Aquaman - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Sat, 04 Jun 2022 15:28:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aquaman - DC Comics News 32 32 DCN Exclusive Interview: Christian Ward – ‘Blood Stained Teeth’ Writer and ‘Aquaman Andromeda’ Artist Sat, 04 Jun 2022 15:28:47 +0000 Christian Ward is a multi-Eisner Award-winning comic book artist and writer. He’s probably best known for his…

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Christian Ward is a multi-Eisner Award-winning comic book artist and writer.

He’s probably best known for his cosmic space operas ODY-C (co-created with Matt Fraction) and Invisible Kingdom (co-created with G. Willow Wilson), he was also the artist on the acclaimed Marvel comics series Black Bolt (with Saladin Ahmed), and for his art on Thor (with Jason Aaron) and Batman: Secret Files: The Gardner (with James Tynion IV).

In 2019 he released his first book as a writer, Machine Gun Wizards (co-created with Sami Kivelä), and has juggled writing and drawing comics ever since.

He’s currently writing Blood Stained Teeth for Image Comics, and the first issue of his collaboration with Ram V, Aquaman: Andromeda, will be released by DC Black Label on June 7th.

I was fortunate enough to meet Christian at London’s MCM Comic-Con in May 2022, where he took part in a panel and sat for a signing session.

Christian Ward: DC Comics News Interview

DC Comics News: Good afternoon. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us. DC sent us Aquaman: Andromeda issue #1, and it’s great. It delivers a great story and looks fantastic.

Christian Ward: That’s very kind, thank you.

DCN: We all love that you’ve finally given us an Aquaman on the printed page who’s reminiscent of the classic comics character yet also perfectly represents Jason Momoa’s live-action version. To my mind, you’re the first artist to do this perfectly.

CW: That’s nice to hear. Of course, what we really wanted to do was something new and different with the character. The other was to combine Aquaman with sci-fi and horror.

DCN: Something Ram V does very well, as does your art on the project.

CW: Thanks. That was the aim. Reading Ram’s script, it was like Aquaman meets Event Horizon, and I hope that’s translated to the page.

DCN: It really has. It’s a great new take on the character and his world. Was that hard? I mean, Aquaman’s been around for 81 years.

CW: I think when you come to a character with real prevalence, it can sometimes hold you back. You’re like, oh, I don’t wanna ruin it.

DCN: Were you a fan?

CW: Not at the beginning, no. Neither Ram nor I were massive fans before this. Of course, we knew of him, and his history. I’d seen the film, I’d read Kelly Sue DeConnick ‘s run and Dan Abnett’s run, but I really wanted to bring something new.

The great thing is with a Black Label project, you get so much freedom, you know? You can do whatever you want, within reason. You can be true to the character, but still bring something fresh to it.

I definitely appreciate Aquaman, probably more now that I’ve worked on him. The thing is, we wanted to honor the legacy but also do something different. I’m a big believer of don’t give people what they want, give them what they don’t realize they want.

CW: I mean, it’s always a gamble and you might fail, but you’ll end up with something more impactful, whether it works or not. So, I’m thrilled to hear that you liked it.

DCN: It’s a great book. One of the things I really liked is that it also seems like you’ve adapted your style. We can still see it’s Christian Ward, but it’s different, it’s its own thing.

CW: As an artist, you want to keep the work fresh and interesting, both for yourself and for the reader.

DCN: Speaking of interesting, and fresh, it’s the same with your writing. Blood Stained Teeth; yes, it’s a vampire story, but it’s not like everything else that’s come before. You’ve done what I didn’t think was possible and done something new with vampires.

CW: I’ve read the reviews! Thanks, so much. Yes, I’m writing it, but am also doing some art for #4.

DCN: Wow!

CW: There’s a sequence where Atticus kind of has a trip and he gets trapped inside the memory palace of a vampire. So, we’re gonna have a transitional page, where Patric (Reynolds) and Heather (Moore) start, then we combine it, then it’s me, and then… boom!

The pages Christian shows us are stunning. What we’re shown starts off with art in the terrific style we’ve already seen in the first few issues of Blood Stained Teeth, but gradually the scene changes into the more psychedelic, painted style that is clearly Christian Ward’s.

DCN: That’s gorgeous. Awesome… roll on issue #4! Issue #2’s just come out. Carl loved it, as did everyone on the team who’s read it.

CW: Please keep reading, and tell us what you think.

DCN: It’s humbling that you read the reviews and comment on them.

CW: I mean, it’s great. A good review is fantastic, it tells me that I’m on the right track. It kind of helps keep you motivated and well, you know, it’s also great connecting and seeing people enjoying it. I want to keep making it good, so a positive review helps. I mean, if I then retweet you guys it helps you, and if then someone who doesn’t know about it reads it, it helps me as well.

DCN: Everybody wins!

CW: Exactly. Of course, I appreciate that there might be an issue that you don’t like, and feel free to tell me.

DCN: I don’t foresee that ever happening! We’re definitely going to keep reading, though. Thanks so much for talking to us.

CW: Thank you!

Not only is Christian Ward a hugely talented and prolific writer and artist, but he’s also incredible with fans. He greeted everyone in the queue with a glowing smile, engaged them in conversation, and was warm and fun to talk to. If you ever stand in line to get anything signed by him, I assure you that any wait will be well worth it.

I was already a huge fan when I met him and left the event an even bigger one.

Artwork courtesy of Image Comics, DC Entertainment, and the artist

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Review: DC Comics: The New 52 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Wed, 11 Aug 2021 21:11:35 +0000 Review: DC COMICS: THE NEW 52 10TH ANNIVERSARY DELUXE EDITION   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain…

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DC Comics: The New 52 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition - DC Comics News


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Brian Azzarello, Brian Buccellato, Paul Cornell, Justin Gray, Geoff Johns, Jeff Lemire, Francis Manapul, Ron Marz, Peter Milligan, Grant Morrison, Jimmy Palmiotti, Scott Snyder

Artists: Oclair Albert, Sami Basri, Rick Bryant, Greg Capullo, Cliff Chiang, Travel Foreman, Jonathan Glapion, Dan Green, Mikel Janin, Jim Lee, Francis Manapul, Rags Morales, Moritat, Diogenes Neves, Joe Prado, Ivan Reis, Scott Williams

Colours: Brad Anderson, Ulisies Arreola, Brian Buccellato, Gobo, Jessica Kholinne, Lovern Kindzierski, Marcelo Maiolo, FCO Plascencia, Rod Reis, Alex Sinclair, Matthew Wilson

Letters: Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt, Pat Brosseau, Sal Cipriano, Jared K. Fletcher, Rob Leigh, Nick J. Napolitano, Richard Starkings


Reviewed By: Derek McNeil



DC Comics: The New 52 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition: In 2011 DC made its boldest move in 25 years with the announcement of the New 52–reinventing its fictional universe from the ground up, and restarting its publishing line with 52 new and relaunched series, each starting with a fresh #1. Ten years later, DC returns to that exciting era with a new collection of the New 52’s greatest first issues.

This collection showcases the breadth of the New 52’s creative diversity, including Geoff Johns and Jim Lee’s new origin for the Justice League, the start of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s storied run on Batman, the intense mythological drama of Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang’s Wonder Woman, Grant Morrison and Rags Morales taking Superman back to his roots, and the unpredictable body horror of Jeff Lemire and Travel Foreman’s Animal Man. This volume collects All Star Western #1, Animal Man #1, Aquaman #1, Justice League Dark #1, Demon Knights #1, Voodoo #1, Justice League #1, Wonder Woman #1, Action Comics #1, Batman #1, and The Flash #1.



In 2011, DC Comics took an unprecedented and extremely risky move of relaunching their entire line. Many titles were restarted at issue #1, but others were cancelled outright, and a number of new titles were introduced. And DC’s characters received a visual overhaul by co-publisher Jim Lee. DC called this relaunch the New 52, and to say it was controversial would be a massive understatement.

This is mainly because the relaunch was accompanied by a massive continuity reboot. Some foundational heroes and teams had their backstories majorly retconned. While a few characters like Batman and Green Lantern went mostly unscathed, others faced massive changes. Superman now had never married Lois. Cyborg was now a founding member of the Justice League. The original Teen Titans had never formed. The timeline had been shortened, and many character backstories were altered to fit, such as Dick Grayson’s tenure as Robin having been reduced to a couple years in his late teens. And some characters just disappeared, like Wally West, who later reappeared as a radically different character.

And now DC revisits this period of their history with DC Comics: The New 52 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition. This gorgeous hardcover book collects a representative selection of first issues from the New 52’s first wave of titles. These represent the most significant issues: three to represent DC’s Trinity of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman as well as the tentpole team book, Justice League.  The rest represent some of the best-received titles such as All-Star Western, Animal Man, and Demon Knights. It also features extensive bonus features. There are reprints of various marketing materials, Jim Lee’s character designs.

DC Comics: The New 52 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

One notable item is a document outlining the original plan for the relaunch. This plan lists the proposed titles, and a brief note about the “high concept” behind each. It’s fascinating to see which of these were kept, which were tweaked, and which were dropped altogether.

Where most books have an introduction that can be easily skipped, this is one case where I would recommend not skipping past it. Dan DiDio writes the introduction. His introduction attempts to put the New 52 into its proper historical context. He tells us of the disastrous state of the comics industry when he and Lee took over their roles as co-publishers. He also tells us of their mandate to “be bold”. This set the stage for a risky move – but one that proved wildly successful at first.

And perhaps in retrospect, it was necessary for DC to survive and get to where they are today. Rereading these stories, I was surprised to see how much has changed during the Rebirth era. Direct comparison highlights that the DCU of 2021 is a lot closer to the pre-Flashpoint DCU than to the New 52 DCU.

The reprinted issues are beautiful. DC had a remarkable assemblage of artists for the New 52 relaunch and many of them are featured here, including Jim Lee himself. And the writers in this volume are some of the biggest talents in the business like Geoff Johns, Jeff Lemire, Grant Morrison, and Scott Snyder.



While I mostly agree with DiDio’s assessment of the New 52, I think he does tend to paint a picture that’s a bit too rosy. He seems to be exaggerating the successes while downplaying the flaws of his relaunch. It may have been a necessary move, and it may also have been largely successful. But there were some large problems with the venture. While the collars of the costumes were one thing that garnered ire from readers, the redesigned costumes were just the tip of the iceberg. Happily, DC has fixed a lot of these problems during the Rebirth era.

Also, the selection of titles reprinted in the New 52 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition seem somewhat cherry-picked to show the relaunch in its best light. Action Comics and Justice League reflect some of the most egregious changes to continuity. But the rest are the relaunch’s success stories. New readers reading this book might not understand why the New 52 was so divisive in the first place.

DC Comics: The New 52 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition - DC Comics News



DC Comics: The New 52 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition is a beautiful book looking back at this controversial, yet still important era in DC history. If you loved The New 52 , this should be a fond look back, but even if you hated it might find some value in it. And it’s a good chance for new readers to explore this particular milestone in DC’s history.



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Aquaman 80th Anniversary Special! Sun, 23 May 2021 00:42:01 +0000 Celebrates DC’s the King of the Seven Seas as the Aquaman 80th Anniversary Special 100-Page Super Spectacular…

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Celebrates DC’s the King of the Seven Seas as the Aquaman 80th Anniversary Special 100-Page Super Spectacular comes out this summer!

Since his first appearance in November 1941’s More Fun Comics #73, Arthur Curry, a.k.a. Aquaman, has defended the Seven Seas and the DC Universe itself from all manner of threats.  On August 31, DC and Aqua-fans alike can celebrate the legacy of the Atlantean Sea King, with the release of the Aquaman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular.

Some of the greatest names in comics will contribute their storytelling firepower to this 100-page collector’s item – writers Dan Jurgens, Geoff Johns, Brandon Thomas, Chuck Brown, Stephanie Phillips, Michael Moreci, Marguerite Bennett, Dan Watters, Jeff Parker, Becky Cloonan and Francis Manapul.

They’ll be joined by some of the most prolific artists in comics, including Steve Epting, Paul Pelletier, Valentine de Landro, Hendry Prasetya, Pop Mhan, Trungles, Miguel Mendonça, Evan “Doc” Shaner, and more.

In addition to a stunning cover by the iconic team of Ivan Reis and Joe Prado, the Aquaman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular will feature eight “decade” themed card stock variant covers, portraying the marine monarch throughout the years:

1940’s variant cover by Michael Cho

1950’s variant cover by Ramona Fradon

1960’s variant cover by Walt Simonson

1970’s variant cover by José Luis García-López

1980’s variant cover by Chuck Patton and Kevin Nowlan

1990’s variant cover by Yvel Guichet

2000’s variant cover by Becky Cloonan

2010’s variant cover by Robson Rocha.

This all-star-filled anthology spans across the ocean king’s legacy, not just celebrating his own triumphs but also those of his greatest allies and enemies.  The main cover version of this 100-page blockbuster is priced at $9.99, with each card stock variant priced at $10.99

For the latest news on the Aquaman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular, be sure and check out the DC website at, and follow on social media @DCComics and @thedcnation.  You can also catch up with Aquaman on DC Universe Infinite!

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Review: Future State: Aquaman #2 Thu, 25 Feb 2021 20:19:29 +0000 Review: Future State: Aquaman #2 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Brandon Thomas Artist: Daniel…

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Review: Future State: Aquaman #2

Future State: Aquaman #2 DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Brandon Thomas

Artist: Daniel Sampere

Colors: Adriano Lucas

Letters: Clayton Cowles


Reviewer: Tony Farina


Andy Curry, daughter of Arthur and Mera, has had a pretty terrible month. Jackson Hyde, a.k.a. Aquaman, won’t stop calling her Aqualass when she’s told him a thousand times it’s Aquawoman. She’s manifested a new power that scares the absolute hell out of her. Oh, and she and Jackson just got ripped apart in the midst of a cosmic space ocean and she can’t find him anywhere! For the first time in her 14 years, Andy’s all alone-and it’s gonna take her wits, her will, and every single lesson Jackson ever taught her to survive.

Future State: Aquaman #2 DC Comics News


Future State: Aquaman #2 features, once again, the amazing, talented and simply perfect artist for this subject and these characters Daniel Sampere. That opening panel is just a kick in the gut. Couple that with Lucas’ genius color palate and Cowles spot on lettering, you have a poster. Don’t believe me?  Just feast your eyes.

Future State: Aquaman #2 DC Comics News

I love, love, love what Brandon Thomas is doing with Andy’s character development. That whole “Aqualass” nonsense that ran through this was done purposefully for the payoff and what an action packed payoff it is. There is such emotional resonance as well.  Thomas makes the years of training we see unfold in just a few short panels feel meaningful and important. I want to tip my cap to the way we learn so much about Jackson in just a few panels at the end. It is just excellent storytelling.


Future State: Aquaman #2 should NOT be called Aquaman. It is Aquapeople or Aquafolks or, and this might take people by surprise, Aquawoman. Andy Curry is the star of this book. Was there some fear at DC that an Aquawoman book would not sell? It does both Andy and Jackson a disservice to just name this book after him. Sure, we see him in a few action packed moments, but for the most part he was locked away.


Future State: Aquaman #2 is superb. When everything with Future State shakes out I desperately want this series to continue (albeit with a different name). There is a lot of potential here. Jackson was clearly shortchanged here, but that means we can only hope for more time with him. My fingers are crossed. My webbed toes are crossed. I want more of Andy and Jackson. Yes please!




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Justice League #59 Variant Covers Mon, 22 Feb 2021 06:23:19 +0000 In celebration of the highly anticipated feature film ZACK SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE, DC is revealing a special…

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In celebration of the highly anticipated feature film ZACK SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE, DC is revealing a special selection of  Justice League #59 variant covers, on sale March 16, 2021. The covers will debut in advance of the film’s premiere on HBO Max on March 18, 2021. Justice League #59 also signals the debut a new League lineup as well as a new creative team, featuring award-winning writer Brian Michael Bendis, with art by fan-favorite artist David Marquez.

In Justice League #59, Bendis reunites with artist David Marquez for a new, star-studded Justice League featuring Superman, Batman, the Flash, Hawkgirl, Aquaman, Hippolyta, new DC powerhouse Naomi, and Black Adam.

Justice League 59 DC Comics News DC Comics News Justice League 59 Justice League 59 DC Comics News

And in the backup story by Ram V and Xermanico, dark days lie ahead for the new Justice League Dark. Zatanna and John Constantine take a road trip, only to discover horror around the bend as a friend—and sometime foe—is reborn in fire!

In ZACK SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE, determined to ensure Superman’s ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne aligns forces with Diana Prince with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions. Now united, Batman , Wonder Woman  , Aquaman  , Cyborg and The Flash  may be too late to save the planet from Steppenwolf, DeSaad and Darkseid and their dreadful intentions.

These special variant covers are available in both full color and black and white versions at participating comic book stores for $5.99 each. Check your local store for availability.

Justice League 59 DC Comics News Justice League 59 DC Comics News Justice League 59 DC Comics News

ZACK SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Ray Fisher, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, Willem Dafoe, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane, Connie Nielsen, J.K. Simmons. The screenplay is by Chris Terrio, story by Chris Terrio & Zack Snyder and Will Beall, based on characters from DC, Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. The film’s producers are Charles Roven, Deborah Snyder, with executive producers Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas, Wesley Coller, Jim Rowe, Curtis Kanemoto, Chris Terrio and Ben Affleck.

For the latest information on Justice League by Bendis and Marquez and more, make sure and visit the website at, and follow on social media @dccomics and @thedcnation.

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Aquaman: King of Atlantis Debut! Mon, 22 Feb 2021 05:18:47 +0000 Following Aquaman making over $1 billion at the box office back in December 2018, Warner Bros. looked…

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Following Aquaman making over $1 billion at the box office back in December 2018, Warner Bros. looked to expand what you might call the “Aqua-verse” earlier last year. The world of Aquaman is expanding in a big way. Now, we are getting a proper sequel to the Jason Momoa-led film, a spin-off centered on The Trench, and an animated series coming to HBO Max; Aquaman: King of Atlantis . Aquaman director James Wan will be involved in all three DC projects and now details are starting to take shape about the planned animated series.

HBO Max has officially announced the debut of Aquaman: King of Atlantis. It has finally shared a first look image at its new upcoming DC animated series on Wednesday. It’s been over a year since we first heard about Aquaman: King of Atlantis, but it appears the series is alive and well. The three-episode series hails from executive producers James Wan, Atomic Monster’s Michael Clear , Rob Hackett and Sam Register .  The animator Victor Courtright (Thundercats Roar) and screenwriter Marly Halpern-Graser (Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans) will serve as showrunners and co-executive producers for the animated mini-series.

A newly released image from the series shows a more stylized version of Arthur and Meera as they prepare for a showdown in Atlantis. Judging by the look of the animated characters, the storyline will most likely take on a more light-hearted, comical tone.

The character, created by Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger, first appeared in More Fun Comics issue #73. Later, he would appear in the cartoon show; The Super Friends. The show ran from 1973 to 1985.  He was voiced by Norman Alden and William Callaway. Matt Lanter played the voice of Aquaman in Justice League: Throne of Atlantis. As for who will be providing the voices in Aquaman: King of Atlantis, that is unclear at this time.

There’s still no debut date announcement, but at least we finally have confirmation that the series is indeed still in the works.

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Review: Aquaman #66 Tue, 15 Dec 2020 14:02:15 +0000 Review: Aquaman #66[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]           Writer: Andy Lanning & Ron…

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Review: Aquaman #66
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

aquaman66 dc comics news






Writer: Andy Lanning & Ron Marz

Art: Miguel Mendonca & Marco Santucci (flashback)

Colors: Ivan Plascencia & Arif Prianto (flashback)

Letters: Clayton Cowles & ALW’s Troy Peteri (flashback)

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd


Aquaman #66- “Endless Winter” Chapter Four!  The Endless Winter comes to Atlantis and it’s up to Arthur and Mera to come up with a solution, but how does it impact the overall story?


With multipart crossovers, characters can often get shoved aside in order to tell the bigger tale.  Aquaman #66 is nearly the exact opposite.  While the flashback sequence that opens the issue clearly is telling a story that occurred in the past, and yes we are jumping in the middle here, Lanning and Marz are deft enough to provide just the right amount of exposition for the reader to understand without recapping everything or omitting too much.  They actually almost tease enough to inspire the reader to see what he/she’s missing in the first three parts!  

How do they do it?  Once the issue shifts to the present, the issue follows directly from the events of Aquaman #65.  After their nuptials, Mera and Arthur are hoping to get a honeymoon.  Acknowledging the continuity and making the issue feel like the next day goes a long way in keeping Aquaman readers invested  instead of  producing an issue that is “all event.”  In the early days of “The New 52” the crossover event, “The Culling” made this mistake.  And on the flip side, it’s not simply a cameo like the “Crisis” crossovers that riddled the DC books during the Crisis on Infinite EarthsAquaman #66 strikes the rare balance- it fits into the continuity of the title while also being critical and productive to the crossover event.

Positives Cont’d

Additionally, the character bits are spot on.  Arthur feels like the normal and regular Arthur Curry. (Just got to visit the barber…still!)  Mera is Mera.  And, she’s great.  She always finds a way to surprise Arthur and this issue is no exception.  Mera is always a joy to read.  While there’s certain to be debate, Mera is the one significant other that feels either equal to or greater than the protagonist.  Aquaman works best as a Aquaman and Mera, and if DC ever changes the title to this…I’d like my cut please!

This extends to the ancillary characters, Vulko and Mother Ceta of the Widowhood, as well.  Not only are their voices right on, but the bit they add to the continuity fits right in and even clarifies what’s transpired in Atlantis due to and along side Arthur and Mera’s wedding.  The story moves the story along just enough.  It really feels like Lanning and Marz took the time to understand what’s transpired recently in Aquaman and incorporate it fully into this chapter of “Endless Winter.”

I need to also acknowledge that regular series artist Miguel Mendonca is on hand for the modern part of the story.  This keeps everything looking familiar and ensures the reader that nothing too distracting is going to happen.  Mendoca brings his expected effort to the issue, ensuring clear storytelling and a well delineated tale.


More Viking Prince!!!  I’ve got a soft spot for genre characters and Jon, the Viking Prince is one of them.  I could easily have handled a bit more of him in this story.  Notably, I wonder if the whole flashback sequence would’ve worked better as a story on its own without involving modern super-heroes and being broken up over so many parts.


Color me pleasantly surprised that despite being chapter four in a multi-part crossover Aquaman #66 reads amazingly well as the next step in Aquaman and Mera’s life.  For Aquaman fans worried about an interruption, there’s no need to skip this issue.  Plus, for those following “Endless Winter,” you might find yourselves interested in learning more about the erstwhile King and Queen of the Seven Seas- Arthur and Mera…and Andy too!

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Review: Aquaman #65 Tue, 17 Nov 2020 14:00:13 +0000 Review: Aquaman #65[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick Art: Miguel Mendonca Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. Letters: Clayton Cowles…

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Review: Aquaman #65
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick

Art: Miguel Mendonca

Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr.

Letters: Clayton Cowles

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd


Arthur and Orm finally have their showdown with armies behind them.  And, Arthur has a big surprise for Mera when they return to Amnesty Bay.


Since DeConnick began her run on Aquaman back in issue #43, it’s mostly felt like we’ve just been waiting to get back to where we started.  For the most part, Aquaman #65 still feels that way.  There’s that old saying about taking two steps backwards in order to take one step forward.  While there is wisdom in that, moving a character backwards with amnesia is more annoying than interesting.  So, having Arthur back where he should’ve been after “Drowned Earth,” is good.  He even appears to have a shorter beard and hair- like he got that shave and a haircut between issues!

It’s important that Arthur and Orm have their showdown and it’s great to see Arthur rally his friends and comrades around him.  Furthermore, the outcome suggests that Atlantis will really be moving forward in the way it functions politically.  What that means isn’t exactly clear, but it change is certainly in the waters that are contained in Atlantis.

There should be no surprise that Arthur and Mera do get married at the end of the issue, it’s not the first time they’ve been married of course, but it doesn’t appear that the couple recall any of their pre-Flashpoint life as Barry Allen and Iris West do.  The fact that they have a child in tow is also a plus.  So, things have moved forward with the marriage and the birth of Andy Curry.


Unfortunately, the little forward movements could’ve been executed in a much more effective manner overall.  While this issue does feel rushed, it’s obvious that DeConnick is trying to fit everything in at the last minute.  Whatever the reason, it accentuates the weaknesses in the overall story.  The use of the Soap Opera amnesia cliche is even more obvious as a waste of time.  It wasn’t used to fundamentally change something about the character or his important relationships.  It’s sad, but if it had it could’ve been even worse!

The Old Gods played almost no role in the second half of the run, often sitting around Amnesty Bay.  And, here in Aquaman #65 they are little more than wedding guests.  The standout of the Old Gods is Caille.  While she doesn’t do much her, DeConnick infused her with a real personality that was likable and tenacious.  She seems the most real of them and it’s a shame there wasn’t more of her.

What’s coming clear is that it seems like DeConnick wanted to base her arc on Homer’s The Odyssey.  There are bits and pieces here and there that seem like she’s utilizing it, and then others that don’t appear to fit at all.  The biggest downfall is the use of the amnesia.  It doesn’t fit with the theme of restoration that is seen in The Odyssey.  

Finally, the showdown with Orm comes off as a big tease.  There didn’t need to be a big battle, but a little more drama wouldn’t have hurt.  It could be a consequence of the rushed feeling of the issue overall.  Orm seems to have just taken five steps backwards without any positive character movement.  He’s reduced to a one-note villain again.


While it’s nice to see Arthur and Mera finally married (this was teased way back in DC Universe Rebirth #1), the journey has been a bit underwhelming (The best character work was with Jackson and grandpa Jesse).  The idea that Atlantis is moving forward with a different political agenda is interesting and would’ve made for a better story than returning Orm to the vengeful brother for another confrontation for the throne with Arthur.  It’s worth reading this issue for the small forward movements, but it’s a headscratcher when one realizes the missed opportunities.

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Review: Aquaman #64 Tue, 20 Oct 2020 14:01:47 +0000 Review: Aquaman #64[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick Art: Miguel Mendonca  Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. Letters: Clayton Cowles…

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Review: Aquaman #64
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick

Art: Miguel Mendonca 

Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr.

Letters: Clayton Cowles

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd


It’s Arthur and Orm face-to-face as the Throne of Atlantis once again hangs in the balance!  Classic or overdone?


Political intrigue has long been a hallmark of Aquaman’s mythos.  At times he been a content King of Atlantis and at other times reluctant or altogether absentee. It fits the character and it seems like the majority of DeConnick’s run has been a sideways step, rather wasted except for Caille and the development of Jackson Hyde.  Couldn’t we have gotten here much sooner without all that trip-trap?  

Arthur comes across more like himself in Aquaman #64 than ever in this run as he baits Orm into showing his true colors.  More on that in a moment….  There is some real tension in the showdown between Orm (Ocean Master) and his half-brother- Arthur Curry (Aquaman.)   Dolphin, who so far has been on Orm’s side finally seems to see what Ocean Master is really like.  The same can be said for Lernaea who was Orm’s agent in the kidnapping of Andy.

The art is solid by Mendonca and Fajardo, Jr.  While Robson Rocha has handled the bulk of DeConnick’s run, Mendonca is certainly on equal footing.  Fajardo, Jr has been on many of the issues and keeps that underwater appearance in tact.


If there’s a negative in this issue, and in these most recent events, it’s that Orm has proven to still be a true villain.  In Mera, Queen of Atlantis, Orm went through a complete character arc.  It’s a shame that DeConnick, instead of playing off this decided to revert him back to his unrepentant nature.  Though it’s a classic portrayal, it is a step backward for the character.  

While the political intrigue angle is something that fits with Aquaman, it can be overdone at times.  One does want to see Arthur find his happy place and stay there.

While Arthur’s hair and beard is a bit shorter this issue, we are still in need of the full shave!  He almost doesn’t look like a reject from a Barbarian movie.


With Aquaman #64, we’ve almost come full circle from where we were at way back when in Aquaman #24.  It’s been a long detour, but Aquaman has nearly shaken off the Jason Momoa influence.  DeConnick shows that she’s got some classic Aquaman in her with this issue and it feels right.  The larger cast will clearly play a role in upcoming issues as Vulko and Cetea appear to come to a detente. 


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NYCC 2020: DC Gets Chilly As The Endless Winter Looms Near Fri, 09 Oct 2020 22:55:49 +0000 New York Comic Con’s new virtual event, Metaverse, started up yesterday, and one of the first panels…

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New York Comic Con’s new virtual event, Metaverse, started up yesterday, and one of the first panels was for the upcoming DC event, Endless Winter. This event is being described as a “big, bold superhero event” mixed with the central ideas of family and loneliness, two things very much linked to the Winter season.

Endless Winter was first announced a month ago and has been gaining steam among eager fans looking forward to seeing some rarely used characters take center stage. Moderated by DC Group Editor Alex Carr, this panel saw the writers of this event, Andy Lanning & Ron Marz, dive into what inspired them and what the fans can expect this December.

“A lot of current events played a part in formulating what we come up with.” said Lanning.

They laid out their major themes for this event, being “family” and “isolation”, while saying they would still be telling a “big, bold superhero event”. This was one of the most interesting comments from the panel. The ideas of both family and isolation are themes that aren’t touched on nearly enough in comics, and to set it within the backdrop of this Ragnarok-esque event gives us the potential for some special.

Lanning and Marz also touched on the antagonist of this story, The Frost King, an exiled Norse god with the ability to control entire ecosystems. They describe him as “less of a villain and more like the antagonist” of the story, and say that he is the personification of the Endless Winter. They also said that Endless Winter will be as much about family for the Frost King as it will be for anyone else. I love the idea of “humanizing” this character, giving him an emotional arc of some sort. I just hope they don’t go so far as to make the audience turn on the heroes who are trying to stop him.

Endless Winter

And speaking of heroes, they talked about how we will be seeing this story in two parts – past and present. The present will obviously have all of the current heroes, from the Justice League, the Teen Titans, Aquaman, and more, but it’s the past that has me much more intrigued.

Enter JUSTICE LEAGUE VIKING! A group of four heroes in the 10th century who band together to prevent the world from freezing at the hands of the Frost King. Among these heroes is Queen Hippolyta, Black Adam, Swamp Thing, and the Viking Prince.

Endless Winter

Wow, what a line up!

Of these four, the only one I wasn’t familiar with was Viking Prince. Making his first appearance back in 1955 in The Brave and the Bold #1, he has an origin similar to Jason Bourne (yes, the movie spy), as he is found by a fisherman, has amnesia, and a secret past that must be discovered. The big difference here… he was found in 10th century Scandinavia, which makes total sense as to why he would be included in this story. It would seem odd to NOT include him here.

They also discussed the origin of where the idea of this endless winter came from, and that was the Fimbulwinter of Norse mythology. Fimbulwinter translates to the “Great Winter”, but their thought was “what if it wasn’t so great?”, and what if it happened more than once, as seen in the duel timeline narrative.

There was a lot more discussed during this panel, such as the artists working on these books, how even though it’s a Justice League event, it will still retain the flavor of the individual titles, and also some lower tier characters getting a bit of a focus.

You can check out the entire panel below!


The title lineup for Justice League: Endless Winter includes:

  • Justice League: Endless Winter #1 (on sale December 1) with art by Howard Porter and Marco Santucci and cover by Mikel Janin
  • The Flash #767 (on sale December 8) with art from Clayton Henry and Marco Santucci and cover by Clayton Henry
  • Superman: Endless Winter Special #1 (on sale December 8), art by Phil Hester, Ande Parks, and Marco Santucci and cover by Francis Manapul
  • Aquaman #66 (on sale December 15), with art by Miguel Mendonça and Marco Santucci and cover by Mike McKone
  • Justice League #58 (on December 15), art by Xermanico and Marco Santucci, with cover by Francis Manapul
  • Teen Titans: Endless Winter Special #1 (on sale December 15), featuring art by Jesus Merino and Marco Santucci, and cover by Bernard Chang
  • Justice League Dark #29 (on sale December 22), art by Amancay Nahuelpan and Marco Santucci, cover by Kyle Hotz
  • Black Adam: Endless Winter Special #1 (December 22), art by Brandon Peterson and Marco Santucci, featuring cover by Dale Eaglesham
  • Justice League: Endless Winter Special #2 (December 29), with art by Howard Porter, Carmine Di Giandomenico and Marco Santucci, and cover by Mikel Janin

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