Fan Films - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:07:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fan Films - DC Comics News 32 32 Exclusive Interview: Aaron Bailey talks “Night Of the Batman” Thu, 26 Jan 2023 06:28:28 +0000 In this exclusive interview we chat with artist Aaron S Bailey about his upcoming project, Night of…

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Aaron S Bailey dc comics newsIn this exclusive interview we chat with artist Aaron S Bailey about his upcoming project, Night of the Batman.

The internet has been abuzz with the announcement that Mr. Bailey is working on a film inspired by Ben Affleck’s Batman. Bailey’s been keeping DC fans in the loop over Twitter sharing images of the project and there’s been a great deal of support and positive sentiment towards it. We were privileged to get an insight into his work, what inspired the idea, and we also have an exclusive image further down of the Dark Knight himself.

DCN (DC Comics News)  Tell us a bit about you, your background and your journey so far.
A.S.B (Aaron S Bailey) First of all, thank you for letting me talk about this project! I’m Aaron, a freelance artist and photographer. I’ve had a passion for storytelling and film making most of my life and eventually that led me to making art of my favourite movies and tv shows. I started VERY rough and taught myself photoshop and various 3D software skills. That’s what eventually gave me the idea to use these skills to tell a story about (in my opinion) the greatest on-screen Batman.
DCN For those fans who are not across the news, you’re creating a realistic comic set ‘Night of the Batman’ an original take on the stand alone Ben Affleck Batman movie. It’s going to be set in the Snyderverse. Why did you take on the project? What were the triggers to get it off the ground?
A.S.B The same as many people, I was disappointed we never got the Batman film that Ben Affleck was working on. I did like Matt Reeves take very much but part of me still wanted back story or a fleshing out on the DCEU version of the character.
I’ve also been a part of the ‘Snyderverse’ movement since 2017 and in that time I’ve made some amazing friends, made memories and eventually that got me to meet Zack himself. That was a huge push for me to pursue this project and give not only me but all of Affleck’s Batman fans something special.
DCN What’s your approach to the story? Are you extending on what Snyder has created?
A.S.B  Absolutely, I’m taking the framework Zack started and using that to tell a story set before BVS about a particularly dark time for this version of Batman. I didn’t want to use the idea or outline involving Deathstroke (I still have hope for that film to be made) but rather to tell my own story at a different time.
Night of the Batman DC Comics News

The Batman, in #NightOfTheBatman

DCN Are there any other sources of inspiration you’re drawing on separate from Snyder’s work?
A.S.B  I think a huge inspiration for me from Zack is Watchmen. That film so perfectly captured the less than glamorous side of being a Superhero, it’s a tragedy told in a hyper stylized world.
That is very much where we find Bruce in my story, on a path that will lead to where we find his character in BVS.
DCN How much of an influence to produce the story were the fans?
A.S.B  Massive. That’s why I’m pulling in people from the community to help, I want different perspectives and ideas to shine through in the final product.
DCN Can you share any insights into the story that you already haven’t shared online that will get the fans excited?
A.S.B The scope and story has definitely changed since announcing this so I’m currently revising my script to match the huge interaction from the community. One aspect that I haven’t revealed is that we will in fact see Dick Grayson in this story. I’ll save ‘the how’ for later but as you can imagine it’s probably not in a happy way.
DCN How have you gone about the selection process for the cast? What attributes are you looking for?
A.S.B  I’m currently only casting a few select roles right now due to availability but my main goal is to match voices fairly closely with established characters.
DCN Can you share any artwork with us that the fans haven’t seen yet – we will feature these in the article for the fans to see.
DCN What can the fans expect with the story, will all four parts be released at once or over a time line?
A.S.B The release will be over a period of time (the time frame is TBA) and will be fully voiced and scored motion panels!

Leave a comment below on your thoughts on the upcoming project. Be sure to follow Mr. Bailey on Twitter here 

You can find commentary online via #NightOfTheBatman and follow our news here

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‘In Blackest Night Out’ Smash Hit Green Lantern Fan Film Hits YouTube Tue, 05 Oct 2021 15:23:51 +0000 In Blackest Night Out, the fan film that wowed audiences in Las Vegas, and with its very…

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In Blackest Night Out, the fan film that wowed audiences in Las Vegas, and with its very own international watch party, has now joined its predecessor, In Brightest Day Off on the world’s biggest, brightest, and best social video platform, YouTube.

For over eight decades comics fans have thrilled to the adventures of their favorite superheroes, but writer/director/actor B.Z. Cullins made two great shorts that broke conventions by showing us what these super-powered stars might do on a well-earned day off, or a night out with friends.

For international audiences who may not have been able to attend the Vegas screenings, or the on-line watch party, here are both those great fan films, for your viewing pleasure!

In Brightest Day Off

Viewing these movies is free, but please help spread the word and support future projects by heading to the In Blackest Night Out website, picking up some ultra cool merchandise and sending an RSVP to register your interest in viewing the next film in the series, No Evil Shall Escape My Sight!

In Blackest Night Out

You can follow B.Z. Cullins and his projects on Facebook, Twitter, and all over the web. Believe me, you won’t regret it!

Though In Blackest Night Out is roughly fifteen minutes in length, it has everything you would expect from a major motion picture – an all-star SAG-AFTRA cast, a music score, a soundtrack featuring established – as well as up-and-coming artists, music videos, movie merchandise, and it received a premiere at Las Vegas’ hippest new movie theater located in the heart of the city’s Art District. This is the short’s first stop as it heads out to the world stage via international film festivals.

Images and Video Content Courtesy of ReJoyce Media film, Para Bellum Productions LLC. and Rising Again Productions. Photos by Robert Swapp Photography. Graphics and Apparel by Rhyme and Reason International and W.E.A.R. Media Group. Green Lantern Images and Characters TM and Copyright DC Entertainment

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‘In Blackest Night Out’ Announces International Online Watch Party Mon, 05 Jul 2021 09:18:13 +0000 The Green Lantern film that took Las Vegas by storm last month is finally going online next…

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The Green Lantern film that took Las Vegas by storm last month is finally going online next week. Yes, by popular demand In Blackest Night Out will be streaming via zoom, thanks to overwhelming requests from fans, family, and friends. On Sunday July 11th the production companies and marketing team behind BZ Cullins’ vision will be hosting a Global Watch Party.

There are two times available to view:

12 noon and 8pm Pacific Time. (3pm and 11pm Eastern/8pm and 4am UK/9pm and 5am Central Europe).

Hopefully, these two times cross multiple time zones for ease of attendance.

Viewing the movie is free, but please help spread the word and support future projects by heading to the In Blackest Night Out website, picking up some ultra cool merchandise and sending an RSVP to register your interest in viewing the film.

Though In Blackest Night Out is roughly fifteen minutes in length, it has everything you would expect from a major motion picture – an all-star SAG-AFTRA cast, a music score, a soundtrack featuring established – as well as up-and-coming artists, music videos, movie merchandise, and it received a premiere at Las Vegas’ hippest new movie theater located in the heart of the city’s Art District. This is the short’s first stop as it heads out to the world stage via international film festivals.

Check out IMDb‘s synopsis:

When Earth’s Green Lanterns get together for a monthly pow-wow, someone wants to crash the party.

If you’ve ever wondered what Earth’s greatest do to relax (or attempt to, at any rate) then this is the film for you.

The In Blackest Night Out Soundtrack which features the movie’s title song sung by Karla Moscato, also has original music melodies by Belgian concert jazz pianist Bachot Muna, and other contributions by Eada Breax, Ray Prim, Prophit Child Paul, and JBo ½ of the YoungBloodz. This collaboration of beats is available now, across all digital platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Pandora, iHearRadio, and YouTube Music.


The In Blackest Night Out movie features the acting talents of BZ Cullins, TJ Wimbs, John McClain, Ally Rodriguez, Gary House, Mark Justice, and Gus Langley.

The movie’s themed merchandise along with music videos will be available through the In Blackest Night Out website.


In Blackest Night Out is a ReJoyce Media film presented by Para Bellum Productions, LLC based out of Las Vegas, Nevada in association with W.E.A.R. Media Group, Los Angeles, CA and Rising Again Productions.

Images Courtesy of ReJoyce Media film, Para Bellum Productions LLC. and Rising Again Productions. Photos by Robert Swapp Photography. Graphics and Apparel by Rhyme and Reason International and W.E.A.R. Media Group.

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‘In Blackest Night Out’ Lights Up Las vegas Sat, 26 Jun 2021 10:19:30 +0000 On June 25, 2021 Las Vegas’ Newest Destination Sensation The Art Houz Theater Hosted The In Blackest…

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On June 25, 2021 Las Vegas’ Newest Destination Sensation
The Art Houz Theater Hosted The
In Blackest Night Out
Fan Film Premiere and
BZ “The Voice” Cullins’ Vision Came to Fruition

When last we checked, BZ Cullins aka BZ ‘The Voice’ had just wrapped filming In Blackest Night Out, the second installment of his independent short film series inspired by DC Comics’ Green Lantern franchise. Cullins, a self-proclaimed “comic book nerd” imagines what his green-eyed crime stopping companions might do on a night off from superheroing.

Equipped with a riveting film, a soulful soundtrack, movie posters, and movie merchandise to boot – Cullins and crew, along with guests from all corners of the globe, descended upon the green carpet last night at Las Vegas’ hottest new luxury movie theater, The Art Houz, to premiere the highly anticipated fan film. Situated in the heart of the Las Vegas Art District, this hip new multi-level entertainment oasis is located at 814 S. 3rd Street Las Vegas, NV 89101. This carefully curated destination is also the home to some of the most exquisite fine art creations we have seen in some time.

As the visionary director of In Blackest Night Out, Cullins once again commandeered the talent at Rising Again Productions, led by Adriel Roman, (Director of Photography) and Edgar Alejandro, who accompanied the breakout director through his first fan film In Brightest Day Off to usher in the next chapter of his mind’s eye.

The In Blackest Night Out cast, which features BZ Cullins as ‘John Stewart,’ TJ Wimbs as ‘Hal Jordan,’ John McClain as ‘Allan Scott,’ Ally Rodriguez as ‘Jessica Cruz,’ Gary House as ‘Simon Baz,’ Mark Justice as ‘Kyle Rayner,’ and Gus Langley as ‘Guy Gardner,’ is a cinematic delight.

If that wasn’t enough, at 9:30pm, attendees were invited to help keep the festivities going during the cast’s afterparty which was held on the Art Houz’s recently renovated third floor, which overlooks the city’s entire Art District. Guests got to dance to beats from the movie’s own soundtrack featuring the In Blackest Night Out theme song by rapper Karla Moscato, original music melodies by Belgium jazz pianist Bachot Muna, and other contributions from Eada Breax, Ray Prim, Prophit Child Paul, and JBo of the YoungBloodz.

The In Blackest Night Out soundtrack is available on all music streaming outlets including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and iTunes.

Last night, Green Lantern fans owned the night in Las Vegas’ Art District.

The film’s signature branded apparel merchandise was available at the premiere and can still be obtained through the movie’s website at

Images and Press Release Courtesy of ReJoyce Media film presented by Para Bellum Productions, LLC in association with Rising Again Productions based out of Las Vegas, Nevada and WEAR Media Group, Los Angeles, CA. Other Images May Be Subject To Copyright

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‘In Blackest Night Out’ Fan Film Creator To Give Green Lantern Sequel Green Carpet Treatment Mon, 31 May 2021 09:21:24 +0000 In Blackest Night Out will be more than a sequel, as it will feature a veritable army…

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In Blackest Night Out will be more than a sequel, as it will feature a veritable army of GLs!

Back in January, I had the privilege of announcing a fan film project, Green Lantern: In Brightest Day Off; written, directed by, and starring a man who I’m now proud to call a friend; the wonderful BZ “The Voice” Cullins.

Now BZ is back, and this time he’s bringing his friends!

That’s right, we’ll be seeing John Stewart again, plus all of Earth’s Green Lanterns: Jessica Cruz, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Simon Baz… and more!

This month In Brightest Day Off had its first showing on the big screen, and on June 25th 2021, In Blackest Night Out will get the Green Carpet treatment.

Check out IMDb‘s synopsis:

When Earth’s Green Lanterns get together for a monthly pow-wow, someone wants to crash the party.

To me, it sounds like whoever wasn’t invited isn’t happy about being left out, and they’re green with envy…


Here’s the full press release, direct from ReJoyce Media film, Para Bellum Productions LLC. and Rising Again Productions:

The Vision of Actor
BZ Cullins
takes Comic Book Fan-films
to a New Level with
“In Blackest Night Out”

The Vision and The Voice

Filming for BZ Cullins’ second independent short film based on his inescapable passion for Green Lantern comic book lore, In Blackest Night Out, wrapped as scheduled during the wee hours last Saturday morning. Cullins, an avid fan of the DC Comics franchise, began penning scenarios about what key ‘Lantern’ superheroes might do, out of costume, in non-major motion picture situations a few years ago.


When asked what inspired his latest installment of what a group of ‘Lanterns’ might get up to on a night off from superheroing, Cullins replied:


“When it’s all said and done, I’m just a comic book head creating stories for other comic book heads, about our favorite characters.”


As fate would have it, Cullins’ idea hit home with fellow enthusiasts turned Executive Producers, Scott Harris (Para Bellum Productions) and newcomer Sherry West (West Entertainment Artists’ Resource). Harris and West came onboard alongside Cullins, bringing a unique set of skill sets to add to his vision, perhaps changing the trajectory and perception of short films during a time when movie-going suffered greatly at the hands of a global pandemic.


Though In Blackest Night Out is roughly fifteen minutes in length, it has everything you would expect from a major motion picture – an all-star SAG-AFTRA cast, a music score, a soundtrack featuring established – as well as up-and-coming artists, music videos, movie merchandise, and a premiere at Las Vegas’ hippest new movie theater located in the heart of the city’s Art District. This is the short’s first stop as it heads out to the world stage via international film festivals.


The “In Blackest Night Out” Soundtrack which features the movie’s title song sung by Karla Moscato, also has original music melodies by Belgian concert jazz pianist Bachot Muna, and other contributions by Eada Breax, Ray Prim, Prophit Child Paul, and JBo ½ of the YoungBloodz. This collaboration of beats drops on all digital platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Pandora, iHearRadio, and YouTube Music Today, May 31st 2021.


The In Blackest Night Out movie features the acting talents of BZ Cullins, TJ Wimbs, John McClain, Ally Rodriguez, Gary House, Mark Justice, and Gus Langley. The film will premiere at The Art Houz Theater, located at 814 S. 3rd Street Las Vegas, NV 89101on Friday, June 25th. The VIP premiere starts at 7 pm followed by 7:45, 8:30, 9:15, and 10:00 pm showings. The movie’s themed merchandise along with music videos will be available through the In Blackest Night Out website:

from June 21st.

In Blackest Night Out is a ReJoyce Media film presented by Para Bellum Productions, LLC based out of Las Vegas, Nevada in association with W.E.A.R. Media Group, Los Angeles, CA and Rising Again Productions.

Images Courtesy of ReJoyce Media film, Para Bellum Productions LLC. and Rising Again Productions. Photos by Robert Swapp Photography. Graphics and Apparel by Rhyme and Reason International and W.E.A.R. Media Group.

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‘In Brightest Day Off’ Green Lantern Fan Film Shines New Light On John Stewart Wed, 06 Jan 2021 11:13:56 +0000 Article by Steve J. Ray One of the greatest parts about writing for DC Comics News, Dark…

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Article by Steve J. Ray

BZ "The Voice" Cullins as John Stewart - In Brightest Day OffOne of the greatest parts about writing for DC Comics News, Dark Knight News and Fantastic Universes is getting to shout about great content made by fans.

Anyone who follows this site knows that I’m part of the amazing DC Comics News Podcast team, but I have another show, Superheroes For Dummies, that’s part of the brilliant Comics In Motion Podcast Network. Another CiM host is Mike Burton, who hosts a Star Wars comics show, but who also runs a podcast called Genuine Chit-Chat: Honest Conversations With Interesting People. I was fortunate enough to be a guest on episodes #108 and #109, which is where I met the amazing BZ “The Voice” Cullins.

Let me tell you about this guy.

BZ inspired me. Not only is he a respected voice actor, and voice acting coach already, but this Las Vegas resident is a bona-fide comics fan, and one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet.

And that voice…

BZ is a Green Lantern fan, particularly when it comes to John Stewart.

Some fans read comics, buy books, or watch TV shows. BZ Cullins is an actor, so he’s moved on from just  reading about John Stewart, or watching his adventures in animation… BZ Cullins has become John Stewart.

After creating a short – recorded entirely on his smart phone – BZ has gone on to create a fan film online, which is a passion project, and a completely new take on a Superhero fan movies.

Everybody knows the famous Green Lantern Oath:

In Brightest Day,
In Blackest Night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil’s might,
Beware My Power,
Green Lantern’s Light.

Now we get to see what happens on a superhero’s Brightest Day Off!

Green Lantern, Shayera Hall… so cool! Plus the added bonus of a sequel in the works, featuring every Sector 2814 GL! I cannot wait for In Blackest Night Out!

What do you think of In Brightest Day Off? Please let us know.

You can follow BZ “The Voice” Cullins on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and on IMDb.

The DC Comics News Podcast, Superheroes For Dummies, all the Comics In Motion shows, and Genuine Chit-Chat, can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, or Wherever you find podcasts.

Images May Be Subject To Copyright

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Bat In the Sun releasing “Batman: Dying is Easy” Fan Film Mon, 04 Jan 2021 02:32:23 +0000 Bat in the Sun is an independent self contained film and music production company who are known for…

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Bat in the Sun is an independent self contained film and music production company who are known for their amazing superhero fan films. Over the years they have produced both DC and Marvel inspired content, you may have come across their super hero beat down films via their YouTube channel.

Kevin Porter is known at the Internet’s very own Batman. His portrayal of the Dark Knight has become legendary. Adding to his take on Batman, Aaron Schoenke who co-founded the production company is a director but also has been in front of the camera portraying a host of characters. His persona of the Joker is phenomenal.

Time Magazine was quoted saying

“Hollywood could learn from Bat in the Sun”

Early 2020 they announced a new Batman fan film that is due for release in February of this year. Their content is professionally made for the fans and I can’t remember every being disappointed when watching one of their films. Upon starting the project they created a campaign to raise funds to help create the film. Everything donated goes directly into the film and perks for the fans. You can still donate and attain a host of perks on offer. Details can be found here. 

I have had the pleasure previously interviewing and talking with Kevin Porter, you can find those interviews here and here. There is something special about this film, the movie poster alone should get you excited for what is to come. See below

Batman Dying is Easy Poster DC Comics News

Two weeks ago, Bat in the Sun released a new movie poster and I love the focus on the Bat. Check it out

Batman Dying is Easy Poster 2 DC Comics News


Stay tuned for the release of the film in February, let us know if you have watched their content previously and what you thought. We will review the film post release so keep an eye out and follow us online.



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