The Sandman - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Mon, 06 May 2024 11:29:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Sandman - DC Comics News 32 32 Book Review: Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country: The Glass House – Collected Edition Mon, 06 May 2024 11:25:21 +0000 Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country: The Glass House – Collected Edition Writer: James Tynion IV Artists: Lisandro Estherren,…

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Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country: The Glass House – Collected Edition
Writer: James Tynion IV
Artists: Lisandro Estherren, Patricio Delpeche
Color Artist: Patricio Delpeche
Letterer: Simon Bowland
Text Page Designer (Thessaly Special): AndWorld Design
Reviewed by Steve J. Ray


The second volume of James Tynion IV’s take on The Sandman UniverseNightmare Country: The Glass House is finally here!

This gorgeous hardcover edition includes all six chapters of The Glass House and the one-shot Thessaly special. The dust jacket art, featuring the Corinthian, and the main cover, with the King of Pain, are both by Reiko Murakami. Also collected are all the main and variant covers.

New York artist, Madison Flynn, has been murdered by the re-animated corpse of her best friend, Kelly (AKA “Kells”). Now, the reborn Corinthian, along with Madison’s spirit, are both on the trail of the deadly duo behind Kelly’s murder, Mr. Agony and Mr. Ecstasy.

The two rogue nightmares killed Madison, and others because they could see a new nightmare, The Smiling Man, during waking hours. More troubling still, this nightmare was seemingly not a creation of Dream. To add even more fuel to the fire, it seems that Agony and Ecstasy had been commissioned to commit these murders by Desire, Dream’s younger sibling and frequent adversary.

Madison has been granted new flesh by Death of The Endless, at her brother Dream’s behest. Neither one seems to know of Desire’s involvement at this moment in time.


Nightmare Country‘s back! Thankfully Lisandro Estherren, Patricio Delpeche, and Simon Bowland have returned, alongside James Tynion. This issue cleverly picks up exactly where volume one left off, adding new characters to the tale and, by the end of the book, bringing back yet another huge presence from Neil Gaiman’s original Sandman run. We also meet another old “friend” from the classic “The Doll’s House” saga, again.

There are still people out there who have also seen The Smiling Man, and we can only wonder how long it will be before Agony and Ecstasy will be on their trail. Add a whole ton of supernatural intrigue, clubs that no one should want to be a member of, and the return of Kells, and this is one super-loaded graphic novel!

It may be hard to believe, but the art and colors by Lisandro and Patricio have actually improved since volume one. This book looks amazing, and Madison’s new form made me very happy indeed. The nods to the first arc are wonderful, and the love for the entire Sandman Universe, as created by Neil Gaiman, is palpable.

Simon Bowland also continues to impress with his letters, particularly when they clearly differentiate humans from angels, demons, and Endless.

James Tynion is sick, twisted, and terrifying. Great work, sir… keep it up. The saga of Kels and Max is as dark a love story as I could ever dream of and features a set of circumstances beyond my wildest imaginings. How does he even think this stuff up? Kelly’s just the sweetest… entity/ghost/spirit and I’m sure the undead deserve love too, right? Of course, when her beau, Max, discovers who she was and what she did; cats, pigeons, cans, and worms will be all over the place.

Kelly’s one of the residents of “The King Of Pain”, a nightclub that links our plane to Hell itself. This is the place where the richest, and those in their employ, can cater to all their most twisted needs and desires… or should that be Desires? Of course, we now know that Agony and Ecstasy, the evil duo who killed Kelly and forced her to kill Madison, were working for Desire of The Endless, one of the younger siblings of Destiny, Death, and Dream.

The addition of Thessaly as a main character opens up a world of storytelling possibilities that this exceptional creative team is grasping with both hands and running with.

Never in my wildest imaginings could I ever have believed that love between an undead girl and a mortal man could feel beautiful and real, but Max and Kells are so brilliantly written and drawn that I can’t help but root for them. Thessaly has always been infuriating, and now that she knows who’s been pulling the strings, even hers (from waaay back in the original Sandman series) I know that sparks are going to fly. Will she and Daniel’Dream cross paths?

Seeing Azazel, The King Of Pain, Dream, and his siblings in this book always makes me happy, so this book ticked a lot of boxes.

The creeping horror continues to unnerve and disturb, in the most delicious and entertaining ways. Is the Corinthian going to revert to type? Is he really working with Madison and Dream, or with the demon Azazel? Knowing the mind of James Tynion, I think we’ll get an answer somewhere between those two extremes that will both surprise and delight us.

All the breadcrumbs James Tynion’s been dropping since Nightmare Country volume one are starting to bear fruit, including the huge bombshell that closed the story. Dream has become embroiled in the events occurring in this series, so I can’t wait to witness the fireworks when he discovers that, once again, one of his younger siblings is neck-deep in the whole mess. In fact, it looks like they’re the one who’s behind the whole scenario.

I’ve been following Dream and his siblings since day one, so seeing them honored and homaged in great new comics makes me very happy indeed.

The secret of the Smiling Man has haunted readers for close to two years now and the story of Madison Flynn has been a source of terror and delight the entire time. Seeing her, The Corinthian, Max, and Kells get swept upon by a wave of demons, serial killers and the whims of The Endless has made this series feel closer to Gaiman’s classic than any other spin-off/follow-up that’s come before.

The power that Dream displays in this collection is nothing short of awesome. The way he handles both his creations and his various enemies is unbelievable. Tynion’s take on Daniel is perfect; he’s got the will and determination of Morpheus, but an edge and confidence that the original Dream never possessed.

First, let me say straight off the bat, that Thessaly is a horrible person. However, she’s a fascinating, deep, and extremely complex character. I’ve followed her story since her first appearance in issue #32 of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman (1991). She’s gone from being a terrifying, bigoted, and ultra-powerful witch in “A Game Of You“, to Dream’s lover, magical avenger, and force of nature in her more recent appearances.

James Tynion has a real grasp on the character and is finally showing us her past in Nightmare Country: The Glass House. By doing so, he lets us see some of the moments that made and forged her. The brilliant part is that all of this fits in with what we’ve already seen of her over the decades, honoring what her creator has already told us about her while adding more flesh to the bones of her history. I must also laud the way James creates new side characters that I immediately fall in love with. They’re all so flawed, human, and real!

Maria Lovet is a wonderful artist who gives readers a Thessaly as great as the one drawn by her co-creator, the inimitable Colleen Doran. The art in the chapter starring Thessaly is gorgeous; simple, clean, atmospheric, and, dare I say it, magical. This great story works both as a follow-up to The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country #6 and as a chapter in the ongoing saga of Madison Flynn.

Yes, the writing, art, and Simon Bowland’s lettering in this book are (as always) first-rate, but I think I need to name guest creators AndWorld Design (AKA Deron Bennett) as the MVP of Thessaly’s tale.

I love experimental comics, and DC has been spoiling us recently with issues that tell a story as one continuous 20-page image, an entire story seen from one character’s POV, and the incomparable DC Black Label horror series, The Nice House On The Lake (also written by James Tynion). This chapter contains entire pages dedicated to text and art that are so seamlessly intertwined, that the reader’s left wondering whether the artist, colorist, or letterer was responsible for the final result. With this story, I finally have my answer.

The tale features several text pages, but they’re so lovely to look at that you’d be completely justified in calling them works of art. Some look like ancient scrolls, others like pages from a storybook, and yet others like a movie script (the scroll pages are featured below).

AndWorld didn’t just letter these pages. No. Just like the way they did in TNHOTL they imagined and executed the designs, created the textures, and provided the color. As usual, I’ve been left in awe. I cannot understand people who don’t see comics as true literature or art, because, for me, they’re the perfect marriage of both.


How long until the final volume? Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh!


The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country: The Glass House closes with style and power. James Tynion’s foray into Neil Gaiman’s world of dreams and nightmares has never disappointed, and with the final act of this incredible dark fantasy/horror coming in 2024, a clash between Dream and Desire (and possibly Despair too, if the cover for the final chapter’s anything to go by) is edging ever closer.

A war is coming, and I can’t wait. The final chapters of this tale are tantalizingly close, but still just beyond our reach. I will wait, however impatiently, as I know what’s coming will deliver a story for the ages. This book gives readers the perfect close to this arc while leaving us all begging for more. Like the winter season itself, the wait will be a long, cold one… but one I believe will ultimately be worth it.

I’ll see you all again in dreams.

Review Copy Courtesy of Penguin Random House. Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment.

The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country: The Glass House Collected Edition is available now from all good book and comic retailers: ISBN 9781779520722

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Review: Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #5 Tue, 25 Apr 2023 13:00:46 +0000 Dead Boy Detectives #5 Writer: Pornsak Pichetshote Artists: Jeff Stokely, Craig Taillefer Color Artist: Miquel Muerto Letterer: Hassan…

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Dead Boy Detectives #5
Writer: Pornsak Pichetshote
Artists: Jeff Stokely, Craig Taillefer
Color Artist: Miquel Muerto
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Reviewed By Steve J. Ray


Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #5 brings us more thrills, scares, and deeply philosophical viewpoints on the deaths and “lives” of ghosts.

While on a case in L.A., ghost detectives Edwin Paine and Charles Rowland befriended three Thai spirits, Melvin, Tanya, and Jai.


While investigating the impossibility of these Thai ghosts even existing in America, their human mentor, Dom, was killed. Now malevolent Thai spirits have infected Charles, leaving his ghost-form slowly deteriorating.


Believing their only hope of undoing both horrors to be finding out who’d summoned the many Thai ghosts, the gang finally stumbled upon he person responsible, only for another ghost to bite and “kill” Jai.


There are so many. Whether you only know Charles and Edwin from this issue and the four preceding ones, or if you’ve followed their adventures for decades, writer Pornsak Pichetshote has you covered. With every chapter, we learn more about our heroes. In this issue alone, another element from Charles’ past is revealed.

The visuals by Jeff Stokely, Craig Taillefer, Miquel Muerto, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou continue to impress as much as the script does. The Krasue are terrifying, just as the more heroic protagonists are far more sympathetic and lovable, both in the way they act and speak, as well as in how they’re portrayed by the artists. Hassan’s lettering and Miquel’s colors deserve extra special mentions this month, particularly on the pages where Melvin and Charles encounter these monsters.

Oh, and our friends finally come face-to-face with Thessaly!

Charles’ condition is definitely cause for concern and, knowing Thessaly, I still believe that any fixes she may have for it, and for solving the problem of impossible Thai ghosts existing in America, may be worse than the problems themselves.


This superb series only has one issue left.


Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #5 delivers everything I love about comics. Great characters, next-level threats, humor, scares, and thrills. The fact that it also educates while it entertains is a huge bonus. While this is a brilliant horror series, it also sheds light on life, love, and the problems faced by the children of immigrants.

If you’ve been sleeping on this series, I highly recommend picking up the collected edition (out in November 2023).

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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Book Review: Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country – Collected Edition Sun, 19 Mar 2023 22:30:30 +0000 The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country Writer: James Tynion IV Artists: Lisandro Estherren, Yanick Paquette, Andrea Sorrentino, Francesco Francavilla,…

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The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country
Writer: James Tynion IV
Artists: Lisandro Estherren, Yanick Paquette, Andrea Sorrentino, Francesco Francavilla, Dani, Aaron Campbell, Maria Llovet
Color Artists: Patricio Delpeche, Nathan Fairbairn, Jordie Bellaire, Francesco Francavilla, Tamra Bonvillain, Maria Llovet
Letterer: Simon Bowland
Reviewed by Steve J. Ray


The stunning Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country hardcover collected edition contains the complete first arc of the series, a gallery of all the main and variant covers, a haunting, yet beautiful dust-jacket cover by Alex Eckman-Lawn, plus a stunning hi-res print of the extremely rare 1:100 Death of the Endless cover, by Jenny Frison.

Here’s a brief synopsis from Penguin Random House:

Acclaimed writer James Tynion IV has waited his whole career to pay tribute to the mythos of The Sandman, the work that made him the writer he is today – and that time has come!


Designed to welcome new readers into one of the greatest worlds in DC’s library, The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country is a terrifying travelogue through a nation recognizable and obscene, which will show you things seen in no Sandman series ever before.


With spectacular art by Lisandro Estherren (Redneck, Strange Skies Over East Berlin) and “nightmare” sequences by comics art all-stars!


This volume collects The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country #1-6.


This is a seriously good book and as strong a first volume as I could’ve wished for. James Tynion is one of the foremost horror writers in comics, and the incredible art teams who worked on this collection are as phenomenally talented as he is.

The main story, “Nightmare Country” is one of those tales that seem to bathe you in a slow, creeping, stream of horror that makes you feel like you’re drowning. Lisandro Estherren’s beautiful art then elevates that feeling because it’s the equivalent of sinking into sweet, delicious, but ultimately deadly honey.

The main protagonist is New York artist, Madison Flynn. She says she doesn’t dream anymore, but in waking hours she sees “The Smiling Man”, a golem-like lump of clay with three mouths, two of them where its eyes should be. When we meet her, Flynn isn’t the only person to see this creature, but she may well be the only one still alive. The duo behind the deaths of the other witnesses is hot on her trail, while the Corinthian, another nightmare with mouths for eyes, is even closer.

The reintroduction of the Corinthian sold me when Nightmare Country was first announced, as I’ve been enthralled by the character since their first appearance in Neil Gaiman’s original, legendary Sandman series. The way that this iteration of the nightmare has all the memories of the original, while they are separate entities and act and think differently, is masterfully handled.

The main antagonists, Mr. Agony and Mr. Ecstasy are ruthless, remorseless, savage assassins who thoroughly enjoy their work. It’s great that, at first, we wonder whether the two Misters are kin to The Corinthian or, even worse, just sick evil human beings (the real monsters). They’re also a loving tribute to Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere characters, Messrs Croup, and Vandemar. Oh, and I’d love to be able to see all your faces when you find out who’s behind their killing spree!

The way that Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country comes across as a natural extension of Neil Gaiman’s classic series is wonderful and the appearance of other inhabitants of the Dreaming is also very welcome. The best part is that James Tynion is rewarding fans who have loved these stories for the last 30+ years, without alienating or baffling new readers.

We’re also treated to interludes in the first five chapters. I usually hate it when a comic is handled by more than one art team, but it really works within the structure of this particular narrative. These secondary “The Dreaming” stories, with art produced by different creative teams, tell the characters’ back story in gorgeous, original ways that don’t feel like an info dump or annoyingly intrusive exposition.

Anyone who knows me, or who regularly reads my reviews, knows that I’m a child of the Alan Moore era Swamp Thing, Neil Gaiman’s original Sandman epic, and all the Vertigo/DC Black Label books that followed. It’s clear that James Tynion feels the same way, and he cites The Sandman as being the reason he became a writer (See the trailer advertising the series at the bottom of this review and check out my interview with him here, or on YouTube).

Seeing Moore’s Boogey Man referenced (Swamp Thing Vol. 2, #44) alongside the Corinthian’s debut story (Sandman issues #9-16) made my heart leap with joy. Those classics, for me, were when comics grew up, so seeing these tales honored and expanded on is a delight.

The surreal quality of Lisandro Estherren’s art adds so much to the feel of this book and I don’t believe any ultra-realistic or even fully painted work would do the story as much justice. Estherren’s dream-like, cartoony style, coupled with haunting colors by Patricio Delpeche, all give readers a world that seems to be just on the wrong side of a cracked, cursed mirror.

Simon Bowland’s creative lettering also helps the nightmares sound inhuman and adds to the tension and drama. His reworking of the old “Dream Country” logo (Sandman volume three, issues #17-20, 1990, collected in book one of the new omnibus editions) is an evocative and brilliantly thoughtful plus.

Another wonderful aspect of this story is that the human characters are every bit as interesting as the dreams and nightmares that are invading their world. They’re deep, flawed, realistic, and sympathetic, which has already made me feel for them, and want to continue following their stories.

“The Cereal Convention” and “Chaste” side stories are a love letter to Neil Gaiman’s original, timeless, seminal Sandman run. We get to see more than one classic character from the original series other than the Corinthian too. The witch, Thessaly, is the star of the final chapter of the book, which leads straight into the follow-up series, Dead Boy Detectives. While she’s not a nice person, she’s a brilliant character.

The art and colors by Maria Lovet in the closing tale are similar enough in style to Estherren’s that they won’t jar readers, yet different enough that the story clearly feels like a new chapter in the ongoing series. The way she colors outside the lines adds a level of oddness and nostalgia that puts you on edge, while also reminding you of a more innocent, Ben-Day Dots era of years gone by. It’s very effective indeed.


You’re dreaming…


Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country is about as good a graphic novel as anyone could ask for. It delivers shocks, horror, betrayal, violence, and dark fantasy at the highest level. This book will happily sit on the same shelf as my Sandman originals because it’s more than worthy.

Review copy courtesy of Penguin Random House. Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment.

Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country comes out on April 4th – ISBN: 9781779518415

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DC Black Label Announces ‘The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country: The Glass House’ and more Fri, 11 Nov 2022 12:32:36 +0000 After the huge success of The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country and the announcement of a new Dead…

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After the huge success of The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country and the announcement of a new Dead Boy Detectives series, DC Black label has now announced collected editions of, and a continuation to, James Tynion’s series. The new title will be called The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country – The Glass House. The best news is, there will be more to come after that too!

Here’s the full press release, direct from DC Comics:

DC Black Label’s
‘The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country’
Comic Book Series
Returns in 2023 with
‘Nightmare Country: The Glass House’

‘The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country’ Vol. 1
To Simultaneously Publish as a
Collectible Hardcover and a New-Reader-Friendly Softcover,
Built to Welcome Fans to ‘The Sandman Universe’

New DC Comic Book Series
‘The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives’
Launches December 27

Acclaimed horror writer James Tynion IV (Something Is Killing The Children, The Nice House On The Lake) has waited his whole career to pay tribute to the mythos of The Sandman, the work that made him the writer he is today, and now that time has come! With lush, gorgeous art from Redneck’s Lisandro Estherren and a who’s-who of superstar guest artists, The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country is designed to welcome new readers into one of the greatest worlds in DC’s library, The Sandman Universe.

To make welcoming new readers easier, the collected edition of The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country arrives in two different formats. The collectible hardcover release with cover art by Alex Eckman-Lawn will be available wherever books are sold and is packaged with a mini-print of the iconic Death, as illustrated by artist Jenny Frison.

A softcover edition with cover art by Reiko Murakami, priced as an easy jump-on point, will be available exclusively at direct market comic book stores. Both are out April 4, the same day as the launch issue of Nightmare Country’s spectacular follow-up miniseries, The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country – The Glass House!

James Tynion IV:

I’m thrilled to announce that Nightmare Country’s follow-up miniseries, The Glass House, is coming early in 2023.


The Corinthian is going to be making his way to Silicon Valley, where he will go head-to-head with Angels, Demons, and a breed of creature far more terrifying that anything he’s faced before, Venture Capitalists.


Lisandro and I are excited to continue this nightmare tour through modern America and can’t wait for you all to see what we’ve got in store for you.

The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country – The Glass House, launching on April 4, 2023, brings Tynion and Estherren back into DC’s The Sandman Universe with a new story and new setting for the second act of their DC Black Label epic. The series will continue featuring covers by Reiko Murakami, as seen above.

Launching between the first two Nightmare Country narratives is The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives by Pornsak Pichetshote (The Good Asian) and Jeff Stokely, featuring Thessaly the witch along with series regular ghost detectives Edwin and Charles.

Their investigation into a Thai American girl’s disappearance from her Los Angeles home puts them on a collision course with new and terrifying ghosts straight from Thai folklore that could give even a dead boy nightmares!

How exciting is that? As a fan of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Universe for over 30 years, this news is a dream come true.

As an added bonus, check out the main cover for Dead Boy Detectives #1 and the updated Sandman Universe reading guide, which now includes book six of the beautiful new collected editions!

Images and Press Release Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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‘The Sandman: Act III’ Gets A Surprise Release On Audible Sun, 02 Oct 2022 19:12:24 +0000 Audible has recently given fans a wonderful surprise as they’ve released the next installment of their hit…

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Audible has recently given fans a wonderful surprise as they’ve released the next installment of their hit audio drama based on Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman series, with all 19 episodes of The Sandman: Act III available right now.

It’s been just over a year since Act II was released, which adapts collected volumes four (Season of Mists) and five (A Game of You) of the comics in their entirety, and most of volume six (Fables & Reflections). Act III continues the story, as we follow Morpheus on a grand journey to take care of some family business. He visits with his son Orpheus (Bridgerton’s Regé-Jean Page), an act that brings with it profound consequences.

Accompanied by Delirium (Kristen Schaal, Bob’s Burgers), he tracks down their estranged brother, Destruction (David Harewood, Supergirl), the only member of the Endless ever to abandon their post. And at an inn at the intersection of all worlds, a group of travelers is forced together by a storm that threatens to destroy reality itself, with grave repercussions for Morpheus and the rest of the Endless.

Gaiman recently said:

The excitement and the joy people have taken in the astonishing Audible adaptations of Sandman has been such a morale booster over the last few years. The only downside has been that everyone I know, and many thousands of people on social media that I don’t know, have wanted to know when Act III would be released. Now you all know. I think it might be the best one yet.

The third installment is again adapted and directed by co-executive producer Dirk Maggs and narrated by Gaiman, who also returns as creative director and co-executive producer. The Sandman: Act III also features an original score from BAFTA-winning composer James Hannigan.

James McAvoy is back to reprise his role as Morpheus, alongside the likes of Kat Dennings as Death, Miriam Margolyes as Despair, Justin Vivian Bond as Desire, Jeffrey Wright as Destiny, and Kristen Schaal as Delirium. The incredible cast also includes Andy Serkis, Riz Ahmed, Regé-Jean Page, Kevin Smith, Bebe Neuwirth, Niamh Walsh, Arthur Darvill, and Ray Porter. Joining the cast for the first time are David Harewood as Destruction, Wil Wheaton as Brant Tucker, and KJ Apa as Prez.

So, be sure to head on over to Audible right now and check out all three installments of The Sandman audio drama. And if you’re looking for more content in the world of The Sandman, head over to Netflix and watch season one of their hit series.

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