Image Comics - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Sat, 04 Nov 2023 16:59:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Image Comics - DC Comics News 32 32 Indie Comics Review: Doctor Who: Once Upon A Timelord Sat, 04 Nov 2023 17:05:30 +0000 “Doctor Who: Once Upon A Timelord“ Writer: Dan Slott Artists: Christopher Jones & Matthew Dow Smith, Mike…

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Doctor Who: Once Upon A Timelord
Writer: Dan Slott
Artists: Christopher Jones & Matthew Dow Smith, Mike Collins
Color Artists: Charlie Kirchoff & Mariane Gusmão
Letterer: Richard Starkings / Comicraft
Reviewed by: Steve J. Ray


Doctor Who: Once Upon A Timelord was originally announced as a fall release for 2022. While the year-long wait has been agonizing, after reading it I’m glad that Titan Comics waited until the Doctor’s 60th Anniversary month and year to release it. Why? The answers are many and varied.


The decision to release this comic at a time when David Tennant’s returning to our TV screens, as the new 14th Doctor, is a stroke of genius. Not only is he one of the most beloved actors to play the character, there can be no denying that his adventures, and the entire Doctor Who era under the stewardship of Russell T. Davies, re-invigorated the franchise and, as such, is now seen as one of the greatest DW runs of all time.

Now I have to talk about about Dan Slott. While fandom remains divided about his 10-plus-year run on Spider-Man (and he’s back, folks) I’ve been a huge fan of his work since Batman Adventures Vol. 2  (2003-2004), and Batman: Arkham Asylum: Living Hell (2003). Slott is the writer whose work brought me back to the web-slinger (after the pointless and completely unnecessary horrors Marvel inflicted upon Peter and Mary Jane). Yes, I actually stopped reading the adventures of my second favorite comic book character (after Batman/the Bat Family) until Dan took over as writer.

Reading interviews with Mr. Slott, leading up to this fantastic comic, it turns out that he fell in love with Doctor Who at the same time (and with the same Doctor and companions) as I did; Tom Baker, Lis Sladen, and Ian Marter (the fourth Doctor, Sarah-Jane Smith, and Harry Sullivan). His love for the Doctor Who universe (Whoniverse?) shines from every line in this story.

Like the wonderful Jody Houser, Slott has an ear for dialogue and the beats of how a character speaks, which really resonates. His Martha Jones, Rose Tyler, Ninth and Tenth Doctors, to me, “sound” exactly like Freema Agyeman, Billie Piper, Christopher Eccleston, and David Tennant. That’s not an easy thing to do, and many other writers haven’t been able manage it.

I’m a lifelong Doctor Who super-fan, I own DVDs of all the existing episodes (right back to 1963) all the ones that have been recreated in animation, and all of “NuWho”, too. This show’s in my DNA and I love it completely and unapologetically. Doctor Who: Once Upon A Timelord reads like the Tenth Doctor’s greatest hits, and feels like a 60th-anniversary special all of its own.

The truth is, this comic features a ton of characters from the RTD/10th Doctor era, including a few surprise ones used in clever and unexpected ways. The second story, “Rhyme Or Reason”, even brings back some Fifth Doctor villains! This comic is thrilling, funny, scary, clever, and super entertaining… just like the TV show it’s inspired by. Dan Slott loves Doctor Who, and this wonderful comic proves it.

Christopher Jones is one of those artists whose work I’ll buy whenever I see his name on the cover. He’s working with Matthew Dow on the first story in the book, “Firelight”. The tale begins and ends in the “Real World”, in the vintage, clean, sharp, gorgeous Jones style, while the central story, Martha’s tale, is edgy, scratchy, and mysterious. The overall effect really works. As always, Jones is also a master at capturing actors’ likenesses, smiles, and quirks. The different visuals used to tell Martha’s story to the new (and absolutely awesome) villains, the Pyromeths, really sets the two sides of the tale apart. This book looks fabulous.

Color artists, Charlie Kirchoff and Mariane Gusmão, also deliver the goods. The effects surrounding the ever-burning villains are very effective, and the space and story time colors are cosmic and ethereal, while the real world parts of the tale are grounded and feel very natural. Great work, team!

The second offering in the issue, “Rhyme Or Reason”, gives us a previously untold story featuring the Ninth Doctor and Rose. It’s drawn by Doctor Who (and comics in general, if we’re being honest) veteran, Mike Collins. I love Mike’s art, and own a veritable ton of it; going all the way back to his work in Marvel UK’s Captain Britain and his earliest strips for Doctor Who Magazine. When it comes to the Doctor (whatever he/she/they look like this year) and all his companions, Mike can do no wrong (in my humble opinion).

Finally, we come to the reigning King of Letterers, (as well as an amazing writer and editor in his own right) and his unparalleled studio, Comicraft. Richard Starkings is the maestro, a legend, and in a league of his own. Plus, he’s one of the nicest people on this planet or any other. If you buy any comic or graphic novel that has his name on it or is lettered by him, or any of the fine talents at Comicraft, you can be 100% certain that you’re picking up an item of true quality.


I’ve been waiting a year for this… but it was SO worth it.


Doctor Who: Once Upon A Timelord deserves its place on every Whovians bookshelf. It’s a fast-paced powerhouse of a tale that’s beautifully illustrated and incredibly well written. The twists and turns, Slott’s love of the English language (and his ability to poke fun at it), his brilliant takes on the TARDIS’ translation circuits, the clever twist at the end of “Firelight” and the way he even clearly tells readers where this comic fits in the Doctor Who timeline, are all impeccably handled.

Not only will I be buying a physical copy when this book comes out, but I may have to get all three covers. Yes indeed, this comic’s a winner.

Images Courtesy of Titan Comics

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Indie Comics Review: Doctor Who: Origins #4 Thu, 27 Oct 2022 15:38:24 +0000 Doctor Who: Origins – Book Four Publisher: Titan Comics Writer: Jody Houser Artist: Roberta Ingranata Color Artist:…

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Doctor Who: Origins – Book Four
Publisher: Titan Comics
Writer: Jody Houser
Artist: Roberta Ingranata
Color Artist: Warnia K. Sahadewa
Letterers: Comicraft’s Richard Starkings and Jimmy Betancourt
Reviewed by: Steve J. Ray


The Doctor and her new companion, Taslo, have confronted the corrupt Timelord who ordered them to destroy entire colonies across many worlds. Doctor Who: Origins #4 begins as the Doctor is forced to witness the destruction of these innocents after Taslo sides with Division and betrays the Doctor.


WOW! After last month’s cliffhanger this particular Whovian, and countless others no doubt, were left shocked and horrified, not just at Laslo’s betrayal, but also with the pointless horrific death of thousands of innocents. Where could the Doctor go from there?

Thankfully, this series is in very capable hands, and Jody Houser has delivered a perfect ending for this terrific story. What we’ve been given is a vintage story with brand new characters, creatures and worlds. This creative team consistently delivers classic Doctor Who told in a brand-new way.

As always, Roberta Ingranata, Warnia K. Sahadewa and the wonderful people at Comicraft have added beautiful visuals to go with the (inter)stellar script. Jo Martin’s Fugitive Doctor is picture perfect and the mix of incredible creatures (formerly Gallifreyans) designed for this story deserve to be seen again.


I really miss having a monthly Doctor Who comic that actually comes out every month. For the last few years we’ve had a mini-series, a gap of a month or two, and then another mini-series. Please Titan, give us regular issues! It’s bad enough that we won’t be getting any new Doctor Who on TV for a whole year, please let us have comics to fill the gaps.


On the plus side, these comics are so good that they tend to be well worth waiting for. Doctor Who: Origins #4 delivers a great finale and leaves the door wide open for future stories featuring the Fugitive Doctor, Laslo, and the worlds created by Jody Houser and her collaborators. More, please!

Images Courtesy of Titan Comics

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DCN Exclusive Interview: Christian Ward – ‘Blood Stained Teeth’ Writer and ‘Aquaman Andromeda’ Artist Sat, 04 Jun 2022 15:28:47 +0000 Christian Ward is a multi-Eisner Award-winning comic book artist and writer. He’s probably best known for his…

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Christian Ward is a multi-Eisner Award-winning comic book artist and writer.

He’s probably best known for his cosmic space operas ODY-C (co-created with Matt Fraction) and Invisible Kingdom (co-created with G. Willow Wilson), he was also the artist on the acclaimed Marvel comics series Black Bolt (with Saladin Ahmed), and for his art on Thor (with Jason Aaron) and Batman: Secret Files: The Gardner (with James Tynion IV).

In 2019 he released his first book as a writer, Machine Gun Wizards (co-created with Sami Kivelä), and has juggled writing and drawing comics ever since.

He’s currently writing Blood Stained Teeth for Image Comics, and the first issue of his collaboration with Ram V, Aquaman: Andromeda, will be released by DC Black Label on June 7th.

I was fortunate enough to meet Christian at London’s MCM Comic-Con in May 2022, where he took part in a panel and sat for a signing session.

Christian Ward: DC Comics News Interview

DC Comics News: Good afternoon. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us. DC sent us Aquaman: Andromeda issue #1, and it’s great. It delivers a great story and looks fantastic.

Christian Ward: That’s very kind, thank you.

DCN: We all love that you’ve finally given us an Aquaman on the printed page who’s reminiscent of the classic comics character yet also perfectly represents Jason Momoa’s live-action version. To my mind, you’re the first artist to do this perfectly.

CW: That’s nice to hear. Of course, what we really wanted to do was something new and different with the character. The other was to combine Aquaman with sci-fi and horror.

DCN: Something Ram V does very well, as does your art on the project.

CW: Thanks. That was the aim. Reading Ram’s script, it was like Aquaman meets Event Horizon, and I hope that’s translated to the page.

DCN: It really has. It’s a great new take on the character and his world. Was that hard? I mean, Aquaman’s been around for 81 years.

CW: I think when you come to a character with real prevalence, it can sometimes hold you back. You’re like, oh, I don’t wanna ruin it.

DCN: Were you a fan?

CW: Not at the beginning, no. Neither Ram nor I were massive fans before this. Of course, we knew of him, and his history. I’d seen the film, I’d read Kelly Sue DeConnick ‘s run and Dan Abnett’s run, but I really wanted to bring something new.

The great thing is with a Black Label project, you get so much freedom, you know? You can do whatever you want, within reason. You can be true to the character, but still bring something fresh to it.

I definitely appreciate Aquaman, probably more now that I’ve worked on him. The thing is, we wanted to honor the legacy but also do something different. I’m a big believer of don’t give people what they want, give them what they don’t realize they want.

CW: I mean, it’s always a gamble and you might fail, but you’ll end up with something more impactful, whether it works or not. So, I’m thrilled to hear that you liked it.

DCN: It’s a great book. One of the things I really liked is that it also seems like you’ve adapted your style. We can still see it’s Christian Ward, but it’s different, it’s its own thing.

CW: As an artist, you want to keep the work fresh and interesting, both for yourself and for the reader.

DCN: Speaking of interesting, and fresh, it’s the same with your writing. Blood Stained Teeth; yes, it’s a vampire story, but it’s not like everything else that’s come before. You’ve done what I didn’t think was possible and done something new with vampires.

CW: I’ve read the reviews! Thanks, so much. Yes, I’m writing it, but am also doing some art for #4.

DCN: Wow!

CW: There’s a sequence where Atticus kind of has a trip and he gets trapped inside the memory palace of a vampire. So, we’re gonna have a transitional page, where Patric (Reynolds) and Heather (Moore) start, then we combine it, then it’s me, and then… boom!

The pages Christian shows us are stunning. What we’re shown starts off with art in the terrific style we’ve already seen in the first few issues of Blood Stained Teeth, but gradually the scene changes into the more psychedelic, painted style that is clearly Christian Ward’s.

DCN: That’s gorgeous. Awesome… roll on issue #4! Issue #2’s just come out. Carl loved it, as did everyone on the team who’s read it.

CW: Please keep reading, and tell us what you think.

DCN: It’s humbling that you read the reviews and comment on them.

CW: I mean, it’s great. A good review is fantastic, it tells me that I’m on the right track. It kind of helps keep you motivated and well, you know, it’s also great connecting and seeing people enjoying it. I want to keep making it good, so a positive review helps. I mean, if I then retweet you guys it helps you, and if then someone who doesn’t know about it reads it, it helps me as well.

DCN: Everybody wins!

CW: Exactly. Of course, I appreciate that there might be an issue that you don’t like, and feel free to tell me.

DCN: I don’t foresee that ever happening! We’re definitely going to keep reading, though. Thanks so much for talking to us.

CW: Thank you!

Not only is Christian Ward a hugely talented and prolific writer and artist, but he’s also incredible with fans. He greeted everyone in the queue with a glowing smile, engaged them in conversation, and was warm and fun to talk to. If you ever stand in line to get anything signed by him, I assure you that any wait will be well worth it.

I was already a huge fan when I met him and left the event an even bigger one.

Artwork courtesy of Image Comics, DC Entertainment, and the artist

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Indie Comics Review: The Department Of Truth #17 Tue, 26 Apr 2022 07:22:27 +0000 Review: THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH #17 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: James Tynion IV…

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The Department of Truth #17 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: James Tynion IV

Artist: Jorge Fornes

Colors: Jordie Bellaire

Letters: Aditya Bidikar

Publisher: Image Comics

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


The Department of Truth #17: The third arc of Eisner-nominated The Department of Truth concludes here, as breakout star Jorge Fornes (Rorschach) joins the team to reveal the long-awaited secrets behind one of the biggest conspiracy theories of all time. Strap in, folks: Richard Nixon has a moon landing to fake.


The Department of Truth #17, like the previous three issues, presents us with an interlude from the Department’s history. Tynion has been using these issues to fill readers in on the Department’s backstory. And typical of this series, this issue has yet another conspiracy theory at the centre of the story. This time, it’s the theory that the moon landing in 1969 was faked.

However, it’s not quite accurate to say it was “faked” here. In Tynion’s world, truth is shaped by belief. So, in this story, the event was faked, but convincingly enough to actual bring into reality. So, in a strange way the Apollo 11 mission was both faked and real at the same time.

The story opens at the White House, shortly after Richard Nixon has become President of the United States. And Tynion makes good use of the situation to inject some exposition into the story. After all, it makes sense that a new President would have questions upon learning about the Department of Truth.

We also learn the identity of Lee Harvey Oswald’s predecessor at the Department. I found it somewhat surprising at first. But upon reflection it makes perfect sense for the Department of Truth to be headed up by Frank Capra. Who would be more adept at manufacturing stories to manipulate what the general public believes than a talented film director?

The Department of Truth #17 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

I also found it interesting that Capra does seem somewhat torn at how they accomplish this important achievement. He does have some regret that the mission isn’t achieved honestly through ingenuity and hard work. It seems like cheating to bend reality in this manner. On the other hand, he also wants to give himself over to the fictions they are creating. He tells Lee, “But I suppose I’m an old man now, Lee. I believe in my little fairytales… I wrote fictions and I want to live in them”.

Lee agrees with this: “I want to live in them too, boss. That’s what’s this is all about”. However, given what Tynion has hinted about Lee’s own fictional nature, Lee’s assent holds much deeper significance than Capra likely realizes. Lee has his own vision for reshaping the world. But would this vision be in humanity’s best interest? Or is it a much darker vision? Tynion again has us wondering whether the Department are the heroes or the villains of his story.

The issue is drawn by guest artist Jorge Fornes, aided by colors from Jordie Bellaire. Like previous interlude stories, the guest artist’s style makes an interesting contrast to that of the series’ regular artist Martin Simmonds. Like other guest artists, the style is purposely more defined and detailed than Simmonds’ art. Simmonds’ style seems rather dreamlike with an abstract edge.

The Department of Truth #17 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

There is a subtle vagueness that’s appropriate to a present where reality is in flux. However, in these past vignettes, we are seeing a reality that has already shifted and is now settled. So, it makes sense for it to be more clear and definite.

And like the other guest artists, Fornes is the perfect choice for the particular story Tynion is telling in this issue. The atmosphere in this cold war tale has a very similar feel to the atmosphere Fornes conveyed in Rorschach. It’s not the same story, but there is a similar feeling to both stories that Fornes captures perfectly.


I am in utter awe at how perfect this series is. There isn’t anything I have seen yet that I would classify as a mistake or misstep. Tynion has clearly put an extreme amount of thought and effort into designing this amazing story.


I keep wondering how long Tynion can keep this story going before running out of conspiracy theories and urban legends to work with, but he somehow keeps revealing newer and deeper layers to his epic. This story is like nothing else I have read before and Tynion has me utterly hooked.


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Image Comics Review: Nocterra #9 Thu, 14 Apr 2022 20:11:57 +0000 Review: Nocterra #9 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher:  Image Comics Writer: Scott Snyder Artist:…

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Review: Nocterra #9

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher:  Image Comics

Writer: Scott Snyder

Artist: Tony S. Daniel

Colors: Marcelo Maiolo

Letters: AndWorld Design

Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“That new world on the other side of this?  It’ll be worse than it was before the darkness.  I promise you that!” – Black Top Bill
Nocterra #9 – Part Three…”Pedal to the Metal”
With a fresh member on their roster, Team Sundog must traverse uncharted waters with one question on all their minds: who, or rather, what is Eos?


Scott Snyder and Tony S. Daniel…page 12.  The symmetric symbolism of that page alone is worth making it into a poster!

Blacktop Bill has replaced The Batman Who Laughs as my favorite Snyder villain creation.  Snyder is channeling his inner Stephen King with his own “Man in Black”…only this one has a grin that a dentist cannot even love.

Turns out Bill is a Houdini that can bide his time.  He needs this convoy as much as they need him.  However, turns out Snyder has been listening to an old Van Halen tune “Big Bad Bill Is Sweet William Now!” Again, page 12 is where we get the best artist rendering in the entire book, but also the best excerpt from the script by Snyder!

Tony Daniel and Marcelo Maiolo, when they give us a “bright start” of an imagined future like the frames below, the actual comic is going to be dark, dark, and dark!  No holds bar on the creatures being destroyed, but Bill is at the top of his game.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend… Bill has no friends!

Positives 2.0

Nocterra… the recipes. Not only do we get a new lesson in Kingdom, Phylum, Plant, Genus, and Species with a new vocabulary of creatures.  But this convoy makes sure we know how to eat these horrible incarnations.  Hawkcoon?  Who knew that it would taste like… go ahead.  You give it a try!


None!  Blacktop Bill in the midst of this convoy doesn’t disappoint. Picture Negan and The Governor working alongside Rick in The Walking Dead. That’s how “nasty” this is about to become!


BUY THIS BOOK! We are already beginning the second story arc! In fact, go out and get the Full Throttle Dark storyline in Trade Paperback form. If you’re not hooked yet, here is a link to the first issue. I keep touting both Daniel and Snyder as a dream team because they simply are. However, we’re now at a point where the convoy needs to arrive.  I need to see that “Last Stand”… pardon my Stephen King reference!

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Image Comics Review: King Spawn #9 Thu, 14 Apr 2022 19:08:15 +0000 Review: King Spawn #9 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Image Comics Writers: Sean Lewis,…

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Review: King Spawn #9

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Image Comics

Writers: Sean Lewis, Todd McFarlane

Artist:  Thomas Nachlik

Letters:  AndWorld Design

Colors: FCO Plascencia

Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“Wanda?”Al Simmons seeing his wife Wanda in the snow

King Spawn #9 – With one vision of Wanda….. The stakes just got higher for Al Simmons.  What is the mysterious Exodus Foundation and what are their nefarious goals and why would they be offering Al a seat on the God Throne? Spawn finds himself so close to getting Wanda back.  Is this another trick at the hands of Malebolgia?


Our resident Spawn Historian, Sean Lewis, knows what we as fans want and especially what Spawn wants… Al wants his queen and his queen is Wanda. For the first time in a long time, we see Wanda caught in a bit of a nether region.  Not dead, yet not exactly alive.  But she is in a holding pattern put there by Azrael (no not that Azrael… wrong universe). 

Can Al lose his rage in order to bring his queen to him? Sean Lewis provides the words and Thomas Nachlik supplies the inks of pain as we see a very cold Al Simmons fighting once again for his soul.  After all, it always has been about love!  

Positives 2.0

King Spawn has returned Al back to his roots. It’s more graphic and provides the initial pain and anguish that true Spawn fans have come to expect.  Though the creatures are a bit more far-fetched in this issue, I just go with Sean Lewis as he has given the true Spawn followers back a glimpse of Wanda.

What if Al can get her back?  Is this the end of Spawn?  Will the others take his place?  Was this the plan all along by McFarlane and company?  So many layers to this new onion!

Accolades for World Record-Setting

King Spawn #9 continues to deliver! All of the Spawn titles are providing fans with something to read about on a weekly basis, but this book is the true history lesson as Sean Lewis is all about the Spawn canon. 

His writing arguably contributes more to the ideas that McFarlane put out there some thirty years ago than well… the Todd Father himself.   Don’t agree?  Check out Issue #1 of King Spawn to get you hooked.


Issue #8 has us on the edge of our seat as that one glimpse of Wanda….what would you do?  What will Al do?  Only Sean Lewis and Todd McFarlane know. Let’s hope they give King Spawn his queen.


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Indie Comics Review: Crossover #9 Fri, 08 Apr 2022 13:57:14 +0000 Review: Crossover #9 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Image Comics Writer: Donny Cates Artist:…

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Review: Crossover #9

Review: Crossover #9

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Image Comics

Writer: Donny Cates

Artist: Geoff Shaw

Colors: Dee Cunniffe

Letters: John J. Hill

Reviewed by: Seth Singleton


In Crossover #9 Ryan is in a bad place and not just emotionally. He and Ellie are in a prison for superpowered beings. Ryan’s dad, Father Lowe, is also there and so is a writer named Donny Cates. Wait…what?


Ryan’s back and forth with Pendleton, the guy running the prison, is priceless. This is the same guy who gave Ryan a gun back in issue #7. Now he admits that the idea came from the writer who “thinks he is a prophet” and has since been deemed unreliable. But that’s not why Ryan is there. Instead, Father Lowe claims to know who is killing all of the comic book writers who have been dying since the first issue.

According to Father Lowe, the killer is someone who wanted to meet his maker. Father Lowe knows who the killer is and he can take Ryan to him. There’s some talk about Saga and a quote from Winston Churchill and a lot of loaded tension between father and son.

Meanwhile, Ellie is in an interrogation room with the detective duo from Powers. Ellie states that she knows all about their clever banter and that she wants no part of it. However, Christian Walker and Deena Pilgrim have no idea what Ellie is talking about. They continue doing exactly what they always do, and eventually, Ellie accepts that the banter is happening whether she likes it or not.

Then Ellie adds a twist. What if the being hunting comic book writers is not concerned with just killing the writers? What if the writers are only the first step to achieving something greater? Walker and Pilgrim put out an APB and then they called to an alley just outside a theater that was screening the Mask of Zorro. That’s when they discover the body of another comic book writer. And they also find a themed murder weapon.


There are no negatives to mention in this issue.


There is the possibility that Cates is a deluded “prophet” and this entire project is an act of vanity. Which is the easiest way to ignore the subtext, let alone the content of Crossover. Cates is drawing on his experience to tell a story about the here and now. It might even be the story about how a story gets away and must be recaptured. Or it’s the chance to propose an unlikely — if not impossible — scenario and follow it all the way through the mirror and back to the other side.

However, before deciding on anything. Consider the possibility that the art and act of misdirection is a tool in a writer’s arsenal. It is not something used lightly or even with malice. Like so many occasions that preceded it and will follow it, it is rarely the only tool in use. Where then is the story going? Perhaps it is found in the brilliant art of Geoff Shaw or Dee Cunniffe’s salacious colors. Look over John J. Hill’s subtle letters and then take it all in one more time. The answer is everything you see and everything you are waiting to see. See it?

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Indie Comics Review: Astro City: That Was Then… Special Sun, 03 Apr 2022 10:36:03 +0000 Indie Comics Review: ASTRO CITY: THAT WAS THEN… SPECIAL [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer:…

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Astro City: That Was Then... Special - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Kurt Busiek

Artists: Brent Eric Anderson, Alex Ross

Colors: Alex Sinclair

Letters: Comicraft’s Tyler Smith, Jimmy Betancourt

Publisher: Image Comics

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Astro City: That Was Then… Special: Astro City returns with an all-new special! Who were the Jayhawks? How did they inspire five teen sidekicks looking for answers to hit the road in a rickety crime mobile in 1969? How will this affect Astro City in the present? This one-shot special features new and existing heroes and launches a mystery that will drive the forthcoming Astro City series.


In June of 2018, the final issue of the most recent run of Astro City was released by DC’s Vertigo Comics imprint. The plan was for Astro City to shift from a monthly ongoing title to a series of original graphic novels. Unfortunately, those books never materialized, So we haven’t had a new issue of Astro City in nearly four years. Now it’s back and has returned to its original publisher, Image Comics.

The Astro City: That Was Then… Special is presented as a prelude to a new ongoing Astro City, and it does a wonderful job of whetting the audience’s appetite for the full series. It also clearly shows that Busiek, Anderson, and Ross haven’t lost their feel for the series in the interim.

Four years can be a long time, and these particular four years seem like a lifetime, considering all that’s happened during that time. So, it’s great to see the creative team pick up with no drop in quality. Sometimes when a comic title or TV show goes on an extended hiatus, the creators are unable to recapture the magic. But that’s not the case here.

It’s sometimes said that Astro City is a superhero universe written more realistically than most others. While there is some truth to that, it is not an entirely accurate statement. The Astro City universe is every bit as fantastical and amazing as those of DC or Marvel, but there are also heaping amounts of high-concept supernatural and science fiction. The world is liberally populated by superheroes, ghosts, aliens, deities, and extra-dimensional entities.

Astro City: That Was Then... Special - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

Of course, this is only the backdrop for the real stories. Busiek excels at telling very real, relatable human tales and this is the sense in which Astro City is “realistic”. For example, the story here involves a group of young superhero sidekicks setting out on a road trip in a flying car. However, at its core, it’s more about a group of teens spending one final summer together before adulthood, and all going on their separate ways.

There’s barely any superhero action in this book at all, it’s just a down-to-earth human story.  The superhero angle is present but isn’t the focus of the issue. The focus is, as Busiek says in his afterword, “telling a story about the humanity in the superhuman”, and Busiek is a master at telling this type of story.

The teen heroes take their trip in the light of the deaths of four members of a team called the Jayhawks, a group that has a similar vibe to the original iteration of the Teen Titans, as both were teams comprised of teenage sidekicks. Having the story set in the late 60s also adds to the vibe.

Then we get an epilogue, showing the ghosts of the fallen observing the present-day hero, Samaritan, who’s worried that things seem to be getting darker and more dangerous. He wonders if they’re all actually accomplishing anything in the long run and muses:

It’s always the same cycle. Fighting. Saving lives. Decade after decade. But what are we winning? We need a plan. We need a new way. I just… I don’t know how to find it.

The watching specters hint that maybe they can do something to help.

Astro City: That Was Then... Special - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

This gives us a great setup to launch a new series with, as it offers a great springboard to show us what’s changed in Astro City and what has remained the same. It should also serve as a great entry point for new readers, although it would be definitely worth anyone’s time to catch up reading previous runs of the series. Not coincidentally, Image is offering the first volume of their large Astro City Metrobook, reprint collections. I highly recommend picking it up if you don’t already own the back issues.

The Astro City: That Was Then… Special also includes an afterword by writer Kurt Busiek, aptly titled “Astro City… This is Now”. In it, he answers a number of questions, including a brief rundown of why the title left DC and how it made its way back to Image. I was quite relieved to learn that there was no falling out with DC. He also gives a rough idea of what’s going on with the rumored TV show. It’s still happening but isn’t yet at the point where he can share specifics.

There are some enticing hints at stories to come, but they’re vague enough to avoid giving away spoilers. Busiel also makes sure to remind us that he hasn’t forgotten about some of the mysteries that are still waiting to be explored:

Whether it’s the question of what happened to the Silver Agent, who the Broken Man is, what’s up with the Oubor, and more.

It all sounds fascinating, and I can hardly wait.


Negatives? We’re freakin’ getting more Astro City after what seems like forever!!! What the hell negative could I find about that?


The Astro City: That Was Then… Special is a fantastic declaration that Astro City’s back, and it’s as great as it always was. I can hardly wait for the new ongoing series to arrive.


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Image Comics Review: Spawn #328 Thu, 31 Mar 2022 18:49:43 +0000 Review: Spawn #328 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Image Comics Writer:  Rory McConville Artist:…

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Review: Spawn #328

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Image Comics

Writer:  Rory McConville

Artist: Carlo Barberi

Letters: Tom Orzechowski

Colors: Jay David Ramos

Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“…Your name will live forever, alongside all those who helped put Sinn on the throne of Hell! –  Sinn

Spawn #328 –  The Exodus Foundation has declared war!  With the assassination of Senator Rawlins, the entire world sees Spawn as Public Enemy #1.

The Dead Zones are proving to be one of the most important aspects of Spawn’s universe. But did Spawn make a mistake by sealing them?  HellSpawns are bouncing around hosts.  Forsaken grows restless!


Rory McConville keeps the beat alive in Spawn with Todd McFarlane always close by in the script department.  These HellSpawns that have been locked out of Heaven and Hell seem to be jumping from host to host, but more importantly, they are contributing to the toy empire of McFarlane.

The latest version is Columbo Spawn/Detective Spawn/Overcoat Spawn, the one that killed Senator Rawlins.  It’s a clever ploy as Mac and Mac try to give us different versions to possibly join Spawn’s army or at least give us more action figures to the shelf. With McConville and McFarlane locking both Heaven and Hell, it’s really getting crowded among the demons, angels, and humans. 

While King Spawn is shaping things up for Spawn to inherit the throne of each kingdom, Spawn provides a story where others are placing themselves in line as all-time rulers of everything!

Positives 2.0

Cy-gor…Jim Downing…Medieval Spawn… we get some really interesting takes in this new relationship.  One possible take is the Marc/Medieval Spawn and Jim may have a relationship spark going on, 

To borrow a page from Todd Taylor’s Superman, this may be a new take in the world of Spawn.  Page 12 of this issue may be the beginning of something new.

Accolades for World Record-Setting

Tom Orzechowski is as much a part of the tapestry of Spawn as Todd McFarlane.  While Spawn continues to set an independent comic record with every issue released, it’s admirable that Orzechowski is the person behind that lettering we see that gives Spawn his dark encircled voice bubble that echoes in our heads when we read each issue!


The book is a bit off this release in that we are getting a LOT of art and characters.  Never has the Spawn machine been so rich in either, or both.  However, from a script standpoint, we’ve been at a bit of a standstill lately, in the storyline.  I hope that picks up soon!


Spawn #328 –  No new things are developed here if you take away page 12 in what I think will be an eventual relationship upgrade.  However, if you want to get a good take on Cy-gor, see the Redeemer in action, be introduced to Sinn, or at least find out what Forsaken is restless about, pick up this book!


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Image Comics Review: Gunslinger Spawn #6 Wed, 23 Mar 2022 16:30:56 +0000 Review: Gunslinger Spawn #6 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Image Comics Writer: Todd McFarlane…

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Review: Gunslinger Spawn #6

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Publisher: Image Comics

Writer: Todd McFarlane

Artists:  Brett Booth

Letters: Tom Orzechowski

Colors:   Ivan Nunes

Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“You think these souls still have some innocence.  They don’t.  They are animals…..”Gunslinger Spawn to The Clown  Spawn #6- The EPIC battle with the new CLOWN concludes…Clown, along with Violator and his razor-toothed minions, continues to torment a weakened Gunslinger.  


Okay…stop me if you have heard this one before. What do Gunslinger Spawn, Aquaman, and Dr. Doolittle have in common?

Think about it Yes, that’s right. In case you were humming that old, old tune “If I could walk with the animals…talk to the animals…” You get the picture.

This issue has what you would expect in any western. A sit-down negotiation between two enemies or the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Glasses clink together over a bit of brown liquor.  Secret plans are shared and the perceived weakest link spills his biggest secret.

You got it… Gunslinger Spawn can communicate if not downright control any beast of a creature. While billed as the weakest Spawn (see the power meter in this review), Todd McFarlane turns over his best Ace up his sleeve as The Clown’s minions, as well as his Violator avatar, are just that…mindless animals.

Brown liquor is not the Clown’s drink and, in my best Nancy Reagan impersonation, “Don’t Drink and…Negotiate with a Spawn”.  

Positives 2.0

Brett Booth turns a sleight of hand in that the more inebriated the Clown becomes, the more he starts to see Gunslinger Spawn in his human form.

Spoiler Alert: as you look for this in the pages.  Whether Booth intends it or not, it’s a great coincidence, as we see the perils of drinking and dealing with the Devil.

Booth has an affinity for chains much as McFarlane had for webbing.  Each page is adorned with intricacies in the art.  Speaking of art…take a look at the blade transformations. Again, amber liquor lenses are a thing and Booth turns them to our advantage as a reader.


That is the sound of tumbleweeds you hear…no negatives as this issue reads like a glass of fine whiskey. It’s smooth with each turn of the page.


Issue #6 assuages any concerns that Gunslinger Spawn was going to double-cross Al Simmons. The Scorched are going to be just fine, but these Spawn books are based on love. If you haven’t picked that up yet, you should. More than anything, pick up this chapter and hunt down issues #1-5. This is one book you need on your collector’s shelf!


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