The Flash - DC Comics News DC Comics News: Welcome to the #1 source for DC Comics! Wed, 05 Jul 2023 00:34:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Flash - DC Comics News 32 32 The Flash Audio Drama Coming To Apple Podcasts Wed, 05 Jul 2023 00:34:23 +0000 WB has announced its latest venture into the realm of audio dramas with The Flash: Escape The…

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WB has announced its latest venture into the realm of audio dramas with The Flash: Escape The Midnight Circus, coming exclusively to Apple Podcasts this month.

This scripted audio drama will star Max Greenfield (New Girl) as Barry Allen/The Flash, in a six-part podcast exclusively on Apple Podcasts.

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment describes the podcast as a “companion piece” to the film currently in theaters, though it’s unclear if that means it’s in the same canon of the film or not.

The first two parts will be released on Monday, July 10th, with the remaining episodes dropping weekly on Mondays. The studio says the series will be exclusive to Apple Podcasts “for a limited time” before branching out to other podcast platforms.

Check out the trailer and the full synopsis below:


Barry Allen is at the height of his powers and fame, firmly ensconced as Central City’s favorite Super Hero – but when being The Flash forces him to let Iris down one time too many, she decides to call it quits. Undeterred, Barry figures he can use the Speed Force to go back in time and set things right. But something goes wrong, Barry tumbles into a new dimension, finding himself in a small bedroom with Captain Cold, his powers gone. Cold tells Barry that he’s an unwitting participant in a televised tournament, THE MIDNIGHT CIRCUS, which pits humans, superheroes and rogues against one another in life-or-death games of chance. Survive the competition and Barry earns his freedom, recreate the conditions of his original transformation, and return to his own timeline. But to do so, he’ll have to rely solely on his wits. And if that wasn’t hard enough, he soon finds himself facing his toughest opponent yet: Iris West.


All six episodes will also be included with The Flash on Digital, 4K UHD, and Blu-ray whenever it’s released on physical home media.

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Movie Review: The Flash (2023) Mon, 19 Jun 2023 17:32:53 +0000 Movie: THE FLASH (2023) [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Director: Andy Muschietti Writers: Christina Hodson,…

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Movie: THE FLASH (2023)

The Flash - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Director: Andy Muschietti

Writers: Christina Hodson, Joby Harold

Starring: Ezra Miller, Ben Affleck, Michael Keaton, Sasha Calle, Gal Gadot, Michael Shannon, Jeremy Irons

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil



The Flash (2023): Barry Allen is struck by a bolt of lightning and thus, an extraordinary power is born inside him: The Speed Force. When he uses this power to run back in time and save his mother, he creates a world without heroes and General Zod has returned. To defeat him, his only hope rest in the hands of a retired Batman, another Barry and an imprisoned Kryptonian.


While this review is marked with a spoiler warning, I will try to avoid spoilers except where absolutely unavoidable. And where unavoidable, I will try to keep them as vague as possible. With an amazing movie like this, I don’t want to risk diminishing the experience in any way for viewers who haven’t already seen it.

I have to say right off the bat that I absolutely loved this movie. I am not sure how the mainstream audience will feel about this entry in the DCEU, but most fans should love it, presuming the don’t refuse to give it a chance due to the actor starring in the titular role.

Right off the start, this movie signals a departure from the DCEU into the James Gunn era of DC movies by debuting the new DC filming opening animation. I would hesitate to say it’s better or worse than the one used for the DCEU films, as I’m still not sure which I like better myself.

But it does serve as a delineation between the DCEU and the Gunn era movies. It does so much more clearly than the movies have so far, as we have so far gotten a soft reboot, with some movies strongly tied to the DCEU still coming out, including Shazam: Fury of the Gods, Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom, and of course, The Flash).

The plotline borrows elements from the comic storyline Flashpoint, which launched led into DC’s New 52 hard reboot. This has led many to speculate that The Flash would do the same thing, with this version of the Flashpoint, leading to a reboot of the DCEU into Gunn’s era of DC movies.

The Flash - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

However, there are only two notable changes to this version of the DCU once Barry fixes the mess he made. One is a deliberate change Barry made, which seems to have worked out well, even though he was courting disaster by attempting it (When will you ever learn about messing with time, Barry?).

The other is a last minute twist. If the DCEU were continuing, it would be a major change for future movies, but it’s likely just a passing joke that will not affect any of Gunn’s future DC projects. But other than these two changes, it still seems to be the same old DCEU.

Speaking of Flashpoint, I liked that they accurately recreated Thomas Wayne’s device for restoring Barry’s powers from the comics. References like that show that Muschietti is familiar with and pays respect to the original source material. Generally, ignoring or disrespecting the original comics is the quickest way to turn off the superhero fan-base. And I’m glad to see Muschietti avoiding this pitfall that so many superhero movies fall into.

Initially, in the Flashpoint comics storyline, it was implied that Barry’s messing with time was the cause of all the changes introduced in the New 52 era. But somehow Barry’s actions affected events that took place earlier in the timeline, which doesn’t match DC’s rules regarding the timeline. Eventually, it was revealed that these changes were due to Doctor Manhattan messing with time, but the original explanation didn’t seem to make any sense.

The Flash - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

However, Batman gives an alternate explanation how Barry’s interference has caused changes up and down the timestream. Using uncooked spaghetti as a prop, he demonstrates that there are unchangeable points where timelines intersect. When you make changes in the past, you pivot the entire timeline on that fixed point, changing both the future and the past. I really appreciate that the movie took the time to address a potential plot hole that much of the audience might not even realized is a problem.

One of the best things about this movie is the wealth of guest appearances and cameos of various DC characters from various live action versions. Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot feature prominently in the movie’s opening. And of course, Michael Keaton also reprises his turn as Batman.

And I expect that there will be much talk about the Multiverse scene near the end of the movie. Using archival footage and computer trickery, we are shown various DC heroes from movies and TV shows. It comes as no surprise that Christopher Reeve and Adam West are acknowledged here. But there are some surprising appearances.

One particular hero me by complete surprise. It comes from a movie that was never made, but has become rather notorious among the fandom. Those who know the story will find this reference absolutely hilarious, but I imagine that the rest of the audience will be left scratching their heads in confusion.

I can hardly wait until I get the home video version of The Flash so that I can go through this scene frame by frame. I’m eager to see who else I might have missed.

The Flash - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

I quite like how The Flash‘ depicts Barry’s superspeed . The effects team do a fantastic job of conveying the speeds that Barry is capable of moving at. Sometimes, the movie shows Barry moving in real time. For instance, we see the world zoom past as Barry runs from Central City to Gotham in seconds. And this gives the audience an inkling of what being the Flash feels like.

At other times, the world around The Flash slows to a crawl allowing Barry to plan his moves and execute them with precision, even though they happen too fast for anyone else to even see him. At one point, several babies and a dog fall from a collapsing hospital. We then witness Barry carefully maneuvering the babies, debris, and other objects into the exact positions they need to be in to allow Barry to save them all.

And as a bonus treat, the end credits roll over the same scene – except from the viewpoint of the dog.

There is quite a bit of humour in this movie, which serves to make watching Th Flash a fantastically fun experience. There are some smaller gags where Barry and Batman get tangled in Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth, leading to the involuntary revelation of some uncomfortable truths.

And pairing Barry with a younger version of himself is mostly comedy gold. Seeing some of his own bad habits from from the outside makes Barry realize how annoying he can be at times. But it also serves to show that Barry is maturing. Meeting a younger, brasher version of himself forces Barry to be the mature one for once.

The Flash - DC Comics News

Positives Cont.

But there is also a lot of pathos in The Flash‘s story too. The death of Barry’s mother and his father getting framed for her murder has been part of the Flash mythos for the past 14 years. They have been at the central of Barry’s story in both the comics and in the CW TV show. But The Flash movie has given us a fresh take on the story, while keeping the actual events substantially the same.

The younger version of Barry exists in a timeline where his mother is still alive. This gives Barry the dilemma of whether or not to tell his younger self about their mother’s death. It makes Barry resentful that his doppelganger got the happy life Barry should have had, but takes it for granted.

And the scene where Barry interacts directly with his mother for the final time is truly heart-rending.

I also found it interesting that Muschietti leaves the identity of Nora Allen’s killer unrevealed. I was waiting for that revelation, but the story goes out of its way to keep the killer a mystery. Muschietti has revealed the killer’s identity in an interview, but stated that Barry’s confrontation with his mother’s murderer would have to happen in a sequel.

This raises the possibility of a sequel. However, given the change of direction Gunn has planned for future DC movies and the controversy around Ezra Miller, if that sequel will ever happen. But at least it give a glimmer of hope that it might happen someday.



The elephant in the room is Ezra Miller. His presence is one of the biggest issues with The Flash. While Miller portrays a very likable version of Barry Allen, the actor himself is just the opposite. DC ended up delaying the movie’s release in hopes that the controversy would die down, but the controversy remains. And the delay has given Muschietti plenty of time to deliver a polished final cut.

Some have called for recasting the movie with a new actor, but after seeing the film, I can see that doing so would require reshooting most of the movie. Also, regardless of how you feel about the actor, it’s hard to deny that he did a phenomenal job of portraying not only one, but two Barry Allens. Portraying a dual role for most of a movie’s length is a challenging feat, but he pulls it off admirably.

The Flash - DC Comics News

Negatives Cont.

Others have suggested the idea that people should pirate the movie instead of seeing it in the theatre. I find this to be a stupid reaction. Yes, it would Miller to a degree, but it would also be punishing the rest of the cast, crew, writers, the studio and its employees, and others.

And it’s somewhat hypocritical. If you go to the trouble of pirating it, that’s an admission that you believe it’s worth watching. And if it has value, then pirating is stealing. If you find you cannot support the movie, then just forgo watching it altogether.

While I admit some discomfort watching a movie starring Miller, I am the type of person who can separate my appreciation of art from my distaste for the artist. So, I can forgive Warner/DC from going ahead with The Flash despite the controversy. But it might be for the best if they find a new actor if a sequel ever materializes.


I absolutely freakin’ love this movie! The only problem is the casting of Ezra Miller. But since he gave a superb performance and it was too late for WB/DC to recast without raising the cost and lowering the quality, I will give them a pass for this. I also adored every single guest appearance and cameo in the film. After this, I hope Andy Muschietti returns to direct other DC movies. Judging by The Flash, I think we can expect some great things from James Gunn’s era of DC movies.



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The Flash Enters The NFT Space In New DC Multiverse Collectible Comics Wed, 14 Jun 2023 00:05:51 +0000 DC has been diving more into the Web3 NFT space with the recent Superman Web3 Movie Experience,…

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DC has been diving more into the Web3 NFT space with the recent Superman Web3 Movie Experience, and they’re now sending the fastest man alive into digital collectible arena with a new drop of The Flash collectible comics.

You can check out all the details in the official press release below!


Enter the Multiverse With DC Collectible Comics

The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive is the Key to the DC Multiverse With Drops Based on Multiple Earths
DC3 is One of web3’s Highest Performing Platforms

BURBANK, CA. (June 8, 2023) –  Ahead of the major motion picture release of The Flash in theaters on June 16, fans can enter the DC Multiverse on June 15 with a DC Collectible Comic (DC3) of The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #1. With a purchase of a DC3 of the official prequel comic to the movie, fans are able to unlock special access to The Flash: Enter The Multiverse, a series of second drops featuring comics taking place on different Earths in the DC Multiverse.

DC Collectible Comics launched in October 2022 featuring weekly drops with rare variant covers that physical comic book collectors have enjoyed over the years as well as original covers created exclusively for DC3. In just under a year, The DC NFT Universe is one of Web3’s most engaged platforms with over 450 million impressions on social media, over 675,000 accounts, and more than 230,000 primary and secondary marketplace transactions.

“With monthly growth in number of users and sales on the marketplace, it has been great to see how much new and old fans alike are engaging with DC Collectible Comics,” said DC Senior Vice President and General Manager Anne DePies. “We are looking forward to building on the success and excitement from past DC3 releases with our most ambitious drop yet. Fans who purchase a DC3 of The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive will unlock the ability to travel through the DC Multiverse and can celebrate their fandom on different Earths.”

Fans will be able to race back in time across eras with exclusive covers of The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #1 by Kenny Porter and Ricardo López Ortiz on June 15. Anyone who receives a Common tier drop will feature a cover that is set in the Present Day. Uncommon tier will feature a Golden Age treatment, while Rare tier is Silver Age (60s-70s), Epic is Bronze Age (70s) and Legendary tier is Modern era.

By purchasing a DC3 of The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #1 on June 15, fans will unlock exclusive access to The Flash: Enter The Multiverse, a series of five Multiverse drops. In this first-of-its-kind experience, fans can digitally travel through multiple earths. Entry is based on the the rarity tier of the comic collected during The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #1 drop; fans can also purchase their desired rarity tier on the DC NFT secondary marketplace 24 hours prior to each Multiverse drop.

The Flash: Enter The Multiverse Drop Schedule: 

  • June 15: The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #1
  • June 20 (Key: The Flash Common tier): Future State: Wonder Woman (2021) #1
  • June 22 (Key: The Flash Uncommon tier): Superman (1939-2011) #1
  • June 27 (Key: The Flash Rare tier): The Flash (1959-1985) #123 
  • June 29 (Key: The Flash Epic tier): Aquaman #59
  • July 6 (Key: The Flash Legendary tier): Batman (1940-2011) #608 


Each secondary DC3 drop will receive exclusive cover treatments, featuring the main character of the comic as if it took place on different earths, including:

  • Earth-DCU: DC Super Heroes and Super-Villains star in movies based on their adventures!
  • Earth-3: Home to an evil Justice League known as the Crime Syndicate!
  • Earth-23: On this Earth, Calvin Ellis is the President, but leads a double life as Superman!
  • Earth-26: This universe is protected by Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew, a group of powerful and intelligent talking animals!
  • Earth-49: The Earth of Injustice where Lois Lane dies, turning Superman dark!


The Flash: Enter The Multiverse experience gives fans the ability to encounter and own comics as if they were published on other Earths, for the very first time.

Each of the DC Collectible Comics are full comics that can be read on once they are in a fan’s collection.



DC, part of Warner Bros. Discovery, creates iconic characters and enduring stories and is one of the world’s largest publishers of comics and graphic novels. DC’s creative work entertains audiences of every generation around the world with DC’s stories and characters integrated across Warner Bros. Discovery’s film, television, animation, consumer products, home entertainment, games, and themed experiences divisions, and on the DC Universe Infinite digital comic subscription service. Learn more at


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DCN Podcast #178: Final THE FLASH Trailer, New BLUE BEETLE Image Released, Mike Carlin Retires Tue, 06 Jun 2023 12:53:07 +0000 On the DCN Podcast #178, the crew take you on a journey through this week’s DC news,…

The post DCN Podcast #178: Final THE FLASH Trailer, New BLUE BEETLE Image Released, Mike Carlin Retires appeared first on DC Comics News.

On the DCN Podcast #178, the crew take you on a journey through this week’s DC news, including a new trailer for The Flash, a new image from Blue Beetle, the retirement of legendary DC editor Mike Carlin, and much more!

So sit back, and enjoy!




What are we covering this week?

  • Final The Flash Trailer Released
  • The Flash Fan Screenings
  • The Flash Sequel Already Written
  • Ezra Miller Won’t Be Recast If The Flash Sequel Is Made
  • The Flash Getting A Visual Companion Book
  • New Look At Blue Beetle
  • Superman & Lois To End With A Cliffhanger
  • The Flash Showrunner Reveals Alternate Endings
  • The Flash Would’ve Brought Back Past Characters For Season 10
  • Blackest Night Would’ve Been Used In Season 10
  • Kevin Conroy Trends On Twitter
  • Batman & Catwoman Will Clash After Knight Terrors
  • Wonder Woman Brings Back Lynda Carter Costume
  • Grant Morrison’s Multiversity Enters Continuity
  • DC Editor Mike Carlin Retires
  • Dark Flash Figure Released By McFarlane Toys
  • DC Dual Force Beta Coming


Steve J Ray:

Brad Filicky:

Seth Singleton:

Damian Fasciani:

Kelly Gaines:

Kendra Hale:

Editor-in-Chief – Josh Raynor:

Be sure to also subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google Play, and if you like what you hear, please give us a 5-star rating and review!

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DCN Podcast #175: Jim Lee Gets Promoted, James Gunn Finished Superman: Legacy First Draft Mon, 08 May 2023 15:42:23 +0000 On the DCN Podcast #175, the crew take you on a journey through this week’s DC news,…

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On the DCN Podcast #175, the crew take you on a journey through this week’s DC news, including the news that Jim Lee has been promoted to Publisher of DC Comics, James Gunn reveals that he was able to finish the first draft of the Superman: Legacy script before the writer’s strike, Sweet Tooth is getting a third season, and much more!

So sit back, and enjoy!




What are we covering this week?

  • James Gunn Finishes Superman: Legacy First Draft
  • Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Superman May Still Happen
  • Justice League: Warworld Gets Official Rating
  • New The Flash Character Posters
  • Snyder’s Justice League Sequel Would’ve Tied Wonder Woman’s Origin to Krypton
  • Sweet Tooth Renewed For Third Season
  • New Batman: Caped Crusader Poster Revealed
  • The Flash Series Finale Synopsis
  • DC Pride 2023 Sneak Peek
  • Arkham Knight Batman Returns
  • Batman ’89 Joins DC’s Main Continuity
  • Batman Costume Gets Adam West Influence
  • Three Golden Age Miniseries Coming
  • McFarlane Toys To Release New Page Punchers
  • Jim Lee Promoted To Publisher


Steve J Ray:

Brad Filicky:

Seth Singleton:

Damian Fasciani:

Kelly Gaines:

Kendra Hale:

Editor-in-Chief – Josh Raynor:

Be sure to also subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google Play, and if you like what you hear, please give us a 5-star rating and review!

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DCN Podcast #174: New THE FLASH Trailer & First Reactions From CinemaCon, Amazon Gets Batman Shows Tue, 02 May 2023 13:06:01 +0000 On the DCN Podcast #174, the crew take you on a journey through this week’s DC news,…

The post DCN Podcast #174: New THE FLASH Trailer & First Reactions From CinemaCon, Amazon Gets Batman Shows appeared first on DC Comics News.

On the DCN Podcast #174, the crew take you on a journey through this week’s DC news, including the newest trailer and posters for The Flash movie, as well as first reactions from the CinemaCon screening, Amazon Prime acquires two new animated Batman shows and gives Caped Crusader a two season order, Blue Beetle getting a new comic series, and much more!

So sit back, and enjoy!

DCN Podcast #174

What are we covering this week?

  • The Flash Trailer & Posters
  • The Flash CinemaCon Screening Reactions
  • Karen Gillan Wants To Play Poison Ivy
  • Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Footage Shown At CinemaCon
  • Justice League: Warworld Cast Revealed
  • Amazon Acquires Two New Animated Batman Projects
  • Batman: Caped Crusader Gets Two Season Order From Amazon
  • Superman & Lois’ Jordan Kent Gets Comic-Inspired Costume
  • Power Girl and Fire & Ice Getting Their Own Comic Series
  • Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle To Get On-going Series
  • Green Arrow Gets New High-Tech Outfit
  • DC Rejected A Tim Drake As Nightwing Story From Tom King
  • Gotham Knights Game Updated With New Raid


Steve J Ray:

Brad Filicky:

Seth Singleton:

Damian Fasciani:

Kelly Gaines:

Kendra Hale:

Editor-in-Chief – Josh Raynor:

Be sure to also subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google Play, and if you like what you hear, please give us a 5-star rating and review!

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New ‘The Flash’ Trailer Highlights Michael Keaton’s Batman Wed, 26 Apr 2023 04:38:53 +0000 The second trailer for the upcoming DC Studios film The Flash was dropped during this year’s CinemaCon,…

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The second trailer for the upcoming DC Studios film The Flash was dropped during this year’s CinemaCon, just a few hours before the film’s early screening. This new trailer takes a more serious tone, compared to the previous one, and focuses much more heavily on Michael Keaton’s Batman.

Check out the trailer below:


They also released two brand new posters, seen below:


Here is the official synopsis for the film:

Worlds collide in The Flash when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past. But when his attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry becomes trapped in a reality in which General Zod has returned, threatening annihilation, and there are no Super Heroes to turn to. That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian… albeit not the one he’s looking for. Ultimately, to save the world that he is in and return to the future that he knows, Barry’s only hope is to race for his life. But will making the ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe?

The Flash is directed by Andy Muschietti,  and stars Ezra Miller, who reprises their role as Barry Allen, as well as Sasha Calle as Supergirl, Michael Shannon as Zod, Ron Livingston as Henry Allen, Maribel Verdú as Nora Allen, Kiersey Clemons as Iris West, and both Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton as Batman.


Let us know what you thought of the new trailer and be sure to check out The Flash in theaters in North America on June 16th and internationally beginning June 14th.

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DCN Podcast #173: Superman: Legacy Starts Pre-Production, Flash Going To CinemaCon, Sandman Update Mon, 24 Apr 2023 16:02:34 +0000 On the DCN Podcast #173, the crew take you on a journey through this week’s DC news,…

The post DCN Podcast #173: Superman: Legacy Starts Pre-Production, Flash Going To CinemaCon, Sandman Update appeared first on DC Comics News.

On the DCN Podcast #173, the crew take you on a journey through this week’s DC news, including some updates and confirmations about the Netflix Sandman series, The Flash movie will be screened at CinemaCon with a new trailer also coming, Superman: Legacy has officially entered pre-production, and much more!

So sit back, and enjoy!



What are we covering this week?

  • The Flash CinemaCon Screening & New Trailer Coming
  • Superman: Legacy Enters Pre-Preduction
  • Jimmy Olsen Confirmed For Superman: Legacy
  • Russo Brothers Open To Directing a DC Film
  • Neil Gaiman Gives Update On Sandman Season 2
  • Dead Boy Detectives Confirmed To Be In Netflix’s Sandman Universe
  • Superman & Lois Season Finale Date Revealed
  • Catwoman Gets New Costume
  • Damian Wayne Gets a White Batsuit
  • Nightwing Gets Superpowers and New Suit
  • Tales Of The Titans Comic Announced
  • Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Rumored To No Longer Be Online Only


Steve J Ray:

Brad Filicky:

Seth Singleton:

Damian Fasciani:

Kelly Gaines:

Kendra Hale:

Editor-in-Chief – Josh Raynor:


Be sure to also subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google Play, and if you like what you hear, please give us a 5-star rating and review!


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DCN Podcast #171: Clayface Movie Pitched By Mike Flanagan, Poison Ivy Series Wins GLAAD Award Tue, 04 Apr 2023 17:06:52 +0000 On the DCN Podcast #171, the crew take you on a journey through this week’s DC news,…

The post DCN Podcast #171: Clayface Movie Pitched By Mike Flanagan, Poison Ivy Series Wins GLAAD Award appeared first on DC Comics News.

On the DCN Podcast #171, the crew take you on a journey through this week’s DC news, including horror director Mike Flanagan pitching a Clayface movie, James Gunn debunks more Superman casting rumors, G. Willow Wilson’s Poison Ivy series wins a GLAAD Award For Outstanding Comic Book, and much more!

So sit back, and enjoy!


What are we covering this week?

  • The Passing of Hawk & Dove co-creator, Steve Skeates
  • The Passing of Batman: TAS writer, Michael Reaves
  • New Set Photo From Joker 2
  • Mike Flanagan Pitched Clayface Movie
  • James Gunn Debunks More Superman Casting Rumors
  • James Gunn Teases The Terrifics
  • Ben Affleck Reveals Details About Cut Wonder Woman Cameo In The Flash
  • My Adventures With Superman Heads To Cartoon Network
  • Jason Todd To Return On Titans
  • Gotham Knights To Bring In The Mutant Leader
  • WBD Announce Streaming Event For HBO Max/Discovery+ Merger
  • Superman Gets Different Outfit In New Series
  • Tom King Releases April Fool’s Variant Covers
  • Poison Ivy Win GLAAD Award For Outstanding Comic Book
  • Dawn Of DC Trailer Revealed At MegaCon
  • Joshua Williamson Takes On New Batman & Robin Series

Steve J Ray:

Brad Filicky:

Seth Singleton:

Damian Fasciani:

Kelly Gaines:

Kendra Hale:

Editor-in-Chief – Josh Raynor:

Be sure to also subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google Play, and if you like what you hear, please give us a 5-star rating and review!

Follow us on social media:





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‘The Flash’ Gets New Movie Toys From Spin Master Thu, 16 Mar 2023 01:03:41 +0000 With the release of the highly anticipated DC film The Flash only a few months away, it…

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With the release of the highly anticipated DC film The Flash only a few months away, it makes sense that we’d start seeing toy releases pop up, and we’ve got one from one of the biggest toy companies out there, Spin Master.

Check out this amazing 12-inch figure of the fastest man alive, The Flash, as well as a great-looking Batwing Battle Set, which includes the Batwing and 4-inch figures of both Michael Keaton’s Batman and The Flash.


The Flash 12-inch Feature Figure

Age: 4+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available at Amazon, Target and Walmart

Bring The Flash to life and go on epic adventures with this posable 12-inch feature figure. Press The Flash’s chest to unlock his lightning speed, as he lights up and goes into running mode! Shake the figure to activate more lights and sounds, including phrases like, “C’mon, Barry! You got this!” With 11 points of articulation and movie-like styling, super-villains don’t stand a chance against the fastest man alive.


The Flash Batwing Battle Set

Age: 4+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available at Amazon, Target and Walmart

Recreate your favorite high-speed battle scenes at home with the Batwing Battle Set. Featuring detailed sculpt and movie styling, this playset includes two 4-inch figures of The Flash & Michael Keaton as Batman! Pull up the landing gear, load The Flash and Batman into the Batwing, and defend the world against chaos. Compatible with all 4-inch action figures.


Worlds collide when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time to change the events of the past. But when his attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry becomes trapped in a reality in which General Zod has returned, threatening annihilation, and there are no Superheroes to turn to. That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian… albeit not the one he’s looking for. Ultimately, to save the
world that he is in and return to the future that he knows, Barry’s only hope is to race for his life. But will making the ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe?

The Flash zooms into theaters on June 16, 2023.


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