Hal Jordan - DC Comics News https://dccomicsnews.com/category/characters/green-lantern-characters/hal-jordan/ DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Fri, 10 May 2024 23:22:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.6 https://dcn-wp.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/14095523/DC-Comics-logo.png Hal Jordan - DC Comics News https://dccomicsnews.com/category/characters/green-lantern-characters/hal-jordan/ 32 32 Review: Green Lantern #11 https://dccomicsnews.com/2024/05/14/review-green-lantern-11-2/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2024/05/14/review-green-lantern-11-2/#respond Tue, 14 May 2024 13:00:58 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=177377 Review: Green Lantern #11[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Jeremy AdamsArt: Xermanico & Amancay Nahuelpan and Kevin MaguireColors: Romulo Fajardo,…

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Review: Green Lantern #11
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Jeremy Adams
Art: Xermanico & Amancay Nahuelpan and Kevin Maguire
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Rosemary Cheetham
Letters: Dave Sharpe

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd




Hal and company go to the United Planets to inform them about Thaaros…and it doesn’t go exactly as they plan.  On Earth, Carol Ferris makes a big decision!


While the conflict between the “renegade” Green Lanterns and Thaaros ramps up, perhaps the most interesting development in the issue is the final page cliffhanger with Carol Ferris.  Jeremy Adams wisely uses Carol’s history as a way of getting her involved in the proceedings on Oa.  Adams has been toying with the Hal/ Carol relationship since this series began.  It seemed Carol was completely happy with her current boyfriend and Hal was going to have to accept that Carol had moved on and their new status quo was going to be friendship.

With Green Lantern #11, Adams puts the focus on Carol’s desires as she forces the issue with her boyfriend convincing him to drive to Las Vegas to elope.  It’s a nuanced approach to Carol as it’s clear that while Carol is saying one thing, she is also having misgivings.  This leads to the final page surprise as Carol is confronted with another aspect of her past, an aspect that should prove to put her and Hal on equal footing.  This should force Carol to confront the truth of her feelings.  This was an unexpected though appropriate plot turn and a thoughtful examination of Carol’s character.

Positives Cont’d

It’s no secret that Thaaros isn’t automatically indicted by the U.P. Council.  Though expected, it does provide the continued tension between Hal and the renegades against the U.P. One wonders if this will lead to some sort of dismantling of the United Planets.  It would be a clever in-story way of resetting things for the U.P. to show up again in the future as part of a more traditional take on the legislative body as part of the world of the future Legion of Super-Heroes.  The United Planets as a contemporary entity has been an awkward take since Brian Michael Bendis introduced the idea during his ill conceived and executed runs on Superman and the Legion.

Like it or not, Adams also nails the Guy Gardner back up.  The art by Kevin Maguire is right on target, especially the facial expressions on Guy.  This is also seen when Carol gets her surprise on the last page.  Xermanico (I think) does a great job of communicating Carol’s misgivings throughout Green Lantern #11.  There’s a degree of subtlety here that is achieved at a high level.


The flashback sequence with Hal and Carol as middle schoolers plays upon the long history the characters have.  Reflecting upon the childhood interest in bad boy Hal works against the more complex aspects of their relationship as adults.  The final page cliffhanger injects what is needed to bring it back around to the adult relationship between Hal and Carol.


Green Lantern #11 takes a turn into the interior of Carol’s struggle.  The creative team does an exceptional job adding this layer to the storytelling by developing this subplot further setting it up for the next big part of this story.  Jeremy Adams continues to be the best writer at DC Comics these days understanding the balance of action-adventure and character.  

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Review: Green Lantern #10 https://dccomicsnews.com/2024/04/09/review-green-lantern-10-2/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2024/04/09/review-green-lantern-10-2/#respond Tue, 09 Apr 2024 13:00:50 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=177289 Review: Green Lantern #10[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Jeremy AdamsArt: Xermanico & Amancay Nahuelpan and Kevin MaguireColors: Romulo Fajardo,…

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Review: Green Lantern #10
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Jeremy Adams
Art: Xermanico & Amancay Nahuelpan and Kevin Maguire
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Rosemary Cheetam
Letters: Dave Sharpe

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd




Jo Mullein leads Hal into the intrigue on Oa.  Hal finally understands the big picture that reveals United Planets President Thaaros as the man behind it all.


The lead story is well paced and looks great.  A lot of the pieces are filled in as Hal, Jo and the other “renegade” Lanterns jump into action to save one of their own.  Adams nicely connects some of the pieces from the Geoffery Thorne Green Lantern series.  While this run started out feeling very Hal-centric, with Green Lantern #10 Adams has got all the pieces moving and shaking so that it feels firmly interconnected with previous runs.

Since Hal constructed his own ring through his will, it still operates a little differently and it’s great to see that as a plot point that matters.  This keeps Hal as the focus as well as setting him apart just enough from the rest of the Corps to keep him special.  The art from Xermanico and Nahuelpan looks great throughout.  They deliver the espionage aspects and the power ringing equally well.

In the back up story featuring Guy Gardner, Adams and Kevin Maguire provide a huge dose of nostalgia for Guy and the JLI era including a guest appearance from Booster Gold.  If this is your jam, you’ll really enjoy this.  Adams hits all the right beats and writes Guy pitch perfect for that era.  Maguire’s art is great as usual and makes it the story appear it was plucked out of time.


The only time I’ve liked Guy Gardner was in his original appearances in the sixties and seventies and then under Robert Venditti in Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps as one of the “Four Corpsman.”  Green Lantern #10 sees Guy in his less nuanced iteration and it’s difficult to take him, as it’s always been for me.


Green Lantern #10 continues to ramp up the excitement.  It took a little while to get to this moment but it seems that this title is now where Jeremy Adams has been heading since issue #1.  Something big is just around the corner and the scope has expanded nicely to encompass not only the recent continuity but older events as well.

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Review: Green Lantern #9 https://dccomicsnews.com/2024/03/12/review-green-lantern-9-2/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2024/03/12/review-green-lantern-9-2/#respond Tue, 12 Mar 2024 13:00:24 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=177210 Review: Green Lantern #9[Editor’s Note: This review CONTAINS spoilers] Writers: Jeremy Adams and Sam HumphriesArt: Xermanico and Yasmin Flores MontanezColors: Romulo Fajardo,…

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Review: Green Lantern #9
[Editor’s Note: This review CONTAINS spoilers]

Writers: Jeremy Adams and Sam Humphries
Art: Xermanico and Yasmin Flores Montanez
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Alex Guimaraes
Letters: Dave Sharpe 

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd




Hal Jordan finds the end of the road Madame Xanadu set him on.  It’s surprise after surprise that gets Hal off of the Earth and on the trail of the mystery of the destroyed Power Batteries.


Green Lantern #9 suddenly ramps up the action and mystery with a couple of surprises.  They are big and integral to the plot so it’s hard to avoid discussing the spoilers.


Hal’s path leads him to Tom Kalmaku.  Tom relates an encounter he had with a Guardian, reminding him that he’s the last of the New Guardians (see Millennium).  This is a call back to a series over 35 years old.  It’s not fondly remembered, but it’s a deep cut into DC history.  Tom then reveals to Hal a power battery left on Earth by the Guardians of the Universe and a mission from them- the Green Lanterns of Earth are the safety back up if anything happened to the Guardians or the Green Lantern Corps.  These events tie things together and provide some clarity for the events of the past few issues.  It put Hal in a position he’s comfortable with…and he’s raring to go.  

Positives Cont’d

Adams plays off Hal’s characterization and the perception of Earthlings by the rest of the Universe.  It’s cleverly executed as it fits both character and story.  Adams also addresses Hal’s feelings for Carol.  He gives Hal some resolution and it indicates that Hal is too attached to his life as Green Lantern to give it up for a regular married life on Earth.  It’s not unlike a priest taking a vow of celibacy to tend his flock…Hal’s life as a Lantern isn’t as much a job as it is a vocation.  The art by Xermanico and Romulo Fajardo, Jr. is simply beautiful at times.  The locations sing!  They capture the fantastic wonderfully.

The second story, “The Trial of Jessica Cruz” serves to expand the story and the world in which it is taking place.  We get a bit of Jess’s history for those unfamiliar and enough to inspire some research.  It’s put together well and connected to Hal’s story in an interesting way.  It’s easy to see how things will come together soon.  This back up story in Green Lantern #9 adds an additional layer as well as additional excitement for what will come next for not only Hal and Jessica, but the status quo of the Green Lantern Corps in the DC Universe.  It’s especially intriguing as it addresses the role of the United Planets.  The back up even reveals the parties behind the destruction of the Power Batteries, or at least one of them.


It’s hard to find a negative with Green Lantern #9.  It may be a bit odd to bring back Millennium, but it goes a long way in making the history of the DC Universe matter.  It feels like there’s a shift in direction with the series after the opening two issues that set up the characters so well.  Even though it makes sense for Hal to be able to resign himself to being done with Carol, it would be good to see him actually have that conversation instead of just running away again.


Green Lantern #9 brings a number of plot ideas together.  It feels like the lynchpin to this series and everything will pivot off this issue going forward.  The deep cuts are really exciting, as are the potentialities suggested in this issue with the Green Lantern Corps, Jessica Cruz and the United Planets.

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Review: Green Lantern #8 https://dccomicsnews.com/2024/02/13/review-green-lantern-8-2/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2024/02/13/review-green-lantern-8-2/#respond Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:01:45 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=176824 Review:  Green Lantern #8[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]Writers: Jeremy Adams and Ron MarzArt: Amancay Nahuelpan and Dale EagleshamColors: Romulo…

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Review:  Green Lantern #8
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writers: Jeremy Adams and Ron Marz
Art: Amancay Nahuelpan and Dale Eaglesham
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Alex Guimaraes
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd


Hal Jordan with the help of Razer of the Blue Lantern Corps, finally gets a break on the case of the wonky emotional spectrum.  Someone is destroying central power batteries.


Despite the quality of Jeremy Adams’ writing in the Green Lantern issues of the “Knight Terrors” event, there’s no doubt that the delay from the event has slowed the progress in many series, including Green Lantern.  Green Lantern #8 begins to bring together the bigger idea of the issues of the problems with the emotional spectrum and Sinestro’s reasons for being on Earth in the first arc of this series (issues 1-6).  

Adams continues to play with the Hal/ Carol dynamic in a subtle and nuanced way as well providing an interesting surprise at the end with some new antagonists.  The appearance of Madame Xanadu is also a fun component as she always opens a doorway to something unexpected.  As elements come together, revisiting the emotional spectrum promises to be a significant idea for exploration and piques excitement for what’s to come.

The back up story is an interesting callback to the Kyle Rayner Green Lantern series of the 1990’s.  Writer Ron Marz returns to the character as he takes Kyle back to his beginnings including a ring construct appearance of Alex DeWitt the character that inspired the phrase “women in refrigerators.”  It’s a nice touch that will bring back the memories for readers of those comics from the ’90’s.


Green Lantern #8 doesn’t quite bring everything together as some parts feel like they would’ve been better to have played out as the action instead of flashback.  While the magic connection between Madame Xanadu and the power rings is intriguing, that association has been more in line with Alan Scott’s ring while the rings of the Green Lantern Corps have remained rooted more in science fiction as a device of alien science.   It raises some questions that one trusts Adams will address in this story arc.


Green Lantern #8 is a solid read that promises a large drama that will unfold in this series.  There are a number of interesting moments in the issues and it really feels like something is beginning in both the stories.  

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Green Lantern #6 https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/12/12/green-lantern-6/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/12/12/green-lantern-6/#respond Tue, 12 Dec 2023 13:01:27 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=176671 Review: Green Lantern #6[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Jeremy Adams and Peter J. TomasiArt: Xermanico, Scott Godlewski and…

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Review: Green Lantern #6
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Jeremy Adams and Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Xermanico, Scott Godlewski and David Lafuente
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Tamra Bonvillain
Letters: Dave Sharpe and Rob Leigh

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd




It’s mano y mano as Hal and Sinestro continue their confrontation with apparently the Earth at stake…as Sinestro wields RAGE instead of FEAR!


Since issue #1 of this series, Jeremy Adams and Xermanico have done the basics with the classic Silver Age Green Lantern extremely well, and as one might expect, issue #3 is no different.  Sinestro is undoubtedly Hal’s greatest nemesis.  Like the Joker for Batman, no one else quite does it like Sinestro when it comes to challenging Hal Jordan.  There’s a complexity to their relationship as it’s been developed over the years since Sinestro first appeared in Green Lantern #7 (no not next issue…Green Lantern #7 from 1961!).  And, that’s probably what makes Sinestro so significant for Hal.  Sinestro was Hal’s instructor in the Green Lantern Corps, and he’s been portrayed often in the past 20 years as much as an anti-hero as he has been portrayed as a villain.  Adams uses that in Green Lantern #6 to great effect as we see Hal trying to reason with Sinestro, appealing to a side of him he knows is there, even if it is often buried.

Adams also expands the use of the Emotional Spectrum as Sinestro wields a Red Lantern ring instead of his usual Yellow ring.  Hal saves the day, but he can’t stop Sinestro from escaping back to Korugar.  Adams seems to know how to use a character’s history and supporting cast to tell good stories that fit the main character well.  If only more comics were like this, DC would be getting more of my money.

Positives Cont’d

While the action in Green Lantern #3 is executed very well by Xermanico and Godlewski, there’s a static image of Carol on page 1 that is particularly striking.  Carol’s fear, concern and multitude of other thoughts are captured perfectly as she attempts to let Hal know what is going on.  There aren’t a ton of lines used, but it’s just the right ones that communicate these emotions around the eyes and shape of the mouth.

The “Wayward Son” back up story continues to build as Korg gets enough parts to try and launch his spaceship.  With the announcement of the upcoming Sinister Sons title, readers should pay close attention to what happens in this story.  You can tell Tomasi is building up to something as both Korg in this story and Sinestro in the main tale are headed for Korugar.


With this first arc over, it’s still a little hard to tell how much the pacing was impacted by “Knight Terrors.”  It’s probably a good idea to go back and read all six issues in one sitting.


Green Lantern #6 is just a really, really good comic.  It’s as simple as that.  The creative team exemplifies the “back to basics” approach.  It’s working extremely well for Hal and Co. and there’s no reason to think it will end.  Character comes first as it should!

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Review: Green Lantern #5 https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/11/14/review-green-lantern-5-2/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/11/14/review-green-lantern-5-2/#respond Tue, 14 Nov 2023 13:00:46 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=176568 Review: Green Lantern #5[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Jeremy Adams and Peter J. TomasiArt: Xermanico and David…

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Review: Green Lantern #5
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Jeremy Adams and Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Xermanico and David Lafuente
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Tamra Bonvillain
Letters: Dave Sharpe and Rob Leigh


Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd



Sinestro unleashes the drones and Hal must find a way to save both Washington, DC and Moscow…can he be in both places at the same time?


It would be easy to say Green Lantern #5 is a great action issue, and it is, but what really stands out is that Jeremy Adams drives that action with the characters in the story.  There’s already an interesting dynamic between Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris in this series, and as she has to rely on him to try and stop the drones, the push and pull appears to go back to Hal.  It’s not overstated, but it’s subtle.  Hal to his credit doesn’t lord it over her or anything narcissistic, but rather it’s present and the reader can feel it happening naturally.  Adams and artist Xermanico build up the tension effectively as Carol is on pins and needles waiting for Hal to save the day.  Carol needs Hal’s expertise in this moment.

Adams gives us a Hal Jordan that is great at his job as Green Lantern.  He shows what Hal is capable of doing.  He allows Hal to show off what his new ring can do as he tries something extremely difficult.  It’s a feat of multitasking and coordination any drummer would be proud of.  Green Lantern #5 shows why Hal is a great Green Lantern.  Adams leans into the key characterization of Hal Jordan: will power, confidence and willingness to take risks.  Since his first appearance in Showcase #22, the attributes that make Hal a great test pilot also make him a great Green Lantern.   Adams clearly understands what readers like about Hal and how to present that, as well as being able to deliver the nuanced approach to his relationship with Carol.

The second part of “Wayward Son” by Peter J. Tomasi and David Lafuente show Korg investigating his belief that Sinestro is his father.  Additionally, the Oliver Twist motif is expanded upon a bit.  The mystery deepens, though as he also learns something of his mother and his birth planet…Korugar.  This second feature is shaping up to be a compelling situation for Sinestro who manages to manifest something altogether new at the end of the main story.




Green Lantern #5 is a “how to”  balance character, story and action.  Not only does it focus on character, it get the character parts right.  These characters feel like the characters they are supposed to be, and that’s not something that’s happening enough in comics today.  Adams had a great run on The Flash and after escaping the distraction of Knight Terrors, it’s really coming together in Green Lantern, as well.


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Review: Green Lantern #4 https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/10/10/review-green-lantern-4-2/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/10/10/review-green-lantern-4-2/#respond Tue, 10 Oct 2023 13:00:35 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=176169 Review: Green Lantern  #4[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Jeremy Adams and Peter J. TomasiArt: Xermanico and David…

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Review: Green Lantern  #4
Green Lantern #4[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Jeremy Adams and Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Xermanico and David Lafuente
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Tamra Bonvillain
Letters: Dave Sharpe and Rob Leigh

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd




Hal has to call on friend Barry (The Flash) Allen for some help which leads to some personal introspection and a nice appearance by Carol Ferris.  Oh, and Sinestro is there too!


Jeremy Adams seems to be reminding readers of Hal’s friends and enemies as he gets back in the swing of things.  Seeing Hal and Barry is wonderful.  It takes readers back to the Silver Age origins of Hal and Barry in the right way.  And, while it’s just the action, Hal and Barry get into an insightful conversation about Hal’s personal life and on-again/ off-again history with Carol.  Barry gives him some sound advice and it will be interesting to see how it plays out in future issues of Green Lantern.  

Green Lantern #4

It’s easy to tell that Jeremy Adams enjoyed writing Barry Allen in this issue.  Adams references his engagement with Iris and ties it into Carol’s significance in the issue.  Barry remembers his times with Carol in the past and has a friendly reunion with her that ads to the emotional complexity of the issue.  Still, how are Barry and Iris not married if he remembers them being married?  Just what happened in Barry’s history?  Oh, wait, this is a Green Lantern review….

Sinestro proves to be more than just the villain as he apparently has a real reason for getting of of Earth and back to Korugar.  Sinestro has been characterized with a lot of different aspects in the last 20 years or so, he’s not simply a villain, although he can be easily be the villain.  From his perspective he is definitely the hero of his story.  It almost feels like Hal will have to help him at some point in this run, which is an intriguing proposition.     

Green Lantern #4

Positives Cont’d

Xermanico’s art is a great fit for this series.  It has the right amount of expressive quality while also manifesting exciting super-hero action.  There are some close ups that highlight Xermanico’s draftsmanship, as well as wide angles to make the stakes impactful.

Green Lantern #4

Peter J. Tomasi and David Lafuente begin a new back up series in Green Lantern #4.  This introductory chapter has a lot of potential especially with the reveal on the last page.  (Not worth spoiling that in a review!).  It may tie in to Sinestro’s comments in the lead story, but either way the basic idea shows that there is A LOT of possibilities with the myriad of Lantern Corps in the DC Universe.  A writer like Tomasi can see that and has jumped on it here.  


Not anything in this issue to speak of, but I am reminded of the inconsistency in titles during the “Dawn of DC.”  While Green Lantern is definitely taking Hal back to basics, Adams isn’t ignoring what’s come before.  He’s working in current continuity and referencing what’s necessary while also acknowledging the events of the past.  How Hal got here is part of the story.  Some “Dawn of DC” books don’t seem to be able to do this effectively.  Green Arrow is doing a good job on this front, but the writers of Hawkgirl and Power Girl don’t seem to understand the character or the substance of the respective characters’ histories and personal development.  Green Lantern is pushing forward, while Hawkgirl and Power Girl seem to have regressed to an earlier stage.  This has led to questionable themes and outright mischaracterization.  Perhaps, more editorial oversight would help.  Adams clearly doesn’t need that.

Green Lantern #4


Green Lantern #4 improves a bit from last issue with a nice character focused issue that introduces some problems for Hal that should be addressed in coming issues.  Adams presents concerns that impact both the heroic and personal side of Hal’s life while also showing how both sides are connected.  The back up story is worth checking out, as well, as it suggests a lot more to come.



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Review: Green Lantern #3 https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/09/12/review-green-lantern-3-2/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/09/12/review-green-lantern-3-2/#respond Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:00:24 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=175969 Review: Green Lantern #3[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Jeremy Adams and Phillip Kennedy JohnsonArt: Xermanico and MontosColors: Romulo Fajardo,…

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Review: Green Lantern #3
Green Lantern #3 DC Comics News[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Jeremy Adams and Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Art: Xermanico and Montos
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Adriano Lucas
Letters: Dave Sharpe


Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd



Sinestro begins his revenge on Hal Jordan with an attack on Ferris aircraft.  It’s all a surprise to Hal when Carol calls on him to get to the bottom of it.


The art by both Xermanico and Montos is fantastic.  They make both stories look great.  Montos captures some real depth of emotion for John Stewart and Guy Gardner.  Xermanico does the same though the complexity of Hal and Carol’s relationship.  It’s great to see it as part of the story, but even better that the art communicates it so effectively.  

Green Lantern #3 DC Comics News

The story with Guy and John has a couple of interesting aspects.  Firstly, there’s an intriguing multiversal component with the Revenant Queen, but just as compelling are the decisions John is making about his dying mother.  It’s a unique problem that’s not covered in super-hero stories.  How much attention it gets in the continuation in the forthcoming Green Lantern: War Journal #1 remains to be seen.

With Green Lantern #3, Jeremy Adams brings the three major players of Hal Jordan’s turn as Green Lantern together.  Hal clearly has just as much history with Sinestro as he does with Carol.  Both of these relationships are complex.  It cleverly sets Carol and Sinestro as parallels in Hal’s life.  There are a number of ways each relationship could go and they aer both legitimate reasons to come back and see where things go.  Focusing on these three characters invigorates the book with a nod to the history of the series.  Additionally, it makes the series about the people and not simply the heroics.


There’s a bit of a hangover from Knight Terrors as the opening of Green Lantern #3 doesn’t follow exactly from the ending of Green Lantern #2 or Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #2.  It’s still a shame this series had to be interrupted by the Knight Terrors event.  It may prove to be helpful to go back and reread the first two issues of the series as a refresher. 

Green Lantern #3 DC Comics News


Green Lantern #3 is a good issue that suffers from having to overcome the Knight Terrors event.  It has to work a little harder to get the momentum going again after the great first two issues that this Green Lantern relaunch built.  While there remains an awkwardness, the issue does reset the focus and bring Hal into contact with his greatest nemesis, Sinestro.  The triangle of Hal, Carol and Sinestro isn’t a love triangle, but an interesting intersection of lives that is unique in comics.

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Review: Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1 https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/07/11/review-knight-terrors-green-lantern-1/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/07/11/review-knight-terrors-green-lantern-1/#respond Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:08:07 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=175577 Review: Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Jeremy Adams and Alex SeguraArt: Eduardo Pansica…

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Review: Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Jeremy Adams and Alex Segura
Art: Eduardo Pansica & Julio Ferreira and Mario Foccillo
Colors: Luis Guerrero and Prasad Rao
Letters: Dave Sharpe


Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd



Insomnia strikes against Hal Jordan and the Emerald Gladiator must face his greatest fears…or at least his most obvious fears.  


Strangely, the biggest positive for Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1 is how seamlessly it flows from last month’s Green Lantern #2.  Jeremy Adams set it up very well as things felt very organic at the end of the issue.  In that sense, this could simply be Green Lantern #3 and it would feel like Adams’ story was just continuing.  It will be interesting to see how this Knight Terrors interlude ends and gets back to the same spot at the end of issue #2.  

Eduardo Pansica does a nice job delivering on the visuals as he delves a little into the horror and gives Hal some terrified looks as he faces down his … “fears.”  Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1 also contains a Sinestro story that appears to pick up from his surprise appearance in Green Lantern #1.  Sinestro also appears to be affected by Insomnia’s attack and he has his own fears.  There’s some real irony here as Sinestro is known for operating in fear.  At its core this back up seems to he more interesting than the lead story due to this irony and that there’s a lot more potential for revelatory storytelling with Sinestro.  Readers know a lot about Hal Jordan including the biggest obstacles he’s faced in his life.


And that’s sort of the biggest problem with Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1.  We know the traumatic issues in Hal’s life are the death of his father, keeping his job at Ferris Air, conflict with the Guardians and his turn into Parallax.  It’s no surprise they show up here, but they are just sort of glanced over.  Parallax seems to be set up for a major conflict in next month’s Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #2, so there’s a chance for more development there.  

The death of Hal’s father has been done to death in previous stories as well has having to confront his past as Parallax.  I’m not sure all of these are really fears, though, especially, since Hal is supposed to be able to overcome great fear.  This doesn’t seem like a premise that should be that hard for Hal to deal with.  This contributes to a lack of stakes for the issue.  Part of that is also that Hal doesn’t understand what’s going on and that there are stakes as outlined in other Knight Terrors books.  Additionally, a reader who’s not buying those other Knight Terrors books doesn’t really understand the stakes either.  It’s no fault of the creative team on this issue, but this is a feeling that pervades this event. 

Negatives Cont’d

If this was a Justice League story arc that wasn’t interrupting almost every title, I think it would play better.  It could be an interesting and good JL story (maybe JL and JL Dark story), but it doesn’t seem to add anything to the crossover titles.  I wouldn’t even consider these “fears” of Hal to be fear.  They are mostly past trauma that he’s already dealt with.  When it comes to conflict with the Guardians, I don’t even think that’s fearful or traumatic for Hal.  I think he relishes confronting them.  Isn’t that sort of in line with his characterization of challenging authority?  And since he can create his own ring, the Guardians can’t even take that from him.  One “fear” does have some potential- inability to hold a job.

Does Hal truly fear not being able to keep a day job?  He’s had a number throughout his existence, test pilot, toy salesman,  Air Force pilot, and truck driver.  It’s touched on really quickly, but is this something Hal actually fears and hasn’t dealt with?  There’s story to be mined here.  It may not happen in this two-parter because it’s not sexy or sensational, but it would be a different angle to explore as part of Hal’s character.


Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1 is ok.  It’s limited due to the scope of the event and that it’s not really clear what’s going on unless one is reading the entire event, or at least the introductory issue.  The event may bring you to all the tie-ins, but this issue won’t get you excited about the event.  Adams does his best to connect it to the main Green Lantern book, but it clearly veers off from Green Lantern #2.  The lack of stakes doesn’t help, nor does “fear” being the plot point since that’s what Green Lanterns overcome easily and regularly.  It’s Tuesday, right?


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Review: Green Lantern #2 https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/06/13/review-green-lantern-2-2/ https://dccomicsnews.com/2023/06/13/review-green-lantern-2-2/#respond Tue, 13 Jun 2023 13:01:49 +0000 https://dccomicsnews.com/?p=175131 Review: Green Lantern #2[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Jeremy Adams and Phillip Kennedy JohnsonArt: Xermanico and MontosColors: Romulo Fajardo,…

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Review: Green Lantern #2
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Jeremy Adams and Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Art: Xermanico and Montos
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Adriano Lucas
Letters: Dave Sharpe


Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd



Hal doesn’t let his failure stop him as he follows some advice from Kilowog and the mystery deepens for John Stewart and Guy Gardner.


Nostalgia can never be underestimated, but Green Lantern #2, like last issue, has a familiarity that is truly engaging.  Jeremy Adams not only gets Kilowog’s voice right, but also the way he interacts with others, especially Hal.  Additionally, Adams gets some personality traits that remind the reader of what’s likable about Hal as well as the complexity of the character.  And, just for kicks, Adams brings in an appearance of the Demolition Team who first appeared back in Green Lantern (Volume 2) #176.  (FTR- I bought that issue new off the stands!) And, where’s Rosie’s cigar?  This callback to the mid-’80’s reminds the reader that Hal’s entire history is in play including some of his lesser known adversaries.  The appearance of the Manhunter costume last issue functioned in a similar fashion, although the Manhunters are certainly adversaries with higher stakes than the Demolition Team.

In the same vein, Hal’s ability to utilize the Oan energy in the Manhunter to create a power ring connects this series to Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, the series in which he first fashioned his own ring out of energy.  As Adams uses Hal’s history and character to drive the issue, the same is true for his relationship with Carol Ferris.  Adams doesn’t try to convince the reader that they SHOULD be together, but rather approaches the situation with the same complexity as he approaches Hal’s character.  It’s easy to want Hal and Carol to be together, but as the history of that relationship it may not be the best thing for either of them.  Carol shows all the conflicting emotions that make this feel like a real relationship.  Will Carol’s fiance Nathan turn out to be a douchebag?  Only time will tell, but this may be a classic Silver Age love interest that is actually better off without the hero.

Positives Cont’d

Grant Morrison, in both seasons of The Green Lantern, approached the Carol question as well.  It’s not out of the question, but Hal and Carol could potentially end up as friends, maybe best friends and that would truly be unique and an additional layer to their relationship.  So far, this feels like it could tread new ground and not simply “ship”  the classic relationship.  Carol’s such a smart and capable woman it doesn’t fit that she would continue to go back to Hal when she constantly points out how he doesn’t hold up his end of a romantic relationship.  It makes perfect sense that this is an important subplot for this series.  Like Adams’ run on The Flash,  the personal life of the main character is just as important part of the series.  This grounds the book so that despite all the fantastic super-hero stuff that happens readers are able to have something very relatable.

Green Lantern #2 looks great, as well.  Xermanico captures both aspects of these stories both in the exciting Green Lantern sequences as well as the concerned Carol sequence.  Adriano Lucas provides some outstanding uses of color especially when Hal is flying in downtown Coast City and the page of Hal falling back to Earth he combines with Xermanico for a truly spectacular image.  Not to be outdone, Montos in the John Stewart second feature gives a clinic in faces as he makes John and his Mama feel real.  The reality of these expressions include the reader in their conversation in a fascinating way.  Furthermore, this John Stewart story, though moving slowly presents the reader with a couple of mystery that Phillip Kennedy Johnson is revealing slowly and so far it’s working.


Like Adams’ The Flash,  it’s difficult to find a negative in Green Lantern #2.  The John Stewart feature is moving slowly, and that may not sit well with everyone.  Perhaps, there should’ve been some follow up with the appearance of Sinestro’s appearance last issue, as well.  Overall, these are very minor because what we get is so strong.


DC Comics may not be smart enough to keep Jeremy Adams on The Flash, but at least they are keeping him on something!  Green Lantern #2 is only the second issue of this newest volume of Hal Jordan’s adventures, but it’s already proving to be the full package.  The beautiful art supports a character driven story that draws the reader in with its familiarity and attention to the complexity in Hal’s character and relationships.  

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