Superboy - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Sat, 18 May 2024 00:41:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Superboy - DC Comics News 32 32 Are the Classic Legion of Super-Heroes About to Make a Comeback? Fri, 17 May 2024 21:02:39 +0000 It’s no secret that Brian Michael Bendis’ run on Legion of Super-Heroes didn’t go over well.  As…

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It’s no secret that Brian Michael Bendis’ run on Legion of Super-Heroes didn’t go over well.  As a matter of fact, nothing he introduced while handling Superman and Legion of Super-Heroes has had lasting impact out side of the aging of Jon Kent and the establishment of the United Planets in contemporary times.  Bendis himself abandoned the “modern” relationship between Lois and Clark and Superman’s identity was put back in the box during the Dawn of DC publishing initiative.  Currently, in Jeremy Adams’ Green Lantern the status quo of the United Planets is coming under fire and it appears that the classic Legion of Super-Heroes, or a version of them, is returning to continuity.

This version known to fans as the “Retro-boot” Legion can be seen on the cover of the forthcoming Justice Society of America #11.  Due out on July 24, 2024, this Legion can be seen fighting the JSA.  Cover artist Mikel Janin shared the cover on Twitter/ X after the solicit for issue #12 was released.

Foremost, demonstrating that this is the “Retro-boot” Legion are the depictions of Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl.  They appear as they did when the “Retro-boot” Legion was “reintroduced” back in “The Lightning Saga.”  Amongst others are Dawnstar, Ultra Boy and Cosmic Boy in their “Retro-boot” character designs.

The Legion of Super-Heroes has been plagued with reboots both total and soft ever since the Crisis on Infinite Earths back in 1985.  The Crisis reorganized the DC Universe, part of which eliminated Superman’s time as Superboy and thus his time with the Legion of Super-Heroes.  After a “pocket universe” story that fixed this paradox the Legion continued for about five years.  It then relaunched with a “5 years later” storyline that took the once bright and hopeful future in a darker direction.  This led to a couple soft reboots of Legion history along the way.  With the Zero Hour event in 1994 the Legion completely rebooted.  The Legion would again reboot in 2004.  Finally, the classic Legion returned in the aforementioned “Lightning Saga” in 2007.  This time, the Legion history picked up from the pre-Crisis Legion continuity and restoring Superman’s time with the Legion as Superboy.  This Legion would continue up through Flashpoint and into The New 52.  Just before Flashpoint they were appearing in their own title as well as the relaunched Adventure Comics.  It seemed like a new golden age for the team.  However, sales were not enough to sustain the title far into the New 52.

The Legion was set to return during “Rebirth” within the pages of Doomsday Clock.  A young and classic Saturn Girl was a large part of it until the team finally returned at the end of the 12-issue series.  Instead of a classic Legion returning it was Bendis’ new Legion.  It’s still my opinion that the delays on Doomsday Clock were mostly due to Gary Frank having to redraw the classic Legion as Bendis’ Legion.

It’s possible that the Legion on the cover of Justice Society of America #11 is just a ruse, but there has been another reference to classic Legion lore in “House of Brainiac.”  Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) mentions that once upon a future she was very close to a Brainiac.  Pre-Crisis, Kara and Brainiac 5 were a romantic pairing.  Brainiac 5 was devastated when she died in Crisis on Infinite Earths.  taken together, this reference and the cover to Justice Society of America #11 indicate that this is not just a one-of situation.  With the impending fall of the United Planets in Green Lantern we only need Jon to go back to being 13 and DC can finally be rid of the plague that was Brian Michael Bendis.


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Dawn Comes For DC Comics Post-Dark Crisis In 2023! Mon, 28 Nov 2022 15:57:15 +0000 Dawn will arise for the DC Universe after a difficult year, beginning in January 2023 In the…

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Dawn will arise for the DC Universe after a difficult year, beginning in January 2023

In the aftermath of the devastating events of Dark Crisis and DC Universe: Lazarus Planet, the DC pantheon of heroes will once again find itself at a crossroads. Fittingly, the event christened Dawn of DC will begin with Action Comics #1051 and will feature iconic characters while introducing new heroes over twenty new titles.

Unlike previous relaunches, such as The New 52, the publishing company will instead build on the foundation already established. Fans can also expect the return of Oliver Queen in his first ongoing Green Arrow series since DC Rebirth. There will also be a new volume of Batman: The Brave and The Bold, featuring a rotating creative team to unveil new chapters in the crusades of The Dark Knight, and lastly, the team of Mark Waid and Dan Mora will reunite to bring back the lightning of Billy Batson’s adventures as the champion once more in Shazam! Further, from preview art, apparently, Mora is going with a more classic look for Shazam but still retaining some accouterments of his New 52 costume. Connor Kent will also be returning to head Superboy: Man of Tomorrow and fellow Death of Superman alum John Henry Irons will forge forward in Steelworks. 

DC’s New Dawn – What Will It Mean And What Can We Expect?

Publisher and CCO Jim Lee has described the oncoming year as one of renewal and rejuvenation:

After the near-Multiverse-ending events in Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths and DC Universe: Lazarus Planet, the DC Universe will be heading toward the [light. With] brand-new series and story arcs from some of the top creative members in comics, Dawn of DC is one of our most ambitious initiatives ever and is a chance for us to tell bigger and bolder stories across our line.

Below is a list of oncoming titles to be released along with their creative teams:

  • Superman #1 (Joshua Williamson and Jamal Campbell) – February
  • Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #1 (Tom Taylor and Clayton Henry) – March
  • Unstoppable Doom Patrol (Dennis Culver and Chris Burnham) – March
  • Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow (Kenny Porter and Jahnoy Lindsay) – April
  • Green Lantern: Hal Jordan (Mariko Tamaki and Artist TBA) – April
  • Green Lantern: John Stewart (Philip Kennedy and Artist TBA) – Release Date TBA
  • Green Arrow (Joshua Williamson and Sean Izaakse) – April
  • Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Tom King, Mitch Gerads, Guillem March, Gabriel Hardman, Dan Mora, Rob Williams, and more TBA) – May
  • Cyborg (TBA) – May
  • Shazam! (Mark Waid and Dan Mora) – June
  • The Penguin (Tom King and Stefano Gaudiano) – June
  • Steelworks (TBA)

The format for Action Comics will also change with issue 1051 with three new stories in each installment going forward. The writing team will include Dan Jurgens (The Death of Superman), Philip Kennedy Johnson, and Leah Williams (The Amazing Mary Jane).

More information will be revealed in the coming months.

Official Source – “Dawn of DC” Starts in January 2023 | DC

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NYCC 2022: TITANS Roundtable Interviews!! Fri, 21 Oct 2022 03:51:32 +0000 Recently, DC Comics News had the opportunity to attend New York Comic Con 2022, and while there…

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Recently, DC Comics News had the opportunity to attend New York Comic Con 2022, and while there we were invited to sit in on some amazing roundtable interviews for some great DC shows. Here we have interviews with cast and crew from the hit HBO Max series TITANS, including Brenton Thwaites, Ryan Potter, Joshua Orpin, and EP Greg Walker. Be sure to check out our coverage of the NYCC 2022 panel.

Season 4 of Titans will premiere on HBO Max on November 3rd, so set your calendars. You don’t want to miss it!

NYCC 2022 – Titans





Did you attend NYCC 2022? What were your highlights? Please let us know in the comments.

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Superman Family Grows Larger, Adds New Costumes Wed, 19 Oct 2022 19:04:08 +0000 The Superman family have not only added two new members, but they’ve got some brand-new costumes as…

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The Superman family have not only added two new members, but they’ve got some brand-new costumes as well!

At New York Comic Con 2022, DC unveiled the cover to the upcoming Action Comics #1051, the first post-Dark Crisis issue of the title. What’s most striking about this cover is not just the entire Superman Family, but their brand-new looks.

While Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman retains his classic, iconic costume, staple characters like his cousin Kara and son Jonathan have shed their capes for practical bodysuits. Clark’s recently adopted twins from Warworld wear his crest, but on jackets. The jacket trend is shared by the Super-Man of China and Connor Kent, the latter sporting a spike-free jacket. Finally, Natasha Irons/Steel in the background has now added a hood to her suit of armor.

Superman Family Approach, According to Johnson and Co.

At the panel, Action Comics writer Philip Kennedy Johnson confirmed a collaboration with Dark Crisis writer Josh Williamson and Superman: Son of Kal-El‘s Tom Taylor. This think-tank has so much planned for the Super-Family, as Johnson explains:

My one-word mission statement for Action Comics in 2023 is [‘Super-Family’. We’re] giving everyone in the House of El their own role and personal journey while still keeping Superman at the forefront, and tying all the Super-titles together in a way that’s reminiscent of the Triangle Era. I couldn’t be more excited to be part of this new era of Action Comics, and doing it alongside such a consummate artist as Rafa Sandoval and comics titan Dan Jurgens truly makes it a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Johnson credits the 100-page Pre-Crisis Superman Family series as his inspiration.

The involvement of Jurgens carries much weight, as he was part of the creative team on The Death of Superman story from 1992, for which DC plans a special celebratory issue for its 30th anniversary.

The format of the books will also change under Johnson’s run. Starting with #1051, Action Comics will have three separate stories as opposed to only one. The family will be squaring off against Metallo in their first outing in the main tale, which will be penned by Johnson.

Action Comics #1051 will hit the shelves on January 24, 2023.

Official Source – DC’s Superman Family Gets Dramatic New Costumes (

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Review: Batman And Superman: Battle Of The Super Sons NYCC 2022 Screening Thu, 13 Oct 2022 17:42:43 +0000 Review: Batman And Superman: Battle Of The Super Sons [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Director:…

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Review: Batman And Superman: Battle Of The Super Sons
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Director: Matt Peters
Writer: Jeremy Adams
Starring: Laura Bailey, Troy Baker, Darin De Paul, Jack Dylan Grazer, Jack Griffo, Tom Kenny, Nolan North 
Reviewed by: Brad Filicky


Batman And Superman: Battle Of The Super Sons: When the Justice League is taken out of commission by an alien threat Jon Kent and Damian Wayne must overcome their insecurities to save the world. They may have disagreements, but they will have to overcome them.  Both boys will also have to deal with their own issues as well. Superboy has to deal with bullying and learning that his dad is the Man Of Steel. Robin really wants to be a member of the Teen Titans.

Meanwhile, Lois Lane is doing her best not to succumb to the threats around her. Her goal? Catching the ear of the President. President Lex Luthor.

It’s not going to be an easy fight, but our heroes may just rise to the occasion.


One of my favorite things about Batman And Superman: Battle Of The Super Sons is the relationship between Jon Kent and Damian Wayne. The boys couldn’t be more different. Damian’s a hard-nosed, no-nonsense fighter. Jon Kent is the all-American boy next door. He just wants to play baseball and fit in. Their rapport is what gives the movie most of its humor. The humor works because it comes from a very genuine place made all the more real because it is very relatable. Good voice acting also helps these characters come to life.

When it comes to DC characters we have become very used to gritty stories. It’s refreshing that Batman And Superman: Battle Of The Super Sons is not that. Showing this film to the little ones in your life would be a good way to introduce them to these characters, and adults you will enjoy it too. It’s bright, fast-moving, and action-packed. With superhero mythology, it’s good to be reminded of that sense of wonder we all had when we first discovered these heroes.


If I had to pick out a negative about this film it would be that it is a bit predictable. There’s a reveal early in the movie that automatically set the scene, so even as things begin to happen, I already knew the cause. It would’ve been fun to have that be a bit more of a surprise. In a way, the story feels like something we’ve seen before. This is a formula as familiar as Coke Classic, but we all love that taste.


Predictable as it may be Batman And Superman: Battle Of The Super Sons, is a fun, family-friendly romp. The relationship between Jon and Damian drives the emotional core of the film. Great voice acting helps as well. If you’re looking to get kids into these characters a perfect way to do it is to show them this film. DC stories don’t always have to be dark and gritty.

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Review: Dark Crisis: Young Justice #3 Sun, 21 Aug 2022 10:45:41 +0000 Review: DARK CRISIS: YOUNG JUSTICE #3 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Meghan Fitzmartin Artist:…

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Dark Crisis: Young Justice #3 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Meghan Fitzmartin

Artist: Laura Braga

Colors: Luis Guerrero

Letters: Pat Brosseau

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Dark Crisis: Young Justice #3: Sins of the old! In response to their lack of gratitude, the world holding Superboy, Impulse, and Tim Drake captive has brought back the three villains who have caused them the most pain to keep them in their place: Deathstroke, Captain Boomerang, and Lex Luthor. Old wounds will open. Wonder Girl and her search team will have to hurry up before there’s no Young Justice left to save!


Dark Crisis: Young Justice #3 picks up the story with Robin, Superboy, and Impulse coming face-to-face with Deathstroke, Lex Luthor, and Captain Boomerang. Bart is the one to spot the connection between this particular trio of villains. He tells his teammates, “These guys… it’s like they were chosen to hurt us specifically. Deathstroke blew my kneecap off! Captain Boomerang killed Robin’s dad! And Lex… you’ve never gotten over that he’s part of you, Conner….”.

I find it interesting that it’s Bart that realizes this, rather than Robin, who is the detective of the trio. Bart’s teammates tend to see him as somewhat flakey and easily distractible. But they tend to forget that like his mentor Wally West, Bart is strongly intuitive. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that he might clue in to something being off before Tim, despite Tim being generally more observant. In fact, it seems that Bart is more resistant to this world’s temptations than the others.

However, it appears that he is wrong that the choice of villains is meant to hurt them. Rather, I think that the architect of this world is offering them catharsis through a victory over them. But Bart sees through the illusion, as does Tim with a little prodding. But Conner has nearly completely given in to it.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #3 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

After reading the previous issue, I concluded that the Cassie of this world wasn’t really the real Cassie, but either this world’s architect or their agent. “Cassie” confirms this when Conner finally realizes that Bart was right. She tells him, “Don’t make me do this. He’s going to be so mad”. It’s unclear who “he” is, though. Is it Pariah? Considering that this is a Dark Crisis tie-in. And Pariah has put the Justice League into similar false worlds in that storyline. However, I have a suspicion that something else is going on here.

When all three reject the life that this world is offering them, Cassie then informs them “He gave you the chance to accept this world on your own terms. Now he’s gong to make you accept it…by force”. The boys are then faced with the Justice League, Teen Titans, and several other DC heroes, presumably ready for a fight. This looks to be an insurmountable challenge, assuming that these copies are actually as formidable as the originals.


The only real issue I have had with this series so far is the characterization of Arrowette and Wonder Girl. They seem to have somehow picked up a deep-seated resentment for the male members of the team that never existed before this series. But since neither Cissie or the real Cassie appear in this chapter, it can’t really be levelled as a negative for this issue.

However, the fact that they don’t put in an appearance is something of a negative. At the very least we should have gotten a quick check-in with the girls, who are as important to the story as the boys. But this is a pretty minor quibble, as I am sure they will figure prominently in the series’ forthcoming issues.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #3 - DC Comics News


As a fan of Peter David’s original Young Justice series, I am loving this return of the team. Fitzmartin and Braga are doing a fine job of tapping the nostalgia for that series, while still creating a new story of their own. I am hoping that this series is leading to a new Young Justice title. Hopefully DC has plans for Young Justice once the dust settles from Dark Crisis.


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Review: Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 Sat, 20 Aug 2022 10:30:16 +0000 Review: DARK CRISIS: YOUNG JUSTICE #2 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Meghan Fitzmartin Artist:…

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Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Meghan Fitzmartin

Artist: Laura Braga

Colors: Luis Guerrero

Letters: Pat Brosseau

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2: Impulse, Superboy, and Tim Drake were just saved by Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl in the strange fantasy word they’re trapped in. And she’s here to help them navigate their retro surroundings. But…Cassie Sandsmark is back on our Earth searching for her friends alongside Red Tornado and the superhero formerly known as Arrowette. Which Cassie is lying and who’s about to get burned?!


Young Justice: Dark Crisis #2 picks up where last issue left off, with Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark showing up to help Robin, Superboy, and Impulse face off against the villain Mighty Endowed. However, it becomes evident that this isn’t the real Cassie. The boys have somehow travelled to a idealized version of the DCU Earth, but the story also shows the real Cassie on Earth-0.

Cassie again tries to enlist Cissie King-Jones, who was formerly the Young Justice member Arrowette. Cissie seems to have some anger aimed at the male members of Young Justice, but gives in to Cassie’s plea for help. But she firmly states, “I’ll help you, but this is the last thing I ever do for Young Justice. She also enlists the help of Red Tornado, who acted as the adult chaperone for Young Justice. It’s great to see him included in this story, as it wouldn’t quite be a Young Justice reunion without him.

After dealing with Mighty Endowed, the boys and the false Cassie travel to the Justice League’s Watchtower on the moon .I found it a bit nostalgic to see League as they appeared in the Grant Morrison JLA era. The boys split up to have a talk with their respective mentors in the League. Each of them is presented with the offer of taking over the role of them mentor – to become Batman, Superman, and The Flash.

The odd thing is that the fake Cassie is present at all three encounters simultaneously, pushing each of them to accept the offer. It seems that this Cassie is someone or something more than just this Earth’s copy of the real Cassie. Could she be the architect of this world in disguise?

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

The encounter between Batman and Tim has caused a bit of a stir on the Internet. Batman’s referring to Tim’s relationship as being “a phase” has been taken out of context to argue that Batman is homophobic. This is inaccurate, as Batman isn’t calling Tim’s bi-sexuality as being a phase, but that his specific relationship with Bernard is a phase. This Batman is pushing for Tim to resume his former relationship with Stephanie Brown.  Why Batman would want this is unclear, but not necessarily due to homophobia. And even if Batman was being homophobic, this still isn’t the real Batman.

I find it interesting that while Robin and Impulse are quickly realizing something is wrong with this world, Superboy is succumbing to its temptations. His recent history makes this somewhat understandable. He was written out of continuity, only surviving because of his being on Gemworld when the Flashpoint changed history. And he returned to find that Jon Kent had taken his role as Superboy and heir apparent to the role of Superman. So, it’s not hard to see that Conner might want to stay on this world where his old life has been fully restored.

The issue ends with the boys finding Cassie captured by a trio of supervillains: Lex Luthor, Captain Boomerang, and Deathstroke. This seems like a odd grouping. Luthor and Deathstroke are major villains, but Boomerang is nowhere near being in their league. But they all have one thing in common. Each of them is the cause of past trauma for each of the boys. Boomerang killed Tim’s father, Deathstroke crippled Impulse, and Conner was horrified to learn that he had been cloned from a mix of Luthor’s and Superman’s DNA.


I am somewhat confused as to where Cissie’s anger towards the boys is coming from. She is quite vocal about her dislike for the three of them. She tells Cassie, “I stopped bing a superhero because of the toxicity. Your life revolves around those three boys… But who are you without them?… I didn’t want my decisions to be overshadowed by three privileged idiots who had the whole world handed to them on a platter, while you and I scraped for any attention”.

But none of this was in the original Young Justice comic by Peter David. The boys never overshadowed Cassie in David’s original series. Perhaps Cissie was as bit, but that was more likely to her not being the protégé of a major DC star like the others. And her retirement from Young Justice and the identity of Arrowette was in reaction to her having taken a life. She felt unworthy of continuing as a superheroine after that. There was no indication that she had any problem with any of her teammates when she quit.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 - DC Comics News

Negatives Cont.

I wonder if Cissie’s guilt over that murder has caused her to slide into denial. Has she projected her anger towards the boys, making them scapegoats? Or has Fitzmartin retconned Cissie’s reasons for quitting? If it’s the latter, I can’t say that I like this alteration to the continuity. And while the boys arguably are somewhat privileged, Cassie is no less privileged. And none of them have ever lorded their privilege over their teammates or anyone else.

In short, I am starting to sense that either Fitzmartin has made some significant retcons to the team’s past. Either that, or she is mischaracterizing the girls, especially Cissie. Or perhaps there is more going on that will become clearer as the story progresses.


Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 continues this nostalgic look back at Peter David’s classic series. The original Young Justice series was one of my all-time favourite comics, and Meghan Fitzmartin and Laura Braga have managed to capture much of the feel of that series. This series is proving to be a nostalgic look back while providing an interesting story that will hopefully set up new incarnation of the team for the Infinite Frontier era.

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DC: “Death of Superman” Original Team Brings New Stories For The 30th Anniversary Mon, 01 Aug 2022 16:11:18 +0000 DC Comics has announced something special to commemorate the classic “Death Of Superman” storylines. 30 years ago,…

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DC Comics has announced something special to commemorate the classic “Death Of Superman” storylines.

30 years ago, the company that published Superman and established the superhero genre in 1938 attempted something bold; the kind of story that had previously only been approached in a “What If?” capacity in the silver age but was never part of regular continuity by killing off the Man of Steel.

To commemorate this earth-shattering event, the company has brought back Dan Jurgens, Brett Breeding, Louise Simonson, Tom Grummett, Jon Bogdanove, and Jerry Ordway to do what they do best, for The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1.

DC “Death of Superman” Anniversary – Who’s Involved and What Led to The Death?

DC has released the synopsis for four, brand-new stories surrounding that monumental battle with the monstrous Doomsday:

  • “The Life of Superman” by Dan Jurgens (W & A), Brett Breeding (A), Brad Anderson (C), and John Workman (L) – A young Jon Kent finds out in school that his dad had died years earlier, as his parents never told him about that fateful day. In the midst of dealing with this emotional news, Jon and Clark need to team up to fight a new villain connected to Doomsday called DOOMBREAKER.
  • “Standing Guard” by Roger Stern (W), Butch Guice (A), Glenn Whitmore (C), and Rob Leigh (L) – The epic battle between Superman and Doomsday from the Guardians’ perspective.
  • “Time” by Louise Simonson (W), Jon Bogdanove (A), Glenn Whitmore (C), and Rob Leigh (L) – The story of how the death of Superman looked from John Henry Irons’s perspective.
  • “Above and Beyond” by Jerry Ordway (W), Tom Grummett (P), Doug Hazlewood (I), Glenn Whitmore (C), and Rob Leigh (L) – A powerful story of Ma and Pa Kent watching their son fight Doomsday live on television and going through Clark’s photo albums with the feeling that their son always prevails.

The conception of Superman’s final battle had begun not with the preparation of death, but with a wedding. The creative team had begun a realistic approach to the decades-long courtship of Superman and Lois Lane. In keeping with the John Byrne continuity, they accomplished this feat by the grounded approach of having Lois fall for Clark Kent instead of Superman.

This was then followed by Clark, having just proposed to Lois hours before a fight with Silver Banshee, returning to her apartment and revealing his secret identity. At their annual “Super Summit” they plotted out a year’s worth of story across the four adjoining books that would climax with the wedding that fans had been waiting for.

That is, however, until then-publisher Jenette Kahn struck a deal with ABC to develop Lois And Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. The plan then shifted to delaying the wedding, throwing out a year’s worth of story, until the series caught up to the comic. Unable to figure out what the next move would be, Jerry Ordway retorted his usual line when writer’s block hit: “Let’s just kill him.” Instead of dismissing it, the team began to wonder, what if they did? Sales had been dropping since Byrne left the book, and there was a sense that the Man of Tomorrow was falling out of touch with his audience.

The story was brilliantly crafted in that it would not only show the death of Superman, but what he had meant to the world he protected in the aftermath. Further, what hit the stands in November 1992 was actually the first chapter in the story.

After months without any Superman titles, the books returned, but with four new characters emerging to take up his mantle (“Reign of The Supermen”). The third chapter, after the true villain amongst these new heroes was revealed, gave the fans what they wanted with the true Man of Tomorrow’s resurrection (“The Return of Superman”). Characters such as Cyborg Superman, Superboy, Steel, and The Eradicator have since become iconic in their own right in the DC Pantheon. They and even the villainous Doomsday have found their way since into the popular mainstream media through numerous live-action and animated adaptations.

The story even served as a springboard for the fall of Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, to become the villainous Parallax and the rise of the new Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner. The real-world reaction to DC killing off their hero was astonishing and was even covered in an Entertainment Tonight segment.

The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 is scheduled for release on November 6th, followed by The Death Of Superman Collector’s Edition on December 6th. A reprint of Superman #75, however, will precede both, on November 1st.

Original Source – Death of Superman Anniversary Special with Stories from Original Teams | DC (

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Review: Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League – Superman #1 Mon, 25 Jul 2022 01:26:33 +0000 Review: DARK CRISIS: WORLDS WITHOUT A JUSTICE LEAGUE – SUPERMAN #1 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain…

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Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Superman #1 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Tom King

Artist: Chris Burnham

Colours: Adriano Lucas

Letters: Tory Peteri

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League – Superman #1: When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost…with the Man of Steel suffering the same fate as that of his comrades, join us for a look at a world of dreams he would never have thought possible while alive. Where there’s life there’s hope, and with that hope comes a deeper unraveling of the tapestry of DCU’s biggest event of 2022!


It appears that the reports of Superman’s death in Justice League #75 have been greatly exaggerated, as he seems to be alive and in good health in this Worlds Without a Justice League – Superman one-shot. But there are a lot of strange things going on in the world around him. The same is true for Aquaman, who stars in a backup story.

I doubt anyone truly believed that the League really died in the story that kicked off Dark Crisis. It’s common knowledge at this point that Pariah has captured the members of the League in worlds that fulfill their deepest desires. Presumably, it’s that wish-fulfillment element that keeps them from attempting to escape the worlds that Pariah has built for them.

The main story featuring Superman is written by Tom King, who has written a rather similar story in his Mister Miracle series. In that story, Scott Free appears to also be living in a simulated reality that keeps him similarly trapped. And Superman has also gone through a similar story in Alan Moore’s classic story “For the Man Who Has Everything”.

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Superman #1 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

I find that the granted wish that keeps Superman trapped is quite believable as something that would tempt someone as strong-willed as the Man of Steel. In 2019, DC made the major misstep of allowing Brian Michael Bendis to instantly age up Clark’s son Jon from 10 years old to 17. This essentially robbed Superman and Lois of seeing their son grow from a child into the man he currently is.

But in this reality, Clark gets those years that Bendis stole from him. As Jon sets off to lead his own life, he tells Lois:

And I wouldn’t trade any of it. Not a single second. For… I was there, Lois. I was here. I saw him. I got to see him grow into the man he had to be. I didn’t miss it this time. No, no, no, not for anything. I wouldn’t trade this… for anything.

This shows how badly and deeply Superman wants this life in which he got to see his son grow up. But it’s also somewhat troubling. There’s a clear implication that Superman knows this life isn’t real. But he emphatically states his refusal to give this false world up.

However, we know that at his core, Superman knows he is needed outside this dream world. And he knows that this Jon nd Lois are not his real family, no matter how much he wants them to be. He will eventually return to his true family.

There are some other interesting differences in this world Pariah created for Clark. And the costumes Chris Burnham has beautifully depicted offer some interesting insights into these difference. Clark’s costume is clearly patterned after the Golden-Age Superman costume. Combining this with the white hair on Clark’s temples, this makes him look like the Earth-Two Superman in his Silver and Bronze Age appearances.

Could this be hinting at Superman’s desire for  simpler life by showing him in a costume from a simpler time? The story tells us that past events have kept Clark within the bounds of Earth’s solar system. And there is no indication of other heroes on Earth. On the whole, Superman’s dream world leaves him with less to do, and consequently more time to spend with his family.

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Superman #1 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

And Jon’s uniform is quite intriguing. It’s essentially a Robin costume with an S-shield in place of Robin’s R-symbol. Could it be that Clark on some level is jealous of Bruce’s father-son relationship with the various Robins? I think that might be so, especially Bruce’s relationship with Dick Grayson. Bruce got to see Dick mature and grow into one of the DCU’s foremost heroes, while Clark missed that with Jon.

There is a darker side to this idyllic world. Darkseid and his forces are running rampant on the universe outside the solar system, which Clark has retreated to. Clark knows the wider universe needs him, but he is afraid to defy Darkseid. But Jon sets off to do exactly that. He dons his father’s costume and sets out to fight Darkseid.

And that’s another thing that Clark deeply longs for. He’s not just content to see his son grown into a man, but he wants to see Jon surpass him. He doesn’t want to be the conquering hero. He wants to be the proud father of that hero.

The Aquaman story is similar, but the wish-fulfilment element seems rather less nuanced than in the main story. Basically, Aquaman’s ideal life involves him surrounded by friends and family. We them all gathered at a vow-renewal ceremony for Arthur’s parents.

This appears to be set a good few years in the future, as his daughter is now grown up and calling herself Aquawoman. And Arthur appears to be on friendly terms with Black Manta. I suspect this reveals Aquaman’s desire that his recent truce with Manta will eventually develop into a true alliance and friendship between them.

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Superman #1 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

I also have to say that I quite liked how the title “Aquaman Has Everything” gives a nod to Alan Moore’s classic Superman story “For the Man Who Has Everything”. That was a nice touch.

Perhaps the less nuanced wish-fulfillment fantasy explains why Arthur is aware that this world isn’t real. He states this clearly, as well as his desire to escape this false reality. He addresses Pariah directly:

And maybe one day it’ll all be real… like it was meant to be. But it’s not real. Not yet. I don’t have everything yet. I don’t yet have my hands around your throat. You think you’ve beaten us–but better than you have tried, and in the end, you all learn…Not even death will hold us. I’ve been dead before, and I’ve come back. Soon…we’ll see if you can say the same.

This bit is truly chilling. Brandon Thomas clearly understands what a menacing badass Aquaman can be. I would love to see Thomas get a chance to tackle an Aquaman project in the future, or perhaps the main Aquaman title. He really seems to get the character.


I have absolutely no complaints about Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League – Superman #1. Dark Crisis and the overarching new Great Darkness Saga has been handled superbly (except for a certain miniseries starring the League and the Legion of Super-Heroes), and this one-shot story is no exception.


If this issue is any indication, the upcoming Worlds Without a Justice League one-shots are going to be something really special. I can’t wait to see what worlds Pariah has created for the other members of the League. And the Superman story is like Tom King’s best stories usually are – heartbreaking but also somehow uplifting at the same time.


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Review: Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1 Thu, 23 Jun 2022 13:11:34 +0000 Review: DARK CRISIS: YOUNG JUSTICE #1 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] writer: Meghan Fitzmartin Artist:…

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Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

writer: Meghan Fitzmartin

Artist: Laura Braga

Colors: Luis Guerrero

Letters: Pat Brosseau

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1: Crises have always had devastating impacts on the generation of heroes that make up Young Justice, and Dark Crisis will hit them even harder. Tim Drake, Impulse, and Superboy go missing during the Justice League’s funeral. The only person concerned enough to find them? Cassie Sandsmark, a.k.a Wonder Girl. But…the three boys of Young Justice aren’t on this Earth anymore…they’re on the world of their dreams, one they may never want to leave!


From the hints we’ve seen in Dark Crisis and its preceding titles, it appears that the Justice League isn’t truly dead, but stuck in false wish-fulfillment realities. We’ve seen that Barry Allen is also trapped in such a reality, and the solicitations for the Worlds Without A Justice League specials seem to imply that the other Leaguers are as well.

Well, with the events depicted in Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1, it seems that the League aren’t the only ones. The three founding members of Young Justice: Robin, Superboy, and Impulse are also abducted to such a world. One which seems to return them to some point during the original Peter David run of Young Justice.

However, it does seem to be a somewhat altered version of that time. Young Justice encountered the villain of this issue, Mighty Endowed, for the first and only time in Young Justice #1. However, the Young Justice seems to be a more established team here than in that first issue. Also, the Cassie Sandsmark Wonder Girl did not appear during that encounter, but rather a few issues later. Her appearance here is in a costume she didn’t wear until much later in the title. So, clearly, this is not just a simple jump back in time as Impulse and Robin hypothesize.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

However, I suspect that this is the point. It’s not the actual past they have lived through, but an idealized version of that past. It’s meant to ensnare them with the nostalgia it evokes for that era, which this story does a masterful job of evoking. While I would love to see Peter David return to DC to write more Young Justice, this issue is of a similar caliber. Meghan Fitzmartin has really nailed the feeling of that era.

The issue starts in the aftermath of the memorial service for the fallen members of the Justice League. The members of the original Young Justice lineup of the aforementioned heroes plus the former Arrowette find themselves reunited. There’s a feeling that they have drifted too far apart since their team was last together. Also, most of the team are mourning the loss of their mentors.

So, it’s interesting to see that the false reality has returned mentor figures to their lives. Not the ones they just lost: Bruce, Clark, and Barry, but Alfred, Dubbilex, and Max Mercury. While they’re all reliving Young Justice’s heyday, Cassie has to deal with their sudden disappearance. With the world’s heroes dealing with the events of Dark Crisis, she has trouble finding anyone with the time or desire to help her search for them.

Laura Braga has done a tremendous job with the artwork on Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1. I especially love how she gets every detail of the costumes just right in both the present era and the idealized past era. Some of the costume differences she depicts are quite subtle but completely accurate. It’s not just the main characters that she gives this detailed care to. We see Wally West in both his current Flash costume and his Mark Waid-era costume, and both are accurate down to the slightest detail.


One thing that confused me a bit is that they refer to the events of the Bendis Young Justice series as if they happened quite a while ago. That title was relatively recent, so in comics time, it should have only been a few months ago. I guess it’s possible that more time has passed than it would otherwise seem.

Also, Cassie’s initial anger and hostility at her teammates seems a bit more intense than I think it should be, but it does serve the purpose of making her feel guilty about feeling that way when they suddenly disappear. Perhaps Cassie has some deeper issues that will be explored as the series continues. So far, something seems a bit off about her emotional state.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1 - DC Comics News


Young Justice holds a special place in my heart, as my first comic review was for Young Justice #1 for my University’s newspaper. Peter David and Todd Nauck’s series was one of my all-time favorite comics and both Meghan Firzmartin and Laura Braga have done a masterful job of evoking my nostalgia for it. DC should consider tapping them for a Young Justice ongoing series after this Dark Crisis tie-in reaches its conclusion.


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