Archie Comics Reviews - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Wed, 18 May 2022 22:12:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Archie Comics Reviews - DC Comics News 32 32 Indie Comics Review: The Fox: Family Values Wed, 18 May 2022 13:00:58 +0000 Indie Comics Review: The Fox: Family Values #1[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Archie Comics Writers: Dean…

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Indie Comics Review: The Fox: Family Values #1
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Archie Comics

Writers: Dean Haspiel,  Vito Delsante and Alex Toth
Art: Dean Haspiel, Richard Ortiz and Alex Toth
Colors: Matt Herms and Alex Toth
Letters: Jack Morelli and Alex Toth

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd


The Fox returns in a one-shot with two news stories spotlighting the importance of family and the third tale is by the legendary Alex Toth!


It’s almost unfair to include the Alex Toth reprint in The Fox: Family Values #1 as he is one of the best to ever draw comics and the two Fox stories he did for Red Circle Comics (Archie Comics super-hero imprint at the time) are two of the best stories the company ever published.  The story here first appeared in The Black Hood #2, and though it’s nearly 40 years old, it remains a “how to” do comics.  Toth is a master and it’s hard not to love his unique approach to characters.  Toth was an economical artist that got more out of a line than anyone.  It’s not hard to see his influence on an artist like Dean Haspiel.  When I read this story when it first came out in 1983 I desperately wanted Toth to do a Fox series.  We only got two stories, but these stories are hard to beat.  Toth infuses fun, humor, action, adventure, and character throughout.  Additionally, his craft is demonstrated in his layouts, framing, and ability to lead your eye in just the right way.  

Toth’s approach to the character set the tone for the recent Fox stories over the past ten years by Dean Haspiel and Mark Waid.  Though the Archie Comics superhero characters come and go every few years- The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield one-shot came out last June-  there’s been some traction with Haspiel’s Fox.  Toth introduced the quirky fun element to the character that Haspiel has used in his stories.  The two new stories in The Fox: Family Values #1 owe a lot to this.  In “Mid-Life Pisces,” the Fox Family shows how balance is necessary for relationships and how one has to embrace who they are, no matter what weirdness may result.  It’s a story about being who you are and making it work for you and not letting others define who you are, especially if you are trying to do the right thing.

“Back to Back” is the stronger of the two new stories, it’s a little more concise and directed.  We get the action and excitement along with a touch of weirdness.  This story delineates the pre-marital adventure of Paul and Mae (The Fox and She-Fox) as they come to terms with how their relationship will work with Paul’s life as a superhero.  


At times the two new stories seem to veer into Deadpool territory, but they wisely don’t cross that line.  If anything, the characters need a longer arc.  Toth is able to do something with just one character, but the new stories try to bring in both Mae and the fox-spring (offspring!), Shinji.  It’s great to see the family together, but it may be more effective to put a little more focus on the Fox if we are only getting a one-shot.  And, sadly, this is a one-shot.  Please, tell Archie Comics we need more super-hero content, they’ve got a significant stable of characters that deserve the exposure.  Consistent exposure.


The Fox: Family Values #1 is without a doubt a fun issue with some heart.  It’s little more than a tease as it is a one-shot and there is only one more archival Toth story to track down.  Nevertheless, the Toth reprint is worth it for this issue alone, and the new material is fun and entertaining.  It’s not your standard superhero comic, but we need variety in comics, don’t we?


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Indie Comics Review: Chilling Adventures in Sorcery #1 Wed, 10 Nov 2021 15:41:01 +0000 Indie Comics Review: Chilling Adventures in Sorcery #1[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Archie Comics Writers: Eliot…

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Indie Comics Review: Chilling Adventures in Sorcery #1
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Archie Comics

Writers: Eliot Rahal, Evan Stanley, Amy Chu, Pat and Tim Kennedy
Art: Vincenzo Federici, Evan Stanley, Derek Charm, Pat and Tim Kennedy, Bob Smith
Colors: Matt Herms
Letters: Jack Morelli

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd


Archie Comics embarks on a horror anthology with a trio of tales that pits the denizens of Riverdale and Greendale against the forces of darkness (with a little humor for good measure!).


With Archie Comics horror successes Afterlife with Archie and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, it’s no surprise that the company would produce an anthology comic in the genre.  The classic Archie characters have proven to be quite malleable, also appearing in the Twin Peaks inspired Riverdale TV show whilst still appearing monthly in classic form in the digest sized comics and occasional standard floppies.  Chilling Adventures in Sorcery #1 is a One-Shot standard sized comic book and while the title may make contemporary readers think of the similarly titled Sabrina series, the title was originally used in the ’70’s under Archie’s Red Circle Comics imprint for a horror anthology overseen by the legendary Gray Morrow (who produced most of the stories as well!).  This gives the book a little sense of history, and the stories lend themselves to a bit of nostalgia, as well.

The callbacks don’t end there- the issue is framed by a Madam Satan tale that recalls the Crypt Keeper and the Old Witch from EC Comics horror titles of the 1950’s.  Instead of simply being the host, she actually has a story of her own that weaves in and out of the other tales.   This demonstrates that there’s a lot more of her story to be told and I don’t think it’s out of bounds to suggest a Madam Satan ongoing solo title to explore more of her backstory.  In this issue we get glimpses that allude to an interesting past.  Last year’s One-Shot was not enough!

Positives Cont’d

Besides appearing in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina comic and Netflix series, Madam Satan is a Golden Age character from the company’s days as MLJ Comics.  Along the way she meets some familiar lost souls in the mostly recognizable forms of Archie Andrews and Jughead Jones.  Here these familiar characters get a horror makeover.  Both tales have a Twilight Zone feel to them with the Jughead story being an outright homage to Rod Serling’s classic television series.

The art styles in Chilling Adventures in Sorcery #1 let the reader know that this is NOT classic Archie tales one might find in an Archie Halloween Special.  Instead they are much more realistic approach with some gruesome aspects, including splattered blood.  Despite this, the Archie characters will still be familiar in characterization even if they are in situations that wouldn’t normally fit.  It’s a fun approach with the fun and clever being emphasized over the horror, though there’s no doubt that they are clearly set in the horror genre.  This includes a little bit of humor as seen in Pat and Tim Kennedy’s gag strip that closes out the issue.  And, of course, Jughead suffers an ironic fate in his story that is both shocking, horrifying and humorous all at the same time.  The stories don’t dwell on the horror elements for long, however Madam Satan might give the young nightmares.


If there’s a negative for this comic, it’s simply that Archie Comics has the vision and talent to produce a straight horror anthology that wouldn’t rely on the familiar Archie characters.  There’s nothing wrong with what we get in this comic, but there is a feeling that Archie can go further.  Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is itself rooted much deeper in the horror genre and there’s no reason that mood and tone couldn’t spill over into a title more akin to Gray Morrow’s take on Chilling Adventures in Sorcery in the ’70’s.


Chilling Adventures in Sorcery #1 straddles the line between horror and the Archie characters.  While the book maintains the horror theme it never loses sight of the fun.  If you’re a fan of the characters it’s an enjoyable issue.  If you’re looking for the darker horror elements this will be lighter and not quite as chilling as its sound alike title featuring Sabrina.  All in all it’s a solid issue that demonstrates the potential of Archie Comics in the genre.


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Indie Comics Review: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #9 Thu, 14 Oct 2021 02:08:49 +0000 Indie Comics Review: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #9[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Archie Comics (Archie Horror)…

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Indie Comics Review: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #9
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Archie Comics (Archie Horror)

Writer: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Art: Robert Hack
Colors: Robert Hack
Letters: Jack Morelli

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd


Sabrina must make a harrowing decision in order to keep what she thinks is Harvey’s soul from returning to the dead.  Things don’t get any easier for the Teenage Witch in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #9.


It all starts with Robert Hack’s homage cover to the first appearance of Sabrina as drawn by Dan DeCarlo in Archie’s Madhouse #22.  The word balloon on the cover acknowledges that we have had a big gap since issue #8, cover-dated October 2017!  It’s a great homage and it’s a playful tease with the reader.  The first page also acknowledges the gap as it catches readers up on “The Story So Far….”  It’s a nice refresher for returning readers, but it’s also a perfect device that allows new readers to jump in and understand exactly what’s going on.  

The story continues to add twist upon twist as Sabrina has to make the decision to take a life in order to keep the resurrected Harvey (Sabrina’s boyfriend) alive.  Of course, if you read the first page you know that Sabrina thinks it’s Harvey, the truth is far more disturbing.  Aguirre-Sacasa works a magical balancing act as we continue to like Sabrina and root for her despite the further down the path of witchery that she travels.  There is certainly a theme in all the different iterations of Sabrina that holds this central question, “Aren’t witches essentially evil?” 

Positives Cont’d

Robert Hack’s art is beautiful.  He handles pencils, inks, and colors and it is truly stunning to look at.  The colors appear to be inspired by a sepia tone effect with browns and yellows dominating the backgrounds.  The main characters have pops of bright red or blue but otherwise remain nearly monochromatic with the background creating a unique and bleak look for the comic.  It works masterfully!  Additionally, there’s just enough gore to remind you that it’s a horror comic to contrast with the usual day-to-day look of the scenes.

Archie Comics veteran Jack Morelli even gets in on the act as he tailors his lettering style to fit the series.  It’s smaller and appears unobtrusive to enhance that everyday facade instead of going for a garish over-the-top expressive approach that would detract from the intimacy between the characters.

The look and tone of the series are clearly descendants of EC Comics Crime and Horror comics of the 1950s and the Warren Magazines, Creepy and Eerie of the ’70s.  Archie in its Red Circle Comics imprint of the ’70s attempted this as well, so there is a clear lineage at Archie Comics for this type of book.  This team is doing fantastic work!  And, we can’t forget to give Archie Comics a point for continuing the numbering in lieu of starting over with a new #1!


The only possible negative for this is the long delays between issues, but even that is mitigated mostly by “The Story So Far…” which leads off the issue.


Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #9 is another outstanding comic book.  Each issue has built on the previous to take the reader down a dark and mysterious path with Sabrina Spellman.  If you like horror comics with a heart and brain, this is a series you should be reading.  This is one of those series that transcends the medium and it deserves that extra 6th rating out of 5.  Now, if Jon Goldwater can just chain up Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Robert Hack in a basement somewhere so they can knock out about 25 or 30 more issues…


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Indie Comics Review: The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1 Wed, 30 Jun 2021 14:00:48 +0000 Indie Comics Review: The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Archie Comics Story and…

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Indie Comics Review: The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1
Mighty Crusaders The Shield 1 DC Comics News[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Archie Comics

Story and Art: Rob Liefeld
Script: David Gallaher
Letters: Jack Moreilli

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd


Who is the Shield?  Is it Joe Higgins?  Is it William Higgins?  Is it Lancelot Strong?  Is it Victoria Adams?  They all may be, but why must Joe Higgins die at the hands of the Mighty Crusaders?


As a long time fan of the MLJ/Archie Adventure/Mighty Comics/Red Circle/ Impact Comics/Dark Circle characters, the very existence of The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1 is cause for excitement.  There hasn’t been an incarnation of these characters that hasn’t stirred me since I first discovered them back in 1983 when I picked up The All-New Adventures of the Mighty Crusaders #2 new off the stands.  I had no idea of the history of the characters at the time and now that it’s been another nearly forty years, there’s even more history to fold into the characters.  This might be the most single pleasing aspect of The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1.  This issue takes into account ALL the myriad version, reboots, alternate takes.  While it is not wholly inclusive, it acknowledges that there have been multiple versions over the past 81 years since the Shield’s debut in Pep Comics #1.

Mighty Crusaders The Shield 1 DC Comics News

While the title of the issue makes it clear that The Shield is the star, it isn’t clear that the original version may not be the true hero of the tale.  That’s left unclear as we not only see the Impact Comics version amongst others, but also the more recent Dark Circle version, Victoria Adams- Daughter of the Revolution.  While many of the incarnations of these characters were never developed into their potential, the Dark Circle versions are probably the poster child of unrealized potential.  The Dark Circle version of the Web never even saw print!  But, what a great concept it was!  Victoria Adams is one of those concepts that breathed new life into a classic character while not treading over the original.  She’s a real treat to see here and it’s a real joy to think that she’s got a future and not just unrealized potential. 

Mighty Crusaders The Shield 1 DC Comics News

Positives Cont’d

So how are all these versions joined together?  Well, without being too spoilery, I’ll just leave it that The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1 does seem to promise a sorting out of all these incarnations.  

Mighty Crusaders The Shield 1 DC Comics News

As for the story itself, it is tinged with mystery, but it is mostly a character analysis of the Impact Comics version of the Shield as well as a bit of a treatise on the concept of the character in all it’s incarnations including a truly obscure reference to the Canadian version!  It works well enough, and Rob Liefeld’s art isn’t over the top like it could be.  It feels like there’s some restraint on his part at work and it serves the story well.  He captures the visual essence of each individual character with perhaps a nod to their appearances in their native iterations.

Mighty Crusaders The Shield 1 DC Comics News


The controversy surrounding the dismissal of Liefeld of scripting this issue hangs heavy.   While it’s not really clear what Liefeld’s script included that Gallaher has eliminated, one can’t help but wonder how different it would be.  Gallaher’s script reads like a love letter to the characters, so what did Liefeld intend? At some point this will come out, surely.  But for now it simply is what it is.

Mighty Crusaders The Shield 1 DC Comics News

There is the unfortunate sense that despite an mysterious epic event being imminent, this could be it for these characters until the copyright needs to be reaffirmed.  It does leave one with a real taste of the unfinished.  And, that’s the most serious negative…Is this it?  Surely, there will be more…soon?  Hopefully?  Please?


The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1 promises a lot and delivers on just enough to be good starting point.  Rob Liefeld’s story and art introduces the new reader while not overwhelming.  This overall approach allows the reader to focus on one character and one concept while at the same time understanding there’s a lot of history behind these characters.  It’s a good entry point for readers unfamiliar with any version and a fun bit of nostalgia for those with some level of previous knowledge.  Let’s all go out and buy this so Archie Comics will continue the series!

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Archie Comics Review: World of Archie Comics Double Digest #104 Wed, 04 Nov 2020 14:02:01 +0000 Archie Comics Review: World of Archie Comics Double Digest #104[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Dan Parent…

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Archie Comics Review: World of Archie Comics Double Digest #104
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Dan Parent

Art: Dan Parent & Bob Smith

Colors: Glenn Whitmore

Letters: Jack Morelli

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd


It’s Christmas at Pop’s Chok’lit Shoppe…so what’s the real story behind the mysterious Christmas Tree Ornament?  Betty? Veronica? Jughead? Chuck?


It’s great that Archie Comics still produces new material in the classic format.  As good as the current Archie is, there will always be a place for the classic approach to these characters.  Who doesn’t enjoy a laugh and a smile?  

It’s a classic case of misremembering in the lead story to World of Archie Comics Double Digest #104.  Each member of the gang has a different memory of creating the special ornament for Pop.  As the story unfolds, we get a number accounts of the creation of the ornament.  Parent channels each character’s perspective masterfully! 

Even though, this is a short humor feature, Parent understands the importance of focusing on character, be it Betty, Veronica or Chuck.  While it’s the ending that makes us laugh, it’s the characters that draw us in.  This isn’t the Twin Peaks Riverdale of the current television show, but the jovial town and inhabitants that have populated the Archie feature since 1941

Positives Cont’d

The ending of course is the “surprise” that the ornament is unrecognizable to the gang, but to Pop, it is a wonderful reminder of said gang.  It doesn’t really matter to Pop who made it or how it was made.  What matters to him is the intent ( it’s the thought that counts) and that it reminds him of the gang, no matter what it looks like or the exact provenance.  Parent finds a way to touch on real human emotion and the spirit of Christmas.

Parent, Smith and Whitmore deliver on what you expect from the art in a classic style Archie story.  Recognizable characters in the classic style with vibrant colors that entertain kids from 1 to 92.  The issue is filled out with numerous stories from the Archie Comics archives that will put the same smile on your face…and probably your kid’s face too…!


The only negative is that we don’t get proper floppies in the classic Archie style anymore.  It’s great that the digests are still available and at grocery stores and the like, but there’s a special feeling to holding a traditional floppy in your hand.



If you want to smile, be entertained and lose yourself in an hour of pure fun, World of Archie Comics Double Digest #104 is going to be for you!  Don’t be afraid to let take yourself back to a simpler approach, there’s a real message in there as well.  These stories remind you that people are what’s important even in their humorous approach to the World of Archie.

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Review: Vampironica: New Blood #4 Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:51:03 +0000 Review: Vampironica:  New Blood # 4   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Frank Tieri…

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Review: Vampironica:  New Blood # 4


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Frank Tieri and Michael Moreci

Artists: Audrey Mok and Joe Eisma

Colors: Matt Herms and Ryan Jampole

Letters: Jack Morelli

Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“I personally can’t think of a better reason to go on a suicide mission to try and kill a centuries old vampire guy!” – Fangs

The clock is ticking on Veronica Lodge as she learns the terrible secrets hidden deep in her family’s history-and comes to understand that her horrifying past isn’t as distant as she’d like. Now, if she wants to keeps her family and friends safe, Veronica will face her most chilling challenge yet.


Frank Tieri  has been treating Archie characters with an amazing amount of respect and homage for the squeaky clean images of long ago.  However, his amalgamation of Veronica Lodge with Vampirella  (Famous Monster fans will know her!) has been nothing short of genius.  Tieri’s dark Riverdale works in a big way.

Vampironica: New Blood pretty much picks up where she’s left off after Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica.  New Blood reveals that Verionica has  been lied to her whole life and she’s actually descended from Sir Francis Lodge, the notorious pirate and the most evil vampire who’s ever lived.

Issue #4 is the conclusion of the New Blood chapter for Veronica/Vamperonica.  Archie and Betty’s scenes are very minimal in that they reveal to Veronica that her father, Hiram Lodge, has instructed Fangs and his “Lost Boys Lite” to destroy Sir Francis Lodge.

Veronica learns from her father that Sir Francis Lodge, an “apex” vampire, is in Riverdale to hunt her, but she also learns from her father that she is an apex vampire capable of consuming and controlling other vampires.

Turns out Veronica is an anomaly in the vampire world, and while Fangs and his crew doesn’t like it, they need Veronica to lead them to get rid of the greater evil.

This information exchange with her father doesn’t sit well as she doesn’t want anyone or any vampire in the cross fire of what Sir Francis Lodge can do.

Needless to say, a confrontation occurs at a school dance.  If you have been reading any of these Tieri books, you know that is the worst place you can send your teenagers in Riverdale.

No spoilers here, but cue the “On the Road Again” theme music as Veronica is on the hunt.  Another series in her saga seems to be on the horizon.

Audrey Mok and Joe Eisma give us what we would expect from a darker portrayal of the Riverdale characters.  But with a name akin to Vampirilla, you expect a Trina Robbins treatment to this new incarnation of Veronica!


Tieri has a darker version of Veronica, which eclipses Archie and Betty.  In fact, Archie and the other regulars have melted away in Veronica’s shadow.  And why not?  This is not Scooby-Doo and the Gang.  And Tieri has really hitched his wagon to the darker Riverdale.

But it’s a shame to let Archie and others in on the monster re-boot of powers.  Or maybe that is to come.

Finally, the dialogue is drawn out……a……lot…..!  I’m not a fan of explaining what the artist has rendered.  Comic audiences are smart.  And Tieri has written Wolverine before, so give us some credit!


As I have read Famous Monsters and Vampirella and I have also read Archie in the past, I never thought those worlds would collide.  However, here we are with Vampironica really gaining some traction.  At first, I thought it would be ketchup and ice cream – two great things that have no business being together.  But actually, this works really well!

And I hope Tieri keeps pumping these out as its time for Archie to hit more of a mainstream in both mystery and horror!  And it really is time for Archie to garner some attention to in this world…wonder if he will be a mummy as Jughead has already been a werewolf?


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Archie Comics Review: Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #5 Thu, 17 Oct 2019 01:59:55 +0000 Review: Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #5   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Frank…

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Review: Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #5



[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Frank Tieri

Artists: Pat and Tim Kennedy and Joe Eisma

Colors: Lee Loughridge

Letters: Jack Morelli


Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“Man!  The world is about to end and Jughead is getting all the action!” – Archie as he watches Jughead kiss both Veronica and Betty

Jughead: The Hunger vs Vampironica #5: Jughead Jones from his werewolf timeline and Veronica Lodge from her vampire timeline have met!  And they actually have hit it off pretty well!  That is a good thing as it will take both of them to restore realities balance as the Anti-Christ’s daughter, Jinx Holliday, has set all the timelines out of balance reading from the Book of Lucifer!  However, Sabrina Spellman has tasked Archie and his friends with finding a spell book located at Riverdale High which will aid her in casting a spell to set things right again.  Betty, along with her fellow werewolf hunting cousin, Bo, are in for more action as a pack of vampires are not so keen on all of this mayhem ending.

It’s Archie and his friends as you have never seen them in the conclusion of Jughead the Hunger versus Vampironica!





This is the conclusion of writer Frank Tieri’s amazing retelling combining of a LOT of Archie timelines to acknowledge the history that Archie writers have provided audiences.  It also turns the corner to acknowledge some old versions of Famous Monster magazines and Vampirella  that older readers may be longing for as DC has been acknowledging the Monster City within Gotham City.  And Archie comics, along with Scooby Doo Apocalypse, has been turning to a darker version of Riverdale.

A battle for Riverdale in Riverdale High…just what a good Stephen King book would order.  And Tieri doesn’t disappoint with Veronica getting to know she was descended from a long line of sadistic vampires.  A spell book for Sabrina and Jughead gets to play the handsome hero.  Archie may not like this timeline, but it works for this reviewer!

I hope Tieri will maintain this combination of a werewolf, vampire and witch story.  I am not sure how Archie really fits in as he seems to be the one who has no powers to rely upon.  Maybe he is the moral compass, but Tieri really turns him into an obnoxious Reggie in this final one.



The events in this comic erase some elements to give forth a Marvel feel of when Thanos snapped his fingers.  It’s a good method to give writers and characters a break, and to start a new.  It’s a common writer tool and it might help this franchise even more as Jughead, Betty, and Archie are missing now.  And Pops is not looking so good behind the counter of his soda shop!



As I have read Famous Monsters and Vampirella and I have also read Archie in the past, I never thought those worlds would collide.  However, here we are with Jughead: The Hunger vs Vampironica #5 and it’s not a bad taste in the mouth.  At first, I thought it would be ketchup and ice cream – two great things that have no business being together.  But actually, this works really well!  And I hope Tieri keeps pumping these out as its time for Archie to hit more of a mainstream in both mystery and horror!


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Archie Comics Review: Archie vs. Predator II #2 Fri, 27 Sep 2019 13:27:55 +0000 Archie Comics Review: Archie vs. Predator II #2   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer:  Alex…

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Archie Comics Review: Archie vs. Predator II #2


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer:  Alex de Campi

Artists:  Robert Hack

Colors:  Kelly Fitzpatrick

Letters:    Jack Morelli


Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“Which one of you is dating your Archie right now?” –  The Brighter Riverdale Veronica to the Darker Riverdale Veronica and Betty.
Betty, Veronica, and Predator-Archie have been left in the wreckage of their town, all their friends dead. Normally, they’d just go down Memory Lane and get home again where everything’s okay, but that’s no longer an option. It isn’t until they find an undamaged car and drive it down a different road where they can finally return to Riverdale—but their hometown feels different. And it’s made even more bizarre when they come face-to-face with a few people they’d never expect: themselves. Only different, newer versions. Little do they know, Predators on Mars are watching them—planning their next attack

After the shocking ending of the first issue, Archie-Predator, Betty, and Veronica come face to face with… themselves!? Will these two different versions of the Riverdale gang be able to get along?  They may be forced to as danger isn’t far behind whenever there’s a Predator involved!



The television series Riverdale has inspired the comic inhabitants of Riverdale to branch out from their roots and go a bit on the wild side.  That being said, if Scooby Doo and the Gang can embrace an Apocalypse.  Then Archie, Jughead, Veronica, and Betty can face…A Predator?

The art is spot on!  Robert Hack has never drawn a better foursome in this book and both Dark and Bright Riverdale gangs are on point!  In fact, it is good to see Archie have an updated haircut rather than the retro “two balls of hair in the front” Archie that the Predator is portraying.

Speaking of the Predator…this one is a bit soft as he did slay a lot of the inhabitants of Riverdale, but always sunny Betty explains that he now wants to stay in this dimension and not go back to his hive.  I always thought that Betty and Veronica were cute….but wow!!!

Alex de Campi does a great job of allowing the Predator to communicate through emojis.  And to use the communication helmet as a way to interpret what the Predator is warning them about…pretty clever.

Holy Stephen King and Carrie!  Is there no high school dance that is ever safe?  What a blood bath when the other Predators arrive?  Are we to believe that the Archie Predator will defend both Riverdale gangs?  Or will he join in the fray as he did in Issue 1?



The jury is still out!  Alex de Campi works his magic on an open slate of a universe.  This is not malt shop and hot rod comic.  This is darker Riverdale with a Predator influence.  I guess it’s like the first time anyone thought about bringing chocolate and peanut butter together?  That’s a good thing!  But it can get too campy and it becomes ketchup and ice cream…two great things to eat, but a really odd taste when mixed together!


I like the concept as it is “far-fetched”.  It really is bubble gum for the brain as you read it!  But I can’t get over Robert Hack’s art!  His pencils deserve to hit some more major characters.  Here’s hoping this Riverdale gang either finds infinity stones or different versions of kryptonite so they can become an Archie Fantastic Four!  I’d love to see Hack draw that!


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Archie Comics Review: Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #4 Tue, 03 Sep 2019 16:32:46 +0000 Review: Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #4   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Frank…

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Review: Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #4



[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Frank Tieri

Artists: Pat and Tim Kennedy and Joe Eisma

Colors: Lee Loughridge

Letters: Jack Morelli


Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“It doesn’t work that way Ronnie.  I can’t turn it off and on like some kind of furry light switch!”  Jughead to Vamperonica about his Werewolf powers.

Jughead and Vampironica now know how to set their respective realities right thanks to a most unexpected guest star—and the solution involves the very haunted history of Riverdale itself! The question is, have they bitten off more than they can chew (pun intended) as the newly arrived hordes of vampires try to end them both?




Writer Frank Tieri does an exemplary job of framing this issue of Jughead:  The Hunger versus Vampironica.  Older fans of Archie will remember classic tales of Archie and his back and forth romances between Veronica and Betty with Jughead, Moose, and Reggie rounding out the “gang”.  Simple stories with moral tales on good behavior.  And with all rebooting, especially given the recent Riverdale series, we now have Jughead as a werewolf and Veronica as Vampironica.  Older fans will remember magazines such as Famous Monster magazine and Vampirella 


We now see that Archie has embraced that genre and has done it surprisingly well!  I like the fact that Sabrina (Spoiler Alert) is there to alert this version of Archie, Jughead, Veronica and Betty that there are “other worlds than these” and artists Pat and Tim Kennedy provide a glimpse of all the old Archie incarnations that readers used to pick up at Drug Store comic racks.  But Sabrina places these four in a combat position of having to battle Satan and Jinx (Satan’s daughter and the Anti-Christ)!

Wow!  Were we not simply attending Riverdale High and deciding what type of milkshake we were going to order at Pop’s Soda Fountain.  This escalated quickly!

However, this format works.  We all love an alternate reality and Tieri doubles down on the memories of the old fans while creating new conundrums for this gang!  It’s not Scooby-Doo.  It’s much richer!




As with anything these days, the multiverse story line can be played out!  However, this one should be tried as the writing is strong and the premise looks to reward in further issues.  I did not enjoy switching artists midway in the book.  That is too abrupt!  Give Joe Eisma his own issue, if needed, but stay constant in the pencilling!  It was a distraction to this reviewer!

Bo Cooper…”I’ll pump you full of silver!”  C’mon…not sure where this fits into Betty’s canon, but I guess we will allow the gun toting “Yosimite Sam” zombie killer into the ring!



As I have read Famous Monsters and Vampirella and I have also read Archie in the past, I never thought those worlds would collide.  However, here we are and it’s not a bad taste in the mouth.  At first, I thought it would be ketchup and ice cream – two great things that have no business being together.  But actually, this works really well!  So buckle up with a rocky road milk shake…Jughead may need a future flea collar. Definitely put this on your purchase list!  And grab some back issues if you can!


The post Archie Comics Review: Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #4 appeared first on DC Comics News.

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