Batwoman - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Thu, 03 Aug 2023 03:45:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Batwoman - DC Comics News 32 32 SDCC 2023: Gotham City Panel Shows Debut of Batman Outlaw And Outsiders Thu, 03 Aug 2023 03:45:28 +0000 At the Gotham City panel we got the lowdown on what’s next for the Bat family and…

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At the Gotham City panel we got the lowdown on what’s next for the Bat family and rogues including Batman: Outlaw and a new Outsiders series! The Panel was moderated by DC Executive Editor Ben Abernathy. First up Tom King talked about his Batman work starting off with his Brave And The Bold run.  “The Winning Cardretells the first meeting of the Caped Crusader and The Joker. He also talked about his new Penguin series. Not giving anything away, but we do know Oswald Cobblepot will return to a life of crime after faking his death. Batman artist Belén Ortega joined King  to talk about the backup stories she provided art for from Chip Zdarsky’s epic “Failsafe” story arc, which will be collected in The Penguin #0, a three-part collection of the backup stories from Batman #125 – #127.

Next came  a special video greeting from Chip Zdarsky, then Catwoman writer Tini Howard joined the panel to talk about Catwoman becoming a crime boss in Gotham City and how its going to lead to “Gotham War” and the effects it will have on the Batman family.


Award-winning storyteller Rafael Grampa joined the panel to talk about his DC Black Label series, Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham.

This is the first DC work from Grampa since his collaboration with Frank Miller on Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child in 2019. Grampá showed a look at a variant cover for the debut issue of the series (Batman Day, September 16).

Writer Ram V was also part of the panel.  He talked about his run on Detective Comics. Ram and Abernathy also had a special surprise for fans in attendance. In keeping with the operatic theme of “Gotham Nocturne,” the duo announced a brief “intermezzo” planned for October, revealing cover art for Detective Comics #1076, a four-issue arc called “Batman Outlaw.”

To finish up the panel, Batman Beyond storytellers Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing joined the panel to give fans a peak into  their series, Batman Beyond: Neo-Gothic. In addition to their new series (on sale July 25), there was breaking news  on their next DC project, Outsiders.  This brings a new-look Batwoman together with Luke Fox/Batwing, and a new version of The Drummer.


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‘The Flash’ Confirms Several Returning Characters For Final Season Wed, 04 Jan 2023 01:08:30 +0000 A few weeks back, it was revealed that Supergirl‘s Nicole Maines would be heading over to The…

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A few weeks back, it was revealed that Supergirl‘s Nicole Maines would be heading over to The Flash to bring Dreamer to the final season. Now, it’s being confirmed that even more characters will be making a return as John Diggle, Wally West, and Ramsey Rosso (aka Bloodwork) will return for the series’ ninth and final season.

These great characters will be joined by Javicia Leslie, who will be returning to the Arrowverse as a very different version of her Batwoman character in the form of The Red Death, a version of Batwoman with speed powers and an evil personality.

That’s a lot to take in all at once, so let’s break it down, character-by-character.

Nicole Maines as Nia Nal Dreamer on SupergirlFirst up, Nicole Maines returning as Dreamer is fantastic news, as she came into the Supergirl series in season 4 and exploded with fan popularity, becoming a mainstay of the series for three seasons, and a member of the Superfriends team, led by Supergirl. As a fellow reporter, she’ll most likely find comfort working alongside Iris West-Allen, breaking news stories while also taking down bad guys.

Batwoman The Red Death The FlashJavicia Leslie’s Batwoman was last seen taking down Marquis Jet, a new version of the Joker, before the series was canceled. But now, it seems like we are going to get something completely different, as she will come into The Flash as possibly the villain, or at least a villain, as she becomes The Red Death. This is a character that came about during the mega-hit miniseries, Dark Nights: Metal, where the evil Batmen of the negative multiverse came to destroy the positive multiverse, and one of those was The Red Death. This version was from Earth -52, and got his powers after forcing The Flash and himself into the Speed Force, causing them to become merged into one being. Will there be a similar explanation for how Ryan Wilder makes this turn? We’ll have to wait to find out.

Next up is the return of Wally West, aka Kid Flash. Wally was never given the proper respect that he deserved, as he was constantly overshadowed by Barry in the series. He was able to shine a bit more during his time on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, but that was short-lived. If The Red Death is to be a big villain for the season, leading the cavalcade of villains to come, it would make sense to bring back some of the main speedsters of the Arrowverse, and it’ll be great to see Wally one last time before it’s all said and done.

Ramsey Rosso, aka Bloodwork, was one of the best villains ever used on The Flash. Sendhil Ramamurthy managed to turn this potentially forgettable character into a compelling and sympathetic villain. Will we see him teaming up with Team Flash to take down The Red Death and the other villains, or will he join them in the ultimate villain move? Or perhaps, something totally unexpected will happen. The speculation is exciting!

David RamseyLast, but most certainly not least, is the return of David Ramsey as John Diggle. One of John’s final storylines was him giving up the Green Lantern ring that was bestowed upon him. This was disappointing to many, as we were anxiously waiting to see him finally take his mothers maiden name, and become the legendary Green Lantern John Stewart. But it seems we’ll most likely be seeing him do what he always does… show up when he’s most needed, and help save the day. Because that’s what heroes do.

Will we see others pop into the final season of The Flash? Hopefully. I’d love the chance to see Stephen Amell return as the Spectre, maybe get Jefferson Pierce or his daughters to show up, or even have Donald Faison pop up as Booster Gold again. There are so many great possibilities for cameos from the Arrowverse to show up in the final season of The Flash.

Let us know in the comments who you would love to see show up!

The ninth and final season of The Flash will premiere on Wednesday, February 8th at 8:00pm ET on The CW.

Sources:  TV Insider,

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Review: Harley Quinn #15 Fri, 12 Aug 2022 05:05:34 +0000 Review: HARLEY QUINN #15 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Stephanie Phillips Artist: Riley Rossmo…

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Review: HARLEY QUINN #15

Harley Quinn #15 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Stephanie Phillips

Artist: Riley Rossmo

Colors: Ivan Plascencia

Letters: AndWorld Design

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Harley Quinn #15: They really tried to throw me in prison for somethin’ I didn’t do! I mean, this time I didn’t do anything. In the past, I did things. Lots of things…But that’s not the point. The point is, I’m innocent! It’s a frame job, I tell ya! The only way out of this is to catch the real culprit, and for that I need Batwoman. Seriously, who doesn’t need Batwoman? The skintight suit, mucho muscles, and that hair! Anyways, Batwoman’s in this one, and we might finally reveal Verdict’s true identity! Will the mystery be solved in time to save my good name? DUN DUN DUN!


Harley Quinn #15 opens with Officer Shaw looking into the murders that Verdict has framed Harley for committing. She finds that not only is there plenty of evidence to pin the killings on Harley, but there is an extremely suspicious overabundance of evidence. However, Detective Hudson steps in to put an end to Shaw’s investigations, firmly declaring the case closed.

This would imply that Hudson has some interest in making sure Harley gets the rap for the killings – but why? Does he have some sort of vendetta against Harley Quinn? Perhaps he is protecting Verdict, or does he have some other ulterior motive that we are unaware of at this point? Whatever the case, it appears that Detective Hudson does not have Harley’s best interests in mind.

But Officer Shaw seems somewhat doubtful about Harley’s guilt. Batwoman manages to negotiate a truce with her. Instead of arresting Harley, Shaw assists them in attempting to capture Verdict. It looks like Shaw might become an ally for Harley in the near future. And she certainly can use some friends in the GCPD.

Positives Cont.

Also in this issue, Kevin learns that his girlfriend Sam is really Verdict. This is sure to put Kevin’s loyalty to Harley to the test. Will Kevin stay true to Harley or side with the woman he loves? This revelation also raises some questions about their relationship. Was she using Kevin as a way to get to Harley? Or does she actually love him? Or could it be both? In the first case, their relationship is a sham and Kevin will be heartbroken. But if she does love Kevin, is their any hope for them after all she has done?

Riley Rossmo’s art has really grown on me over the course of this series. It’s admirably suited to this particular title, as it reflects Harley’s rather off-kilter view of reality. I’m not sure it would work well on another, more grounded title, but it’s perfect for Harley Quinn. And it does have an offbeat beauty of its own that I have come to appreciate over the run of this title.

Harley Quinn #15 - DC Comics News


I don’t really have much to complain about Harley Quinn #19. But I realize this is the kind of series that some might not be able to get into. But I believe that those who have a warped sense of humour would absolutely adore this title. Unfortunately, that does tend to narrow the audience some, cutting out those who just don’t get the joke.

Harley Quinn #15 - DC Comics News


I still find it surprising that a Harley Quinn title has become one of my favorite books. but Stephanie Phillips has managed to keep me coming back each month, eager to see what Harley’s up to in each new issue.  I have a special place in my heart for comics that are fun, and Phillips’ Harley Quinn is definitely a hell of a lot of fun.


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Review: Harley Quinn #14 Sat, 02 Jul 2022 17:00:22 +0000 Review: HARLEY QUINN #14 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Stephanie Phillips Artist: Riley Rossmo…

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Review: HARLEY QUINN #14

Harley Quinn #14 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Stephanie Phillips

Artist: Riley Rossmo

Colors: Ivan Plascencia

Letters: AndWorld Design

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Harley Quinn #14: I’m innocent, I tell ya! I might currently be stuck in Blackgate Penitentiary for multiple homicides thanks to a growing body of evidence that points right to me, Harley Quinn, as the murderer…but for once it was not Harley Quinn in the alley with the baseball bat.

Someone’s obviously tryin’ to frame me, and I gotta figure out who and why if I wanna clear my name before I end up spendin’ the rest of my days behind bars with a buncha ladies who really don’t seem thrilled that I’m here. Not to mention I look terrible in orange…


Harley Quinn begins with guest-star Batwoman investigating a murder committed by Verdict. This leads to skirmish between her and the villainess, but Verdict manages to slip away. Oracle then informs Kate that, “we might have an issue.  I started looking at unsolved murders in the last few months with similar patterns… No unsolved murders matching the profile, but… I got a hit on a series of solved murders matching the exact pattern and signature of your crime scene. Only someone has already been arrested for those crimes”. And so Oracle and Batwoman learn that Harley has been framed by Verdict.

The scene cuts to Harley being visited in jail by Kevin. There are a few interesting revelations in their conversation. First we see Harley telling Kevin, Sam, and her other friends to stay away from her. Harley is showing some noble motives in wanting to keep them out of trouble. But as a therapist, she should know the dangers of cutting off her emotional support network.

Also, Kevin brings the bad news that the Bat-Family does not seem to be looking into her situation. She writes this off to them wanting things to proceed through “proper legal channels and all”. But that rings somewhat false, as the Bats do tend to skirt around those channels when they need to – especially to help one of their own. And that’s got to bother Harley, as this implies that they still don’t accept her as part of the family, despite her efforts to reform.

Harley Quinn #14 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

But the worst news comes when Kevin informs her that there is plenty of evidence connecting her to the murders. There’s even video evidence of her apparently committing them. And despite Kevin’s faith in Harley, he cannot deny what he’s seen with his own eyes. This here has got to be the deepest betrayal for Harley.

On top of this, other inmates taunt her, trying to provoke her. Harley resists, but after unfavorable comparisons to Punchline, Harley fights back. However, she learns that the Bat-Family does have her back, as Batwoman shows up to break her out of prison to go after Verdict.

Kevin’s struggle with Harley’s evident guilt is quite interesting. We see him trying to rationalize it, theorizing that she’s blacking out or being mind controlled. He appeals to his girlfriend Sam for help, but she doesn’t seem too enthusiastic about doing so. In fact, Sam seems to be acting a bit suspiciously. I suspect that something sinister is going on. Could she be hiding a life of crime from Kevin?


I have nothing to complain about here. Stephanie Phillips delivers a solid story in this issue. And while Riley Rossmo’s artwork was a bit off-putting at first, it has really grown on me.

Harley Quinn #14 - DC Comics News


As I’ve stated before, I never expected that a Harley Quinn title would be one of my favorite books, but Phillips’ interpretation of the character has got me hooked. And I am quite eager to see where her overall redemption arc leads.


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Review: Batman/Catwoman #12 (Final Issue) Wed, 29 Jun 2022 12:19:55 +0000 Review: BATMAN/CATWOMAN #12 (Final Issue) [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Tom King Artist: Clay…

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Review: BATMAN/CATWOMAN #12 (Final Issue)

Batman/Catwoman #12 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Tom King

Artist: Clay Mann

Colors: Tomeu Morey

Letters: Clayton Cowles

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Batman/Catwoman #12: Wedding bells are finally ringing for Batman and Catwoman! As our story concludes, the lovers prepare to take the next steps in their lives together by trading everlasting vows. The Bat/Cat wedding is here, and knowing Bruce and Selina, it’ll be anything but conventional. You won’t want to miss this final chapter of Tom King’s Batman epic!


Tom King has a reputation for writing soul-crushingly depressing stories. His “City of Bane” storyline in Batman brought us the death of Alfred Pennyworth. His Heroes in Crisis showed us Wally West killing Roy Harper and other heroes. And then there’s Batman #50.  In his Batman run, Bruce proposed to Catwoman and she accepted.

And it started to look like it might actually happen. This was fairly early on in the Rebirth era, when the whole line still had something of a hopeful tone. Superman and Lois’ marriage had recently been restored to continuity. We saw Selina picking a wedding dress. And DC was hyping the big wedding. But it wasn’t to be. The issue ended with Selina leaving Bruce at the altar.

But King stated that his Bat/Cat love story was still far from over. Even when his run on Batman was prematurely ended, he maintained it would still be properly finished in this series. However, the general tone of the series has not been terribly happy or optimistic. Bruce and Selina’s relationship hasn’t been great in the past or present timelines. And in the future timeline, Selina is Bruce’s widow. She kills the Joker and falls out with her daughter over it.

Batman/Catwoman #12 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

Batman/Catwoman #12 actually succeeds in turning this tone around and goes out with a joyous ending. This issue is Christmas for the readers – literally. The advent calendar shown at the beginning of each issue has reached the last day, reaching the big day. And the dark background behind the calendar is now white, underscoring the change in tone. The idea of using Christmas as a connecting theme for the miniseries was ingenious, and pays off tremendously this issue. And on a personal note, I love that the carol associated with this special chapter was “O Holy Night”, which was my mother’s favourite Christmas song.

And this issue is Tom King’s present to all the readers who have followed his Bat/Cat love story. King finally delivers the wedding we were promised way back in Batman #50. And the wedding is almost perfect in its execution. Bruce and Selina opt to get married immediately in a quickie wedding chapel that offers a “Batrimony” option. Thus, the officiant marries them while dressed in a cheap Batman costume, which happens to look exactly like the Adam West Batsuit. I was especially pleased with this little touch, as the 1966 Batman show was my entry into the world of Batman.

And I loved seeing the couple’s choice for witnesses to the ceremony. Bruce merely utters “Clark. We’re doing it. If you and lois want to… to attend… we’d… be happy… to have you.”, and the Kents immediately appear. I love how this displays the bond of friendship that exists between the two heroes, even though Bruce doesn’t like to express it.

And there are some delightful bits of humour in the issue as well. Bruce agrees to invite Lois and Clark, but first stipulates to Selina that, ” if he starts going on about hope again. I’m going to call this off and get the just-in-case rock”. Bruce is, of course, referring to the piece of Kryptonite Clark entrusted him with. And when Bruce presents their witnesses, the cashier, not realizing how appropriately, comments, “Super”.

Batman/Catwoman #12 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

Another nice touch was when future Selina describes the wedding ring Bruce gave her to Helena. As she tells her daughter, “It’s the #@$#@ diamond that he caught me stealing when we met on the boat!”. This connects the gem to the very first appearance of Selina way back in Batman #1 in 1940. And I noticed that Selina no longer argues that they first met on “the street” as shown in Frank Miller’s “Batman: Year One” (Batman #404, 1987). She now agrees with Bruce’s interpretation that they didn’t meet as their true selves until “the boat”.

Clay Mann adds some great touches in the artwork. I loved how a cat and a mouse move between the panels as Selina and Helena have their conversation. This gives a literal representation of their conversation as a cat-and-mouse game. And I loved the main cover with the various versions of Batman and Catwoman, both in-continuity and outside of it. And as I stated, the Advent Calendar and inclusion of the Adam West costume were also fantastic touches.


There will likely be some readers that will say this special wedding issue is “too little, too late”. And they have a point. It’s too late in the sense that this is the story that DC promised them, back in Batman #50. That’s not King’s fault, though. I think that it’s most likely that DC got carried away with the marketing and got fans’ hopes up that the wedding would actually happen in that issue. This led to disappointment and a bit of a backlash against King’s story, despite the fact that it was meant as the midpoint, not the conclusion.

But it’s the “too little” part that I sympathize with. King’s story started in the regular Batman title, which made the aborted wedding part of the official DCU canon. However, this concluding chapter happens in a DC Black Label title, and it appears that it is not canon – at least not yet. At best, it’s a possible near-future timeline. I wish King had been allowed to complete this story in the main title, Then it would have cemented the story into the canon continuity and began a new era for the Batman.

Batman/Catwoman #12 - DC Comics News


Despite the fact that this is not set in the canon DCU, it is still a fantastic story. Thanks to Tom King, Clay Mann, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles for this special wedding issue. Batman/Catwoman #12 is quite possibly the best single issue of any comic I’ve read this year.


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Review: Batman/Catwoman #11 Sun, 22 May 2022 05:32:38 +0000 Review: BATMAN/CATWOMAN #11 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Tom King Artist: Clay Mann Colours:…

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Batman/Catwoman #11 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Tom King

Artist: Clay Mann

Colours: Tomeu Morey

Letters: Clayton Cowles


Reviewed By: Derek McNeil



Batman/Catwoman #11: After barely escaping with one of her nine lives, Selina arrives at a crossroads. She can either continue on the path of a criminal or take a chance at being a hero like Batman. There’s just one thing she has to do: make a vow to never kill The Joker. But what could lead her to break that sacred promise years later? Find out in the penultimate issue of this critically acclaimed maxiseries!



Last issue, ended in the midst of a confrontation between the future Selina and her daughter, Helena (a.k.a. Batwoman). Batman/Catwoman #11 opens with Helena telling Commissioner Dick Grayson that Selina had won the fight and fled Gotham City. However, Dick doubts Helena’s story, suspecting that Helena is covering for her mother.

This leads to a confrontation between Helena and Dick in the Batcave. Helena quickly takes Dick down and demands he leave the cave. After which, Helena has a heart-to-heart talk with her mother back in Wayne Manor.

I find it interesting that Selina and Helena have softened their seemingly intractable stances and have met somewhere in the middle. Selina acknowledges that she has done wrong, but admits that she isn’t totally irredeemable. She tells her daughter, “I knowwhen I do a thing wrong, I pay the price for it, I can feel it”. But she goes on to say, “But you, raising you, just… just loving you, seeing you every day grow into the woman you are.  I did that right. I finally got some $#&@#% thing right”.

And Helena has moved away from her stance that she must punish her mother’s crimes as she feels as her father, the Batman, would have. She openly defies the law, and her brother Dick to protect her mother from facing the consequences of killing the Joker. Like the concepts of yin and yang, some good is revealed in Selina, while some bad is shown in the otherwise scrupulously diligent Helena.

It is clear that Helena mostly takes after her father. When she claims that Selina beat her, Dick refuses to believe that, saying, “She’s not a young woman. You’re Batman“. Dick isn’t accidentally forgetting Helena’s gender, but is deliberately stating that Helena has completely filled her father’s role. And later, Helena admits her similarity to Bruce to Dick. She reiterates her mother’s point that Dick is “nice”, but admits, “Me on the other hand… I’m a little more like Dad”.

Batman/Catwoman #11 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

In the present-day storyline, Andrea Beaumont reveals how she gained custody of her son. She informs Selina and Bruce that she had saved a baby from the Joker. Assuming that the Joker had killed his parents, she took him as her own. However, she has now learned that his real parents were still alive. Overcome by guilt over taking him from his family, she feels compelled to enact Phantasm’s brand of justice on herself.

There are some nice callbacks to Tom King’s run on Batman. Selina looks at a picture of Bruce and Helena in which Bruce is dressed as Superman for Hallowe’en. And while doing so, she tells Helena of the time when Batman and Superman switched costumes on double date with Selina and Lois (Batman #37 in 2017). And Dick tells Helena, “I was literally on the boat when your parents met each other”. This refers to their first meeting in Batman #1 in 1940. But it also brings to mind the ongoing disagreement between Selina and Bruce as to whether they first met on “the boat” or on “the street” (in Frank Miller’s Batman: Year One).

There are also a couple of nods to the DC Animate Universe. As Batman/Catwoman #11 opens, we see Helena battling Inque, a villain introduced in Batman Beyond. It’s especially appropriate, as Helena’s is the successor to Batman during the same time period that Terry McGinnis is Bruce’s successor in a different version of the future. And in the Batcave we see Helena with the Batmobile from Batman: The Animated Series. I really enjoy seeing Tom King showing some love for the DCAU Batman lore.

Clay Mann handles the art this issue, ably assisted by colourist Tomeu Morey. Liam Sharp did a great job as fill-in artist for some of the issues and Jean-Paul Leon did some stellar work on the Batman/Catwoman Special. But I think the story is best served by the series’ original artist. Clay Mann created the look for this project. Thus, he is the artist best-suited to draw the final issues.



We have one more issue to go, and given the cover image that DC has previewed, it should be quite noteworthy. That image implies that we will see the wedding that we were denied in Batman #50. It’s great that we will finally see Bruce and Selina tying the knot. However, I wish it had happened during King’s run on Batman, rather than in a Black Label title. In the former case, it would have been cemented as canon DC history.

However, as a Black Label story, it will likely be considered as outside canon. It might be considered a possible future event or perhaps an Elseworlds. But it won’t change Bruce and Selina’s relationship status in Batman and Detective Comics. And that’s a damn shame.

Batman/Catwoman #11 - DC Comics News



Tom King’s run on Batman was somewhat divisive, although I loved it. I maintain that the stories that covered the full breadth of Bruce and Selina’s story: past, present, and future. King has made the wise choice of delivering another such story in Batman/Catwoman, and it’s paid off. I look forward to seeing their romance culminate in matrimony next issue.



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The CW renews The Flash and Superman & Lois Tue, 29 Mar 2022 16:24:27 +0000 The rumours circling the CW network’s potential sale to Nextstar has had fans of some of the…

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The rumours circling the CW network’s potential sale to Nextstar has had fans of some of the biggest shows on TV worried.  However CW have decided to put those worries to bed with their recent announcement.  Normally CW tends to announce its renewals earlier in the year, which also brought concern to fans.  Nevertheless the CW have confirmed renewals on a whole bunch of shows, including some DC favourites.  The Flash and Superman & Lois have been announced as returning for another season along with other shows such as; Riverdale, All American, Kung Fu, Nancy Drew and Walker.

Mark Pedowitz, Chairman and CEO of The CW Network released a statement regarding the renewals:

“As we prepare for the 2022-23 season, these scripted series, along with the alternative series we renewed earlier, will serve as the start of a solid foundation utilizing some of our most-watched series for us to build on for next year and beyond,”  “These dramas are also important to our overall digital strategy, as they are some of our most-streamed and socially-engaged programming, and we look forward to adding more new and returning series to help strengthen and expand our multiplatform footprint.”

As of yet there is no news regarding the other DC shows like Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, Stargirl and Naomi.  However we do know the network currently have Gotham Knights in development.  Though not to be confused with the video game of the same title it will not be related at all.

Grant Gustin Contract Negotiations

Fans of The Flash had been questioning whether or not the show would return previous to this, with the news of Grant Gustin’s contract renewal and the actor trying to secure himself a bigger salary for future episodes.  On Michael Rosenbaum’s Inside of You podcast back in 2020 Gustin said:

“The conversations actually had started already for adding a potential eighth and ninth [season], but then this pandemic happened, and everything has stopped,” “We don’t know when we’re back, and I don’t know when we’re going to continue the renegotiation talks.”

So for now at least, we know the. DC presence will remain on the CW network and will continue to grow and build on the Arrowverse.

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Review: Batwoman 3×08 – “Trust Destiny” Thu, 17 Mar 2022 21:08:47 +0000 Review: Batwoman 3×08 – “Trust Destiny“ [Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers!] Director: Marshall Virtue Writers:…

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Review: Batwoman 3×08 – Trust Destiny

[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers!]

Director: Marshall Virtue

Writers: Ebony Gilbert, Daphne Miles, Natalie Abrams, Maya Houston

Starring: Javicia Leslie, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan Tandy, Nicole Kang, Camrus Johnson, Victoria Cartagena, Nick Creegan

Reviewed by: Steven Brown


In Batwoman 3×08, Flashbacks reveal Renee Montoya’s betrayal of her former lover Pamela Isley. Mary and Alice continue to bond while on the run, and Marquis throws a party that makes everyone notice.


Ryan is confronted by Renee, Sophie, and Luke about still using the “kid gloves” on Mary although she’s infected with Poison Ivy’s blood. Ryan says she refuses to give up hope, but Renee and the rest point out that Ryan’s indecision is costing lives. Ryan agrees and Renee brings up a way to save Mary perhaps once and for all, by locating Poison Ivy’s body. Mary and Alice continue to bond while doing each other’s nails. A simple girls’ day of manicures and pedicures influences Mary to crash Marquis’ party at Wayne Enterprises.


This episode does bring up a valid point with Ryan keeping the kid gloves on when dealing with these situations. Bruce was best friends with Harvey Dent for example, but all that changed once he became the criminal Two-Face. It’s pretty much the same similarities here between Ryan and Mary. The most damaging thing Ryan has apparently done so far was to cut off Mary’s credit cards. I found that almost laughable. Mary pays Ryan and the team back in kind by crashing Marquis’ party and revealing to him that Luke is Batwing and that Ryan is Batwoman. This betrayal of trust should be the breaking point for Ryan especially after the conclusion of the episode. Luke’s look of disgust with Mary really pulls you in, as for months I thought actual feelings were starting to emerge between the two. Now instead of trying to save Mary, I think Luke will be encouraged more than ever to bring her to justice.


Batwoman 3×08 was a decent episode that left viewers asking questions. Mary’s ultimate betrayal of the team should have consequences, and I think we’ll see that in the next installment. Marquis now has all the information on Ryan and the bat family and there’s no telling how he intends to use it.


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Review: Detective Comics #1057 Tue, 15 Mar 2022 14:02:47 +0000 Review: Detective Comics #1057[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Mariko Tamaki and Matthew RosenbergArt:  Amancay Nahuelpan and Fernando…

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Review: Detective Comics #1057
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Mariko Tamaki and Matthew Rosenberg
Art:  Amancay Nahuelpan and Fernando Blanco
Colors: Jordie Bellaire
Letters: Ariana Maher and Rob Leigh


Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd



Batman has returned to Gotham just in time to assist with the trouble at Arkham Tower.  It’s a real team effort as the Bat-family has to corral Scarecrow, Psycho-Pirate, the Party Crashers and Ana Vulsion!


Both the lead and second features in Detective Comics #1057 present some compelling ideas.  “Shadows of the Bat” features the return of the Dark Knight, and as great as it’s been without him, his return is welcomed because he is presented as part of the team.  You get the sense that the Bat-family is important to him and he sees the value in having others to trust.  This notion is echoed in “House of Gotham” but perhaps from a different perspective.  Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin (Tim Drake) are working together and Batman makes a miscalculation endangering his “sons.”  We know they will survive, but it is interesting to compare these two different portrayals of Batman in similar situations that reveal different aspects of Bruce’s character.  There’s a really gratifying sequence in the middle of the lead story that communicates sense of team wonderfully as each of Batman’s colleagues plays a role securing the Tower.

Positives Cont’d

At the end of the chapter, we see Koyuki Nakano in a session with Chase Meridian on Day 67 as she’s recounting the events of this issue.  It’s a really creative decision to tell the story this way.  It not only sets up what happens next for a cliffhanger ending, but it suggests that this story will go well beyond the immediate resolution.  And, it’s one of those cliffhangers that you don’t see coming, not at all.

There’s a  dynamic fight between Huntress and Ana Vulsion that’s executed wonderfully by Amancay Nahuelpan.  It’s set against another action and they compliment each other visually.  Huntress’s ability to “see” what Ana is doing continues to be an intriguing plot point and it is used to excellent effect here.  Fernando Blacno’s approach to the art in “House of Gotham” evokes a classic vibe that fits with the story revisiting events of the past.   Out of context it is simply an iconic take on the Dark Knight that is reminiscent of David Mazzucchelli


Though her role is limited, Harley Quinn’s appearance once again as a “hanger on” of the Bat-family takes me out of the story.  Luckily, it doesn’t have much of an impact in this issue.


As we get close to the finale of “Shadows of the Bat,” Detective Comics #1057 provides the reader some surprises as well as some exciting execution in the writing and art from the creative teams on both stories.  This chapter doesn’t disappoint as it not only brings plot threads together, but also teases the long game.

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Review: Detective Comics #1056 Tue, 08 Mar 2022 14:41:27 +0000 Review: Detective Comics #1056[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Mariko Tamaki and Matthew RosenbergArt: Amancay Nahuelpan and…

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Review: Detective Comics #1056
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Mariko Tamaki and Matthew Rosenberg
Art: Amancay Nahuelpan and Fernando Blanco
Colors: Jordie Bellaire
Letters: Ariana Maher and Rob Leigh

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd


As Psycho-Pirate divulges Tobias Wear’s plans to Mayor Nakano’s wife who is a patient in Arkham Tower, Nightwing, Huntress, and Stephanie Brown get moving.


While Mariko Tamaki’s run on Detective Comics has featured a more intimate approach to the Dark Knight and his allies, Detective Comics #1056 extends it to the ancillary characters as well.  Mrs. Nakano draws us right in as Tamaki makes us feel for her.  It almost doesn’t matter that there’s all this chaos in the Tower, it’s the fear that’s debilitating her that connects the reader.  She’s clearly in pain, and you can’t help but want to help her.  Furthermore, Psycho-Pirate ends up bearing his soul to her as he confesses his part of the deception while revealing Dr. Wear as the man behind the plan.

The rest of the issue catches the reader up on the status of Nightwing, Batwoman, Stephanie Brown, and the Huntress.  They each get a few pages of focus as the Party Crasher makes a new move and the Scarecrow stands revealed as another major player in the Tower.  Wear certainly couldn’t’ have anticipated Crane stepping up, although there continue to be suggestions that there is someone behind the scenes yet to enter the fray.  The Party Crashers masks still make me think they are Joker-related.  While Joker is overused, it would be fitting for him to be a part of the Tower, Arkham Asylum has always been his home away from home.  Oh, and I’m sure most readers will be happy to see the return of a couple of other Bat-family members by the end of the issue!

Positives Cont’d

In “House of Gotham, ” Batman and Huntress confront our unnamed protagonist in the latter days of “No Man’s Land.”  Matthew Rosenberg presents a very interesting premise as Batman has to apologize to this boy whose story we’ve been following.  It’s not often that Batman admits a mistake or willingly offers up an apology, and this situation will make the reader think.  It’s a unique moment as it points out Batman’s fallibility as well as his ability to recognize it.  It’s unclear if this is intended to show a further error on Batman’s part or rather show that sometimes doing the right thing isn’t always obvious- one can’t assume how things will go.


Well, the negative is pretty obvious this issue.  Unfortunately, the middle of the main story is disrupted by Harley Quinn.  It’s been suggested that the character we’ve seen throughout “Shadows of the Bat” is someone who “thinks” she’s Harley.  Well, this individual claims to actually be Harley and supposedly calls Batwoman. Again, she’s the most unwelcome guest star in comics. Her appearance here slows down the pace, distracts the reader from what is actually going on, and provides absolutely nothing to the story. It really is better to just skip over her pages. Now, this is not an indictment of Tamaki, it’s simply what Harley does, in my opinion.  


Except for Harley Quinn’s unwelcome appearance, Detective Comics #1056 is yet again another fantastic installment of “Shadows of the Bat.” It’s intimate at times and gets the reader involved emotionally at the outset. Certainly, by the end, it’s not hard to see that the end is nearing as… well, no spoilers!


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