Black Lightning - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Wed, 09 Aug 2023 02:46:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Black Lightning - DC Comics News 32 32 DC Young Readers Panel At SDCC 2023 Wed, 09 Aug 2023 02:46:23 +0000 DC has been knocking it out of the park with their books for young readers, and that…

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DC has been knocking it out of the park with their books for young readers, and that trend shows no signs of slowing down! DC held a panel to highlight its young readers line at this year’s San Diego ComicCon .

Writers and artists discussed their upcoming books including Nicole Maines, Sina Grace and Jeffery Brown.  Maines, known to most fans as Dreamer on Supergirl, was there  to talk about Bad Dream: A Dreamer Story.  Sina Grace shared his excitement over his upcoming book Superman: The Harvests of Youth.  Penelope and Jerry Gaylord chatted about Diana and the Hero’s Journey and Clark & Lex. Jeffrey Brown was there to talk about the hit Batman and Robin and Howard. Bestselling author Jim Benton got fans hyped for Fann Club: Batman Squad.

With all that star power there were bound to be some special announcements, and the panel did not disappoint! Jeffrey Brown is writing a sequel to his Batman and Robin and Howard middle-grade graphic novel, it will be called Batman and Robin and Howard: Summer Breakdown. It will be a 3-issue comic book series and will arrive in March of 2024.

To top it all off, Sherri L. Smith showed up as a secret guest. She will be writing her first DC graphic novel. it will be aimed at middle schoolers and will be titled Lightning: Changes. Lily J Allen will be doing the art. Lightning: Changes will focus on a  young Jennifer Pierce as she deals with a rough summer. Safe to say the rest of the Black Lightning family will be involved! Lightning: Changes will hit stores in the fall of 2024!  Check out a few preview images below!

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Review: Batman: Urban Legends #3 Mon, 17 May 2021 00:21:06 +0000 Review: Batman: Urban Legends #3 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Chip Zdarsky, Brandon Thomas,…

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Review: Batman: Urban Legends #3

Batman Urban Legends #3[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Chip Zdarsky, Brandon Thomas, Matthew Rosenberg, Che Grayson

Artists: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Laura Braga, Max Dunbar, Ryan Benjamin, Alberto Jimenez Alburquerque

Colorists: Adriano Lucas, Luis Guerrero, Antonio Fabela, David Baron

Letters: Becca Carey, Deron Bennett, Steve Wands, Saida Temofonte

Reviewer: Tony Farina


The mystery around Cole Cash and HALO deepens as Batman takes a more active role investigating the man known as Grifter. But other villains in Gotham have begun to notice what Grifter is up to, and they’re about to attempt an assassination! How long can the unlikely team-up between this Dynamic Duo last? • The Outsiders epic reaches its end with the return of three iconic Outsiders: Black Lightning, Katana, and Metamorpho, all reunited to face down Katana’s mother-in-law! This finale will change the makeup of the Outsiders forever and set them on a new trajectory in the DC Universe! • Red Hood and Batman fight over what they should do with the child who is now orphaned as a result of Red Hood’s temper. While they place the child temporarily under the care of Leslie Thompkins, she debates if she’s doing the right thing. Is she just looking after another Robin in training?

Batman Urban Legends #3


Batman: Urban Legends #3 has a stand alone story again featuring a character who should have her own book. Lady Shiva’s story is really quite good. I like it so much. Also, the Jason and Bruce on an adventure story is awesome.

Ultimately, the art is fantastic. There is a panel just below that might rub people the wrong way, but I think it is pretty perfect. We forget that Bruce Wayne knows how to deal with broken children. Also, Leslie shows up and brings it full circle. The words are important, but the art team on the Red Hood story tell a beautiful story with just pictures. Love, love, love.

Batman Urban Legends #3


There is a weak link and that weak link is Grifter. I keep bringing that up, but there is a reason for it. Until I saw him and Jason in the same book, I never really realized how similar they really are. Honestly, I prefer Jason and the Red Hood tale. I am sure people love Grifter, and honestly, I used to, but that was when he was in his own universe. Also, are Black Lightning and Katana a thing now? Do people ship them? I don’t, but this story sure makes it feel that way.


Batman: Urban Legends #3 is uneven as most anthology books are. The art is beautiful on every page. There is technical brilliance here. Once again though, this series was acting as a set up for The Outsiders series coming soon. Sure, I want to read that book, but does everyone? Is this supposed to act as an old school anthology book or is it supposed to be a gateway drug to get people to buy more comics? Sure, it can be both, but sometimes, a story can be just a story. So far, those have been the strongest.


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Review: Batman: Urban Legends #2 Wed, 14 Apr 2021 01:49:41 +0000 Review: Batman: Urban Legends #2 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Chip Zdarsky, Cecil Castellucci,…

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Review: Batman: Urban Legends #2

Batman Urban Legends #2

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Chip Zdarsky, Cecil Castellucci, Brandon Thomas, Matthew Rosenberg

Artists: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Laura Braga, Max Dunbar, Ryan Benjamin, Marguerite Sauvage

Colorists: Adriano Lucas, Ivan Plascencia, Luis Guerrero, Antonio Fabela

Letters: Becca Carey, Deron Bennett, Steve Wands, Saida Temofonte

Reviewer: Tony Farina


In part two of Chip Zdarsky and Eddy Barrows’ epic Batman/Red Hood story, Jason Todd has taken a man’s life, and now his mission is to keep the dead man’s young son safe. But Batman plans to take down Jason before he can make another mistake.

Then, in chapter two of Matthew Rosenberg and Ryan Benjamin’s senses-shattering tale, Cole Cash earns his pay as personal bodyguard to billionaire Lucius Fox, but what led him to Gotham in the first place? How does the mysterious HALO Corporation play into it all? And which Bat-Family character does he have an unfortunate meeting with in this chapter?

And in part two of Brandon Thomas and Max Dunbar’s epic Outsiders story, see Katana’s perspective on what brought the Outsiders to Japan, who wants her dead, and what her ultimate punishment will be for no longer having her husband’s spirit in the Soultaker sword.

Plus, Barbara Gordon has identified a citywide system hack from a foe she faced before as Batgirl…but this time around, Babs may have found a way to defeat her for good as Oracle!

Batman Urban Legends #2


Batman: Urban Legends #2 is pretty impressive. While the continuations of the stories from the previous issue are amazing, the bright spot is the addition of an Oracle story by the Babs whisperer herself, Cecil Castellucci. What a fun, glorious romp. It is so important to have in this book that is full of dark, hard to read, gut punchy stories. I am not suggesting these stories are bad. They are not, but 64 for pages of darkness, rage and sadness could end up being a bit overwhelming.

The art in every story is spot on. The covers are beautiful. I can’t complain about one panel. Each art team captures the perfect tone for each story. Again, this was key to the success of this book. We need some visual palate cleansing. Yes, mixed metaphors. I know.

Batman Urban Legends #2


This issue features Grifter, who, for my money is better served by not being in the DC Universe. There is even a joke about how he and Jason have the same shtick. While that is a pretty funny joke, I just don’t see his permanent inclusion in this book being important. If there is a Grifter spin off, I most likely wont read it. I don’t hate him, I just don’t know what he brings. I mean, if we want to bring in a darker, more adult person to Gotham, bring back Violet and Mother Panic.


Batman: Urban Legends #2 is exactly what an anthology comic should be. I grew up with books like this and I am thrilled to see DC take a risk and bring them back. The Katana, Red Hood and Oracle stories are all excellent. While the Grifter story is seemingly pointless and silly, I see the appeal and lots of people will most likely love it. I hope this series is here to stay and we get the chance to see more of the side characters get a chance to shine. Fingers crossed for some Spoiler action next month.


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Review: The Other History of the DC Universe #3 Mon, 12 Apr 2021 20:33:51 +0000 Review: The Other History of the DC Universe #3   Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]…

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Review: The Other History of the DC Universe #3

The Other History of the DC Universe #3


Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: John Ridley

Artists: Giuseppe Camuncoli and Andrea Cucchi

Colors: Jose Villarrubia

Letters: Steve Wands

Reviewer: Tony Farina


1983. Japan. Tatsu Yamashiro’s life has been taken from her. Her home, her children, her husband are all gone. With nothing left but a burning pain and the sword that stole her family from her, Tatsu begins a long journey of healing, self-discovery, agency, and rebirth. This is the story of Tatsu Yamashiro, the woman known to many as Katana-a hero who became more than the world ever intended for her, ultimately making a family of like-minded Outsiders who rally together for the common good amidst xenophobia and oppression. The long-awaited miniseries written by Academy Award-winning screenwriter John Ridley (12 Years a Slave, Let It Fall) and beautifully illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli and Andrea Cucchi continues to look at the mythology of the DC Universe as seen through the prism of DC Super Heroes who come from traditionally disenfranchised groups.

The Other History of the DC Universe #3


Katana has always been one of my favorite characters. There has been an energy to her that is never fully explored. She is a B-lister with A-list abilities. The fact that she never has carried her own title is telling. She is one of the long list of characters who deserve more love, but is never really given her due. John Ridley realized that as well and in issue three of this 5 part series, he not only gives her her due, he shines the full power of the sun on her. Ridley is not one to sugar coat things, so there are some pretty uncomfortable passages in here, but that is good. We need that.

The art team once again creates a comic book that breaks the boundaries of what we thought we knew as is the concept behind this series. Having two artists is incredibly smart because it makes the passage of time and different locations look and feel more real. Every page is beautiful. I love it so much.

The Other History of the DC Universe #3


This issue can only be seen in a negative light by people who don’t like to read and who don’t like to think. There is a level of discomfort with this series that is intentional, but necessary.


The Other History of the DC Universe # 3 is equal parts glorious and disturbing. What Ridley and his team are doing in this series is long overdue. This one feels like I watched a PBS documentary about my favorite song only to realize I’ve been singing the wrong words all along.


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Review: Future State: The Next Batman #3 Wed, 03 Feb 2021 18:25:41 +0000 Review: FUTURE STATE: THE NEXT BATMAN #3   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: John…

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Future State: The Next Batman #3


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: John Ridley, Brandon Thomas, Paul Jenkins

Artists: Laura Braga, Nick Derington, Sumit Kumar, Raul Fernandez, Jack Herbert

Colours: Arif Prianto, Jordie Bellaire, Gabe Eltaeb

Letters: Clayton Cowles, Steve Wands, Rob Leigh


Reviewed By: Derek McNeil



Future State: The Next Batman #3: The adventures of the next Batman continue! Batman has captured a pair of murderous fugitives, but he faces a tough decision: leave them for the Magistrate troops, which means certain death, or risk his life and fight his way through Gotham City to deliver them to the GCPD for trial. He’s Batman…so there’s only one choice!

And in “Outsiders,” Katana has reunited with Black Lightning, but her old friend and ally has changed…big time! Now composed of literal black lightning, Jefferson Pierce arrives with a dire warning about Duke Thomas and his mission to liberate Gotham from the oppression of the Magistrate. They’ll have to work together—and we really mean together—to have any hope of defeating the forces working against them!

Plus, in “Arkham Knights,” Astrid Arkham and her band of maniacal misfits have picked a fight with the Magistrate…and they’re not going to back down! On the eve of their mission into the heart of Gotham’s fascist occupiers, Croc, Zsasz, Phosphorus, Clayface, Harvey, and the rest steel themselves to try and shine a beacon of hope into the darkness—but not everyone will make it out alive!



In Future State: The Next Batman #3, Jace Fox has caught up with the murderers he’s been trailing. However, the situation has become a lot more complex. It turns out that the couple’s victim had murdered their daughter. Batman rejects this as justification for their crime. However, he still is unwilling to leave them to be killed out of hand by the Magistrate forces.

I like that even with the Magistrate as the clear villains, there is still a lot of moral ambiguity. In fact, the presence of an unambiguous bad guy moves a many who would normally be seen as villains into a grey area. This is especially evident in the Arkham Knights backup story, in which several of Bruce Wayne’s rogues gallery have actually become freedom fighters in this future timeline.

The Outsiders backup story concludes in this issue, resolving the conflict with Kaliber. However, it seems more like the beginning of a larger story than a conclusion. I do hope that DC has plans to revisit Future State, as this leaves me with many unanswered questions and wanting to see more of the story.

Future State: The Next Batman #3

Positives Cont.

I had wondered if Black Lightning having become living lightning was a result of the increase in power in the recent Batman and the Outsiders title. This issue implies that there is more to the story. Jefferson states, “It’s a–really long story, Tatsu. Trying to do the right thing, but everything went wrong. There was some magic involved…and you heard right, there was a curse”. It sounds like there’s a very interesting story here, one that I would like very much to read.

In the Arkham Knights story, we find out what the team was hoping to accomplish with their assault on the GCPD headquarters. Surprisingly, their goal is to strike a more symbolic goal than a practical one. They reclaim a former symbol of hope for Gotham City, the Bat-Signal. And they replace the Bat-symbol with a new symbol, a sun, which they shine once again in the Gotham’s skies.

As Astrid Arkham explains “It is a beacon of hope that reminds the magistrate why the relics of Gotham are worth fighting for!…It is our light in the darkness, a signal for those in peril upon the sea of fate! It is our sun. And from this day, it will always shine on Gotham”. And how deliciously ironic is it that this message of hope should come from a group of Batman’s worst enemies?



The main drawback here is that these stories serve as only a mere taste of this future Gotham. We know that we will see some more of it in the upcoming The Next Batman miniseries. However, that series is likely to focus mainly on Jace Fox and his immediate family. Hopefully DC has plans to revisit the wider world of Future State, as there is a lot more story left to tell.

Future State: The Next Batman #3



Future State: The Batman #3 brings us the penultimate chapter of the Next Batman’s debut story and concludes two of the backup stories. But while these stories have given us a fascinating taste of this Future timeline, there is still a lot of untapped potential in this future timeline. I hope DC will return to explore it in depth in the near future.



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Is Season Four The End Of Black Lightning? Mon, 01 Feb 2021 01:44:36 +0000 Is Season Four The End Of Black Lightning? That seems to be the case in the first…

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Is Season Four The End Of Black Lightning? That seems to be the case in the first trailer for Black Lightning’s fourth and final season, which the CW has released recently.

The CW has released the synopsis for the Season Four premiere of Black Lightning, “The Book of Reconstruction: Chapter One.” Based on the new synopsis for the season 4 premiere, Jefferson’s dark mood in the trailer is definitely of Henderson’s passing. “Jefferson Pierce is still mourning the death of his long-time friend Detective Henderson,” reads the logline.

Cress Williams (aka Jefferson Pierce, Black Lightning) stated at the end of season 3 that he hoped the show wouldn’t just move on from Henderson’s death. He also suspected it would affect how Jefferson moved forward.

While the trailer shows both Thunder and Lightning suited up and fighting crime in Freeland, the trailer doesn’t provide any major clues about the season’s big threat beyond a quick shot of Tobias Whale menacingly seated in an off-white suit.

Season Four will be the last for Black Lightning. It was announced back in November that the series would end with the forthcoming season, though a spinoff Painkiller series is getting a backdoor pilot during the season.

Series creator, Salim Akil, stated “When we first started the Black Lighting journey, I knew that Jefferson Pierce and his family of powerful African American women, it would be a unique addition to the superhero genre. The love that Blerds and all comic book fans around the globe have shown this series over the past three seasons proved what we imagined-African Americans want to see themselves in all their complexities. While season four may be the end of one journey, I’m extremely excited to usher in a new chapter and continued collaboration with The CW as we tell the story of Painkiller.”

Black Lightning returns on Monday, February 8th at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

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Review: Future State: The Next Batman #1 Tue, 05 Jan 2021 17:17:41 +0000 Review: FUTURE STATE: THE NEXT BATMAN #1   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: John…

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Future State: The Next Batman #1 - DC Comics News


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: John Ridley, Brandon Thomas, Paul Jenkins

Artists: Nick Derington, Sumit Kumar, Raul Fernandez, Jack Herbert

Colours: Tamra Bonvillain, Jordie Bellaire, Gabe Eltaeb

Letters: Clayton Cowles, Steve Wands, Rob Leigh


Reviewed By: Derek McNeil



Future State: The Next Batman #1: Gotham City has always been dangerous-but now, it’s downright deadly! Following the tragedy of “A-Day,” the mayor allowed the private law enforcement group known as the Magistrate to take over policing so-called mask crime-and that has given rise to a new Dark Knight! What is this mysterious crime fighter’s connection to former Batman weaponeer Lucius Fox? The fight for justice has never been this dangerous!

Then, in an new tale of the Outsiders, everything in Gotham City may be under the thumb of the Magistrate-but even members of that totalitarian force know that the outskirts of town are protected by the sword of Katana!

Plus, ride with the Arkham Knights on their quest for freedom. Arkham Asylum has been decommissioned, and the Magistrate rules the land with an iron fist and zero tolerance. Now it’s time for the lunatics to take back their town! Follow Croc, Two-Face, Phosphorus, Zsasz, Clayface, and Astrid Arkham as the Arkham Knights raise holy hell on the occupiers of Gotham!



Over the years, DC has toyed with the idea of someone else succeeding Bruce Wayne in the role of Batman: Terry McGinnis, Jean-Paul Valley, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, and others. So, the idea of a new Batman isn’t new in itself. But when the news that John Ridley was going to write a story with a new Batman caused quite a reaction. One reason was because it seemed likely that Ridley’s Batman would be a person of colour. The other reason was that it was supposed to be part of DC’s proposed “G5” relaunch, which implied that it would be presented as a permanent change.

However, as the relaunch evolved into Future State, it became clear that this story would happen in a future timeline, similar to Terry McGinnis in Batman Beyond. But it was confirmed that the new Batman would indeed be a person of colour – namely Tim Fox, son of Lucius Fox. That’s why I was somewhat surprised upon reading Future State: The Next Batman #1 and reading that it was Luke Fox wearing the Batsuit, not Tim.

So, was this misdirection on DC’s part? Or is this going to be something along the lines of the Starman series? While Jack Knight was the star of the series, that series began with his brother David in the role of Starman. But David’s death led to Jack taking on the role. I so, I hope that doesn’t mean that Luke’s days are numbered.

Future State: The Next Batman #1 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

There are a lot of other unanswered questions of what has happened between the present and the events of this story. How did Luke become Batman? Did Bruce pick him for the role or did he take it on himself? And what happened to Luke’s sister Tam? Also, I noticed that Lucius doesn’t appear in the story at all. I hope nothing bad happened to him.

I expect that many of these questions will be answered in the issues ahead as well as in Future State: Dark Detective. As I expect that series to explain why Bruce is no longer Batman, it’s quite possible it might also explain how the role passed to Luke.

There are also two backup stories in this issue. The first features the Outsiders, or at least three Outsiders: Katana, The Signal, and Black Lightning. In this future Gotham, the Outsiders have undergone some interesting changes. Katana is now wearing suit of armour that enhances her abilities and allows her to fly. I love that this armour has is patterned after that worn by samurai warriors.  Also, her sword, Soultaker, appears technologically enhanced, giving it a glowing blade.

Future State: The Next Batman #1 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

But the most shocking (no pun intended) change is that Jefferson Pierce has become living lightning. The recent Batman and the Outsiders showed Batman giving Black Lightning a major power boost. I wonder if Jefferson’s current state was an unforeseen consequence of that.  I also wonder if he agrees with Tatsu that it’s a curse.

The second backup is the one I find most interesting, as it features the most drastic and unexpected change from the current day continuity. In a future where Gotham has been turned into a totalitarian state, many of the worst criminals have become a force for good. Astrid Arkham, has enlisted several former inmates of Arkham Asylum as her team of Arkham Knights. And together, the Knights serve as a resistance against the Magistrate’s tyrannical rule.

With some of the inmates, it’s not hard to believe they might fight on the side of good. Some of them have before, such as Two-Face and Clayface. And others are more misguided souls rather than evil, like Anarky. But villains like Zsasz are pure evil, so it’s somewhat surprising to see him fall in line with the others.

Astrid’s own motives are somewhat of a mystery. She shows herself to be somewhat of an idealist when she gives Croc a free choice between joining her team or not. She refuses to compel him to “swear fealty to our cause”. On the other hand, the fact that she keeps a monster like Zsasz on her team because of his effectiveness at killing their enemies shows she is also very pragmatic. It would be interesting to see which  tendency wins out in a situation where her ideals conflict with her practical goals.



The only drawback I can see is that all of these stories raise a lot of interesting questions, but I don’t know if we’ll get to see them all answered. The Outsiders and Arkham Knights will only get one more chapter each in this mini, which seems only enough to only scratch the surface of any story potential these groups have.

On the other hand, the Next Batman story will appear in all four issues. Plus there are plans for more stories of featuring him in the near future. Perhaps if The Next Batman proves to be a hit, he might get an ongoing series of his own which might also feature the teams introduced in these backup stories.



Future State: The Next Batman #1 introduces a lot of intriguing ideas to the Batman mythos. Hopefully DC and Ridley will explore these ideas beyond the Future State event. But even if it doesn’t return, it won’t be quickly forgotten. However, I am certain that this historic miniseries will prove to be a hit with fans.


5outof5 DC Comics News


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Featured Review: The Other History of the DC Universe #1 Thu, 26 Nov 2020 18:59:55 +0000 Review: The Other History of the DC Universe #1   [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]…

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Review: The Other History of the DC Universe #1


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: John Ridley

Artists: Giuseppe Camuncoli and Andrea Cucchi

Colors: Jose Villarrubia

Letters: Steve Wands

Reviewer: Tony Farina




Academy Award-winning screenwriter John Ridley (12 Years a Slave, Let It Fall) examines the mythology of the DC Universe in this compelling new miniseries that reframes iconic moments of DC history and charts a previously unexplored sociopolitical thread as seen through the prism of DC Super Heroes who come from traditionally disenfranchised groups.

This unique new series presents its story as prose by Ridley married with beautifully realized illustrations by Giuseppe Camuncoli and Andrea Cucchi. Issue #1 follows the story of Jefferson Pierce, the man who will one day become Black Lightning, as he makes his way from being a young track star to a teacher and, ultimately, to his role as a hero. Future issues focus on characters such as Karen and Mal Duncan, Tatsu Yamashiro, and Renee Montoya.

Extensively researched and masterfully executed, The Other History of the DC Universe promises to be an experience unlike any other. You may think you know the history of the DC Universe…but the truth is far more complex. The Other History of the DC Universe isn’t about saving the world-it’s about having the strength to simply be who you are.



John Ridley is a master storyteller. His foray into the DC Universe is, well, masterful. This 51 page first issue of The Other History of the DC Universe turns comic storytelling on its head. Ridley tells his story, written in boxes, without any dialogue bubbles and Giuseppe Camuncoli and Andrea Cucchi do the work. The panels are uniquely placed around the page in such a way that readers are allowed to see them as museum pieces hanging next to, or in conjunction with, these beautiful descriptions. I really do want to express how beautiful and smart this book is. I was not given any images to share with you and at first I was bugged by that, but now, I see it is a positive because you will have to simply go pick it up. You will, like me, get to spend time in Jefferson’s life, in his shoes, in his family. It is, as the title implies, a history book. If only all history books were told this way, more people would love history.



For people who are looking for traditional comic book storytelling, The Other History of the DC Universe #1 will be a disappointment.



Reading The Other History of the DC Universe # 1 this feels like a guided tour of Jefferson’s life. Black Lightning has been having a bit of a resurgence lately thanks to Cress Williams pitch perfect portrayal of the titular character on the CW, but I grew up loving him. He appeared when I was only 4, and so when I first started reading comics when I was 12, and was reading anything on which I could get my hands, Black Lightening was there for me to capture my imagination in the lore of DC Comics. This story and the set up reminded me of those times back in my childhood trying to piece together everything I could.


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“Black Lightning” Spinoff Spun as Backdoor Pilot Mon, 23 Nov 2020 22:45:56 +0000 Black Lightning spinoff “Painkiller” is being tailored as a backdoor pilot on the CW. As its parent…

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Black Lightning spinoff “Painkiller” is being tailored as a backdoor pilot on the CW.

As its parent series has been announced to end with its fourth season, the timing of this announcement is very convenient. It is the first DC character this season to be developed for a pilot. The verdict on the proposed Arrow spinoff, “Green Arrow and The Canaries,” is still up in the air, as is the 100 spinoff.

“Black Lightning” Spinoff – Who Is Painkiller and What Can Fans Expect?

Starring Jordan CallowayPainkiller will continue the redemptive journey of Khalil Payne, aka Painkiller. This version is based upon a DC character created in 1995 by Tony Isabella and Eddie Newell. His civilian identity, however, was created for TV. Once a promising track star at Jefferson Pierce’s high school, Khalil was paralyzed in the first season by a shot by Tobias Whale’s assassin meant for a pastor. Whale later twisted the facts to turn the embittered Khalil to his own ends and into the enhancement program. The result was the new identity of Painkiller, whose cybernetic enhancements granted him superhuman strength and the secretion of a paralytic agent that could be fired through arm mounted dart launchers. What made his dark journey more conflicted was having to combat Black Lightning while still having feelings for Pierce’s daughter, Jennifer, aka Lightning. Initially with alliances to both Whale and Agent Odell of the nefarious NSA, Painkiller gradually turned on both of his handlers. His rebellion leads to his death and resurrection. This new series will see Khalil attempt a fresh start after relocating to Akashic Valley while combating the darker impulses within. Eventually, his past intrudes upon his idyllic new life and he is forced back into action, this time with justice on his mind rather than destruction.

No official synopsis has been announced, but Berlanti Productions – the backing of the Arrowverse shows on the CW – will not be involved.


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CW Network Announces 2021 Premiere Dates Mon, 02 Nov 2020 13:53:57 +0000 The CW has announced their premiere dates for the new TV season which will begin January 2021. The…

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   and Trickster.  Returning series include   



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The CW’s Super Tuesday Begins February 23 withSuperman & Lois” Paired With “The Flash”


Trickster Trying to Fill Supernatural‘s  Shoes

The void of the recently finished show Supernatural will be filled by Trickster.   This is the US premiere of the acclaimed Canadian TV series.  Trickster premiered on the CBC network on October 7, 2020.  The show  centres on Jared, an Indigenous Haisla teenager and small-time drug dealer who becomes increasingly aware of the magical events that seem to follow him.

Trickster is based on the Eden Robinson coming of age novel – Son of a Trickster

The post CW Network Announces 2021 Premiere Dates appeared first on DC Comics News.

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