Batman: The Dark Knight - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Sun, 04 Apr 2021 05:28:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Batman: The Dark Knight - DC Comics News 32 32 Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #3: First Look Sun, 04 Apr 2021 05:28:14 +0000 With no memory and battling strange adversaries (and even some allies) on a mysterious island, you’d think…

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With no memory and battling strange adversaries (and even some allies) on a mysterious island, you’d think Batman has enough to worry about in Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point.  If you have been following the series, Batman/Fortnite, DC Comics now gives you an exclusive first look at Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #3!  In issue #3 of this six-issue limited series from DC Comics and Epic Games, the Dark Knight faces off against the most unexpected adversary yet, Snake-Eyes, from G.I. Joe!

You read that right: Snake-Eyes from G.I. Joe!  Worlds collide on the Island as the unstoppable ninja goes up against Batman! But can either of them win the fight when neither of them can remember why they’re fighting, nor escape?  Will Batman even remember that he’s got to find a way back to Catwoman, all the while trying to figure out how to get back to Gotham City?  And just what is Harley Quinn doing here?

Based on a story concept by series consultant and Chief Creative Officer of Epic Games, Donald Mustard, this six issue limited series is written by Christos Gage, featuring pencils by Reilly Brown, with inks by Nelson Faro DeCastro and colors by John Kalisz.

The main cover for issue #3 is by Mikel Janín, with a card stock variant cover by DC Publisher and Chief Creative Officer Jim Lee and Scott Williams, plus a premium variant cover by Mustard .

Each 32-page issue of Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #3 is priced at $4.99. The card stock variant is priced at $5.99. Each print issue of Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point also includes a redeemable code for a bonus digital cosmetic in Fortnite inspired by the events in the comic. Issue #3 includes a code for the Catwoman’s Claw Pickaxe in-game item.

U.S. subscribers to the DC Universe Infinite digital service will receive the series and bonus codes included as part of their subscription.

For more information on Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point and the World’s Greatest Super Heroes, visit the website at and follow on social media at @DCComics and @thedcnation. For the latest information on Fortnite and to download the game, learn more at Sign up for a free trial of DC UNIVERSE INFINITE at

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Frank Miller: Man, Myth, Legend Tue, 18 Feb 2020 05:58:00 +0000 To say that Frank Miller is a man of many talents is an understatement of criminal proportions.…

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To say that Frank Miller is a man of many talents is an understatement of criminal proportions. Born January 27, 1957, Miller was blessed with ambition and vision from the beginning. With his modern reinventions on classic characters, one could argue that this artist, writer, screenwriter, director was the catalyst that set the modern day super hero movie industry into motion.

“I decided that I wanted to make comic books when I was five years old.”

Dark Knight

Batman And Robin

This is pure Frank Miller in one complete statement: Compact forms in motion. And yet right off the bat (pun intended) we see that FM’s sense of perspective is askew. The relationship between the dynamic duo is slightly awkward. Robin’s cape seems to be more in the foreground than her body. The “straightness” of the fabric throws it off. Frank Miller’s style is not hyper realistic, and not anatomically perfect, (note the lack of articulation in Batman’s right arm toward the arm pit,) but despite these flaws the overall feel is liberating and victorious. What matters most is the message. The two subjects are the kings of the mountain. Full of self assured bravery the pair are confident, and perhaps even eager, to stride into danger.

I Walk The Line

In this variant cover for Batman #62  we see that Frank’s penciling can be, well, a bit sketchy. He likes his lines. With random looking dark strokes surrounding Batman’s profile this piece has an unfinished quality to it. And the penned lines lay like a quick cocktail napkin doodle. But ask yourself, does this “sloppy” shadowing compliment, or take away from the facial expression? There is no correct answer, Art is subjective. What is undeniable is how Batman’s face becomes a snapshot into the character’s history. I immediately see years of conflict, undying commitment and struggle. He almost looks homeless. When Miller puts The Dark Knight on a page you immediately feel beat up. You can taste the Gotham City streets and need to take a breath to continue because the fatigue is so visceral.

Year After Year

Now we get into Frank Miller’s storytelling. BATMAN: YEAR ONE,  written by Miller and illustrated by David Mazzucchelli, began as a groundbreaking 4-issue-story and proved it’s durability when reincarnated in the 2011 animated film. (above) The original series tells the story of Bruce Wayne’s very first days as a vigilante. FM drastically accentuates the differences between Wayne (youthful, rich, naïve, determined) and Commissioner Gordon (older, experienced, jaded,) so much so that an inescapable magnetism is formed between the two. For the first time we see an inexperienced Batman stumble and fall along his nightly haunts.

Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

In another of Miller’s epic works THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS may very well be the polar opposite of Batman: Year One. In this masterpiece, set in a dystopian future-Gotham, Miller shows us an older, more realistic Batman. One who wields automatic weapons, breaks necks, and bleeds out. Yes, Batman breaks the Joker’s neck! (Though only paralyzing him. But intent is nine tenths of the law, right?) Perhaps too violent for some readers, none can deny how much this story nudged the superhero genre into a more believable category.

From Paper To Wood

Frank Miller served as a bridge from the insular land of comic books to the wide reaching Hollywood screen. Little known fact, Miller wrote the first Script for Robocop. As Executive Producer and consultant to Zach Snyder’s film 300, (Legendary Pictures,) casual movie goers were exposed to Miller’s story and quickly learned of the more gory side of graphic novels. 300 was a visionary work. FM’s influence is evident in the film’s comic-book-panel style of cinematography.

The Hollywood superhero phenomenon is unavoidable. And whether you agree with director Martin Scorsese’s harsh criticisms of the genre or not, costumed heroes on the big screen are here to stay. Frank Miller played a critical part in lifting Batman and Superman from the pages of DC Comics and casting them into stardom. The initial premise of pitting the two against one another in Batman V Superman was initially yet another of Miller’s genius ideas.

2020 Vision

As the years pass and I consume more or Frank Miller’s work I have come to think of him as a visionary. His varied talents serve a greater whole: evolution. His artwork serves as the cinematic storyboards for his breakthrough ideas. Every few decades our beloved heroes need a slight nudge toward reinvention. In terms of Batman, Frank Miller has administered a subtle makeover to the Caped Crusader. Now, perhaps more than ever, Batman is simultaneously young and old, modern and classic, mythical and realistic. Just like Miller himself.

This has been another of my on-going Artists Profile series. Less biographical, these critiques focus more on style and personality. If there is an artist you would like for me to review please mention them in the comment section below.

Also, here’s a link to an exclusive Frank Miller interview on our sister site, Dark Knight News.

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Bat Art : Artistic Variations On The Caped Crusader Mon, 10 Feb 2020 23:51:12 +0000 Bat Art : Artistic Variations on the Caped Crusader   Gotham Through The Ages For the traditionalist-fan,…

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Bat Art : Artistic Variations on the Caped Crusader


Gotham Through The Ages

For the traditionalist-fan, Alex Ross keeps Batman old-school. Barrel chest. Classic uniform. Color palette leaning towards black and white to imply 1950’s film noir culture. The costume design is a simple but durable fabric, clearly not bulletproof and certainly not high tech. Revisiting an Era long past, Ross’ Batman might seem old fashioned to some, but no one can deny the historic and legendary weight this version carries.

Like A Rock

Francesco Mattina’s Batman is as strong as a mountain – with boulders for shoulders and the stone chiseled traps of an Olympic powerlifter. But is it believable that this bulky beast could swing across Gotham’s rooftops effortlessly? Or jump from ledge to ledge gracefully? Who cares? This Batman sticks to the streets and charges head on! There isn’t a criminal in existence who could deliver a punch that would bruise this leather skinned, 250lb rhino.


Batman White Knight #4 - DC Comics News


Sean Murphy brings us a more animalistic look to Bats. Street worn, rough and scruffy-looking like a badger. Notice the cowl, SM’s loose pencil strokes create the illusion that the material is coated with hair. Batman looks feral. Although they are not actually there, I feel like I can see whiskers and canine teeth below that fierce predatorial gaze. The high collar is reminiscent of the fashion one would see in turn-of-the-century London and the fantastic tales of Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde. Now that I think of it, Bruce Wayne’s story is awfully similar. A rational minded, man of science, elects to unleash his inner beast like a rabid animal to feed on Gotham’s lowly criminals.

Batman Damned #3

Weirder The Better?

No matter what type of Batman you prefer, I think we would all agree on one mandatory feature in the variations of Bat Art. The Dark Knight must be intimidating. How else to strike paralyzing  fear into the hearts of evil doers? And though Bruce Wayne is just a mortal man,  many artists will stretch his Earthy reality toward supernatural extremes. This interpration, by comic book legend Jim Lee, illustrates a more surreal take on the Caped Crusader. In Lee’s dream vision we see a cursed and psychologically twisted soul that appears to live on the cusp of inescapable damnation.

Forever Young

Concerning the more recent artistic renditions of Batman, most artists tend to place the hero’s age somewhere in the mid-forties. Not Freddie Williams II. Here in Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #1, Batman is in his prime, like a football player early in their career. This youthful look is abscent of any wrinkly or weathered skin. Batman’s bright eyes shine with enthusiasm and vigor. Less burdened or haunted, instead, his whole form embodies swiftness and carries an air of righteousness.

I for one would love to see The Dark Knight return in the form of the sprinting featherweight we’ve seen in Batman: The Animated Series. In this acclaimed cartoon series, artist Bruce Timm brought us the type of hero that can dash away in the blink of a lightning flash. Less of a bruiser, and more of a martial artist, Timm’s Batman was fast, precise, and acrobatic.

The Future King

With the much anticipated Matt Reeves production of The Batman on the horizon,  Robert Pattinson, who’s cast as the world’s greatest detective, may be just the person for the job. Rumors have even suggested that Pattinson has been having a bit of difficulty putting on the necessary weight to portray a convincing muscle bound vigilante. It seems I may get my wish after all.

High Tech Wonder!

How far will Bruce Wayne go to protect the innocent people of Gotham City? Apparently there are no limits. So when Superman’s attempts to do good began to reap catastrophic results the Dark Knight had to step in. But not before realizing it was time for an equipment upgrade. This state of the art battle armor (One:12 Collective “Bat Suit” by Mezco,) demonstrates the lengths our billionaire will go to face any threat – even the Man Of Steel!

A Living Legacy

The character of Batman, in all of his forms, has accomplished a monumental achievement – even among superheroes. In 2019, DC Comics celebrated Batman’s 80th birthday with the release of Detective Comics 1000!! Batman’s momentum has never slowed. His influence will certainly continue for another century. It is not a depressing thought to consider that Batman will outlive us all. On the contrary, it is pleasant to ponder the timelessness created with a new mythology such as this. Just as when we were little, so too shall our children continue to dream. Together at heart, we soar along rooftops fighting the forces of evil, pushing the darkness back beyond the eternal sunlight.


Thank you for joining me exploring variations on this fun Bat Art exhibit.



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Na Na Na Na Na Na Anniversary! Batman’s 78th Anniversary TODAY Thu, 30 Mar 2017 18:04:13 +0000 Today is one of the best days ever in history in our eyes DC fans. On March…

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Today is one of the best days ever in history in our eyes DC fans. On March 30th, 1939 Batman made his grand debut in Detective Comics #27. In 1940 Batman finally got his own comic and the rest is Bat-history. We got our first taste of the Bat-Man and watched a criminal fall into a vat of acid at a chemical plant. Batman has reached new heights with thousands of comics continuing today, toy sales, merchandise, film adaptations, TV shows, cosplays — you name it, it’s been done. We’ve had 78 glorious years of the Dark Knight and his adventures and there will be so many more years to come. We here at DCN decided to do a tribute to the Dark Knight for the 78th anniversary of his arrival.

We all know that Bob Kane and Bill Finger created the Bat-Man back in 1939, and contrary to popular belief, Batman’s first villain was Doctor Death (Detective Comics #29, July 1939), not the Joker as you might have initially believed. Joker, however, proved to become Batman’s greatest foe. He was based off Victor Hugo’s The Man Who Laughs, and we go on from there with the Rogues Gallery. We wouldn’t have TV shows such as the ’66 series, BTAS and Gotham, or films like the Nolan trilogy and Tim Burton’s masterpieces if it wasn’t for their brilliant minds. But more importantly what does Batman mean to you? How did you get started being a fan of the Dark Knight? You can tell us in the comments, but I’m going to tell you my story in this article.

What 78 Years of Batman Means To Me

It was a long time ago. Not 78 years, but more aptly 13 years ago in 2004. I remember the day exactly too. July 24th, a few days before my 13th birthday. I didn’t exactly have a good childhood with an alcoholic step-father, a biological father who wanted nothing to do with me, and a mom who worked all the time, so I was pretty alone at home. At school I kept to myself because I didn’t have many friends, if any really at all. I was always made fun of, everyone called me weird and didn’t like me. To this day I still don’t know why people thought that of me, other than my few mishaps of finger-twitching because I have Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile X is a disease that causes mental retardation and here I am, a carrier. So I zone out and my eyes cross, but I can tell you exactly what you said if I’m asked directly. Due to my lack of friendship and home life I became depressed and anxiety ridden. On that fateful summer day I was planning to commit suicide. I was visiting my grandparents and planned to slit my wrists after dark when everyone went to bed. Well, as you can see, I never ended up doing it.

After our bingo outing we came home and my grandma made me something to eat. My uncle sat on the couch watching TV, so I decided to sit with him and watch while I ate. On TV was Batman (1989) and we were just at the end during the parade scene. I knew it was Batman even though I couldn’t remember ever seeing it before and I used to watch the animated series when I was younger. Something about it caught my attention, more aptly Jack Nicholson’s Joker, and I was never the same again. I made it my life’s mission to learn everything I could about the Clown Prince of Crime, and eventually the entire Batman world itself. I owed it to him for saving my life. There’s a lot more to the story about why I was hooked, but I’ll spare you guys the gritty details. Now here we are, 13 years later of studying and I’m here at DCN and co-host of the DC Films Podcast giving a panel this Saturday at Central PA Comic Con. Happy 78th anniversary Batman.

So tell me, what does Batman’s anniversary mean to you?


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The Dark Knight Returns POP! Vinyl Figures Coming From Funko POP! Thu, 16 Jun 2016 23:35:28 +0000 Just in time for “The Dark Knight Returns” 30th anniversary, Funko POP! will release a set of…

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Just in time for “The Dark Knight Returns” 30th anniversary, Funko POP! will release a set of POP! vinyl figures based on the now classic graphic novel by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson.

The Dark Knight Returns tells an alternative story of Bruce Wayne, who at 55 years old returns from retirement to fight crime and faces opposition from the Gotham City police force and the United States government. The story introduces Carrie Kelley as the new Robin and culminates with a confrontation against Superman. In 2005, Time chose the collected edition as one of the 10 best English language graphic novels ever written.

Six Previews Exclusive figures will be released in July and are as follows: #111 Batman (blue and gray), #112 Batman (armored), #113 Batman (armored/unmasked), #114 Robin (Carrie Kelly), #116 Joker, and #117 Batman (black and gray).

So, who’s your favorite?

Will you be collecting “The Dark Knight Returns” POP! vinyls?

Please comment below and share.

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Source: Funko

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DC Comics Pull Box For 5-18-2016 Fri, 13 May 2016 06:45:20 +0000 DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for May…

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DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for May 18, 2016.

Check back every Friday with the DCN Pull Box to see all the cool new DC Comics titles and collectibles that will be available at your favorite local comic shop! So, what titles or collectibles will you be picking up this Wednesday? You can sound off in the comments section below! Click on Comic shop Locator to find the comic shop nearest to you! Prices Determined By Retailer


AQUAMAN #52 $3.99
ASTRO CITY #35 $3.99
CLEAN ROOM #8 (MR) $3.99
DOCTOR FATE #12 $2.99
HARLEY QUINN #28 $3.99
LEGEND OF WONDER WOMAN #6 (of 9) $3.99
LUCIFER #6 (MR) $3.99
RED THORN #7 (MR) $3.99
SINESTRO #23 $2.99
TITANS HUNT #8 (of 8) $3.99
WONDER WOMAN #52 $3.99

DCN Pull Box Spotlight

FUTURE QUEST #1 $3.99STL004638

(W) Jeff Parker (A/CA) Evan Shaner
When the adventurous and inquisitive Jonny Quest and his adoptive brother Hadji make a startling discovery in the swamplands of Florida, they are pulled into an epic struggle between the Space Rangers and a dangerous villain who threatens the galaxy. Now it’s up to the combined forces of Team Quest, Inter-Nation Security, Space Ghost, and a host of Hanna-Barbera’s greatest action heroes to stop him and save their universe!
Don’t miss the start of this new, monthly series that features character designs by comics superstar Darwyn Cooke and kicks off with an extra-sized story and a wraparound cover!

Variant Covers

Note: Variant Prices To Be Determined By Retailer

AQUAMAN #52 (Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund variant)
FUTURE QUEST #1 (Aaron Lopresti Herculoids variant)
FUTURE QUEST #1 (Bill Sienkiewicz Space Ghost variant)
FUTURE QUEST #1 (Blank variant)
FUTURE QUEST #1 (Evan “Doc” Shaner Coloring Book variant)
FUTURE QUEST #1 (Joe Quinones Action Heroes variant)
FUTURE QUEST #1 (Steve Rude Jonny Quest variant)
HARLEY QUINN #28 (Amanda Conner variant)
WONDER WOMAN #52 (David Finch and Matt Banning variant)


UNFOLLOW TP VOL 01 (MR) $14.99


ALTER EGO #140 $8.95

Alter Ego is a special issue devoted to Golden Age great Irwin Hasen, who passed away recently at nearly age 97! This feature is adapted from Dan Makara’s film documentary on Hasen, the 1940s artist of theJustice Society, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Wildcat, Holyoke’s Cat-Man, and number other classic heroes and, for 30 years, the artist of the famous Dondi newspaper strip.


Comic Book Creator answers the question, “What makes Jack Kirby ‘the King of Comics’?” as we examine the mid-life work of the greatest super-hero creator of all time, from the explosively cosmic developments in Fantastic Four and The Mighty Thor at Marvel in the mid-60s to the artist/writer’s magnum opus, the “Fourth World” saga of New Genesis versus Apokolips! Plus we’ll reveal the real-life background drama that unfolded during that tumultuous era, all behind an astonishing cover by Steve “The Dude” Rude featuring the Gods of New Genesis! Our main co-feature is an exhaustive, career-spanning interview with underground comix pioneer Howard Cruse, the extraordinary cartoonist and graphic novelist of the award-winning Stuck Rubber Baby.







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Twitter: @DCComicsNews




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Frank Miller Dark Knight Sale Tue, 24 Nov 2015 04:43:45 +0000   It’s that time of year again! However this time you can save even more money on…

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It’s that time of year again! However this time you can save even more money on all the amazing Dark Knight series that Frank Miller has done. The savings are going to start as low as $0.99 and go on up to 67% off the e-books. Starting Tuesday, November 24 fans can save up to 67 percent off of the best Batman digital comics and e-books. Here are the titles that you can look forward to, BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS #1-4, BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN #1-3, ALL-STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN #1-10 and BATMAN (1940-2011) #404-407, BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN, ALL STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN, THE BOY WONDER VOL. 1, BATMAN: YEAR ONE. The online stores that you can get your e-books at are, Amazon, ComiXology, Google Play Books, Barnes & Noble on Tuesday, November 24 through Sunday, November 29, 2015. If you want to know more follow this link and enjoy all of your new comics.

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Justice League 3001 Has A Super Death & More Mon, 17 Aug 2015 23:10:13 +0000   This November is heating up with an all new comic that has high stakes as well…

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This November is heating up with an all new comic that has high stakes as well as some reaching the end in a blaze of glory. DC Comics has recently released their sneak peeks for this holiday season such as Dark Knight III: The Master Race, Superman: American Alien, & Batman: Europa and many more to come. And as a wrap up we get to see how Bat-Mite, All-Star Section Eight, Bizarro, Harley Quinn and Power Girl and Prez will have an amazing end as per the expected with DC shorts that last six to twelve issues.

Now for the reason that you clicked on this article, Justice League 3001 hints strongly at what could be perceived as a super death with mass casualties and warfare in the 6th issue set to release in November. Although given the history of  writers Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis we may want to see if there are super deaths or just a mass amount of serious injuries. With Howard Porter doing the artwork I am sure that it will be bright and stylish. Even though Porter has his hands full doing a filler for another fellow artist, John Romita Jr. on the Gene Luen Yang-written Superman. And with the talk of Superman there is an addition to the Lobo comic, Frank J. Barbiere, of Image Comics’ Five Ghosts and more, joins Cullen Bunn on co-writing issue 12.

But what we can expect in Gotham as Harley Quinn continues to show her support and pride in Suicide Squad Death Stroke issue #12. All while Mr. Bloom looks to go head to head with Gordon as Batman in Batman issue #46. If you can’t get enough of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo then look out for the Batman: Endgame Director’s Cut #1 with the art penciled in and scripted! And if you are like me and can’t wait for the fight between Batman V Superman then know that your itch will be scratched in the comic book chronicled in early December as well as seen in The Dark Knight Returns issue #4.

Now with all this focus on Batman’s villains and Superman’s getting almost no attention I feel that you should be intrigued enough to hear that Lex Luthor will have his own celebration that comes out early December. It looks at the past 75 years of evil and mayhem that he has done to Metropolis ranging from the Golden Era of comics to present day. All said and done it is going to be 360 pages of all Lex Luthor and his glory.

Now for our Vertigo fans, don’t worry we haven’t forgotten you. iZombie omnibus is set to release this fall and the comics Jacked, Red Thorn, Slash & Burn and Unfollow are set to hit shelves starting this month. As always thanks for reading and please share all the wonderful news to the world.

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‘The Killing Joke’ tops July Bestsellers. Sun, 09 Aug 2015 12:35:50 +0000 DC Comics dominated the market last month, taking up almost half of the places on the July…

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DC Comics dominated the market last month, taking up almost half of the places on the July 2015 Nielsen Bookscan Top 20 Graphic Novels.

The Top 20 bestselling Adult Graphic Novels chart for July, compiled and published by the Nielsen Bookscan, has been recently released. Eight of the twenty places were taken by DC Comics titles.

In the number one place was Alan Moore’s classic The Killing Joke. The graphic novel jumped to the top spot from ninth place in June, perhaps because of the early July announcement of a new animated movie based on the graphic novel.

Overall Batman-related titles made up the majority of DC’s best sellers. In particular classic Batman stories were, unsurprisingly, popular. Making an appearance alongside The Killing Joke were Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns, and Batman: Year One. However, Alan Moore made the list a second time with a non-Batman title, coming in at number 14 with The Watchmen.

Also on the list was the newly released Batgirl Vol.1: The Batgirl of Burnside, which just scrapped in at number 20, and Suicide Squad Vol.1.


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Batman vs. the Court of Owls – The Verdict… Wed, 24 Jun 2015 03:52:37 +0000 Introduced as the catalyst to launch the tales of the Dark Knight in DC Comic’s “New 52”…

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Introduced as the catalyst to launch the tales of the Dark Knight in DC Comic’s “New 52” imagining of the Batman, Bruce Wayne’s world was about to come crashing out from under him when it would seem that the city of Gotham he had sworn for so long to protect had secrets of its own — secrets it was prepared to kill to keep hidden from prying eyes. When premiere Batman scribe Scott Snyder was tasked with the dubious privilege of writing a “first issue” to a Batman series, he decided that the Caped Crusader needed some new adversaries.

The character’s cattle of baddies, 75 years of the most dastardly villains in comic books no doubt, were about to meet their match in the denizens of the shadows, a secret organization — an underworld cabal that has actually been running Gotham since before the Batman started cleaning up the streets. The Court of Owls would prove every bit as predatory, every bit as dangerous to the Batman as they do in nature. It would seem that the hunter would soon become the hunted.

Operating from the shadows, Batman writer Scott Snyder and his visionary collaborator, illustrator Greg Capullo wanted to introduce a threat with some very weighty gravitas able to tear away at the inner workings — an enemy that would cut not only the Batman to the core, but also attack everything that he represents both as the city of Gotham’s protector and as entrepreneur Bruce Wayne. As the story unfolded, and the origins of the Court of Owls were further explored, it would become evident that these schemers have long been working to ensure their interests are met, and nothing — not even the Waynes would stand in their way.

Batman vs. the Talon.

Batman faces off against one of the Court of Owls agent assassins, as the Talon strikes!

Batman has always been identified by his city. Gotham is as much a supporting player in his mythology; at times serving as a close ally, and at other moments a most treacherous enemy. Gotham itself could be argued is responsible for taking the life of young Bruce Wayne’s parents and inherently giving rise to its most vaunted vigilante. What makes the addition of the Court of Owls so compelling within the legend of Batman is in how both Snyder and Capullo lend texture to the city’s history, coloring Gotham even further still.

Many have always assumed that Gotham City power is in its corruption — but now we learn its much more than that; Gotham corrupts completely — its strength an adverse affect of the greed and grime that have worked their way for more than 400 hundred years into the pavement.

The Court of Owls work clandestinely — they prefer to remain hidden and in order to keep most of the power for themselves, they maintain a close forum. Granting accesses only to Gotham’s elite — the rich and powerful. To enforce their rules and regulations they enlist (or enslave) master assassins they call Talons. Each family has their own, an avenger that does their dirty work and silences anyone that threatens the court’s ultimate power play.

In ernest, one would wonder — why hadn’t the Court surfaced sooner? The Waynes of Gotham have always had a hand in shaping the fate of Gotham. But when DC Comics rebooted the universe at the turn of the last “FLASHPoint” the history of its heroes was “compressed” — or condensed to meet contemporary sensibilities. In today’s paranoid world of terrorists and homeland strife, a villainous organization the likes of the Court of Owls seems like the perfect opposition for a Dark Knight on the hunt for justice.

Introduced over the course of Batman’s first year in an arc within the premiere title Batman (the packaged in one volume format) it began with “The Court of Owls”, leading into the second act in “The City of Owls” and the Batman-family crossover event “Night of the Owls”. Along the way interesting revelations were made, including the fact the Dick Grayson, the Nightwing, was considered a candidate to take up the identity of the Talon. It seemed that many among the legion of Talon assassins were recruited from Haley’s Circus — which is part of Grayson’s backstory. In his youth, he performed with his family as daredevil aerialists, who are murdered by a mob enforcer.

Another shocking plot point reveals that Bruce Wayne may have had a sibling, Thomas Wayne, Jr., whom he was separated from at a very early age. His identity concealed until a particularly vindictive Talon with an agenda of his own, makes the startling claim that he is indeed Bruce’s brother — and that he’ll stop at nothing to destroy him. Whether Thomas is indeed related to Bruce — he first appears as the mayoral candidate Lincoln March before going to the dark side.

The Court of Owls have made such a great impression on Batman mythology that they’ve surfaced in the DC Comics Animated feature Batman vs. Robin an original story that links the history of the court with the arrival of Bruce’s son Damian. The feature also introduces the heroic Talon, Calvin Rose. This Talon had a title of his own, that ran for a short length and expanded on the myth of the Court of Owls. Rose struggles to get out from under the iron will of the court — at a great price.

Without a doubt Batman has always had the most colorfully diabolical cast of characters that have made up his gallery of rogues, but no threat has been more serious than when the Court of Owls arrived on the scene. Whether we’ve seen the last of the Court since Batman toppled their underground empire remains a mystery, but certainly with a legacy as endurable as the enforcers that carry out their threat — the Court of Owls may simply be hibernating, nesting until the time is right to hunt again!

The post Batman vs. the Court of Owls – The Verdict… appeared first on DC Comics News.

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