Damian Fasciani, Author at DC Comics News https://dccomicsnews.com/author/fadeaway1981/ DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Sun, 09 Jul 2023 11:11:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.6 https://dcn-wp.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/14095523/DC-Comics-logo.png Damian Fasciani, Author at DC Comics News https://dccomicsnews.com/author/fadeaway1981/ 32 32 How the Flash tripped over at the Box Office https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/07/09/how-the-flash-tripped-over-at-the-box-office/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/07/09/how-the-flash-tripped-over-at-the-box-office/#respond Sun, 09 Jul 2023 08:13:05 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=175559 We were looking forward to the release of the Flash for a long time. Dating back to…

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We were looking forward to the release of the Flash for a long time. Dating back to 2015 when Zack Snyder released his film schedule in Hall H and comic-con (what a pleasure it was to be there) we were anticipating the upcoming story of one of DC’s most iconic characters. So much has transpired in the DC world over the last eight years and while there have been a host of set backs it hasn’t curbed the enthusiasm of the fans. That is why I love the DC community, because there is a passion and love for our universe continues to grow and prosper.

Along with the passion, love and enthusiasm of any fan base comes the ever growing negativity and that unfortunately can be much more powerful. It consumes corners of the internet spreading like a virus, people feed on it and unfortunately it has become popular to talk down, step on, and spread negativity when it comes to DC films. Within a short period of time, some of these people have becomes CGI experts, story telling geniuses and casting agents (mind you – every time Batman has been cast, the general negativity against the actor at the time has been nothing short of ill placed). Unless you’re working in the industry directly you have no idea what is going on with the production of a film, the “he said, she said, I have a source” is a rope that we pull on that at the end of the day is nothing more than click bait. I respect that people have the right to voice their opinion as I am here, however the growing negativity around DC films has become tiring!

The Flash DC Comics News

I’m not here to talk about the story of the Flash, the CGI, casting, or the story. The Warner Bros’s revolving door of organisational restructures and cost cutting measures has had a direct impact on its films and they have directly contributed to the box office stumble that we’ve seen with the Flash.  We know and understand the Flash is a representation of what was left from Snyder’s world and in business timing is everything.

The timing of the restructure at Warner Bros, the introduction of James Gunn and the reboot of the DC Universe personified the Reverse Flash approaching Barry Allen from behind and stabbing him in the heart. Executives and board members are paid significant sums of money because they are tasked with making key decisions that have a global impact on an organisation; Warner Bros yet again failed to execute. The plan to restructure who was going to come into Warner Bros (James Gunn and co.) to lead the DC Universe,  and timing of the public announcement was nothing short of a disaster. All of this created a whirlwind amongst the DC fan base, all while the promotion of The Flash kicked off. Warner Bros decided to end one universe, reboot it with a new slate of films with James Gunn as the face of it all while we were meant to get behind the pending release of The Flash. This created a collision course, confusion, debate, twitter conversations with Gunn, and a film slate of random films that has did nothing but distract us from The Flash.

Once again the planning and execution from Warner Bros has been the cause of its own demise. All while James Gunn is partially involved in the promotion of his last Marvel film.  Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Ridiculous! Warner Bros didn’t have control of Gunn’s contractual commitments to promoting Guardians, but they did have control over when he started his new role!

Without additional context as to why the timing of these key events plaid out the way they did, the public announcement of James Gunn’s arrival & DC universe reboot could have been planned post the release and promotion of The Flash giving it a proper runway allowing Barry Allen to generate enough speed to truly run!

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Poison Ivy Is Set To Tangle DC Fans Even More In June 2023 https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/02/12/poison-ivy-is-set-to-tangle-dc-fans-even-more-from-june-2023/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/02/12/poison-ivy-is-set-to-tangle-dc-fans-even-more-from-june-2023/#respond Sun, 12 Feb 2023 06:37:55 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=173428 Poison Ivy fans, this news will put a smile on your face. The Poison Ivy comic book…

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Poison Ivy fans, this news will put a smile on your face. The Poison Ivy comic book series is currently solicited as 12 issues will become an ongoing comic book series as of June 2023! The creative team for the iconic DC villain is G. Willow Wilson (writer), Marcio Takara (artist), Jessica Fong (covers), Arif Prianto (colors), Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (letters).

We’re so excited for the news, we have artwork below to share with fans, Jessica Fong’s cover art for issue #12 (May) and #13 (June) is attached and debuts with this release. Keep an eye out for Poison Ivy Vol. 1: The Virtuous Cycle (HC), collecting Poison Ivy #1-6, arrives on May 16, 2023. 

The Official DC Release

Pamela Isley’s comic book journey has grown beyond her original plan as today the publisher announced the hit six-issue DC mini-series Poison Ivy, which was expanded into a second six-issue arc in December 2022, will continue as an ongoing comic book series beginning in June 2023 with Poison Ivy #13!


Written by G. Willow Wilson, with art by Marcio Takara and covers by Jessica Fong, fan-favorite Poison Ivy’s quest to undo the wrongs of man and return the Earth to the Green persists…at whatever the cost. The comic book series “shines best when we see Ivy being forced to confront humanity, both her own and that of others, and in the process forces the reader to truly see the world” (COMICBOOK).


Launched as a limited series in June 2022 during DC’s annual Pride celebration, Poison Ivy’s dark, lush, character-driven first story arc focused on “an Ivy who is both a giver of mercy and merciless, who is beautiful and deadly, broken and fierce” (COMICBOOK) with psychedelic art and a host of new characters and ethical quandaries that brought Ivy up to the edge of horror from issue to issue. Poison Ivy Vol. 1: The Virtuous Cycle, collecting Poison Ivy #1-6 in a gorgeous hardcover book, arrives on May 16, 2023, wherever books are sold.

Poison Ivy dc comics news Poison Ivy dc comics news

Poison Ivy’s second story arc kicked off with two issues of interior art by Atagun Ilhan, a graduate of DC’s Milestone Initiative, who brought “a haunting, evocative vision to Ivy’s newest adventure, with impressive shadow work and explosive action scenes” (AiPT) and delivered “emotional eco-horror energy while building off what came before to enter a new phase for the green-loving villain” (COMICON). Series regular artist Takara then returned to interior art in February’s Poison Ivy #9, available now wherever comics are sold.


When issue #13 publishes in June 2023, the hit DC title becomes an ongoing comic book series and brings Pamela Isley back to Gotham City! The release will have a DC Pride variant cover by Claire Roe along with main cover by Fong and variants by Kai Carpenter, Frank Cho and Mindy Lee.






Variant cover by JENNY FRISON

Variant cover by XERMÁNICO

1:25 variant cover by MATEUS MANHANINI

1:50 foil variant cover by JENNY FRISON

$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)

ON SALE 5/2/23

Ivy and Janet’s celebrity wellness excursion comes to a horrifically tantalizing close as Pamela Isley faces the unintended fruits of her murderous road trip. Will she make it back home to Harley in one piece or is Ivy going to be added to GLØP’s body count?

Poison Ivy dc comics news Poison Ivy dc comics news Poison Ivy dc comics news Poison Ivy dc comics news





Variant cover by KAI CARPENTER

Variant cover by FRANK CHO

1:25 variant cover by MINDY LEE

1:50 foil variant cover by KAI CARPENTER

DC Pride variant cover by CLAIRE ROE

$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)

ON SALE 6/6/23

There sure is nothing quite like a romantic night with your sweetie in the swamp to make your mouth water. It’s the dawn of a new day as Pamela Isley makes her return to Harley and Gotham City with a lovestruck Janet-from-HR in tow. The tension’s so thick you could cut it with a fan boat’s propeller!

Be sure to check out the latest news here

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New Flash ‘Worlds Collide’ Movie Poster Released https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/02/11/new-flash-worlds-collide-movie-poster-released/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/02/11/new-flash-worlds-collide-movie-poster-released/#respond Sat, 11 Feb 2023 09:44:47 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=173419 The Flash movie is sprinting into cinemas this year and to get us excited for the new…

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The Flash movie is sprinting into cinemas this year and to get us excited for the new trailer which will drop at the Super Bowl; a new poster has been released. We’ve been waiting for this film since Zack Snyder released his DCEU plans and for a lot of us that seemed like a lifetime ago. The film is due for release on June 16, the title of the poster gives us a taste of what’s to come reading, ‘Worlds Collide’.

The Flash Worlds Collide DC Comics News

Barry Allen meets The Bat from 1989

The poster centered on Barry Allen as the Flash who’s arrived in Batman’s cave. What we are even more excited about is that Michael Keaton is back as Bruce Wayne / Batman. The film is based on the Flashpoint comic book story. If you haven’t read it, you can grab yourself a copy here.

Let us know what you think of the ‘Worlds Collide’ Flash movie poster. Are you excited to see Michael Keaton reprise his role of the Dark Knight? Be sure to also check out our news here.

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New concept design showing Ben Affleck as Batman in ‘The Flash’ film. https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/01/28/new-concept-design-showing-ben-affleck-as-batman-in-the-flash-film/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/01/28/new-concept-design-showing-ben-affleck-as-batman-in-the-flash-film/#respond Sat, 28 Jan 2023 00:52:20 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=173101 This year we’re going to see The Flash movie sprint into theatres and there’s been hype from…

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This year we’re going to see The Flash movie sprint into theatres and there’s been hype from all corners of the internet, as both Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck as Batman. The Flash film looks like it was inspired by the original “Flashpoint” storyline, where Barry Allen goes back in time to save his mother and, as a result, alters the course of time.

The Flash Film with Ben Affleck DC Comics News

Last year we were teased with a host of production set photos of both Ben Affleck as Batman, riding the Bat-Cycle, and Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne, amongst a host of production crew. We also got to see concept images of Keaton’s Batsuit, but below we have concept design that looks amazing!

We found an artist on Instagram called @Yousef_Defenshi  who has produced a brilliant concept design as to what Ben Affleck could look like as Batman in the upcoming film.

Ben Affleck as Batman in the Flash. DC Comics News

Designed by @youssef_defenshi

When looking at the picture, you can see that his suit has changed. He has more armored plates protecting his chest, a broader torso, and arms. His cowl is equipped with shorter ears and he has the same protective eyewear that we saw in the Justice League film.

Make sure you follow the artist on instagram here, and make sure you let us know what you think of his incredible design.

The Flash is scheduled for a 2023 release and stars Ezra Miller as at least two version of the title character. Multiple speedsters and a Batman or two make for an intriguing concept, so we’re definitely excited to see how the the finished film turns out.

For more DC News, keep an eye on news here.

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Exclusive Interview: Aaron Bailey talks “Night Of the Batman” https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/01/26/exclusive-interview-aaron-bailey-talks-night-of-the-batman/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/01/26/exclusive-interview-aaron-bailey-talks-night-of-the-batman/#respond Thu, 26 Jan 2023 06:28:28 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=173089 In this exclusive interview we chat with artist Aaron S Bailey about his upcoming project, Night of…

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Aaron S Bailey dc comics newsIn this exclusive interview we chat with artist Aaron S Bailey about his upcoming project, Night of the Batman.

The internet has been abuzz with the announcement that Mr. Bailey is working on a film inspired by Ben Affleck’s Batman. Bailey’s been keeping DC fans in the loop over Twitter sharing images of the project and there’s been a great deal of support and positive sentiment towards it. We were privileged to get an insight into his work, what inspired the idea, and we also have an exclusive image further down of the Dark Knight himself.

DCN (DC Comics News)  Tell us a bit about you, your background and your journey so far.
A.S.B (Aaron S Bailey) First of all, thank you for letting me talk about this project! I’m Aaron, a freelance artist and photographer. I’ve had a passion for storytelling and film making most of my life and eventually that led me to making art of my favourite movies and tv shows. I started VERY rough and taught myself photoshop and various 3D software skills. That’s what eventually gave me the idea to use these skills to tell a story about (in my opinion) the greatest on-screen Batman.
DCN For those fans who are not across the news, you’re creating a realistic comic set ‘Night of the Batman’ an original take on the stand alone Ben Affleck Batman movie. It’s going to be set in the Snyderverse. Why did you take on the project? What were the triggers to get it off the ground?
A.S.B The same as many people, I was disappointed we never got the Batman film that Ben Affleck was working on. I did like Matt Reeves take very much but part of me still wanted back story or a fleshing out on the DCEU version of the character.
I’ve also been a part of the ‘Snyderverse’ movement since 2017 and in that time I’ve made some amazing friends, made memories and eventually that got me to meet Zack himself. That was a huge push for me to pursue this project and give not only me but all of Affleck’s Batman fans something special.
DCN What’s your approach to the story? Are you extending on what Snyder has created?
A.S.B  Absolutely, I’m taking the framework Zack started and using that to tell a story set before BVS about a particularly dark time for this version of Batman. I didn’t want to use the idea or outline involving Deathstroke (I still have hope for that film to be made) but rather to tell my own story at a different time.
Night of the Batman DC Comics News

The Batman, in #NightOfTheBatman

DCN Are there any other sources of inspiration you’re drawing on separate from Snyder’s work?
A.S.B  I think a huge inspiration for me from Zack is Watchmen. That film so perfectly captured the less than glamorous side of being a Superhero, it’s a tragedy told in a hyper stylized world.
That is very much where we find Bruce in my story, on a path that will lead to where we find his character in BVS.
DCN How much of an influence to produce the story were the fans?
A.S.B  Massive. That’s why I’m pulling in people from the community to help, I want different perspectives and ideas to shine through in the final product.
DCN Can you share any insights into the story that you already haven’t shared online that will get the fans excited?
A.S.B The scope and story has definitely changed since announcing this so I’m currently revising my script to match the huge interaction from the community. One aspect that I haven’t revealed is that we will in fact see Dick Grayson in this story. I’ll save ‘the how’ for later but as you can imagine it’s probably not in a happy way.
DCN How have you gone about the selection process for the cast? What attributes are you looking for?
A.S.B  I’m currently only casting a few select roles right now due to availability but my main goal is to match voices fairly closely with established characters.
DCN Can you share any artwork with us that the fans haven’t seen yet – we will feature these in the article for the fans to see.
DCN What can the fans expect with the story, will all four parts be released at once or over a time line?
A.S.B The release will be over a period of time (the time frame is TBA) and will be fully voiced and scored motion panels!

Leave a comment below on your thoughts on the upcoming project. Be sure to follow Mr. Bailey on Twitter here 

You can find commentary online via #NightOfTheBatman and follow our news here

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Watch as Willem Dafoe comes to life as the Joker! https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/01/14/watch-as-william-dafoe-comes-to-life-as-the-joker/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/01/14/watch-as-william-dafoe-comes-to-life-as-the-joker/#respond Sat, 14 Jan 2023 07:22:42 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=172820 Over the years there’s been a warm welcome by DC fans wanting to see Willem Dafoe grace…

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Over the years there’s been a warm welcome by DC fans wanting to see Willem Dafoe grace the screen as the Joker. While we’ve had a host of brilliant actors create their own interpretations of the clown prince, we’ve been teased as to what Defoe could look like as the supervillain.

Artist @CraftyArt has posted a video on YouTube taking us through the end-to-end process of sculpting Willem Dafoe as the Joker out of clay. This video’s phenomenal, starting right from the beginning, through to the basic sculpture, texture, and colors. I can promise that you won’t be disappointed!

If the combination of Pop Culture, art, and sculpture is your thing, you can follow the artist here

Keep up to date with other DC-related news here.

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Green Arrow will return in the final season of The Flash https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/01/05/green-arrow-will-return-in-the-final-season-of-the-flash/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/01/05/green-arrow-will-return-in-the-final-season-of-the-flash/#respond Thu, 05 Jan 2023 05:30:04 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=172722 If you’re a Green Arrow fan like myself then this news will come as a nice surprise!…

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If you’re a Green Arrow fan like myself then this news will come as a nice surprise! The final season of The Flash is upon us, and over the course of Barry Allen’s final adventure we will see the return of several DC characters.

We’ve had confirmation from Stephen Amell online that he is returning to reprise the role of Oliver Queen / Green Arrow. What we don’t know at this stage is when he will return, the amount of episodes. It may be one, several or possibly the conclusion of the show.

Green arrow dc comics news

Green Arrow is returning

It will be fascinating to see how Oliver Queen returns, given how his life concluded in “Crisis on Infinite Earths”.

Comment below with your thoughts on the return of Oliver Queen.

For more DC related news make sure you keep up to date here: www.dccomicsnews.com/news

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The Batman 2 is Officially Coming! https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/04/27/the-batman-2-is-officially-coming/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/04/27/the-batman-2-is-officially-coming/#respond Wed, 27 Apr 2022 02:04:39 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=169403 Batman and DC fans it is now official, The Batman 2, a sequel to Matt Reeve’s smash…

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Batman and DC fans it is now official, The Batman 2, a sequel to Matt Reeve’s smash hit is in the works! The crew will be back for the highly anticipated follow-up, though there’s been no official launch date as yet. Matt Reeves has said that there will be more information coming at the next CinemaCon.


What do you think DC fans? Who would you like to see cast in the next film? New Villains? A continuation of what we saw in The Batman? Do we want to see the Joker? How will Bruce Wayne’s Dark Knight evolve from a detective, character, and even technological perspective?

The Batman Greig Fraser DC Comics News

I gave The Batman a 9/10, so will be looking forward to the sequel with great enthusiasm. The Batman so far has made 760 Million worldwide and has just launched on HBO Max for those who want to stream it at home. You can also buy or rent the film digitally.

Are you looking forward to The Batman 2?

Comic Book Fans, check out our DC Comics Reviews here!

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The Batman dominates the Box Office! https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/03/08/the-batman-dominates-the-box-office/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2022/03/08/the-batman-dominates-the-box-office/#respond Tue, 08 Mar 2022 04:21:30 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=168155 The Batman has officially been released in theatres around the world and its opening weekend dominated the…

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The Batman has officially been released in theatres around the world and its opening weekend dominated the box office. With a host of positive reviews in the week leading up to its release, the marketing campaign, and fan anticipation, the numbers are not a surprise.

It took $134 Million across North America in the opening weekend and $124 Million from 74 countries around the world. The global box office total for The Batman’s opening weekend was $258 Million.

The Batman dc comics news

The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne and the Dark Knight is here for everyone to enjoy. It’s a completely new take on our beloved superhero from director Matt Reeves. For my Australian friends in Melbourne, book your tickets in IMAX here.

Comment below and let us know how much you think the film will earn in total before its theatrical run ends, and comic book lovers make sure you check out our comic book reviews here

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The Flash Trailer Speeds Into DC FanDome https://dccomicsnews.com/2021/10/17/the-flash-trailer-speeds-into-dc-fandome/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2021/10/17/the-flash-trailer-speeds-into-dc-fandome/#respond Sun, 17 Oct 2021 02:35:39 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=163899 DC FanDome showcased a host of upcoming DC films that will land in 2022, and one of…

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DC FanDome showcased a host of upcoming DC films that will land in 2022, and one of the most anticipated films that has fans talking is The Flash. Fans have been buzzing with excitement not just because one of our favorite DC heroes in Barry Allen will get his very own movie, but we will also get to see Michael Keaton back as Batman.

The Flash will bring various aspects to the DC Universe together and in this teaser, we are given a glimpse of what’s to come. Can you recognize the voice-over in the teaser? That’s right, it’s the Batman! Make sure you tell all your friends about the fact that he is back.

I can’t wait to see Ezra Miller enter the speed force and team up with Batman! Comment below and let us know what you think.

The Flash is set to hit theaters on November 4, 2022.

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