Deadshot - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Mon, 13 Mar 2023 03:56:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Deadshot - DC Comics News 32 32 Suicide Squad Game Delayed Yet Again, According To Sources Mon, 13 Mar 2023 01:38:25 +0000 Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League has been delayed once more by WB Developers and Rocksteady Games.…

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Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League has been delayed once more by WB Developers and Rocksteady Games.

This is the fifth time the long-awaited multi-player game has been withheld from release. The game was originally previewed during the Pandemic in 2020 at the first DC FanDome online event. The previous rescheduling had planned to debut the game last year before it was again rescheduled for this coming May. Developers released a recent trailer that added more hype to the project with the reveal of the late Kevin Conroy voicing Batman in the game one final time. The recent passing of the voice actor added more emotional investment and anticipation to this game’s launch.

Suicide Squad Problems Target Rocksteady’s Reputation

So why another delay?

Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier’s latest Tweet on the topic claims that it was the result of a Playstation showcase last month. The gameplay had been “poorly received by fans.” Another source closely familiar with the game has stated that the game is on an indefinite hold until they work out the problems the fans noted about the quality of the product. This is a major blow to the Montreal-based Rocksteady, which has not released a game since 2015’s Batman: Arkham Knight. 

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is set five years after the events of Batman: Arkham Knight and revolves around Task Force X’s latest mission in Metropolis which initially pits them against the forces of Brainiac.  That is, until it’s revealed he has taken control of the Justice League, thus creating a new mission objective. The voice cast includes Tara Strong as Harley Quinn, Bumper Robinson as Deadshot, Samoa Joe as King Shark, Daniel Lapaine as Captain Boomerang, and Debra Wilson as Amanda Waller. Aside from Conroy as Batman, the only other Justice League voice actor confirmed is Scott Porter as The Flash.

Official Source – Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Release Date Reportedly Delayed Again (


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“Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League” Rescheduled For 2023 Release Mon, 07 Feb 2022 03:34:34 +0000 Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League will not be stuffing anyone’s stocking this Christmas. The Rocksteady-produced game had…

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Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League will not be stuffing anyone’s stocking this Christmas.

The Rocksteady-produced game had been originally anticipated by fans for its December 2022. The company is famous for its dip in the DC Universe with its phenomenal Batman: Arkham series, and now brings its talents to the dysfunctional Task Force X. After two groundbreaking trailers the year before and several months back, the game seemed to be set to go under everyone’s tree. And yet, news has reached the gaming community that the target date has been rescheduled to some time in 2023. The reason has not been confirmed, but the pandemic is one culprit. It has become common because of COVID-19 for both games and movies to be delayed. In the case of video games, anxious gamers can expect a product to be delayed and rescheduled at least once.

Suicide Squad – Who Are They and What Is The Game About?

For those new to the franchise, The Suicide Squad is a group of DC’s worst supervillains corralled by Amanda Waller with bombs in their heads and led on the field by Colonel Rick Flagg. The deal is simple: Complete missions that will go towards taking time off of their sentence and stay within established boundaries. If one of them tries to escape or disobey orders, Waller detonates the bomb in the disobedient team member.

The team was brought onto the world stage in 2016’s Suicide Squad with its breakout star Margot Robbie’s portrayal as Harley Quinn. Its standalone follow up The Suicide Squad by James Gunn saw Robbie’s return, and newcomer Peacemaker, played by John Cena. Cena is currently starring in HBO’s Peacemaker series, which is a prequel to the events of the film.

As the trailers have revealed, the game focuses on The Suicide Squad ordered by Amanda Waller to take down the Justice League after they have been possessed by the alien Brainiac. The roster includes Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, Harley Quinn, and King Shark. Its voice cast features Tara Strong, Debra Wilson, and Joe Seanoa aka former WWE Superstar Samoa Joe.

Click below to see the latest trailers.


Official Source – Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League reportedly won’t come out until 2023 – The Verge

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Review: Suicide Squad #10 Wed, 28 Oct 2020 03:33:41 +0000 Review: Suicide Squad #10   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Tom Taylor Artists:  Bruno Redondo Colorist: Andrino…

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Review: Suicide Squad #10

Suicide Squad #10


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Tom Taylor

Artists:  Bruno Redondo

Colorist: Andrino Lucas

Letterer: Wes Abbott


Reviewer: Tony Farina



The world knows Ted Kord as Blue Beetle, superhero. But the members of Task Force X know him as something else entirely—the violent and vindictive puppet master who rigged them to blow. With Deadshot murdered and Kord finally at their mercy, will the Suicide Squad get their revenge once and for all?


Suicide Squad #10


Suicide Squad #10 seems to have actually done the thing it said it would do. It has killed Floyd. Is that for real? I am not sure, but for this one issue, that is something good. Not that I dislike Floyd or am glad Zoe is without her father, but it does set up an amazing possibility for her future in the DCU. New, younger blood might be interesting.

There is a loving, silent tribute Harley pays to Floyd. It is beautifully done. The whole Deadshot story has been the strongest aspect of this series and I think this issue really handles that spectacularly.

Suicide Squad #10


Suicide Squad #10 pulled a Deus Ex Machina and did not manage to stick the landing. The big reveal, that Ted wasn’t the baddie was telegraphed miles away. No one ever bought it and then to have it be the Black Mask, shapeshifter thing again, is just pretty lame. I did not like it in previous issues and I don’t like it here.

I still think this series has too many characters. What a mess. I know I am supposed care about these characters, but I just don’t. I don’t care. Sorry Mr. Taylor. I like you a lot.


Suicide Squad #10 is the penultimate issue in a series that went on a bit too long. I know this is the story Taylor says he wanted to tell, but I just feel like it is messy.  One cant really understand where it was going or why it was going there. I never want to see a title cancelled after 11 issues, but I am not really going to miss this one when it is gone.


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Review: Suicide Squad #8 Wed, 26 Aug 2020 23:09:37 +0000 Review: Suicide Squad #8   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Tom Taylor Artists:  Daniel Sampere…

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Review: Suicide Squad #8

Suicide Squad #8


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Tom Taylor

Artists:  Daniel Sampere

Colorist: Andrino Lucas

Letterer: Wes Abbott

Reviewer: Tony Farina


Task Force X is done running. They pulled the bombs out of their necks, they’ve identified their target, and they’re going on the hunt for the man who’s pulled their strings and killed their friends. And now the Squad is up against forces far more powerful than they ever could have imagined. Taking them on…could be suicide.

Suicide Squad #8


Suicide Squad #8 does something that the previous seven issues has not done; it has made me actually care about some of the new charcters. Not only do I finally care about the, but I care a lot. I really dig the back story of Wink and The Aerie. Sure, they have powers of X-Men, but they were science experiments, not born this way, so just pay no attention to that. The way Taylor makes us care not only about them individually, but them as a couple in just a few pages really shows what kind of writer he is. I also would like to doff my cap to him for the use of “they” as a pronoun without making a huge big deal out of it. It is mentioned, acknowledged and accepted. Good work there.

I think Sampere and Albarran really show off their skills in this issue as well because they focus on new characters. Yes, Killer Croc, Waller and a few other old members of the Squad are in this book, they are not the focal point. I have not really loved the way Harley has been drawn in particular in this series, but here, where the canvas is blank, the work just jumps off the page. I think there is something special about bringing new characters to life. Their work is equally important to the way I feel about Wink and The Aerie. There is an emotional resonance that comes through in the way they look at each other and it makes the issue stronger because of it.

Suicide Squad #8


The biggest problem with Suicide Squad #8 and Taylor’s run over all the whole Ted Kord is suddenly a bad guy. I just don’t buy it. I know that this issue tries to make it make sense, but it still does not. There are still just too many characters standing around.


This is actually the best issue to date of this new, and already cancelled series. Suicide Squad #8 has a lot to love. Taylor really has done some excellent character development here. This is what the series needed all along. It is too bad that now that it has turned a corner, it will be over in three more issues.


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Review: Suicide Squad #7 Thu, 30 Jul 2020 16:55:32 +0000 Review: Suicide Squad #7   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Juan Albarran, Daniel…

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Review: Suicide Squad #7

Suicide Squad #7


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Tom Taylor

Artists: Juan Albarran, Daniel Sampere

Colorist: Andrino Lucas

Letterer: Wes Abbott


Reviewer: Tony Farina


Annnnd he’s out! With a pardon in his pocket, Deadshot walks away from the Suicide Squad in hopes of reuniting with his daughter, Zoe, and making things right at last. But you can’t outrun your past when it’s still looking to kill you, and their family reunion quickly takes a turn for the deadly. To whom can Deadshot turn when he’s left behind everyone who once had his back?


Suicide Squad #7 has what I really wanted for this book…A focus. There has not been one so far. The first six issues were really just setting up a new team (and maybe a name change for the book) and a new baddie (who may also have good motives). Making Floyd the central figure here is also a good idea. I like Tom Taylor a lot, but his Harley has felt like a caricature of Harley but his Deadshot, has been, pun intended, dead on.

The are team of Juan Albarran and Daniel Sampere capture what it means to be a parent and what it means to be a kid. The action is excellent of course, but this is an emotional book. That sample page above has some spot on internal dialogue from Floyd, but the facial expressions tell it all. Then, the page that follows. Well, that sets the stakes for this issue and all the issues to come.  It is worthy of one page all to itself. Smart idea gents. My hat is off to you.

Suicide Squad #7


Honestly, there is nothing to report here. It was a bit of a Deus Ex Machina when the team showed up, but I’ll give it a pass. The annoying members of the team are not in this much, so that helps too.


Suicide Squad #7 is by far the strongest issue of this new run. The smart thing Taylor and team did here was to make us actually have the time to care about Zoe Lawton. She is essentially a mythological creature at this point. When we finally see her, and all that she is and all that she can be, we finally feel the empathy for Floyd that has been missing for years. I like this. I am not sure how I feel about what is coming, but this issue, is perfect.



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Review: Suicide Squad #6 Fri, 26 Jun 2020 18:02:42 +0000 Review: Suicide Squad #6   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Bruno Redondo…

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Review: Suicide Squad #6

Suicide Squad #6


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Tom Taylor

Artists: Bruno Redondo

Colorist: Andrino Lucas

Letterer: Wes Abbott


Reviewer: Tony Farina


The hunters have become the hunted! Task Force X is the world’s most wanted-on the run from heroes and villains alike and no closer to taking down the puppet master who’s been pulling their strings. But even if they go to ground, there’s no hiding from the World’s Greatest Detective, and it’ll take every deadly trick in their playbook for the Squad to escape the wrath of Batman!


Bruno Redondo is a super star. Suicide Squad #6 is really beautiful. I like the attention to detail. I love his Batman. His Deadshot is aces and then, as the fates would have it, he gets to have them face off. It is so good. While I think this team is too big, Redondo is up to the task of keeping us interested in all of them. They all don’t get a ton of time to shine in the script, so he gives them plenty of facial expressions and visual clues so we know what is up.

Making Floyd the star of this issue is smart. He is the most compelling member of this team. Granted, it could mean he is leaving, but still, for now, more Deadshot!


Bruce Wayne didn’t know something in this book. Seriously, that happened. Nope. I don’t buy that he didn’t know Waller was not longer in charge. It is kind of his job to know things. Sure, without Alfred, things have changed, but the big guy is the big guy. He knows.

Have I mentioned before that I think there are too many characters in this series? Well, here I am again. There are too many characters in this series. If you want us to care about some of them, narrow it down. If you don’t, then why bother to have them. It feels like there is either a red shirt plague coming soon or we are going to get some spin offs.


While I like the direction things are going in Suicide Squad #6, I still struggle with the size of the team. Now they have gone rogue and Ted is the baddie. I am not sure about that. It is always nice to see the big guy, but I worry that they had to bring him in for issue six. Does that mean the book is on thin ice? Maybe. I like the direction things are going with Floyd. That could be interesting. Honestly, a Deadshot stand alone mini might be just the thing. Oh wait, Suicide Squad #6, right. It’s fine.



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Review: The Flash Annual #3 Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:10:03 +0000 Review: THE FLASH ANNUAL #3   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Joshua Williamson Artists:…

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The Flash Annual #3


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artists: Stephen Segovia, Brandon Peterson, Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz

Colours: Hi-Fi

Letters: Steve Wands


Reviewed By: Derek McNeil



The Flash Annual #3: From the pages of Suicide Squad, Task Force X and Captain Boomerang are on the loose, and the Flash is in hot pursuit! But is he really the hunter-or the hunted? Barry Allen may be the Scarlet Speedster, but at the end of this crossover issue, will he still be the Fastest Man Alive?



A crossover with Suicide Squad seems like an odd choice for a Flash story, but the Flash has some interesting ties with the Squad. Captain Cold recently was in the Squad and the Daniel West version of the Reverse-Flash died one. The clearest connection, however, is that longtime Flash villain Captain Boomerang has been in the group since Amanda Waller first reimagined the Squad during the Legends event.

And Boomerang is at the centre of this story. The issue opens with Boomerang in custody, getting interrogated. Most of the following story is Digger’s account of events. I must say that Williamson makes brilliant use of having an unreliable narrator. Boomerang is clearly embellishing the story to make himself the star.

Boomerang relates his one-on-one victory over Deathstroke, only to to have his captors burst his bubble by informing him that they witnessed the trouncing he actually received from the assassin. But I’m sure that his account of the Squad’s reactions were entirely accurate: “He’s the greatest hero of all time”, “A damn legend”, “Our savior”, and of course “Someday… I’ll have his Boomer-babies”.

The Flash Annual #3

Positives Cont.

I was also somewhat impressed at Lisa Snart’s accurate conclusions about the Flash, especially contrasted with Digger’s. As he tells us, “Now, Golden Glider used to think Flash was some kind of scientist, or a detective. That’s howo he’d track us Rogues down. But I call B.S. I think Ol’ Red Jeans just mindlessly checks every place he can at super-speed and gets lucky”. It’s clear that Boomerang isn’t the brains of the Rogues Gallery.

Even though Barry isn’t the focus of the issue, the ending gives us an interesting glimpse into Barry’s character. He manages to get a glimpse of something good in Boomerang after witnessing him take a risk to help the Suicide Squad escape capture. This prompts Barry to take give Digger a pass this time and allow him to walk away instead of turning him in. Barry is definitely back to his old optimistic self, to give someone like Digger this chance.

And Digger actually seems to consider it for a moment. But it only takes an invitation from Captain Cold to lure Digger back to the criminal life. I do have to wonder if this means that we will see Captain Boomerang back in the Flash’s Rogues Gallery, or if he will return to the pages of Suicide Squad.



I have no problems at all with this story. It was a nice interlude that brought back a fun villain that we haven’t seen much of in the pages of the Flash due to his involvement with the Suicide Squad.

However, this issue might be a bit confusing to readers who aren’t reading the current Suicide Squad title. The Squad’s status quo has undergone a major change. Also, they will be left wondering who several of these people are, as most of the Squad is composed of newly created characters. However, Williamson at least gives a quick introduction to each member of the Squad.

The Flash Annual #3



The Flash Annual #3 is exactly what a Flash story should be. Bright and fun, with lots of action and a few nice character moments. And a guest-appearance by the Suicide Squad makes it even better. But the highlight of the issue is seeing Williamson demonstrate that Boomerbutt is capable of being more than just comic relief.



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Review: Suicide Squad #5 Tue, 09 Jun 2020 18:41:54 +0000 Review: Suicide Squad #5   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Bruno Redondo…

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Review: Suicide Squad #5

Suicide Squad #5


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Tom Taylor

Artists: Bruno Redondo

Colorist: Andrino Lucas

Letterer: Wes Abbott


Reviewer: Tony Farina


They say loose lips sink ships – and Captain Boomerang has the biggest mouth on Earth! That’s why Lok commands Task Force X to bring him in and shut him up for good! The hunt is on, but nothing ever goes according to plan in the Suicide Squad-at least, not if Osita and her mutinous Revolutionaries can help it. Will Deathstroke and Harley finally turn against Lok when ordered to kill their old Squad-mate? One way or another, the bodies keep dropping…

Suicide Squad #5


What is the best part of Suicide Squad #5?  Did you see that shot of Digger above? Come on. Bruno Redondo is just showing off. The action the boomerangs are amazing. I love a panel where it feels like the stuff is coming right at me. I am old enough to remember 3-D comics and I have to say, I miss them. This Bruno makes this whole thing feel frenetic. Task Force X is nothing if not frenetic. Both covers are beautiful. A plus to the art team.

Suicide Squad #5

There is a scene in the middle of this book where Floyd decides he is not going to be owned anymore. It is heroic (as heroic as Deadshot can be) and someone’s face is blown off. Seriously. The visual gag that goes along with the face explosion is simply genius. I laughed out loud. I let myself settle down, and then I clapped. Bravo Mr. Taylor for thinking of that. Again, Redondo is the star of the page, but I suspect it was in Taylor’s script.


The motivation is all over the place here. The team is still too big. I don’t really think we need a team this big. When the Squad is in NOLA and then some of them go out on a mission, I think the book works best. Still, I think Taylor is moving this toward something great that will feature a smaller team. I am willing to give him the time he needs.


Suicide Squad #5 is actually the end of the first arc, so I am not sure what the TPB will look like. That ending is aces. I am so keen to see what comes up next. I can’t even spoil anything here because honestly, that would be terrible of me. Get reading.


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David Ayer Confirms Joker Fan Theory Wed, 06 May 2020 20:30:39 +0000 Four years after the disastrous or not-so-disastrous (depending on your viewpoint), release of Suicide Squad, there continues…

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Four years after the disastrous or not-so-disastrous (depending on your viewpoint), release of Suicide Squad, there continues to be mysteries surrounding the film. The film’s director David Ayer has unraveled one of those mysteries, that being of the Joker. What mystery surrounds him? Do we finally get to know just WHY was Jared Leto picked? Or is it to do with that ghastly wardrobe change?

Leto was adorned with countless tattoos on his body and those works of art were there for all to see due to Leto wearing only some pants and a purple trenchcoat. The tat we see the most is his “Damaged” tattoo across his forehead, as well as the smile on his hand. At the time, none of us knew the reason for this, but Ayer has revealed on Twitter why the tattoos were there thanks to a fan’s theory.

This whole thing started when Ayer joked to a fan on his Twitter about the use of the “Damaged” tattoo, but then it prompted a fan to start digging deeper into the meaning.

The fan in question wrote:

 “I think the damaged tattoo is actually pretty ingenious, but only for those who understand. Joker got the tattoo because batman damaged his smile in a failed attempt at revenge for killing Robin. All with the intent to antagonize and infuriate Batman simply by seeing his face.”

Ayer succinctly replied: “Exactly.”

We’re pretty sure Ayer isn’t joking and that is one interesting fan theory. As of now, Leto is not set to reprise the role but has said he is open to the idea of returning.

So what do you think of Ayer confirming this fan’s theory? Let us know in the comments below!

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Review: Suicide Squad #4 Wed, 01 Apr 2020 16:50:43 +0000 Review: Suicide Squad #4 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Daniel Sampere and…

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Review: Suicide Squad #4

Suicide Squad #4
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Tom Taylor

Artists: Daniel Sampere and Juan Albarran

Colorist: Andrino Lucas

Letterer: Wes Abbott


Reviewer: Tony Farina



Suicide Squad #4 begins with the chaos of Task Force X’s first mission behind her, Dr. Harleen Quinzel launches a psychological investigation into the current residents of Belle Reve-and when the infamous Harley Quinn is worried about someone else’s mental health, you know there’s a problem! What does Deadshot know about the machinations of their deadly new teammates, the Revolutionaries? Who are the Revolutionaries, where did they come from, and why do they hate superheroes so much? Careful, Harley-sometimes when you dig too deep, the monsters come crawling out…

Suicide Squad #4


Suicide Squad #4 featured a new art team. Daniel Sampere and Juan Albarran have teamed up to the pencils and inks respectively. It is an excellent addition. This book is busy and full of too much stuff. Daniel Sampere and Juan Albarran have decided to make sure that every overstuffed page looks beautiful. The action scenes are glorious. Thier take on Digger is spot on. The bandage on his nose is a lovely touch. The colors by Andrino Lucas add the final layer of awesome. This is really a pretty book. It can be hard to see it all, but it is there. Take your time and look at this world. You can feel the bullets wiz by. You can smell the stale beer. It is something.


This book is full of explaining. Some of it is mansplaining, but most of it is just explaining. Yes, Harley allows Harleen to take control in this issue, so of course there will be some therapeutic stuff happening, but man this is cumbersome. It is only issue 4. It is OK to let things simmer for a while. Sure, there are some things we need to know, but maybe it could have been done with some flashbacks instead of storytelling flashbacks. It seems a bit forced. Also, this team is just too big.


It could be that the first three issues of this new run represented Tom Taylor finding himself. This new run arc has a bit more promise. Of course, adding Digger back into the mix is always a great idea. I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but he has always been my favorite Rogue and member of the Squad. I have hopes. Now that we have everything explained to us, maybe we can let this story unfold. Also, maybe we will lose a few characters. That could be good.



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