest!   Read this comic on the edge of your seat as it is written for you to do so! 



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Indie Comics Review: Seven Secrets #9 Tue, 29 Jun 2021 01:31:04 +0000 Review: Seven Secrets #9 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Boom Studios Writer: Tom Taylor…

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Review: Seven Secrets #9

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Boom Studios

Writer: Tom Taylor

Artists:  Daniele Di Nicuolo

Letterer: Ed Dukeshire

Colors: Walter Baiamonte with Katia Ranalli


Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“The storm drain will fill up.  You will drown.  We’ve had a bad day and we’re not going to reel any remorse”- Eva, Caspar’s Mom interrogating a Seeker.

For centuries, the Order has trusted in Keepers and Holders to guard the Secrets in seven briefcases against all harm, but when their stronghold is attacked and the secrets put in peril, the entire Order must face their greatest fear-an enemy who knows too much and is willing to kill to get what he wants.

With the first secret revealed and the world now watching, how much longer will the Order’s members be able to remain hidden?

Caspar and the surviving Keepers and Holders retreat once more to a remote safe house, even as Amon and the Seekers close in on them. Can the Order survive with a mole in their midst?



Tom Taylor’s writing is super clever.  As you read Seven Secrets, you have to realize as a reader that you are working with actual history timelines, so Taylor slips in a verbal jab here and there.  Thus the banter between the Keepers and the Holders….”Ching and I once fought a French King here.” “France doesn’t have kings!” “Damn straight and you’re welcome!”

Again…funny stuff and chock full of “oh…this is what these guys do to ensure order”.  But the Seekers are not into order.  They love chaos, and that is the brilliant part of the conflict as he trickles the story out to us having revealed a secret in Issue #8.

This issue reveals a bit more about General Amon…quite the “hero” among the Seekers, but as always, a General has people he has to report to as well.

By the way, the guards guarding the Council Chamber….artistic costuming at its best.  But we will get to the art in a second!  The action scenes are phenomenal, and the power that the Seekers have…just read this book!  It’s amazing the intrigue and the political back stabbing!  How do you simply erase Switzerland?  What did they do wrong?



Positives 2.0

Daniele Di Nicuolo illustrates Taylor’s Universe perfectly.  Colors dance in the way they should contributing to the dialogue…never detracting.  Sometimes you get a great story, but the art doesn’t compliment all the author is trying to do.  And vice versa as well (See any Neal Adams work).  However, this book is like a science fiction treasure.  All cylinders are firing for a winning combination!



None.  Skip to the next section!  This book is awesome!



Tom Taylor, just being named the major author for an upcoming Superman series, continues to draw us into this ensemble cast.  While I would love to reveal some more of the plotline, the cliff hanger came out of nowhere as Caspar’s Mom has to be the bearer of all secrets.  Everyone loves a good secret!  You should buy issues #1-9!


5outof5 DC Comics News

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Indie Comics Review: Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Tricksters #4 Tue, 29 Jun 2021 00:38:24 +0000 Review: Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Tricksters #4 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: BOOM! Studios…

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Review: Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Tricksters #4

Indie Comics Review Jim Henson Storyteller Tricksters #4 DC Comics News Reviews

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: BOOM! Studios

Story: Robin Kaplan

Artist: A.L. Kaplan

Letters: Jim Campbell

Spot Illustration: Sonny Liew

Covers: Peach Momoko, Dani Pendergast

Reviewed by: Seth Singleton



Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Tricksters #4 proves that a story told once is worth telling over and over again. The story of how Loki helps Thor find his missing hammer is told with a focus on new details and insights.

Indie Comics Review: Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Tricksters #4 DC Comics News

Positives — Twice Told Tales

Fans of Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology series will recognize this story. The difference is the way that the writer introduces the problem. In this version, Loki discovers a hungover Thor grumbling with a headache.

It turns out he was partying so hard the night before that he can’t find his mighty Mjolnir. Now, Thor needs Loki’s help to find it. He also needs the trickster’s discretion so that word of his irresponsibility does not get out.

Indie Comics Review: Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Tricksters #4 DC Comics News

In some versions, Loki borrows Freya’s cloak to take on the form of a falcon. In this tale, Loki uses the promise that he will search for Freyja’s missing necklace to get her to borrow her magic cloak. Freyja agrees and Loki sets off on his way.

Freyja is portrayed as bored, amused by Thor’s lost Mjolnir, and a bit of a gossip. When Loki departs, Freyja immediately tells her brother Freyr, who tells Tyr, who tells Blind Hod, and the story spreads.

Indie Comics Review: Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Tricksters #4 DC Comics News

Positives — Deceptive Disguises

The source of the missing Mjolnir is the king of the Giants, Thrym. The only way he will give back the hammer is if Freyja agrees to marry him. Loki’s eyes glimmer mischievously while he promises to return with Freyja. In Norse Gods, Thor has. a beard. In this version, Thor is clean-shaven.

Loki sells Thor on the idea of dress-up with a masquerade masque and Freyja’s stunning necklace. The result is more successful than either of the brothers believed possible. In fact, once Thor has eaten and drank his fill the duo realizes the gig is almost up. But before they can begin to lay waste to the Giants, Freyja arrives with warriors in tow.

Flattery Comes With A Price

It’s hard to tell what infuriates Freyja more, Thor wearing her necklace or the fact that the Giants mistook Odinson for the Norse Queen. Thor, for one, is empowered and knows that he looks good. When all is said and done, Thor gets his hammer, Freyja gets her necklace, and Loki gets to keep his feathered cloak.

Best part? That’s not where the story ends.

Round And Round The Story Goes


Not in this book.


Robin Kaplan writes a story that is full of identity and mirth. The characters are flawed and prone to mischief. Their actions, and the canvas of Asgard as a backdrop offer a rich story for the eyes, ears, and the imagination.

A.L. Kaplan’s interpretation of Thor, Freyja, Loki, and the Aesir pantheon is a playful delight for young and older readers. Thor’s burgeoning belly, Loki’s red hair and pointy nose, and Freyja’s penchant for lounging before stirring to action are amusing. Their collaboration will bring a smile to the faces of and hearts of readers.


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Indie Comics Review: Labyrinth: Under The Spell Tue, 22 Jun 2021 00:23:49 +0000 Indie Comics Review: Labyrinth: Under The Spell [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Boom! Studios…

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Indie Comics Review: Labyrinth: Under The Spell

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Boom! Studios

Written by: Lara Elena Donnelly, S. M. Vidaurri, Sina Grace, Michael Dialyss

Illustrated by: Pius Bak, Samantha Dodge, French Carlomagno, Boya Sun, Sarah Webb

Colored by: Francesco Segala, Fabiana Mascolo, Laura Langston

Lettered by: Jim Campbell

Review By: Kendra Hale



In this glorious 120 page volume readers are treated to an expansion of the world and characters that they know from The Labyrinth.  We are treated to 4 stories that give us but a moment in time for beloved characters. Sir Didymus and Hoggle are a treat but we also get backstory on just who the guests of the ball are.  All set to unique and beautiful artwork. Let’s take a look at the tales our creators have lovingly given. 

The Eternal Tournament 

Our first tale in Labyrinth: Under The Spell features Sir Didymus and Ambrosius. The Eternal Tournament was crafted with S.M. Vidaurri at the writing helm, Sarah Webb doing the illustration, and Laura Langston giving us colors.  The story tells the tale of how Sir Didymus obtained the post as the guardian of to the bridge. We are introduced to new characters that hopefully will be featured again. 

The writing of this story is so good that I heard David Shaughnessy as I read all of Sir Didymus’s lines. The artwork is super quirky and reminds me of the Sunday Paper comics in such a joyful way. Seeing Sarah Webb’s version of Jareth is so cute!

Labyrinth: Under The Spell
Labyrinth: Under The Spell

En Guard!

In this tale we get a moment in time with Hoggle. Writer Sina Grace and Illustrator Boya Sun give us the history of when Hoggle became the groundskeeper for King Jareth. Starting as a dwarf who just can’t seem to have things go right for him, a chance encounter will change the course of the rest of his life. 

Sina Grace and Boya Sun give us a short and sweet excerpt into Hoggle’s life. The colors are so vibrant and the details are striking. It gives a lightness to the sadness and shows the replacement of that feeling for Hoggle. 


This story is given to readers in totality by Michael Dialyss. The tale is of a young goblin named No! and the reason for it soon becomes apparent. A young goblin who can’t seem to find his place or purpose, nothing seems to go right. Once kicked out for all kinds of shenanigans he stumbles upon what will be his true purpose and changes his name to follow suit. 

Michael Dialyss gives a truly resonating story about finding the place and purpose despite hardship. I enjoyed not only the story but the artwork displayed especially at the end. I mean who doesn’t want to be surrounded by an immense mountain of books?


Now this is a familiar story and I recognized it through the cover as well. This story was featured as Labyrinth: Masquerade #1 .  I had already done a review for this tale and will refer to that as my feelings haven’t changed. 

The tale introduces us to a young goblin who is in charge of the beauty parlor that houses the “guests” for the balls that the Goblin King holds. The young goblin had the best of intentions wanting to wait on the Goblin king as a valet but that was not to be his fate. As with everything that is in this world, nothing and no one is what it seems. 

One of the ball “guests” has woken from her dream like slumber. Her journey will give more depth to the world of Labyrinth. There are secrets that hide in every corner of this world and the road to redemption is more than most can handle. With the help of this young goblin and some very unexpected friends, will she be able to piece together why she is in this world…and make it out of the twisted world determined to keep her in a fog?

The artwork is so beautiful. The Ballroom scene from The Labyrinth is one of the most iconic scenes from the movie. What Laura Elena Donnelly, Pius Bak, Samantha Dodge, French Carlomagno, Francesco Segala, and Fabiana Mascolo  have done is created depth to that scene which gives it a whole new meaning upon re-watch. It creates bittersweet moments when you realize the sadness that these scenes represent in this world of Masquerade. For that impact alone, Brava. 


Labyrinth: Under The Spell does just that with this collection. It captures the imagination and expands upon not only the history but the lore of the world of The Labyrinth.  Just brief glimpses in to the past and behind the mirror’s surface, but fascinating all the while. 

The artwork and story craft is on such a beautiful pedestal. All of these creators build their own sense of flair and passion to the canvas and it is jaw dropping. 




For newcomers and old fans alike Labyrinth: Under The Spell is so enjoyable. One of my favorite parts is actually before the stories ever happen and that is the silhouetted art that happens in the first few pages of the book. I was hooked before it even started!

Images Provided Courtesy Of Boom! Studios. 





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