Ben Affleck will be The Dark Knight once more, but not just in Central City.
The actor had already been confirmed to portray Bruce Wayne, AKA the Dark Knight, in The Flash starring Ezra Miller. However, due to being seen by tourists on the Warner Bros. lot alongside Jason Momoa, the Aquaman star posted the following photo on Instagram:
For those who can’t see it – if there are any – Momoa’s caption reads “REUNITED Bruce and Arthur. Love u and miss u Ben WB studio tours just explored the backlot alright. busted on set all great things coming AQUAMAN 2 all my aloha J”
Momoa also commented in the video as he laughed, “It’s not a f$*%& secret anymore, is it? That’s what happens, Warner Bros., when you walk out of your set and there’s our fans [back stage].”
Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom remains one of the remaining ties to the Zack Snyder DCEU, albeit attached to the Joss Whedon version of Justice League and not Snyder’s own cut, which was released last year on HBO Max. The other remaining properties include Shazam, Wonder Woman, and the aforementioned Flash.
Superman, meanwhile, is still, for lack of a better word, up in the air until executives confirm that Henry Cavill is done as The Man of Steel or if he has a cameo in The Flash before Sasha Calle debuts as Supergirl in the film. However, because The Flash is loosely based on Geoff Johns and Adam Kubert’s miniseries Flashpoint (the springboard into The New 52 line of DC titles that retconned everything until 2018’s DC Rebirth brought familiar elements back) this is rumored to be a soft reboot of Warner Media’s line of films.
This cameo also contradicts earlier comments by Affleck on his status as Batman with Jimmy Kimmel, citing numerous reasons for stepping away.
That was a bad experience because of a confluence of things: my own life, my divorce, being away too much, the competing agendas and then Zack’s personal tragedy and [Whedon’s] reshooting [of Justice League.] It was just the worst experience. It was awful.
Ben was originally slated to star in and direct his own solo Batman film, but when the project fell apart, director Matt Reeves was hired and he retooled it into The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson as a younger Caped Crusader.
Judging by the title, Arthur’s next adventure leads him back to the region of the seas known as “The Lost Kingdom,” occupied by devolved Atlantean offshoots known as The Trench. These piranha-esque hybrid creatures, however, were last seen under the command of Arthur once he had acquired King Atlan’s trident in the first film, and served as proof of his worthiness as King of Atlantis.
Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom is set to debut in theaters in March 17, 2023.
Official Source – Ben Affleck’s Batman Confirmed to Return for Aquaman 2 (