In this exclusive interview we chat with artist Aaron S Bailey about his upcoming project, Night of the Batman.
The internet has been abuzz with the announcement that Mr. Bailey is working on a film inspired by Ben Affleck’s Batman. Bailey’s been keeping DC fans in the loop over Twitter sharing images of the project and there’s been a great deal of support and positive sentiment towards it. We were privileged to get an insight into his work, what inspired the idea, and we also have an exclusive image further down of the Dark Knight himself.
A.S.B (Aaron S Bailey) First of all, thank you for letting me talk about this project! I’m Aaron, a freelance artist and photographer. I’ve had a passion for storytelling and film making most of my life and eventually that led me to making art of my favourite movies and tv shows. I started VERY rough and taught myself photoshop and various 3D software skills. That’s what eventually gave me the idea to use these skills to tell a story about (in my opinion) the greatest on-screen Batman.
A.S.B The same as many people, I was disappointed we never got the Batman film that Ben Affleck was working on. I did like Matt Reeves take very much but part of me still wanted back story or a fleshing out on the DCEU version of the character.I’ve also been a part of the ‘Snyderverse’ movement since 2017 and in that time I’ve made some amazing friends, made memories and eventually that got me to meet Zack himself. That was a huge push for me to pursue this project and give not only me but all of Affleck’s Batman fans something special.
A.S.B Absolutely, I’m taking the framework Zack started and using that to tell a story set before BVS about a particularly dark time for this version of Batman. I didn’t want to use the idea or outline involving Deathstroke (I still have hope for that film to be made) but rather to tell my own story at a different time.

The Batman, in #NightOfTheBatman
A.S.B I think a huge inspiration for me from Zack is Watchmen. That film so perfectly captured the less than glamorous side of being a Superhero, it’s a tragedy told in a hyper stylized world.
That is very much where we find Bruce in my story, on a path that will lead to where we find his character in BVS.
A.S.B Massive. That’s why I’m pulling in people from the community to help, I want different perspectives and ideas to shine through in the final product.
A.S.B The scope and story has definitely changed since announcing this so I’m currently revising my script to match the huge interaction from the community. One aspect that I haven’t revealed is that we will in fact see Dick Grayson in this story. I’ll save ‘the how’ for later but as you can imagine it’s probably not in a happy way.
A.S.B I’m currently only casting a few select roles right now due to availability but my main goal is to match voices fairly closely with established characters.
A.S.B The release will be over a period of time (the time frame is TBA) and will be fully voiced and scored motion panels!
Leave a comment below on your thoughts on the upcoming project. Be sure to follow Mr. Bailey on Twitter here
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