Batman - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:33:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Batman - DC Comics News 32 32 Review: Batman #133 Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:33:30 +0000 Review: Batman #133 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Chip Zdarsky Artists: Mike Hawthorne, Adriano…

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Review: Batman #133

Batman #133 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Chip Zdarsky

Artists: Mike Hawthorne, Adriano Di Benedetto, Miguel Mendonca

Colours: Tomeu Morey, Roman Stevens

Letters: Clayton Cowles

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil



Batman #133: Everyone goes insane eventually. And then they belong to the terrifying Red Mask! But Gotham City has a new savior. He strikes from the shadows, exhumes the dead, and is known only as…the Batman. And in our backup story, Tim Drake’s search for Batman continues as he and Superman, Jon Kent, team up to stop the terror of the Toyman!


There is much that I enjoyed in Chip Zdarsky’s Batman #133, but my absolute favourite part is Bruce’s interaction with the Alfred Pennyworth of this parallel Earth. With Alfred having died in the main DCU, we only get to occasionally Bruce interact with him in flashbacks, hallucinations, or dreams. But this time, Bruce is interacting with a real live Alfred. It may not be the Alfred we know, but he appears to be the same character at heart.

Bruce tells this world’s Alfred,

…I’m from another universe. And the Alfred Pennyworth of my universe… was a kind man who stood up to evil. I’m here to do just that… I’ll do everything in my power to make things right… because an Alfred Pennyworth raised me.”

Something that is sometimes overlooked by many Batman writers is that Alfred was just as much of a father figure to Bruce as Thomas Wayne – if not more. It’s great to see that Zdarsky understands this crucial piece of the Batman mythos. And I like that Bruce gets the chance to express his love and appreciation to Alfred for this upbringing, even if it’s not his Alfred.

Another interesting facet of this story is seeing Bruce re-establishing himself as Batman, but without the benefit of Wayne Industries’ resources. It was somewhat teased that we would see Bruce operate without these resources in the wake of The Joker War. However, his career as Batman seems to have gone mostly unaffected, other than a change of residence.

But now we see that Bruce has had to cobble together a somewhat makeshift costume and weapons. Hawthorne and Di Benedetto have done a great job designing a lower tech Batsuit – possible too good. It looks good enough that it must have been somewhat expensive for Bruce to make. Not millions, but it must have cost at least several hundred at least. How did Bruce manage to accomplish this?

Batman #133 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

Bruce does make an interesting discovery. As far as this world is concerned, their Bruce Wayne was killed years ago. But Bruce discovers that the Bruce Wayne that died is from yet another parallel Earth. This raises some important questions. What universe is this Bruce Wayne from? And what happened to this world’s Bruce? Is he still on this Earth or on another, or is he also dead? Zdarsky has given Bruce quite the intriguing and off-beat mystery to solve.

Bruce’s encounters with the Riddler and Judge Dent show that Batman doesn’t need his fancy gadgets to be Batman. They’re tools that he makes uses of, but Bruce is every bit the badass as ever, even without them. And this world’s villains don’t stand a chance against him.

Batman #133’s backup story continues Tim Drake’s quest to find and bring Bruce back to the main DCU Earth. To this end, he has tracked down Toyman, who created the weapon that sent Bruce to another universe.

Toyman has fled to yet another universe, and Tim aims to bring him back to help figure out where in the Multiverse, Bruce was sent. Importantly, Tim also makes a point of bringing all the victims Toyman abducted to this parallel Earth. Tim’s ultimate aim is to get Bruce back, but helping others takes priority. Just as Bruce learned this from Alfred, Tim learned it from Bruce.


I am a bit confused about one thing in the backup story. Tim wears an outfit designed for multiversal travel. It’s quite a striking design from Miguel Mendonca, but it looks nothing like a Robin costume in either design or colours. But Toyman recognizes him immediately on sight as being a Robin. I don’t see how he possibly could have done so.

The only hint of his Robin costume is his mask, which is barely visible under the shaded glass of the helmet’s faceplate. It’s conceivable, if unlikely, that a Batman villain might be familiar enough with Robin to recognize him. But Toyman is a Superman villain. If the story called for Toyman to recognize Tim as a Robin, then the uniform should have somehow marked him as Robin, like the R-symbol or the distinctive red/green/yellow colour scheme.

However, this is a minor issue, and doesn’t really detract from the story. So, I can easily overlook it.

Batman #133 - DC Comics News


Zdarsky’s “The Bat-Man of Gotham City” is proving to be a very thought-provoking storyline. It’s an intriguing examination of how Bruce would fare in a very different version of Gotham. But, Zdarsky shows us that Bruce is up to the challenge. Because being Batman is Bruce’s destiny, regardless of which version of Gotham City he may find himself in.



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Review: Batman #132 Tue, 14 Feb 2023 06:07:30 +0000 Review: Batman #132 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Chip Zdarsky Artists: Mike Hawthorne, Adriano…

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Review: Batman #132

Batman #132 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Chip Zdarsky

Artists: Mike Hawthorne, Adriano Di Benedetto, Miguel Mendonca

Colours: Tomeu Morey, Roman Stevens

Letters: Clayton Cowles

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Batman #132: The mean streets of Gotham City have gotten meaner as the likes of Harvey Dent and Killer Croc roam free, brutalizing the population. Where is Batman and why hasn’t he responded to the cries of a city in peril?! Can Bruce Wayne find the answers before the mysterious Red Mask captures him? And in the backup story, Tim Drake’s hunt for Batman continues. Will Metropolis’s newest Superman, Jon Kent, be able to help the Boy Wonder with this Multiversal mystery, or will they both run afoul of an overpowered Toyman?!


The conclusion of the Chip Zdarsky’s Failsafe storyline made it appear that Failsafe had killed The Batman. However, Bruce finds himself on another Earth in the Multiverse. Over two issues, we have seen Bruce discovering more about this strange new world. And a fascinating world it is indeed.

Most notably, it seems that this world’s Bruce Wayne is either dead, having had little impact on this world’s Gotham City. There is not Wayne Enterprises. And most striking, this world has never had a Batman.

But most fascinating is the alternate versions of familiar characters. Some of them seem to be mashups of two Earth-0 characters. Judge Dent is a combination of Two-Face, the Joker. And Red Mask appears to be a mix of Red Hood and Black Mask. I suspect that this is not Jason Todd, but this world’s Joker, who was the original Red Hood in the main DCU. Bruce recognizes the man who would be the Joker on his home Earth. And it seems quite possible that this could be Red Mask out of costume.

Also Bruce encounters this world’s Selina Kyle. It’s not revealed if she’s Catwoman on this Earth, but she is just as formidable. I don’t know if Zdarsky consciously intended it, but I find this story reflects Bruce’s first encounter with Selina in Frank Miller’s Batman: Year One. In both cases, Bruce is in disguise, but not in his Batman identity. And in both cases, he finds himself woefully unprepared for the encounter.

Batman #132 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

I also find it noteworthy that this world’s Alfred Pennyworth is still alive and in a relationship with Leslie Thompkins. This is a pairing we have seen before in the DCeased universe. If Alfred is ever brought back from the dead in the DCU, it might be interesting to for this relationship to be explored in the main DCU world.

And there is a moment of mutual recognition between Bruce and Alfred that promises an emotional encounter between them in a later chapter of the story. At least I hope so, as I would be quite disappointed in Zdarsky if this brief encounter doesn’t have a payoff later in the story.

Also, Bruce is helped out by a young girl who calls herself Jewel, but her actual name is Julia. Could she be this world’s version of Alfred’s daughter Julia Pennyworth? Or is it just a coincidence? It could add an interesting wrinkle to the story, but it wouldn’t be detrimental to the story if she isn’t Alfred’s daughter.

But I think the most intriguing and unexpected character Bruce encounters is James Gordon. He appears as a skeleton complete with trench coat, mustache, and signature pipe. And Bruce is the only one who can see or hear him. Is this Commissioner Gordon a recurring hallucination? Or is this world’s James Gordon a supernatural entity that Bruce can see for some unknown reason? I hope Zdarsky reveals what’s going on with this bizarre version of Gordon before wrapping up this storyline.

Batman #132 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

Also, I wonder why Bruce hasn’t encountered any of this world’s versions of the Bat-Family beyond Alfred. With no Batman on this world, it makes sense that they wouldn’t adopt Bat-themed superhero identities. But at least some of them should exist in this Gotham City in their civilian identities. But Bruce so far hasn’t encountered Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, or any of the others. So where are they?

I really like how Zdarsky shows that Bruce is compelled to help the people of this version of Gotham City. He can’t ignore the plight of this world’s Gothamites, so he prioritizes them over his quest to return to his own world. As Bruce narrates:

Every Gotham is my Gotham. I want to go home, but… they need help out of this. To strike fear into the the people who need it”.

So Bruce resolves to become the Batman this world needs so that he can strike fear into the hearts of this Gotham’s criminals. How he will do so without Bruce’s wealth, access to technology, or any superhero allies should prove fascinating. Can Bruce succeed as Batman with his training being his only advantage? Of course he can, he’s the Batman. But it will be fascinating to see how he manages to do so.

In he backup story, Tim Drake continues his quest to find out what actually happened to Bruce. With the help of Superman Jon Kent and Mister Terrific, he determines that Bruce is lost somewhere on a parallel Earth. So, he sets off to follow Bruce into the Multiverse. But will he end up on the same Earth as Bruce?

The world he ends up on doesn’t seem to be the one Bruce is on, but perhaps it’s the same world, just not that Earth’s Gotham City.  But before he can investigate to find out if he’s on the right Earth, he has to contend with the original Toyman. I expect that Tim will be up to dealing with this classic Superman villain. But it will provide an exciting battle. And it will likely take a lighter tone than to balance out the more dramatic and intense events in the main story.


I can’t really find any fault with either story. Zdarsky has set up an intriguing story for both Batman and Robin. He clearly knows what he’s doing. And the art in both stories is fantastic. I can’t even find any minor faults to quibble over. Hopefully, the remainder of the storyline will continue to be just as excellent. And the art in both stories is similarly excellent.


Batman #132 continues the compelling “The Bat-Man of Gotham” storyline. Zdarsky has set up an intriguing story that is unlike the usual Batman story. If Zdarsky keeps up the same level of quality that he has achieved in the first two chapters, this story will likely be remembered as a classic Batman story.


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Review: Flashpoint Beyond #3 Tue, 12 Jul 2022 13:54:58 +0000 Review: FLASHPOINT BEYOND #3 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Geoff Johns, Jeremy Adams, Tim…

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Flashpoint Beyond #3 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Geoff Johns, Jeremy Adams, Tim Sheridan

Artists: Xermanico, Mikel Janin

Colors: Romulo Fajardo Jr., Jordie Bellaire

Letters: Rob Leigh

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Flashpoint Beyond #3: The DC event of 2022 continues! Thomas Wayne’s investigation into the Clockwork Killer goes sideways when he is confronted by a deadly alien invader the world knows as…Project: Superman? What’s happened to the Kryptonian and Krypton in the World of Flashpoint? Will Thomas Wayne do what he has to in order to stop Superman-or has he changed? What are those strange earthquakes now erupting across reality?


Flashpoint Beyond #3 continues the story of Thomas Wayne’s mysterious return to the Flashpoint timeline and in this issue, much of the focus is on Subject 1, the Flashpoint version of Superman. We get a shocking revelation about him as, in this timeline, Kal-El was not the sole Kryptonian infant sent to Earth to save him from Krypton’s destruction. Instead, he was sent as a sleeper agent to prepare the way for an invasion force.

This raises some interesting questions about the nature of the Flashpoint timeline. Originally, it was formed by Barry Allen to prevent his mother’s death at the hands of Reverse-Flash. Barry’s mother’s living wouldn’t have affected Krypton at all. I had thought Doctor Manhattan only interfered with Barry’s attempt to restore the pre-Flashpoint DCU, bringing about the New 52 timeline. Did he also experiment with changes in the formation of the Flashpoint timeline? Or has some other force altered it to be even further away from the regular DCU timeline?

An important theme is reiterated in this issue. The Flashpoint Batman has stated multiple times, “Nothing matters”. This refers to his belief that none of the events currently happening in his timeline have any importance, as he plans to erase the timeline and again reinstate the main DCU timeline. Subject 1, however, maintains the opposite: “Everything matters”.

I’m beginning to suspect that he may be right and that their world is more than just an alternate timeline of the main DCU Earth. So, what else could it be? A new parallel Earth in the DC Multiverse or the wider Omniverse? Or perhaps it’s a Hypertime reality.

Flashpoint Beyond #3 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

Hypertime does seem to play a factor in this story somehow, as we learn that two members of the Time Hunters are hiding out in Hypertime “until the League returns and the Darkness passes… unless we want to risk our own histories being rewritten again”. This bit of dialogue appears to spoil DC’s other summer event series, Dark Crisis. On the other hand, was there ever any doubt about the Justice League’s return or the defeat of the Great Darkness? However, the mention of rewriting their histories does raise the possibility that Dark Crisis’ resolution may come with some retcons to continuity.

There are also a couple of interesting points about their fellow Time Masters. They mention that Rip Hunter is missing, which deepens the overall mystery. I’m sure he’ll be playing a pivotal role as the story advances. They also mention Corky Baxter, who we last saw giving Bruce Wayne ominous warnings about messing with timelines. Corky’s teammates don’t seem too sure about Corky. Jeffrey Smith states, ‘of course, he’s involved. Let’s just hope he doesn’t make things worse”.

Also, the Clockwork Killer has claimed another victim, Reverse-Flash himself. However, considering the number of times Thawne has returned from the dead, I’m sure we’ve not seen the last of him.

Stories like this that delve into the workings of DC’s cosmology fascinate me. This story and Dark Crisis look to be giving some shape to DC’s loosely defined Omniverse. This is great, as this has been an open question since the resolution of Dark Nights Death Metal. And I don’t think we’ve ever really gotten any clear definition of what Hypertime actually is. Johns, Adams, and Sheridan, as well as Joshua Williamson on Dark Crisis, are a group of writers I can trust to properly flesh out the structure of DC’s cosmology for the Infinite Frontier era.


The flipside of that is that there are other readers who hate these kinds of stories. Wrapping their heads around time travel, parallel Earths, and Hypertime can give some a headache. They generally prefer more straightforward stories that don’t delve into the inner workings of DC’s cosmology. Such fans might find this story a chore to work through. However, there appears to be such a straightforward story going on within the Flashpoint timeline, which they may be able to appreciate.

Flashpoint Beyond #3 - DC Comics News


Flashpoint Beyond is the kind of story I adore and with three of DC’s powerhouse writers, Geoff Johns, Jeremy Adams, and Tim Sheridan writing it, it’s shaping up to be an amazing companion to Dark Crisis. Plus, it’s got some absolutely brilliant art from Xermanico and Mikel Janin.

If you haven’t been following this story, you really should be.


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Review: Flashpoint Beyond #2 Sun, 12 Jun 2022 22:07:01 +0000 Review: FLASHPOINT BEYOND #2 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Geoff Johns, Tim Sheridan, Jeremy…

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Flashpoint Beyond #2 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Geoff Johns, Tim Sheridan, Jeremy Adams

Artists: Xermanico, Mikel Janin

Colours: Romulo Fajardo Jr., Jordie Bellaire

Letters: Rob Leigh

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Flashpoint Beyond #2: The DC event of 2022 continues! As Thomas Wayne investigates the continuing mystery of the Clockwork Killer, another mystery erupts when a strange inmate within Arkham claims that Bruce Wayne is the only Batman that should exist. And Thomas’s world is again turned upside down when a new, twisted version of an iconic Batman villain is born.


After the events of last issue, in Flashpoint Beyond #2, Thomas Wayne comes to the realization that he was set after Aquaman as a distraction. He now focuses his attention on the unknown villain that the press refers to as the Clockwork Killer. Thomas notices something that sharp-eyed readers may have already noticed. his victims are all people who were time travellers in the DCU’s proper timeline. Along the victims mentioned in issue #0, we learn that he’s also killed Captain Atom, Waverider, and Epoch. And it stands to reason that he is behind the murder of Barry Allen as well.

As Thomas ponders, “There are time-traveling champions from the future that would have made their presence know if they still existed: Legionnaires. The robotic Hourman, Booster Gold. Yet there’s no sign of a savior from tomorrow. That’s how I know I’m alone in my fight to save my son and the world”. As the only character who has travelled outside of the Flashpoint timeline, Thomas is the only one who realizes that the timeline has been altered.

But he’s wrong about being alone, as it seems Bruce appears to be working on the same problem from the familiar DCU timeline. Or is he the cause of it. The Time Master Corky Baxter makes it clear that Bruce is messing with dangerous forces. Could Bruce’s plan be what caused the re-emergence of the Flashpoint timeline?

Flashpoint Beyond #2 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

I think the snow globe is a key clue to what’s going on. It seems to metaphorically represent the Flashpoint reality. Corky practically spells this out: “…that snowman daddy is like your dad. He can see things outside the glass. He knows there’s another world out there. But he can’t ever get to it”. But Bruce responds that it’s safe. Inside the globe, the snowman never melts. Could it be that Bruce recreated the Flashpoint in a pocket universe just to keep Thomas Wayne alive and safe? And if so, is it a haven or a prison for Thomas?

And the globe has a literal significance to the story as well. Corky states that the snow globe is “drenched in tachyons and stuff” and that it and Janey Slater’s watch have been stabilizing each other. But he also warns , “the owner of that snow globe is going to be drawn to it. And if he shows u, boy, are you going to be sorry about this whole darn thing”. Who could that be. I do have a wild guess about that. One really powerful time-based villain that hasn’t been mentioned yet: the Time Trapper.

We also see the return of the Flashpoint Superman. It seems that he and Thomas Wayne have a clash of ideologies. As Thomas has set himself the task of ending the Flashpoint timeline in favour of restoring the proper timeline, he has concluded that any events taking place in his timeline are meaningless – nothing matters. But Superman flatly denies this, stating, “I heard you. You’re wrong. Everything matters”. It will be interesting to see if this difference of opinion leads to an inevitable battle. Or perhaps they will be able to find some common ground and work together.

Flashpoint Beyond #2 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

It seems that Thomas took the time to learn a lot about the main DCU during his time there and with Justice League Incarnate. He recognizes the Clockwork Killer’s victims as time-travellers, despite the fact that some of them are rather obscure characters. He knows about the Legion, Booster Gold, and Hourman. So, he’s definitely made a thorough study of the history and future of the main DCU timeline. And that knowledge will likely prove crucial for the task he’s set for himself.

I love that the nods to DC history that are peppered through the story. I was quite amused when I realized that the  muggers Batman encounters are actually the Flashpoint counterparts of the Flash’s Rogues Gallery: Captain Boomerang, Heat Wave, Rainbow Raider, and the Top.

I’m also curious as to where the subplot involving Dexter Dent is going. It seems to me that perhaps he may become Robin to Thomas’ Batman. Or perhaps that is a bit of misdirection. This issue does make it clear that his mother, Gilda Dent, is going to be the Flashpoint version of Two-Face. We see her damage one side of her face in a fit of madness. And the poker chip from Wayne Casino that Thomas gives her is scratched up on one side. I do find it interesting that it’s Harvey Dent’s wife that takes on the identity of Two-Face, especially considering that Thomas Wayne’s wife Martha became the Joker. Why is it that the women in Thomas’ life end up as villains?

Flashpoint Beyond #2 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

What I find most fascinating about this story is how it is running parallel with Dark Crisis, seemingly unrelated. DC has indicated that the two stories will dovetail into each other as they near their conclusions. But it’s unclear at this early point how they connect. However, it seems that Thomas’ presence in Infinite Crisis and Justice League Incarnate was preparing him for this story, while the rest of the JLI were heading into Dark Crisis. It’s intriguing to see the overarching story broken into two tracks like this.

Xermanico’s art on Thomas’ story is superb, as is Mikel Janin’s on Bruce’s side of the story. Having a different art team for the Flashpoint reality and the main DCU was a brilliant idea. It makes a clear distinction between the two timelines. And while there is a nice juxtaposition between two sections, it’s not a jarring difference.


Time travel and alternate timelines appear to be a central concept in this series, which may be off-putting to some readers. However, it doesn’t seem to be too difficult to follow so far. So, even if you tend to avoid such stories, it’s well worth giving it a look.


With Flashpoint Beyond #2, the story is picking up steam. While it’s not clear yet where Johns’, Adams, and Sheridan’s story is headed, it’s building to something big. With this many of DC’s hottest creators on board, this story is going to be a wild ride.


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Review: Flashpoint Beyond #1 Thu, 05 May 2022 08:05:40 +0000 Review: FLASHPOINT BEYOND #1 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Geoff Johns, Jeremy Adams, Tim…

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Flashpoint Beyond #1 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Geoff Johns, Jeremy Adams, Tim Sheridan

Artists: Xermanico, Mikel Janin

Colors: Romulo Fajardo Jr., Jordie Bellaire

Letters: Rob Leigh

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Flashpoint Beyond #1: Batman’s hunt for the Clockwork Killer brings him to Europe and face to face with the mad king, Aquaman. On the eve of Aquaman’s sinking of London, Batman infiltrates his stronghold and goes on the warpath for answers. Nothing matters to Batman, whose world is already dead, but if he can track down the Clockwork Killer, Thomas can save his son’s world and put everything back together again.


Flashpoint Beyond #1 continues the story of the Thomas Wayne’s return to the world of Flashpoint. After apparently being killed by Darkseid in Justice League Incarnate, the Flashpoint Batman awoke to find himself back in the timeline created by Barry Allen messing with the timestream.

In the original Flashpoint event, Thomas aided Barry in setting the timestream right again, erasing the Flashpoint timeline. Thomas concluded that someone has interfered with time again, and set out to fix it again by enlisting the Flashpoint version of Barry. However, an Atlantean agent disrupts this plan by killing Barry. So, Thomas sets out to demand answers from Aquaman.

I liked seeing how the writers dovetailed the conflict between Aquaman and Wonder Woman with Thomas’ search for answers. Arthur is holding Diana captive. This allows Thomas to come to an arrangement with the Amazon. He offers to free her in exchange for the loan of her Lasso of Truth to question Aquaman.

Flashpoint Beyond #1 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

I find it interesting that Thomas has taken in Dexter Dent after the death of his father, Harvey. It seems to echo how Bruce did the same for Dick Grayson. Could this boy be destined to be Thomas’ Robin? And the relationship between them seems a twisted mirror of that between Bruce and Dick. Thomas seems mostly disinterested in the boy. And Oswald Cobblepot is surely not going to be the same sort of positive influence on the child that Alfred Pennyworth was for Dick.

I am also intrigued by the story’s epilogue featuring the main DCU versions of Bruce Wayne and Barry Allen. For one thing, it seems to indicate that this storyline featuring Bruce is not happening concurrently with the main storyline with Thomas. Barry is present in the Batcave. This means that this had to have happened before Barry was captured by Darkseid as told in Infinite Crisis. However, Thomas’ storyline takes place after his apparent death in Justice League Incarnate, which came after Infinite Crisis.

Logically, the story thread with Bruce had to have happened some time before the events Thomas is experiencing in this issue. And Bruce’s encounters with Corky Baxter of the Time Masters hint strongly that Batman is engaging in some risky manipulation of the timestream. Could Bruce have been the catalyst for reinstating the Flashpoint timeline, just like Barry was for creating that timeline in the first place?

Flashpoint Beyond #1 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

We saw a hint that Bruce is looking to save the Flashpoint Batman, negating Rip Hunter’s prediction that “Thomas Wayne will die”. My theory is that Thomas did die at the hands of Darkseid. And Bruce deliberately reinstates the Flashpoint timeline to undo Thomas’ death. Presumably, Bruce will then restore the DCU, intending to bring Thomas back to the DCU with him. But it’s likely that this plan will not unfold smoothly.

And I am interested to see how this ties into Dark Crisis. Is Bruce at fault for the events that will unfold in that series? Doctor Manhattan manipulated the timestream so that instead of restoring the pre-Flashpoint DCU, Barry brought about the New 52 DCU. Could some other powerful agent be waiting to do the same when Bruce manipulates the timestream?

Also, the artwork for Flashpoint Beyond #1 is exemplary. Xermanico and Mikel Janin provide some great visuals for their respective parts of the story. And the “History of the DC Timeline” variant cover by Todd Nauck and Matt Herms is absolutely gorgeous. It’s too bad that it’s a 1:50 incentive cover that will likely be expensive and difficult to find.


I love stories like this that deal with alternate times, parallel earths, Hypertime, and other such cosmological concepts. But I do sympathize with those who don’t like that kind of story. Especially after Scott Snyder’s epic saga that spanned from the dawn of the Rebirth era to Dark Nights: Death Metal. Some readers are fatigued from this type of story.

However, I love this type of story, and am enjoying every bit of this story that is being spun in Infinite Crisis, Justice League Incarnate, Death of the Justice League, and here. And I do find the overall story to be much easier to follow than Scott Snyder’s saga.


Geoff Johns, Jeremy Adams, and Tim Sheridan are some of DC’s biggest writing talents. And they are weaving a fascinating mystery story that returns to the captivating Flashpoint timeline. I am dying with anticipation to find out what’s going on here and how it ties into the Dark Crisis event.


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Review: Batman #122 Tue, 03 May 2022 21:42:19 +0000 Review: BATMAN #122 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Joshua Williamson Artists: Howard Porter, Trevor…

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Review: BATMAN #122

Batman #122 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artists: Howard Porter, Trevor Hairsine

Colors: Tomeu Morey, Rain Beredo

Letters: Clayton Cowles, Willie Schubert

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Batman #122: Ra’s al Ghul is dead, and Talia is out for revenge! Batman is on the case to find Deathstroke before Talia’s elite killers do! But Batman starts to piece together that not everything is what it seems in Ra’s’s death…and knows whom he must interrogate to get answers…Talia herself! Can the two former lovers ever work together again? Plus, a backup tale showing the secret first fight between Batman and Deathstroke!


Joshua Williamson’s Shadow War crossover event continues from Shadow War: Alpha #1. In that opening chapter Deathstroke has been framed for the assassination of Ra’s Al Ghul. His death leaves Talia in control of the League of Assassins. And Talia declares war on Deathstroke Inc., intending to kill Deathstroke in revenge for her father’s death.

This story is particularly notable for bringing Batman and Robin back together as a team. Damian ended their partnership recently, and had left Batman and Detective Comics for his own title Robin. But this current story has brought Bruce and Damian together to deal with this mystery. But will their partnership be re-established in this story? Or will it drive them further apart?

And Ra’s death is an enticing mystery. There’s many ways this story might end. It’s possible that some as yet unknown person masterminded this plan, and posed as Deathstroke. However, it seems quite possible to me that Deathstroke might actually have somehow orchestrated the villain’s death. However, it’s also believable that Talia might have killed her own father to take control of his organization and to move in on Deathstroke Inc. And there’s also the possibility that Ra’s masterminded his own apparent death, and that he’s not really dead.

Such a mystery will undoubtedly require Bruce to exercise his skills as a detective. And it will also give us opportunity to see how much Damian has learned those skills from him. And with them caught between the League of Assassins and Deathstroke Inc. their fighting prowess will be sorely tested as well.

Batman #122 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

There is an interesting encounter between Bruce and Talia in Batman #122. The encounter starts off confrontational with each taking an accusatory tone. However, it segues into a tender moment and they end up in a kiss. They clearly still have unresolved feelings for each other. Will this story lead to a resumption of their former romance? And if so, what about Bruce’s relationship with Catwoman?

Ultimately, I could see Bruce ending up with Selina, but I can’t see his relationship with Talia going anywhere. Bruce clearly is attracted to bad girls. I think Bruce might be able to build a relationship with a thief like Selina. But Talia is an assassin. And killing goes against Bruce’s most basic beliefs.

At his core, Bruce has an unshakable belief that killing is never acceptable. For Bruce to commit to Talia would be a betrayal to himself and all he believes in. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel desire for her. This conflict between Bruce’s core beliefs and his desire is rife with possibilities, and it would be interesting to see if Chip Zdarsky picks up on this thread when he takes over the title.

There is also a backup story in this issue which reveals the previously untold story of Batman and Deathstroke’s first encounter. In this story, Deathstroke comes to Gotham to carry out a contract on the original Robin, Dick Grayson.

Batman #122 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

I find this quite interesting, as originally, Deathstroke was a Teen Titans villain. Dick encountered Deathstroke multiple times before Bruce first faced him. But this story turns that dynamic around, with Batman being the first to face the assassin. However, this change is not done in a way that negates the Teen Titans stories. It’s still quite possible for Dick to have those same run-ins with Deathstroke at some point after this story.

The story also gets at a perennial criticism levelled at Batman. First Commissioner Gordon asks of Batman, “You wear black and hide in the shadows. But your partner wears bright colours… Doesn’t that make him an easy target?”. And Deathstroke downright accuses Batman of using Robin as bait. This gets under Bruce’s skin. Perhaps Bruce fears that on some level that is exactly what he is doing. I wonder if this story will have Bruce coming up with a justification for Dick seeming to be an easy target.


I have no complaints about either story. Williamson’s writing is on point, and the artwork of Howard Porter and Trevor Hairsine is gorgeous in each of their respective stories.

However, the fact that this is a crossover between multiple titles might cause annoyance for some readers. To understand the full story, one has to buy regular titles Batman, Robin, and Deathstroke, as well as 3 Shadow War one-shots (Shadow War: Alpha, Shadow War Omega, and Shadow War Zone). So, they might have to buy more titles that they usually would.

However, it is a fairly small crossover event. It’s not like you have to buy the entire Bat-Family of books or the entire DCU lineup of titles. And with Joshua Williamson as the current writer on all three regular titles, this event is a lot more cohesive than most crossovers.


Shadow War is shaping up to be an engaging mystery. I am really looking forward to seeing where Williamson’s story is leading. And also seeing what the status of the Batman and Robin partnership will be as Chip Zdarsky begins his run on Batman.


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Review: Flashpoint Beyond #0 Wed, 13 Apr 2022 12:43:04 +0000 Review: Flashpoint Beyond #0 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Eduardo Risso…

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Review: Flashpoint Beyond #0

Flashpoint Beyond #0 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Geoff Johns

Artist: Eduardo Risso

Colors: Trish Mulvihill

Letters: Rob Leigh

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Flashpoint Beyond #0: The world of Flashpoint returns! After sacrificing everything to help the Flash put the universe back together and save Bruce Wayne’s life, Thomas Wayne wakes up in a world he thought was no more. Forced to don the cowl once again, Batman prowls the streets of Gotham searching for answers to how this world still exists, but what he starts to uncover will send him hurtling around the globe. The hunt for the Clockwork Killer starts here!


The build-up to this summer’s Dark Crisis continues with Flashpoint Beyond #0. The Flashpoint Batman last appeared in Justice League Incarnate, where he had apparently been killed by Darkseid. However, Thomas Wayne is shocked to find himself in the Flashpoint Universe -especially since he had helped Barry Allen erase the Flashpoint timeline.

Geoff Johns returns to write this sequel to his story that set up the New 52 reboot. But it’s more than just a Flashpoint sequel. It also ties into the ongoing story that DC has been building to since Infinite Frontier – or perhaps since Doomsday Clock. Johns signals this by having Mime and Marionette return from that series for this issue’s opening scene.

The two villains guide the main DCU’s Batman in looking for an artifact in the headquarters of Rip Hunter’s Time Masters. The artifact turns out to be a snowglobe, but we aren’t told what its significance is. However, I suspect we will be finding out the answer to that question shortly. But how did the villains know where to find it?

DC has previously revealed hints about upcoming major events by giving us a peek at Rip Hunter’s blackboard. That blackboard makes a return appearance with some tantalizing clues about what lies ahead in the next few months. At the top of the board, we see “5G” crossed out and “Averted” written beside it. I think this is the first official mention of 5G. But it appears some damage was done to reality. The text tells us, “History irrevocably damaged. Must travel beyond Omniverse”. I suspect this directly hints at the events of Dark Crisis itself.

Flashpoint Beyond #0 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

There are also some mentions of referring to the “Fall of the Justice League” in Justice League #75, as well as a reference to the Shadow War crossover between Batman, Robin, and Deathstroke Inc. But particularly intriguing is this snippet “His daughter will rejoin Justice Society to save it”. Whose daughter? Maybe Alan Scott’s daughter Jade?  And I don’t know what to make of “Beware: He’ll find his son. Do not interfere”, but it sounds interesting.

However, one item is particularly significant. The board says, “Thomas Wayne will die”. Bruce makes a deliberate point of erasing this sentence, signaling his intention to prevent that death. Johns’ story has an interesting duality. Thomas tries to save his son, attempting to erase the timeline in which Bruce died. Meanwhile, Bruce is enacting a plan to save Thomas. But from what, exactly? And how? Bruce seems to have a plan, but we’ll have to wait to see that plan play out.

Thomas’ plan involves Barry Allen. However, this is Barry of the Flashpoint timeline, not The Flash. This presents a major problem that Thomas needs to overcome. That plan hits a major roadblock that I won’t spoil here, but it does come as quite a surprise.

We see Barry investigating a murder committed by a serial killer called the Clockwork Killer. It seems that this murderer will play an important role in this series. This is evident when you look at his victims and what they have in common. Readers familiar with DC history will spot that all of them are time travelers in the main DCU: Jeffery Smith of the Time Masters, David Clinton (Chronos), and Abra Kadabra. Clearly, somebody is up to something that they don’t want any time travelers to interfere with.

Flashpoint Beyond #0 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

Besides those references, there are some nice little DC history Easter Eggs. I love that Barry Allen’s address is listed in the phonebook as 1956 Showcase Drive Apt #4″, referring of course to Barry’s debut in Showcase #4 in 1956. Also, we see Barry talking with a woman named Fiona. Longtime readers may recognize her as Barry’s onetime fiancée Fiona Webb.

Another especially interesting reference is the brief appearance of Roger Hayden, a.k.a. the Psycho-Pirate. This is particularly notable, considering he is the only person in the DCU who retains his memories through DC’s various reboots. He clearly knows reality has changed again in light of his insistence that “Everything is upside down again.,, and Bruce is supposed to be the Batman”.

In an inspired move, the original artistic team from the Flashpoint Batman: Knight of Vengeance tie-in to Flashpoint for this sequel. Eduardo Risso’s superb artwork and Trish Mulvihill’s splendid colors make sure Flashpoint Beyond has the same feel as that tie-in miniseries. I highly recommend any readers who didn’t read Knight of Vengeance to check it out. This shouldn’t be difficult, as DC brought out an affordable reprint collection just last week.


Unfortunately, some readers might be rather lost if they are picking up this story without reading the titles that led up to it. Those readers will need to do a bit of homework first. Either by finding and reading back issues/collections, or finding online summaries. The titles, in particular, that would be most beneficial to catch up on are FlashpointFlashpoint Batman: Knight of VengeanceInfinite Frontier, and Justice League Incarnate. I don’t believe catching up on Doomsday Clock is absolutely necessary – but it is worth reading in its own right.

It’s unfortunate that readers can’t just jump into the story unprepared, but that is an unavoidable consequence of spending a long time preparing an intricate story. However, I suspect that this preparation will prove worth it.


This opening issue is labeled as Flashpoint Beyond #0, rather than #1, marking it as a prelude to the actual story. If this is just the prelude, then the main event will surely be something amazing. Of course, this is to be expected from a series written by Geoff Johns with the assistance of Tim Sheridan and Jeremy Adams. With talent like that, this series has a lot going for it.


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Review: Batman: Beyond The White Knight #1 Tue, 29 Mar 2022 19:53:52 +0000 Review: BATMAN: BEYOND THE WHITE KNIGHT #1 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer:  Sean Murphy Artist: …

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[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer:  Sean Murphy

Artist:  Sean Murphy

Letters:   AndWorld Designs

Colors:  Dave Stewart

Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“It’s impossible.  She killed you…” –  Bruce Wayne

Batman: Beyond the White Knight  #1 – A lot can change in 10 years, especially in Gotham! Batman, a.k.a. Bruce Wayne, may be behind bars, but the real criminals are still out there.

Gotham Motors CEO Derek Powers has seized control of the Wayne family’s assets and is using them to transform the GTO and the city they’ve sworn to protect. Crime is down, but at what cost?

A new Batman has emerged in Powers’s city, and only Bruce is fully aware of the dangers to come. It’s time to destroy the mantle for good, but he’ll need one of his forgotten sons’ help to do so.

Enter Jason Todd…the first Robin?!

In this thrilling sequel to the blockbuster comic book hits Batman: White Knight and Batman: Curse of the White Knight, writer/artist Sean Murphy invites the audience to go beyond the Gotham they know to discover an engrossing new take on the city and its heroes. Welcome to Neo-Gotham and the world of Beyond the White Knight!


Sean Murphy… Black Label…a perfect pair.  The Murphyverse is strong and arguably the only author that can provide the appropriate time jump that can not only make Bruce a relevant character but also blend the other supporting characters come together with Batman Beyond’s Terry McGinnis.

The more Hollywood movies about Batman that are pumped out and the more comic books produced on Batman provides Murphy with a kitchen of ingredients that make a richer Batman storyline for his Murphyverse.

Take Dick Grayson and Jason Todd for instance.  Or rather, flip the script.  The meeting between Jason and Bruce in prison allows the reader to discover that Jason was actually the first Robin.  Holy Family Dynamic!  Spoiler Alert… and there are more spoilers but you shall not get them here.

Well – one more.  Harley and her twins… She is quite the hot mom, and as you can expect in the duality that one would normally expect from a Harvey Dent/Two-Face dynamic, these kids are all about the Jack Napier/Joker life.  No coins are flipped here, but a Punchline would be in big trouble with Jack/Joker’s daughter!

It’s Easter and Spring time and there are more Easter Eggs in this book than I want to provide to you.  Murphy makes reading a Black Label comic really really fun!

Shades of Tom Taylor’s Nightwing book abound as we see frames of Bruce escaping prison.  The several same character panels are yet another Easter Egg (sigh…that’s three I have revealed) that are homages of authors, books, and movies.  There is probably something in the Snyderverse that celebrates a Batman Lunch Box too.

Positives 2.0

Art…Murphy pulls off the hardest double double in comics.  Todd McFarlane had weak scripts but superlative pencils.  Neal Adams cannot write his way out of a paper sack, but his art for Batman is so great!  Legendary!

Sean Murphy not only is blending elements of all things Batman, but his turn on the Batman costumes…especially that of Batman Beyond is terrific.

His work with shadows…or rather silhouettes behind our characters.  This gives new meaning to foreshadowing…or perhaps “post shadowing”.  Harley…a midriff adorned Mom…beautiful!


The only negative is that the book indicates that a Batman: White Knight Presents Red Hood #1 is imminent. Sigh – we want that now!  That’s the only negative is that we don’t have that or the next issue in hand!


Sean Murphy has tapped a vein in Black Label by rewriting the Batman legend in his own way.  He trimmed where he needed to, mixed around some characters, and strayed enough from Batman canon to make this all new and fresh.  This Batman timeline is worth every penny of your hard-earned cash!


5outof5 DC Comics News

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Review: Batman #121 Mon, 21 Mar 2022 21:43:27 +0000 Review: BATMAN #121 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Joshua Williamson, Karl Kerschl Artists: Jorge…

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Review: BATMAN #121

Batman #121 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Joshua Williamson, Karl Kerschl

Artists: Jorge Molina, Mikel Janin, Karl Kerschl

Colors: Tomeu Morey, Dave McCaig

Letters: Clayton Cowles, Karl Kerschl

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Batman #121: The deadly conclusion to the “Abyss” arc as Lex Luthor’s dangerous master plan for Batman Inc. is revealed. And an old ally returns to pull the lost Batman out of Abyss’s darkness and a new member of Batman Inc. rises! In the final chapter of “They Make Great Pets,” Maps finds the missing piece to the shocking and deadly mystery…with a little help from Batman!


Batman #121 begins with a flashback to Bruce Wayne announcing Batman Inc. to the world. We see Lex Luthor’s reaction to the announcement. His first response is to wonder what Bruce is up to. I’m not sure if this is before Lex figured out that Bruce is the Batman. Or perhaps this is what first aroused Lex’s suspicions, leading him to discover Bruce’s secret.

Lex also gets inspiration from the announcement. We discover that Lex’s inspiration was to start a similar operation to Batman Inc. so he could have his own costumed crimefighters on his payroll. He decides to base his operation in Badhnisia because it’s one of “the most dangerous locations in the world”. This sounds like Lex wants a place that’s like Gotham but doesn’t already have a Batman.

It turns out that Lex’s operation created Abyss. And Abyss’ main goal is to get revenge on Luthor. This explains why Lex’s Batsuit contains technology that counteracts Abyss’ powers. I like that Bruce quickly figures this out and then just takes that tech for himself, without even asking Lex.

It’s also rather ironic that Batman, who usually works in the shadows, has to use light as a weapon against Abyss. Williamson makes good use of the light and darkness dichotomy in the Batman mythos. This is especially evident when Batman tells Lex, “You gave darkness to Abyss. A weapon I’m experienced with… so I’ll bring us both into the light”. And there’s also Alfred’s admonition that “There are enemies who hide in the light as well”. Batman shows that although he normally strikes from the darkness, that doesn’t mean he can’t be effective in the light as well.

Batman #121 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

It came as something as a surprise last issue when the members of Batman Inc. weren’t really working for Luthor but had sided with Abyss against him. However, we learn that it was a double-bluff when Batman says to them, “Batman Inc…. Code: Club of Heroes”. On hearing this, they turn on Abyss, revealing that they were working undercover for the Dark Knight all along.

It’s interesting that Batman Inc. drops their cover at Batman’s command, as it felt like the team was operating without Batman’s involvement or knowledge and I think I detect a bit of discontent that Batman has suddenly returned after leaving them to fend for themselves. Of course, he does promise them that he will be in touch, so perhaps he’ll become more involved with them all again.

Afterward, we see Batman contacting Ghost-Maker.  The exchange hints at his best frenemy and Clownhunter having some involvement with Batman Inc. IThis directs readers to check out the upcoming Batman 2022 Annual to follow that story. Maybe there’s some potential for a spin-off Batman Inc. series or miniseries if that annual sells well. Or it could be that Williamson doesn’t have a use for these characters or that he could be using this as a convenient way to remove them from Gotham City, but keep them available if he or a future writer wants to make use of them in the future.

The second epilogue is mainly a teaser that Batman is about to have some kind of encounter with Deathstroke The Terminator. Again the reader is directed to follow the story in another title – this time in Shadow War: Alpha. That special is the start of a crossover of the titles Batman, Robin, and Deathstroke Inc. Deathstroke mentions that his current plan hinges on Batman being distracted, which almost certainly means that Batman will be looking into whatever Deathstroke is planning.

Batman #121 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

We also get the final chapter of Maps Mizoguchi’s team-up with Batman. Having rescued Maps’ friend from the sewers, Batman takes her back home. She offers to give the Dark Knight “detective help” on a part-time basis. However, Batman isn’t having any of this. He tells her, “Mia, you could have been killed tonight. I need you to limit your crime-fighting efforts to school grounds”. Maps takes this calmly, but of course, that doesn’t stop her from continuing her current investigation.

This is contrasted with their interaction after they have an encounter with a monster. This encounter terrifies the girl and leaves her shaken, forcing Batman to comfort her. And he does so by allowing her, at least for that instant, to realize her dream by acknowledging her as Robin. This is quite a touching scene, and it’s great to get a brief look at Batman’s more tender side.

However, she does seem to be coping well with the trauma. We see Maps talking to her friend Katherine Karlo, the daughter of Clayface, about her horrifying experience, but when Katherine asks her “Do you still think you want to be a Robin? Is it worth feeling this way?”, Maps responds with a smile that says that it’s totally worth it. I don’t know that Maps could ever really be a Robin, but I’d love to see her eventually take on some role in the Bat-Family.


I had no issues with Batman #121. Both stories were well-written and beautifully drawn. The only complaint I do have is that a new creative team’s been announced. I was hoping that Joshua Williamson would stay for an extended run. However, the news that Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez are taking over Batman bodes well for the title.


Batman #121 was a great issue that gave solid and satisfying endings to both the main and backup storylines. I have especially enjoyed the second story with Maps and think that DC really needs to bring back Gotham Academy. I look forward to seeing what Williamson has planned for the Batman in the upcoming Shadow War crossover, especially considering that the story will reunite Bruce with his son Damian.


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Review: Batman #120 Fri, 25 Feb 2022 08:50:20 +0000 Review: BATMAN #120 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writers: Joshua Williamson, Karl Kerschl Artists: Jorge…

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Review: BATMAN #120

Batman #120 - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Joshua Williamson, Karl Kerschl

Artists: Jorge Molina, Mikl Janin, Karl Kerschl

Colors: Tomeu Morey, Dave McCaig

Letters: Clayton Cowles, Karl Kerschl

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil


Batman #120: “Abyss” part three! The new Batman Inc.’s heinous crimes have landed them in a high-security prison. Batman believes the only way to help his old allies is to break them out…but they don’t want his help! Meanwhile, Batman Inc.’s mysterious benefactor uses the chaos to enact their plans, but finds themselves lost in the dark against Abyss!

Backup: The mysterious disappearances being investigated by Maps and Batman take a violent turn… Could this missing person’s case be something much darker?


Last issue, we saw Batman’s encounter with Abyss leave him blinded, with the Badhnisian police closing in. And Batman #120 opens with the unique situation of the Batman being snuck away from the scene in a body bag by Detective Cayha. Although Batman is extremely self-sufficient, he is forced to rely on the Badnisian policewoman’s assistance due to his blindness.

However, Batman is not entirely helpless, as he proves during his attempt to spring the members of Batman Inc. from prison. Despite his blindness, he is able to tackle his former associates when they turn on him. Not only does he not need the detective’s help in guiding his actions, but her attempts to help prove to be a hindrance, distracting him during the fight.

When Luthor arrives on the scene, Batman discovers that Batman Inc. was only working for Luthor to help Abyss kill him. It appears that Abyss has them under some sort of mind control, as this seems rather uncharacteristic for any of these heroes.

Previews of this issue have shown that Lex would be donning a Batsuit, prompting speculation that Luthor might be taking over the Batman identity. Now, we find out why Lex is wearing that costume. He prepared a high-tech costume for Bruce to use if Bruce took Lex’s offer to work for him, since Bruce refused him, Lex was forced to don it himself to deal with Abyss.

It seems that Lex designed that suit specifically with tackling Abyss in mind. When he shows up at the attempted jailbreak, Bruce is able to see Luthor in spite of his blindness. Something about the suit is able to counteract the blindness that Abyss inflicts. And I’m sure that’s no accident.

Batman #120 - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

However, given that Batman Inc. is now under Abyss’ control, it seems that Batman will have to work with Luthor to stop Abyss. And hopefully, this will bring the members of Batman Inc. to their senses.

Batman #120 also contains another chapter of Karl Kerschl’s backup story of Batman’s team-up with Gotham Academy’s Maps Mizoguchi. While Maps makes an unlikely Robin, she rises to the role in admirable fashion. She actually deduces the nature of the creatures Batman is facing and conveys this information to the Dark Knight.

And she uses that information to come to Batman’s aid, distracting the creatures with their favorite food, cucumbers. While Mia doesn’t have the training or physical prowess of an official Robin, she has the requisite bravery. And she clearly has the makings of a good detective. I don’t know that she should become the next Robin, but I wouldn’t mind seeing her getting some official role in the Bat family.

The artwork in both stories is quite stunning. I especially like that both stories feature Batman sporting throwback versions of the Bat costume. In the main story, he wears his Batman Inc. costume, which is fitting for a story featuring that group. And in the backup story, he is wearing the classic bronze age Batsuit. It looks like I was right in guessing that Bruce’s recent financial losses would cause him to have to reuse some of his old outfits. I wonder if we’ll see some more old versions of the Batsuit in the issues ahead.


I have no problems whatsoever with this issue. Both stories were absolutely fantastic.


While I enjoyed James Tynion IV’s run on Batman, Joshua Williamson’s take is still a refreshing change from the Joker War and Fear State events. And Karl Kerschl’s backup story with Maps is a delightful treat. While it’s probably too much to hope for a permanent backup series with Maps, maybe DC should consider giving us a revival of Gotham Academy?


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